Jackie McAuley — Ride The Peace Train
(no lyrics available)
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Let's do a Peace Train medley. Chambers Brothers, Cat Stevens . . .
not bad, but much prefer the original
I guess I need to clean my ears out. I keep thinking he's saying Easter Egg not peace train. Which I suppose could add a whole new layer to the "theological" discussions below.
mojoman wrote:
More on Cat Stevens' (aka Yusef Islam):
(click here)
More FoxNews type one-sided fear-mongering paranoic spin...
There's a much bigger picture that your average American is simply incapable of consciously digesting.
To quote :
"Jerusalem, al-Quds, it is a mirror reflecting the reality ... If it is dark, if it is bloody, then so too is the world. Today it reflects injustice of the secular man over the religious man. And how can the secular man be given the control and the sanctuary of the divine place of worship when he doesn't even respect what is holy? How? And how can those of faith allow that to happen? Therefore, peace will not return until we return to the Holy Land."
Its precisely the same locked-down fundamentalist instinctive 'thought' devoid of any spirituality afflicting 70% of middle-America, the gun-toting armchair warrior, 'Left Behind' reading, dashboard Jesus displaying Sunday "crischunzzzz !!!!" BushCo bullsh!ts with sickening ease & counts as their power base. Ignorance on a grand scale. Wake up, man....
More on Cat Stevens' (aka Yusef Islam):
(click here)
slartibart_O wrote:
Cat Stevens is a muslim. That's the only thing you apparently got right.
From Yusef Islam (Cat Stevens) 1988 "informational" pamphlet called "Eyewitness":
"The Jews seem neither to respect God nor his creation. Their own holy books contain the curse of God brought upon them by their prophets on account of their disobedience to Him and mischief in the earth. We have seen the disrespect for religion displayed by those who consider themselves to be 'God's chosen people.'...There will be no justice until all the land is given back to its rightful owners... Only Islam can bring peace back to the Holy Land."He says he never "knowingly" gave to a terrorist organization, but he surely knew that the money he gave to Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development would go straight to Hamas, since it is a front group for the terrorist organization. That's why the U.S. government froze the "relief" organization's bank accounts.
Yeah, besides, 90% of all "facts" stated on the internet are completed fabricated according to this study I read.

Everyone else can bitch. This brought me out of my afternoon slump!
I'm on bored.
LennytheB wrote:
Cat Stevens is a Muslim and admittedly has contributed to Hamas and other Palistinian groups. The gem of knowledge is fairly well known and comes from Mr. Stevens himself. btw...I like this cover better than the original.
Cat Stevens is a muslim. That's the only thing you apparently got right. This cover blows.
I'm on board.
LennytheB wrote:
Cat Stevens is a Muslim and admittedly has contributed to Hamas and other Palistinian groups. The gem of knowledge is fairly well known and comes from Mr. Stevens himself. btw...I like this cover better than the original.
Prove it. This is a myth with no basis in fact.
Coppertop wrote:
Libel case
As a footnote to the actions taken by the U.S. government in deporting Yusuf Islam as a terrorist, The Sun and The Sunday Times British newspapers had published reports in October 2004 which stated that the U.S. was correct in its action. As a result Yusuf Islam sued for libel, and received a substantial out-of-court, "agreed settlement" and apology from the newspapers.<9> Both newspapers acknowledged that Islam has never supported terrorism and that, to the contrary, he had recently been given a Man of Peace award. Islam responded that he was:
...delighted by the settlement helps vindicate my character and good name. ... It seems to be the easiest thing in the world these days to make scurrilous accusations against Muslims, and in my case it directly impacts on my relief work and damages my reputation as an artist. The harm done is often difficult to repair.
He added that he intended to donate the financial award given to him by the court to help orphans of the recent Indian Ocean Tsunami. Yusuf Islam wrote about the experience in a newspaper article titled "A Cat in a Wild World".<10>
And you got this gem of knowledge from where ?
Let me guess... You pulled it out of your a$$
or more likely ... by listening to talk radio?
Here's the entry on Wikipedia that summarizes the essence of this myth. The whole thing was cooked during some of the ongoing post-911 hysteria. CS/YI is a well-known activist for such causes as rescuing orphans and feeding people in poverty-stricken areas and has no known terrorist ties, nor any known ties to Hamas.
Denial of entry into the United States
On 21 September 2004 Yusuf Islam was traveling on United Airlines Flight 919 from London to Washington. While the plane was in flight, the Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System flagged his name as being on a no-fly list. Customs agents alerted the Transportation Security Administration, which then diverted his flight to Bangor, Maine, where he was detained by the FBI.
The following day Islam was deported back to England. The United States Transportation Security Administration claimed there were "concerns of ties he may have to potential terrorist-related activities". The United States Department of Homeland Security specifically alleged that Islam had provided funding to the Palestinian Islamic militant group Hamas, although it did not offer any proof of its allegation.
Islam's deportation provoked a small international controversy and led British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw to complain personally to Secretary of State Colin Powell at the United Nations. Powell responded by stating that the watch list was under review, and added, "I think we have that obligation to review these matters to see if we are right."
His identification as being on the watch list may be in error. On 1 October 2004 Islam was reported to have requested the removal of his name and stated, "I remain bewildered by the decision of the US authorities to refuse me entry to the United States."<8> According to an official statement by Islam, the man on the list was named Yousef Islam, indicating that Yusuf Islam himself was in fact, not the suspected terror supporter.
Take it easy everybody.
No, of course not. Yusuf is a man of peace and feels that terrorism is un-islamic. He has never given any money or support to any terrorist organization. The same goes for charities that front terrorist groups. In fact Yusuf devotes most of his resources to his own charities. One, "Small Kindness" gives the money directly to the families in need (there are no middle-men involved). "
Go to the site iteself (click here) and look for yourself.
If the web site is to be believed, he is a muslim who does not support terrorism. It is an interesting web site, with a focus on charity.
If someone can find a creadible source of info that he is in support of nasty stuff, fine, but I haven't seen any.
"Coppertop wrote:
And you got this gem of knowledge from where ?
Let me guess... You pulled it out of your a$$
or more likely ... by listening to talk radio?
(click here) Coppertop wrote:
And you got this gem of knowledge from where ?
Let me guess... You pulled it out of your a$$
or more likely ... by listening to talk radio?
Cat Stevens is a Muslim and admittedly has contributed to Hamas and other Palistinian groups. The gem of knowledge is fairly well known and comes from Mr. Stevens himself. btw...I like this cover better than the original.
Yeah not only does this sound like Fleetwood Mac, but additionally I would say that remakes rarely add anything to the original. This is excellent evidence of that.
Burn the disc.
mojoman wrote:
And the guy who sang the original "Peace Train" song now supports the terrorist group Hamas.
And you got this gem of knowledge from where ?
Let me guess... You pulled it out of your a$$
or more likely ... by listening to talk radio?
Pyro wrote:
Sounds like (as noted previously) JJ Cale, but has a tinge of "World Turning" by Fleetwood M.
Excellent observation.
Mugro wrote:
The Peace Train left the station some time ago. Sorry folks....
And the guy who sang the original "Peace Train" song now supports the terrorist group Hamas.
The Peace Train left the station some time ago. Sorry folks....
Sounds like (as noted previously) JJ Cale, but has a tinge of "World Turning" by Fleetwood M.
Great Song...is the rest of CD as good?
Wow... played directly after Cat Steven's "Peace Train"... is this a conspiracy? ;)
One of those few that has you reaching for the Amazon link straight away. Found cheap copy as well. A good day. Thanks RP

It's hard for me to tell whether this really is great music, or it just comes as a great relief after hearing Cat Stevens. Anyway, sounds cool to me.....
Originally Posted by SuperWeh:
reminds me of jj cale somewhere (though not the lyrics)
I think it's the vocal intonations. It reminds me of J.J. Cale as well. :)
good song - never heard of him before. bits and pieces in there sound oddly like Peter Gabriel and They Might Be Giants, very strange....
Homage, imitation? Yes, JJ Cale...

I can\'t stop bobbing my head like a fool.
Great song. Highly appropriate.
Good drivin\' song.
reminds me of jj cale somewhere (though not the lyrics)
First time, I\'ve ever caught this. Nice cut!
Wow Bill, what a story about this guy\'s hand almost being cut off in an accident! I\'d say his physical therapy worked rather well too! 

Another great artist found on RP... Im off to purchase another CD I guess...