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Length: 4:04
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Roaring down the mountain, now they are calling on the fire brigade
Bury all the pictures and tell the kids that I'm okay
If'n I'm forgotten you'll remember me for today
I, I won't ever be your cornerstone
All the black inside me is slowly seeping from the bone
Everything I cherish is slowly dying or it's gone
Little shaken babies and drunkards seem to all agree
Once the show gets started it's bound to be a sight to see
I, I won't ever be your cornerstone
I, I don't want to be here holding on
I, I won't ever be your cornerstone
Watch her roll, can you feel it?
Watch her roll, can you feel it?
Watch her roll, can you feel it?
Watch her roll, can you feel it?
I, I won't ever be your cornerstone
I, I don't want to be here holding on (Watch her roll, can you feel it?)
I, I won't ever be your cornerstone (Watch her roll)

From the comments it appears that KOL are another band that used to be cool but are now falling out of favor. I see this sort of thing frequently on this board. I have had trouble understanding it. When I hear a song that I like today.......I am not going to dislike it five years down the road...or even 10 or 20? Am I offbeat on this?
Its the Insta-effect. Social-effing-media has created a culture of needing to be on the coolest, most hip and current trend 24/7...and if you're not, well you may as well be dead...that feeling of desire to constantly be on the cutting edge lest you be judged by likes/dislikes has created a hypercycle of admiration followed by disdain...that fear of rejection by our peers has niggled its way into most everyone's subconsciuos...and on to the next...
Yeah... Um, we've already heard this before. At least I have. I've already lived this before. This is '80s pop rock. I've got 38 Special record covers flowing through my memory... I hated this shit then, I hate it now, but everything old is new again. When it's someone like Younger Brother doing a modern take on Pink Floyd, I'm grateful. But '80s pop rock? Really? Was it necessary to bring that back? That was the worst decade for music in history, why expose us to that again... But it's pop, so lot's of people will like it (and it will never be good...).
I'm grateful. But '80s pop rock? Really?
Bon Jovi, Journey, Phil Collins, and Foreigner would like a word.
I wish the singer would change his style from time to time, or that the band would find another singer to break up the routine. He's not as bad as the guy who...does not sing for the Killers, but merely pretends to.
You two definitely deserve each other.
From the comments it appears that KOL are another band that used to be cool but are now falling out of favor. I see this sort of thing frequently on this board. I have had trouble understanding it. When I hear a song that I like today.......I am not going to dislike it five years down the road...or even 10 or 20? Am I offbeat on this?
I used to agree with you. Not so much anymore though...
Actually, it's taken me a while to appreciate KOL, and I do. I doubt they will ever become one of those timeless favorites though. Just a cool sound that I've become more comfortable with.
I think part of what makes a vocalist a great one is that you can RECOGNIZE it immediately. Granted, that's not all that makes it great (I think Alanis Morrissette sounds like nasal rape, but I also know her right away). But, this guy is immediately recognizable and has got this breathy, choked, straining sort of passion in his voice that I love.
Feeling & Vocal Character
You need to work on your aim then.
Yeah, well I'll put it like this. You probably just ain't hipster enough. I wear a Carhartt barn jacket because I have a barn. I grow a beard because it's cold, not because it's "cool". I like songs because they talk to me. You're probably walking to a beat you can feel. And that's enough to make it real..
While people 'trying to be cool/hip/whatever' is maybe part of these kind of fashions, I think there's more to it than that. I think sometimes bands that become popular and then fade partly because they maybe sound good on a first listen but under sustained attention their shallowness because inescapable.
; <
that line gets me every time

Just be thankful that you live in a place where you can look at pidgin genitals as much as you like.
this made me laugh.
anyone ever hear KOL's Milk? so good.
Yeah, well I'll put it like this. You probably just ain't hipster enough. I wear a Carhartt barn jacket because I have a barn. I grow a beard because it's cold, not because it's "cool". I like songs because they talk to me. You're probably walking to a beat you can feel. And that's enough to make it real..
Just be thankful that you live in a place where you can look at pidgin genitals as much as you like.
What? No I live in South Carolina, I'm pretty sure you can't do that here.
U so cutesie cutesie pie pidgin English.
Just be thankful that you live in a place where you can look at pidgin genitals as much as you like.

U so cutesie cutesie pie pidgin English.

I wish the singer would change his style from time to time, or that the band would find another singer to break up the routine. He's not as bad as the guy who...does not sing for the Killers, but merely pretends to.
I am sitting here cracking up....Can you imagine a band listening to your advice? They would be on skid row the following week!!! You have no taste in music whatsoever!
"hey guys... I think you need to sound more like Mozart or Coltrane.."
I'm a latecomer to appreciating KOL. The vocal had to grow on me. I thought Pyro was a good song but have you heard the latest album, Mechanical Bull? Every song is strong and very catchy. Had Supersoaker stuck in my head for weeks and weeks and then they played Temple on SNL and I had Temple in my head. The only remedy is to play the stuff some more.
To me his voice whails with over exaggeration - nothing pleasant about it. As far as the tune, to my ear it sounds repetitive - which isn't always bad - but paired with his voice it just bores me to death. There's nothing extraordinary about their instrumentation either.
So I'll mute - everyone else enjoy!
I wish the singer would change his style from time to time, or that the band would find another singer to break up the routine. He's not as bad as the guy who...does not sing for the Killers, but merely pretends to.
this definitely sounds like Bruce...
singing Everybody Wants To Rule The World...
Hehe! Get that for sure! Good friday evening rev-up tune.

It's never hip to hate, especially music. So, for all the haters, trolls, and internet shut-ins, who take the time out of their precious days to drop by and share their hate...Happy Thanksgiving. I'm giving thanks for music in all its guises, forms, and incarnations and for Radio Paradise, one of the few outlets with the gumption to play it all.
BTW, the bass work on this cut is to die for.
Refreshingly well said.
Tears for Fears beat anyone?
this definitely sounds like Bruce...
singing Everybody Wants To Rule The World...
It's never hip to hate, especially music. So, for all the haters, trolls, and internet shut-ins, who take the time out of their precious days to drop by and share their hate...Happy Thanksgiving. I'm giving thanks for music in all its guises, forms, and incarnations and for Radio Paradise, one of the few outlets with the gumption to play it all.
BTW, the bass work on this cut is to die for.
Tears for Fears beat anyone?
'bout the only thing this has going for it.
Because of the Times was a huge departure from their sound on the earlier album. It is a fantastic album in many ways, the singer pushes his voice over the limit and sings with passion and energy. The sound that they have had since is like an emotionless version of Because of the Times.
It almost feels like their hearts are not in it anymore. It's a shame really.
Just my thoughts!
Biscobret wrote:
Sounds forced to me - like they're trying too hard to be "cool" or unique... ho hum...
Sounds forced to me - like they're trying too hard to be "cool" or unique... ho hum...
Sounds forced to me - like they're trying too hard to be "cool" or unique... ho hum...
I agree, I think you nailed it.

I don't get the complaints about the voice, which to my ear is right up there with the best of them —- a great R n R combination of graininess and passion.
Thom Yorke, eat yer heart out.
I agree. I've liked these guys since i heard "Closer" on RP a couple years ago. I think that they're currently suffering from overplay on commercial radio and a perception that liking their music is somehow "conforming". in other words, it's kinda hip to hate KoL (like poor old Hootie in the 90s).
Sounds forced to me - like they're trying too hard to be "cool" or unique... ho hum...
I don't get the complaints about the voice, which to my ear is right up there with the best of them —- a great R n R combination of graininess and passion.
Thom Yorke, eat yer heart out.
To me his voice whails with over exaggeration - nothing pleasant about it. As far as the tune, to my ear it sounds repetitive - which isn't always bad - but paired with his voice it just bores me to death. There's nothing extraordinary about their instrumentation either.
So I'll mute - everyone else enjoy!
I believe your phrase was "inbred hick", but no matter. I see my point was lost on you. Thanks for answering my question, though. I see that "wry wit" is all your own!
I stand corrected. Inbred hick it is.
What, you don't think JA sounds like a fairy with his high-pitched voice? How about a choirboy, then? And you don't think Followill sounds like a hick? Well, okay then, if not, what does he sound like to you?
Anyway, I'm from Chicago, just so you know.
I believe your phrase was "inbred hick", but no matter. I see my point was lost on you. Thanks for answering my question, though. I see that "wry wit" is all your own!
Fairy and inbred hick? You're nothing if not predictable, Hannio. Is this kind of "wit" common in Texas, or is it all your own?
What, you don't think JA sounds like a fairy with his high-pitched voice? How about a choirboy, then? And you don't think Followill sounds like a hick? Well, okay then, if not, what does he sound like to you?
Anyway, I'm from Chicago, just so you know.
Well, just to take a stab at it, Jon Anderson sounds like a fairy, and Anthony Followill sounds like an inbred hick.
Fairy and inbred hick? You're nothing if not predictable, Hannio. Is this kind of "wit" common in Texas, or is it all your own?
There seem to be many here who agree with you but this is perplexing from someone who gave a 10 rating to two songs by YES. How do you differentiate them vocally?
My ears work?
as an aside: I'd give most early Yes songs a 10, or thereabouts.
There seem to be many here who agree with you but this is perplexing from someone who gave a 10 rating to two songs by YES. How do you differentiate them vocally?
Well, just to take a stab at it, Jon Anderson sounds like a fairy, and Anthony Followill sounds like an inbred hick.
I submit that U2 fans span more than one generation. Ask my grown kids.
I don't get the complaints about the voice, which to my ear is right up there with the best of them —- a great R n R combination of graininess and passion.
Thom Yorke, eat yer heart out.
I don't get the complaints about the voice, which to my ear is right up there with the best of them —- a great R n R combination of graininess and passion.
Thom Yorke, eat yer heart out.
Just terrible noise and screeching vocals.
There seem to be many here who agree with you but this is perplexing from someone who gave a 10 rating to two songs by YES. How do you differentiate them vocally?

Just terrible noise and screeching vocals.

Just caught the end of it,sounded like The Kings.
Exactly my thoughts!

In my case I'd lay 5-1 at least against me ever coming to like this guy's voice. Cred to the band for sticking with it for so long before they hit the bigtime and for being so genuine, but the singer always sounds to me like he's straining to get a big log out of his backside. Maybe in this song he's finally managed it as he's relatively unstrained, but still sounds dull to my ears, sadly.
Agreed—I like the unpolished energy of their earlier material better.
Nothing else on RP ....except for the 4 songs from Only by the Night and the five from Because of the Times

I think that's the way it works, isn't it.
I had one of those the other day! Good Stuff!

Just caught the end of it,sounded like The Kings.
For as many haters as KOL has about the evolution of their sound, of the 15 times I've seen them between late 2008 (since last CD was released) and up through now, pretty much EVERY fan there was mouthing the words to the aforementioned singles, as I am sure they will be to these newer, more mello tunes.
A great band is a great band...:)
From the comments it appears that KOL are another band that used to be cool but are now falling out of favor. I see this sort of thing frequently on this board. I have had trouble understanding it. When I hear a song that I like today.......I am not going to dislike it five years down the road...or even 10 or 20? Am I offbeat on this?
An interesting question. There are songs that I used to like (I used to be a massive Talking Heads fan, for example), that I can no longer listen to. It's nothing to do with coolth - most often it's because a song spoke to me in a particular way at a particular time in my life, but times change and feelings pass.