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Pink — Sober
Album: Funhouse
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Total ratings: 100

Released: 2008
Length: 4:08
Plays (last 30 days): 1
(no lyrics available)
Comments (34)add comment
Incredibly effing grating and annoying.  Shrill, ick. 
Two measures was all it took. Please, no more. 
Love P!NK as an artist, but for me her album FUNHOUSE was the time when too many of her songs started sounding pretty much the same to me.

Nonetheless: No hate at all from my side when RP airs her songs.
What!? Pink on RP?!..and followed by Leo Kottke. Hah!
I would have never given Pink a listen had I not heard this on RP. I guess I'm a Knee Jerk.
But I kinda like this. What the hell, right?
The girl does have a voice. You've got to at least give her that.

 AphidA wrote:

Nonsense. The song sucks. Mind you that Pink also generally sucks. I can't believe kids like this crap. No soul whatsoever.  Just manufactured pop garbage.
I did have to run over an see for myself that it was actually Pink. Seemed a little out of character for even an eclectic channel like RP. Certainly too much pop overproduction for me, but the girl has a voice.
 RadioDoc wrote:
Hah.  Look at all the knee-jerk jerks.  If you didn't know it was Pink you'd probably rate it a lot higher.

I like it.

So there.

Nonsense. The song sucks. Mind you that Pink also generally sucks. I can't believe kids like this crap. No soul whatsoever.  Just manufactured pop garbage.
 Dalebarely wrote:
Too many knee-jerk bad ratings on this... Pink is really quite good
...at maintaining her balance while riding bareback on a stationary carousel horse...{#Biggrin}
I gave it a low rating because I just don't care for the song. It has nothing to do with who is singing it.
Hah.  Look at all the knee-jerk jerks.  If you didn't know it was Pink you'd probably rate it a lot higher.

I like it.

So there.

Bill said he kinda likes it... It wasn't a prank!
Too many knee-jerk bad ratings on this... Pink is really quite good
Whoa, thought I was listening to my local hits station for a second there.
 smilestoomuch wrote:
I love it when artists evolve into something better.
{#Angel}  uuhhhhh, let us know when that happens, OK?

 WayUpNorth wrote:
Oh no, {#Headache}I thought my radio was on ... what's happening?  This is soooooo not good ...

Same here!  I listen to this station so that I don't have to listen to this.   {#Arghhh}
This woman continues to surprise me. I really thought that she would die out after her bright moment in the late 90s... I love it when artists evolve into something better.
 WayUpNorth wrote:
Oh no, {#Headache}I thought my radio was on ... what's happening?  This is soooooo not good ...
I thought my radio was on RP. Someone must have turned the dial when I wasn't looking.
How do I feel this good sober?{#Stupid}
fancier ways to say it but:  No so good
So-so female power rock from 1984 ?

Pink Rocks!......but I don't know how these listeners will react. Interesting choice. Lets you know that Bill is trying to see if we are really listening!

Nice strings!
I think Bill's favorite color is...
didn't i just hear this while shopping at Kohl's?

no please no

I was thinking... who is this artist that sounds just like Pink. Not bad, but definitely not typical RP fare.

not loving this at all...
No, really?
Just wanted to see what people would say huh? Lol!
we just need Christina and Britney now {#Doh}
OK, not what I would expect to hear on RP, but I think Pink has something to say. And she's not really bubblegum.
I wouldn't have thought that this was Pink, not bad.

Pink?  Really?
Oh no, {#Headache}I thought my radio was on ... what's happening?  This is soooooo not good ...
It's a bit "Heart"y in the chorus

Quite listenable to tho
Huh?  Must be going for a new demographic, I guess...