Peter Mulvey — 29 Cent Head

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Total ratings: 437
Length: 3:30
Plays (last 30 days): 0
A billion blue tubes light up a billion lumes
The night outside is as quiet as it's own
The fools on the screen try to get each other into bed
It's a forty dollar haircut on a 29c head
And You just don't get, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
Can you get something else instead
Them shapes in the bed are the senator and the CEO
and which one is on top, wouldn't you like to know
Father's got has his hand on the alter boy's knee
The choir is preaching to you trying to get you to agree
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
But you know this don't come free
And every election feels like a perfect crime
Like you can fool all the people all the time
They said the water isn't rising, but their shoes are soaking wet
If that don't drive you crazy, you ain't crazy yet
well you just don't get it.
I can't tell one place from another all across the land
where's the architect, wouldn't you like to shake his hand
The shops are full of nothing, streets are full of fear.
We're all so damn connected, but we can't seem to get near
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it,but you can't get there from here
You got a thousand talking heads to tell you were it's at
If you look behind the curtain where the puppet master sat
There's just an empty chair, strings are lying flat
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
And you're vaguely proud of that
You just don't get it
And you're vaguely proud of that.
Ah, you just don't get it and you're vaguely proud of that.
The night outside is as quiet as it's own
The fools on the screen try to get each other into bed
It's a forty dollar haircut on a 29c head
And You just don't get, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
Can you get something else instead
Them shapes in the bed are the senator and the CEO
and which one is on top, wouldn't you like to know
Father's got has his hand on the alter boy's knee
The choir is preaching to you trying to get you to agree
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
But you know this don't come free
And every election feels like a perfect crime
Like you can fool all the people all the time
They said the water isn't rising, but their shoes are soaking wet
If that don't drive you crazy, you ain't crazy yet
well you just don't get it.
I can't tell one place from another all across the land
where's the architect, wouldn't you like to shake his hand
The shops are full of nothing, streets are full of fear.
We're all so damn connected, but we can't seem to get near
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it,but you can't get there from here
You got a thousand talking heads to tell you were it's at
If you look behind the curtain where the puppet master sat
There's just an empty chair, strings are lying flat
And you just don't get it, you just don't get it, you just don't get it
And you're vaguely proud of that
You just don't get it
And you're vaguely proud of that.
Ah, you just don't get it and you're vaguely proud of that.
Comments (79)add comment
Puts me in mind of Fatboy Slim's Weapon of Choice for some reason
Ya know Hillary got a $600 haircut.
Just sayin'...
Just sayin'...
A $40 haircut on a 29 cent head.
Love it.
Love it.
vandal wrote:
When you're through talking crap, please wipe your mouth. . .
That made me chuckle...

Here we are eight years later, and it's more of the same divisiveness. 

Love Peter Mulvey, especially "Vlad the Astrophysicist"
Pretty cool tune. Tasty guitar solo too - rough but plenty of feeling.
Democrats tell you that if you elect them they will make your life better, feed the hungry, and take the crabgrass out of your lawn. Republicans say that government doesn't work, then they get elected and prove it.
Democrats tell you that if you elect them they will make your life better, feed the hungry, and take the crabgrass out of your lawn. Republicans say that government doesn't work, then they get elected and prove it.
What the hell's with all the American political nonsense?
I've just heard this for first time. Pretty cool. The title's catchy, as is the chorus.
What am I not getting?
Seems like a decent fellow.
Seems to me Americans have a chance THIS time to vote for change, real change. If they vote Democrat, that is. If they vote Republican, crank up the military budget a notch or two higher.
Just from an outside observer. Don't get all riled up. We do share the planet, some more than others.
sbegf wrote:
When you're through talking crap, please wipe your mouth. . .
There are two kinds of people who vote Democrat:
#1. Lazy people who want the government to take care of them.
#2. Power hungry people who want create ambivilance so they can tell everyone else how they should live.
Which one are you?
There are two kinds of people who vote Republican (the reality version):
#1 Hard working people.
#2 Parents of teenagers.

lattalo wrote:
I have been waiting so long to use my simple statement on someone who listens to RP.
There are two kinds of people who vote Republican:
#1. Rich People
#2. Ignorate People
Which one are you?
There are two kinds of people who vote Democrat:
#1. Lazy people who want the government to take care of them.
#2. Power hungry people who want create ambivilance so they can tell everyone else how they should live.
Which one are you?
There are two kinds of people who vote Republican (the reality version):
#1 Hard working people.
#2 Parents of teenagers.
lattalo wrote:
I have been waiting so long to use my simple statement on someone who listens to RP.
There are two kinds of people who vote Republican:
#1. Rich People
#2. Ignorate People
Which one are you?
bahahahahaha! :)
Very true... Ron Paul 2008!!!
Tear it down!!!
MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

I have been waiting so long to use my simple statement on someone who listens to RP.
There are two kinds of people who vote Republican:
#1. Rich People
#2. Ignorate People
Which one are you?

Peter Mulvey is very good in concert.
For that you get eight!
Get it?
OK well I don't get it.
Another rating suspended until the next listen.
just 'cause I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

and by the way it's about gw don't you get it
is that blue tubes or boob tubes
some kinda tubes
i don't know
this one got me
ps i never thought they were talking about me
it's those other wombats that don't get it
if you get it you don't don't get it
get it ?
and yeah it's political as hell
and probly won't save the world but it's
kinda cathartic

9 just don't get it, and you're vaguely proud a'that...
pinkfu wrote:
LOL @ people arguing politics here.
As long as that's a golf clap, I wholeheartedly laugh along with you.
I enjoy this song a bit more each time I hear it.

LOL @ people arguing politics here.

MojoJojo wrote:
I listen to Radio Paradise, thank you. I think, therefore I'm not spoon-fed as you appear to be.
Spoon fed? Whooah! Now that's Funny. I think you need to quit visiting (click here)
amymich wrote:
Hey does Mulvey have stock in RP or what?!
Starting to wonder the same thing....
physicsgenius wrote:
There is little I hate more than to be told I "don't get it". Yes, I get it. But even if I don't, telling me I'm wrong accomplishes nothing--explain the real nature of it, don't just dismiss me with a "you just don't get it".
Then he'd have to say "you just don't get it because you're stupid", & then those like you would really be if you need any reason to.
A cold world you're living in.....
Ask Congressmen Foley, Reynolds, and Hastert about who gets it. Or in this case, who was gettin' it...
MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

I listen to Radio Paradise, thank you. I think, therefore I'm not spoon-fed as you appear to be.
vandal wrote:
I see you let that pompous, drug addled windbag, limbaugh do your thinking for you. What next for you, pre-loaded iPods with approved listening materials and videos from the RNC swag table?
MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

Here's a word I reserve for just a few: Asshole!

MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

I see you let that pompous, drug addled windbag, limbaugh do your thinking for you. What next for you, pre-loaded iPods with approved listening materials and videos from the RNC swag table?

Do think Mark Foley gets it? What a perfect song for today.
I happened to be listening to rp when my handyman was over at my house working. He laughed out loud at the line, "40 dollar hair cut on a 29 cent head" and now everytime I hear this song I think about my handyman. It's just weird.
Yeah, I sure "don't get it." It gained an extra point becuase I really like the album cover, though.

amymich wrote:
Hey does Mulvey have stock in RP or what?!
I hope so! He's good and RP should play more of his tunes beyond this one...
Hey does Mulvey have stock in RP or what?!
That two chord keyboard riff sounds like the first two off Nelly's Hot in Herre.
jodygold wrote:
I just don't get IT.
That guitar noodeling is terrible.
The guitar noodling is one of my favorite parts of this song. I agree with skooney...the tone sounds a lot like the guitar solo in The Fez, which is a good thing IMHO.
Regarding lists and such, I think I could come up with a list of comparable dipwads from both sides of the aisle.
I've been reading all the "it sounds like" posts
and have to throw in my 2 cents worth. I think I've
got it nailed too. I'd have a hard time being convinced
this is some kind of slight rippoff of Steely Dan's
song "The Fez". I know there are some SD fans around,
you need to check it out next time you hear this. The
guitar sound is dead on and close to note for note in
many areas.
MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

I never thought that I would ever see Natalie Maines and Jesse Jackson on the same list, will wonders ever cease? Mojo, what other random names are swimming loosely around in your li'l noggin? 

wondertoofar wrote:
The reason for this may be all in the motivations behind the politics. And I would disagree with your assessment of the politics of U2 as well.
Talk about people who just don't get it.
By the way, U2'S Unforgettable Fire is a tune about Martin Luther King. It would be hard to find someone with less love on the Right than MLK.
By the way, MojoJojo, thanks for showing us your enemies list. I guess we all know where you're comin' from now.
Anyone hear the Animals "Monterey"?
I gave this song a 7, but I'm sick of it now. Too much play.
Looks like 70% of the country now gets it...
just don't dig it.
"You just don't get it, you just don't get"
I finally remembered where I heard that line. "Head Like a Hole" by 9 Inch Nails. Not quite the same.
I just don't get IT.
That guitar noodeling is terrible.
OK, so I want everything this guy has ever done, and I want that music now! Such class, rythm, virtuosity!
On the other hand, who gives a shit about some list someone made while having too much time on his/her hands (and too much time sitting on them)?
Also, have I head this before? Is it a cover of someone else's song?
rowdydaisy wrote:
Why isn't Bono and U2 on your list? You seem to be a U2 fan. They have the same sensibilities as the folks on your list.
The reason for this may be all in the motivations behind the politics. And I would disagree with your assessment of the politics of U2 as well.
just went from an 8 to 9, cuz it just keeps growing on me
goes from a 9 to a 10
great politics...
topping my list would be people that say because I want just what it is that I've been told by the world to want I won't believe what is obviously true!
GET IT? I bet you don't!
Why isn't Bono and U2 on your list? You seem to be a U2 fan. They have the same sensibilities as the folks on your list.
MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

MojoJojo wrote:
I guess you reiterate the facts that thought-police are self appointed, and never seem to go away. You seem proud to deem my opinion as wrong, when I never offered it as more than that - an opinion. I don't find it a stretch that a song like this elicits opinions such as we see here. Further, it makes sense that a song like this would bring out opinions that are similar in their tone and polar in their political affiliations. I did not herald any other opinions "wrong", I merely offered my own. For such a political song, it seems like a logical use of this forum. I believe the artist intended to spark thought and challenge ideals. That is a big part of why I like this song. It is also a big part of why I like RP.
In the spirit of that, Jojo, here's mine and I'm sorry if this hurt's your feelings: I don't get this administrations' secretive nature. I don't get this administrations' pandering to the ultra wealthy. I don't understand why catching UBL takes a back seat to a grand social experiment in Iraq. And most of all, I don't understand why there are supporters of this poor excuse for a president that stand to lose the most from this administrations' policies (those poor chumps that think GWB is like them and would like having a beer with him). This administration has nothing but disdain for the little guy.
The #1 person (on my list) who doesn't get it would be G Dubya.
This song is great, by the way.
In a roundabout way I'm kinda reminded of "The Pedestrian" by Ray Bradbury. Not sure why. Maybe the part about the walking.
physicsgenius wrote:
There is little I hate more than to be told I "don't get it". Yes, I get it. But even if I don't, telling me I'm wrong accomplishes nothing--explain the real nature of it, don't just dismiss me with a "you just don't get it".
Don't take it personally, Phyzzie.
I'd pay 32, 33 cents for your head, easy. And I'm vaguely proud of that.
You're so vain ...

MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

Tom Daschle? How long have you been harboring this ditto hitlist, anyway?

There is little I hate more than to be told I "don't get it". Yes, I get it. But even if I don't, telling me I'm wrong accomplishes nothing--explain the real nature of it, don't just dismiss me with a "you just don't get it".
Whirlpool wrote:
Heads that cost only 29 cents???
I wonder what store sells those??
I'd like to purchase one.
Hope it doesn't break easily.
Guaranteed to last 8 years, no worry of breaking - very few moving (or working) parts.
Heads that cost only 29 cents???
I wonder what store sells those??
I'd like to purchase one.
Hope it doesn't break easily.
very timely, what with the State of the Union address last night and all....
i'm not sure if his haircut cost $40, but i'm pretty sure about the 29-cent head....

Didn't hear the song, but 29 cent head? At a price like that, how can you afford not to?
I guess you reiterate the facts that thought-police are self appointed, and never seem to go away. You seem proud to deem my opinion as wrong, when I never offered it as more than that - an opinion. I don't find it a stretch that a song like this elicits opinions such as we see here. Further, it makes sense that a song like this would bring out opinions that are similar in their tone and polar in their political affiliations. I did not herald any other opinions "wrong", I merely offered my own. For such a political song, it seems like a logical use of this forum. I believe the artist intended to spark thought and challenge ideals. That is a big part of why I like this song. It is also a big part of why I like RP.
pdjpirate wrote:
Mojo, it's sounds like you sit on the same side of the isle as I do, BUT...For you to single out 25 names from the Lefts Pop Hits Talking Heads list from over the last three or four decades, SHOWS US YOU DON"T GET IT EITHER!
Mojo, we have peeps on our side of the isle that don't get it, and if you can not stand up and account for them in you need to spew forth political tripe on these music forums, you too, don't get it!
The fact of the matter is you have lint in your navel Mojo, along with a couple of others in this thread, and we don't care about your lint! If you wish to discuss the amount of "left leaning" lint you have in your navel, go to the following web site...(click here) has plenty of listings for IRC and Internet discussion forums for you to discuss lint with fellow navel gazers!
Have fun and enjoy yourself! I can assure you we will be here having more fun listening to Bill's tunes!
P.S. Great tune!

MojoJojo wrote:
P.S. Great tune!
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

Mojo, it's sounds like you sit on the same side of the isle as I do, BUT...For you to single out 25 names from the Lefts Pop Hits Talking Heads list from over the last three or four decades, SHOWS US YOU DON"T GET IT EITHER!
Mojo, we have peeps on our side of the isle that don't get it, and if you can not stand up and account for them in you need to spew forth political tripe on these music forums, you too, don't get it!
The fact of the matter is you have lint in your navel Mojo, along with a couple of others in this thread, and we don't care about your lint! If you wish to discuss the amount of "left leaning" lint you have in your navel, go to the following web site...(click here) has plenty of listings for IRC and Internet discussion forums for you to discuss lint with fellow navel gazers!
Have fun and enjoy yourself! I can assure you we will be here having more fun listening to Bill's tunes!

MojoJojo wrote:
Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

I think MojoJojo just doesn't get it. And he/she may be vaguely proud of that.

Topping the list of those who just don't get it:
Al Franken(stein)
Al Sharpton
Jesse Jackson
Tom Daschle
Nancy Pelosi
Edward Moore Kennedy
John Kerry
Bill Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Michael Moore
Rosie O'Donnell
Jane Fonda
Whoopi Goldberg
Bill Maher
Rob Reiner
Barbra Streisand
Richard Dreyfus
George Stephanopoulos
Julia Roberts
Howard Dean
Robert Byrd
Barbara Boxer
Susan Sarandon
Natalie Maines
29 c. heads might be goin too high for these folks!
So many more goobs, so little time

poprocker1 wrote:
love that bass line...
All RadioParadise listeners should be issued SubWoofers
It's half the music...
love that bass line...
crystalboy wrote:
This could be the theme song on W jr.'s presidency!
...and everyone who voted for him.

crystalboy wrote:
This could be the theme song on W jr.'s presidency!
agreed, sir.
having said that, it's a nice track

crystalboy wrote:
This could be the theme song on W jr.'s presidency!

This could be the theme song on W jr.'s presidency!

Sounds like he's singing about the Shrub ... "you just don't get it, and you're vaguely proud of that."

I just don't get it.
Just been informed he is one of my workmate's good friends.... and speaks very highly of him, seems to be a fantastic person.
And I heard this AFTER I upped this song to a nine :D
yesssssssss! Thanks for playing some Peter Mulvey!! There's lots of great tunes by this guy...
"You just don't get it...
And you're vaguely proud of that."
Peter Mulvey is one of my favorite artists. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear him on RP. Nicely done! If anyone's interested in any of his other stuff, it all plays well, though he is at his best when you hear him live. "10000 mornings" is a nice album of covers that he's done.