Peter Schilling — Major Tom (Völlig Losgelöst)

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Total ratings: 1159
Length: 4:27
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Gründlich durchgecheckt, steht sie da
Und wartet auf den Start, alles klar
Experten streiten sich, um ein paar Daten
Die Crew hat dann noch
Ein paar Fragen, doch, der Countdown läuft
Effektivität, bestimmt das Handeln
Man verlässt sich blind, auf den andern
Jeder weiß genau, was von ihm abhängt
Jeder ist im Stress, doch Major Tom
Macht einen Scherz, dann hebt er ab und
Völlig losgelöst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff, völlig schwerelos
Die Erdanziehungskraft, ist überwunden
Alles läuft perfekt, schon seit Stunden
Wissenschaftliche Experimente
Doch was nützen die, am Ende
Denkt sich Major Tom
Im Kontrollzentrum, da wird man panisch
Der Kurs der Kapsel der, stimmt ja gar nicht
"Hallo Major Tom, können Sie hören
Woll'n Sie das Projekt denn so zerstören?"
Doch, er kann nichts hören, er schwebt weiter
Völlig losgelöst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff, völlig schwerelos
Die Erde schimmert blau
Sein letzter Funk kommt
"Grüßt mir meine Frau"
Und er verstummt
Unten trauern noch die Egoisten
Major Tom denkt sich
"Wenn die wüssten, mich führt hier ein Licht
Durch das All, das kennt ihr noch nicht
Ich komme bald, mir wird kalt"
Völlig losgelst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff...
Und wartet auf den Start, alles klar
Experten streiten sich, um ein paar Daten
Die Crew hat dann noch
Ein paar Fragen, doch, der Countdown läuft
Effektivität, bestimmt das Handeln
Man verlässt sich blind, auf den andern
Jeder weiß genau, was von ihm abhängt
Jeder ist im Stress, doch Major Tom
Macht einen Scherz, dann hebt er ab und
Völlig losgelöst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff, völlig schwerelos
Die Erdanziehungskraft, ist überwunden
Alles läuft perfekt, schon seit Stunden
Wissenschaftliche Experimente
Doch was nützen die, am Ende
Denkt sich Major Tom
Im Kontrollzentrum, da wird man panisch
Der Kurs der Kapsel der, stimmt ja gar nicht
"Hallo Major Tom, können Sie hören
Woll'n Sie das Projekt denn so zerstören?"
Doch, er kann nichts hören, er schwebt weiter
Völlig losgelöst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff, völlig schwerelos
Die Erde schimmert blau
Sein letzter Funk kommt
"Grüßt mir meine Frau"
Und er verstummt
Unten trauern noch die Egoisten
Major Tom denkt sich
"Wenn die wüssten, mich führt hier ein Licht
Durch das All, das kennt ihr noch nicht
Ich komme bald, mir wird kalt"
Völlig losgelst, von der Erde
Schwebt das Raumschiff...
Comments (188)add comment
Memorably used in Breaking Bad: Gale sings "Major Tom"
hackbraten wrote:
It's been polished, but nearly as good as the raw original.
And I definitely never want to hear the english version ever again.
Yeah - back to 1983, völlig losgelöst! But this version somehow sounds slightly different from back then, weird...
It's been polished, but nearly as good as the raw original.
And I definitely never want to hear the english version ever again.
Yeah - back to 1983, völlig losgelöst! But this version somehow sounds slightly different from back then, weird...
Have not scrolled all the way through comments…
But anyone getting Breaking Bad flash backs?! Fun!
Gut, daß auch die Originalversion im RP Land beliebter ist, als die schreckliche englische Version. Bowies Ritterschlag galt ja auch der deutschen Version.
Good thing the original version is more popular in RP land than the horrible English version. Bowie's accolade also applied to the German version.
Good thing the original version is more popular in RP land than the horrible English version. Bowie's accolade also applied to the German version.
smartn1 wrote:
And it turns out this is the original! Never mind.
One of the few covers I think are as good as the original (or better?)
And it turns out this is the original! Never mind.
One of the few covers I think are as good as the original (or better?)
Any German speakers want to share their interpretation of this song?
Love listening to it but I have no idea what it's about (German version).
Love listening to it but I have no idea what it's about (German version).
I still remember some German, and it's pretty cool to read this lyric .. near the end is the line '.. mir wird kalt', which is (I think) "I'm getting cold." Yikes.
Greatings from germany. Thanks for playing.
Always been a magical tune for taking flight !
Schön, das in deutsch zu hören!
Nice to hear it in the original german version!
Nice to hear it in the original german version!
Nice! First time I hear that song here in the german version and I surely could hear it again from time to time.
Madness1954 wrote:
I quite enjoyed that little trilogy. Different to the usual.
Oh wow, I know this song so well. It's the theme tune to the TV series Deutschland '89.
I quite enjoyed that little trilogy. Different to the usual.
Oh wow, I know this song so well. It's the theme tune to the TV series Deutschland '89.
This is very good. I think what bothered me about the English version was it was another telling of the story in the same language, with more shallow lyrics. Seemed weirdly derivative.
ziggytrix wrote:
Yes, the German version was there first, the English version came later. The thing about the syllables or the words that don't seem to fit right into the melody of the sentence is on purpose. That gives the charming and funny note in German
Is this the original though? A few places in the song it feels like he's stuffing more syllables into a bar than there's really room for, where in the English version it feels more even. It wouldn't shock me if he wrote it in English to make that cash, and then did a version in his native tongue afterward.
Yes, the German version was there first, the English version came later. The thing about the syllables or the words that don't seem to fit right into the melody of the sentence is on purpose. That gives the charming and funny note in German
Oh buy, I remember playing the vinyl of this at my parents house back when I was about 8 or 9, and being obsessed with it. I thought it was the coolest, most futuristic song ever.
It's only diminished a little in my eyes.
Send me up a drink
Jokes major tom
The count goes on...
It's only diminished a little in my eyes.
Send me up a drink
Jokes major tom
The count goes on...
Thanks for the German version. I prefer this one
ziggytrix wrote:
"His 1983 album,Error in the System, generated his only international hit single, "Major Tom (Coming Home)", a retelling of David Bowie's classic 1969 song "Space Oddity". Although the song was originally recorded in German [...]"
From the Wikipedia tab on the right!
it's weird but I think his voice is better on the English version, but maybe he had only gone better by the time he recorded it, or he put more effort into it knowing it'd go international?
Is this the original though? A few places in the song it feels like he's stuffing more syllables into a bar than there's really room for, where in the English version it feels more even. It wouldn't shock me if he wrote it in English to make that cash, and then did a version in his native tongue afterward.
"His 1983 album,Error in the System, generated his only international hit single, "Major Tom (Coming Home)", a retelling of David Bowie's classic 1969 song "Space Oddity". Although the song was originally recorded in German [...]"
From the Wikipedia tab on the right!
it's weird but I think his voice is better on the English version, but maybe he had only gone better by the time he recorded it, or he put more effort into it knowing it'd go international?
Is this the original though? A few places in the song it feels like he's stuffing more syllables into a bar than there's really room for, where in the English version it feels more even. It wouldn't shock me if he wrote it in English to make that cash, and then did a version in his native tongue afterward.
Dav3thedog wrote:
Major Tom (Coming Home)
What was this called in the English version?
Major Tom (Coming Home)
What was this called in the English version?
Yeah! Politics discussed on a music message forum. Yeah! (not)
Zis zong vas made to
be zung in German
be zung in German

Love these long hooky fade outs.
jpfueler wrote:
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
YADA! YADA! YADA! Why don't you go listen to Fox News and let the rest of us just enjoy the music!
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
YADA! YADA! YADA! Why don't you go listen to Fox News and let the rest of us just enjoy the music!
Dude better watch his cornhole with all of those face hugger eggs laying around.
yes....deutsch! thanks...

GAWD, I HATE this song - in any language
I like it in both English and German.
I'm just happy its not the Scorpions.
Hmm... nope, even in German this song is still awful.
I agree that German always make a rock/pop song sound better - think of Nena's 99 Luft Balon
We have the English version of this song. I prefer that to the German recording.
German is just a great language for rock and roll.
Great song, I was so thrilled about it as a kid some 30 years ago ...
still sounds cool!
Neue deutsche Welle - this was a great time full of fun songs.
"Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein, im kalten Polar"!
still sounds cool!
Neue deutsche Welle - this was a great time full of fun songs.
"Ich möchte ein Eisbär sein, im kalten Polar"!

andrewimft wrote:
Anyone believed that BS? P. Schillings version is just a translation to German.
BTW better play D. Bowie or if you want something from a German Band play something from The BossHoss, OK they sing just English but it's good and new.
Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings. At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan. By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
Anyone believed that BS? P. Schillings version is just a translation to German.
BTW better play D. Bowie or if you want something from a German Band play something from The BossHoss, OK they sing just English but it's good and new.
Some more recent German music would be nice too, though the old stuff of my youth is still pretty good. Danke!
jpfueler wrote:
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
I think I got a little spit on me there.
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
I think I got a little spit on me there.
mgkiwi wrote:
So you never listened to Bach or Wagner..... Sad, very sad....
Now I know why I never bought any German music!

So you never listened to Bach or Wagner..... Sad, very sad....
jpfueler wrote:
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds gi< src="scripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" type="text/javascript"><>ve her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
Well. Neither economics nor politics is a strong suit south o' Ft. Worth. Taking myth to new heights of irony there, JP.
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds gi< src="scripts/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/en.js" type="text/javascript"><>ve her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
Well. Neither economics nor politics is a strong suit south o' Ft. Worth. Taking myth to new heights of irony there, JP.
linden wrote:
How about Du Hast by Rammstein? That one always makes me giggle.
That song is SO racist (when you really listen to the lyrics) that it's disgusting!
How about Du Hast by Rammstein? That one always makes me giggle.
That song is SO racist (when you really listen to the lyrics) that it's disgusting!
flyboy50 wrote:
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
Your BTW is an interesting, albeit true, reference to the Bush administration and all his Texas cronies who have ruined the world's view of Texas as well as the US. Thanks for the apology. Maybe President Barack can do some damage control and redeem our image. But I digress... great version of this classic.
andrewimft wrote:
andrewimft wrote:
Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
nice little mythic world you folks live in.
Germany elected one of it's most pro American leaders not long ago, and France (of all places) elected "Le Americane" who came for a visit and gave the one most pro-American speech heard in years, and certainly more so than anything the Commie Barak will ever give.
But I'm sure Michigan's Canadian Governess would be able to match Texas' unemployment and billions in surplus budget with her socialist policies. . . . someday. . . maybe if the Feds give her more money. Same goes for California, New York, Illinois. . . Why, if the "Evil Republicans" are so bad, are the only states not running broke those run by Republicans?
Obama: Bringing you the failed policies that extended the Great Depression!(Oh, wait. . . he is backing off all those promises already, and he hasn't even gotten the Electoral college confirmation yet)
this track is excellent! a classic! 
glad to hear german artists too on RP

glad to hear german artists too on RP
Your BTW is an interesting, albeit true, reference to the Bush administration and all his Texas cronies who have ruined the world's view of Texas as well as the US. Thanks for the apology. Maybe President Barack can do some damage control and redeem our image. But I digress... great version of this classic.
andrewimft wrote:
andrewimft wrote:
Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
renegade_X wrote:
Thats funny.
I don't care who you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
Thats funny.

I don't care who you are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
keller1 wrote:
How about Du Hast by Rammstein? That one always makes me giggle.
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
How about Du Hast by Rammstein? That one always makes me giggle.
andrewimft wrote:
Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
Germans settled in Texas in large numbers a long time ago along with millions of other"foreigners"..dumb ass!. 
Funny to hear it on RP.
Bill played 99 Luftballons just a few days ago, I'm guessing he wouldn't play it THAT frequently. Especially with all the comments it stirs up!
Great version of this classic rock song.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
Thats funny. :LOL:
felam wrote:
Das ist ausgezeichnet!
Ahnyer_Keester wrote:
keller1 wrote:
I just wanted to reiterate YES once again.
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
YES!! Oh yes!! Please?One of my very first 45 singles.
a_genuine_find wrote:
how do you say THANK YOU in German?!?
Vielen Dank
Netherlands = European Champion 2008 (?)
kobkob wrote:
theres a hebrew version as well
That, I'd like to hear.
I only speak English and some remedial-level French and Italian but I'd love to hear more foreign language stuff on RP.
(as long as it's good music, natch)

andrewimft wrote:
Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings.
Spoken like someone who knows nothing of the place.
Germans actually feel quite at home here. A large part of central Texas was populated by German immigrants in the early-mid 1800's. German culture is still pretty strong in places like Fredericksburg, Comfort and New Braunfels, although it is pretty commercialized nowadays. Seems like every other antique store is named Opa's Haus.
leathepea wrote:
Sorry I don't speak freaky deaky Dutch, or German at that matter.
What language do you speak?
Sorry I don't speak freaky deaky Dutch, or German at that matter.
Now I know why I never bought any German music!

how do you say THANK YOU in German?!?
keller1 wrote:
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
YES!! Oh yes!! Please?
We're kind of in german mode this afternoon, eh?
Play Bowie instead. That's the only Major Tom we need.
keller1 wrote:
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
and lets not 4get jinjis chan from 81 eurovizion 
keller1 wrote:
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
and lets not 4get jinjis chan from 81 eurovizion 
i like the english version better
germen 1 got a 7
theres a hebrew version as well

Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings.
At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan.
By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
Verseihung, hast du noch eine Deutsche Zeitung? Ich arbeite bei der Firma Opal. Der Autobahn ist ein Rennbahn! There goes! everything I remember from three years of H.S. German. Guten Tag!
Das ist ausgezeichnet!
Perfect seque in...and in German? Swedish?
Gotta admit, always did like this one!
Witzig, das hier zu hören

What the?!?!
Ninety nine red balloons?

jetzt nur noch etwas mehr Falco, oder Herbert G oder Nicole :-)
Gott in himmel!....Rammstien should cover this
natÃŒrlich wolf maahn,sorry
Now we just need Der Kommissar and 99 Luftballons for a "Teutonic Trifecta".
wenn schon dann wolf maann -tschernobyl-
Should rate 3.
+1 for nostalgia
+1 for Sprocket's inspiration (weird post-war 80's synth angst rock)
justin4kick wrote:
Je hebt helemaal gelijk, maar de gemiddelde Engelstalige begrijpt daar natuurlijk geen reet van.
Auf der anderen Seite traf ich viele Englischsprachige auf meinen Reisen, die auch gerne andere Sprachen lernten und sprachen.
Groet toe Nederland!
I'm young again...
One of my first selfbought LPs, if I recall right.

Can you hear me Major Tom ?smdeeg wrote:
Indeed there are, and many a song is better in German. Unfortunately, this isn't one of them.
prickelpit96 wrote:
Try top open your mind.
There are more languages on earth than just English.
Indeed there are, and many a song is better in German. Unfortunately, this isn't one of them.

Where did he get the idea for the album cover? The movie Cocoon?
I believe there is an English version of this song.

mlcarroll wrote:
How can 'palatable' and '80s synthpop' possibly be used in the same sentence?
80's synthpop is not palatable.
My children even enjoy this tune !! Great Harmony
Ach! Alles ist verloren
this... is annoying. eww..
prickelpit96 wrote:
Try top open your mind.
There are more languages on earth than just English.
Je hebt helemaal gelijk, maar de gemiddelde Engelstalige begrijpt daar natuurlijk geen reet van.

petercroob wrote:
Try top open your mind.
There are more languages on earth than just English.
Much better in english

Much better in english
I cannot dislike this song....helps that I understand most of it. Great piece of German synth-pop
Yeah, NDW

It's all Greek to me.
another one of those great Bill things
celadonstone wrote:
I like the German version better, too.
Agreed, for this, AND for 99 Luftbalons
Lonestar wrote:
Touch my monkey!!
Spank my Gibbon!
Hearing this on RP feels like drinking "Weissbier" in an Sushi-Restaurant in Osaka. ^^
xkolibuul wrote:
Not me, I find the German version much more palatable, as far as 80s synthpop goes.
How can 'palatable' and '80s synthpop' possibly be used in the same sentence?
Ja Deutsch!
Lola rennt und jetzt das.
Aber vorher habe ich nur die englische Version dieses Lieds gehört.
Lonestar wrote:
Touch my monkey!!

Touch my monkey!!
The German and English versions were flipsides on the American press of the 45 (Atlantic, I think?). Haven't heard German version in a long time. I prefer the English, but it's still a great tune, in a cheesy 80s kinda way, which I'm all for. 9.
ein... zwei... drei....four... Nein.
eclectek wrote:
Major Tom... relation to David Bowie's "Space Oddity"?
Also, I didn't even realize what this song was until the chorus. Oh my silly American unilingual sensibilities.
There's an English version of this song (performed by the same Schilling). It is essentially a re-make of Bowie's Major Tom story. Same character, same situation, different, more upbeat tune. Pretty good all the same. To my view, Schilling qualifies as a one-hit wonder. Well, maybe two-hits; Screaming Jets with Peter Gabriel was also a great song. But as the song says... "then nothing more.."
the good old times never come back...
UltraNurd wrote:
There's a "can you hear" line, so yes, I'd say there's a reference there.
basically, yes, astronaut (Mr. Tom) lost in space out of control never to return (totally out of touch) so yes, same story line.
I like the German version better, too.
in english or german... this is crap.
Noooooooo, I can't take any more Euro trash. I was enjoying 'Running One' This crap has totally ruined my fun, now I'm going back to work, BOLLOCKS!

Actually the German version of this song is about a German astronaut, not in space, but lost in Texas where some are so narrow minded that they hate the song he sings. At least that's what I think it's about when I read the comments, or else my German is bad, but better than my Texan. By the way, let me apologize to all Germans and foreigners here at RP and explain that Texas is not really part of the U.S. Texas actually invaded the U.S. in 2000, and ever since we Americans have been living under the Texan occupation as well as we can. Sorry about that.
It's been the other way around since 1937 or so . Texas is no longer a state but a colony of the US government (or whoever controls the US government) as are all the other former states. Self-government, constitutionally limited government , federalism, independence of states--all the barriers that protected us from what Jefferson et al. would have called tyranny or despotism are things of the past. Just substitute the US Government for the British government in the Declaration of Independence and you'll see it's a perfect fit.