The Chemical Brothers — The Golden Path (w/ Flaming Lips)
(no lyrics available)
Comments (94)add comment
Tux wrote:
Scheisse. My filter only mutes "Chemical Brothers", not "Chemical Bros."
Now fixed.
Nobody cares.
spankmandog wrote:
Isn't the original of this song in the movie Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension? I seem to remember it being the music for the closing credits.
Absolutely wonderful movie... And this song fits it perfectly.
I can probably guarantee that anyone leaving negative comments about this song will hate the movie even more :)
Nope. Great flick. This song is still another matter....
Far, far, far away from the Lips I saw at the Cameo Theater in 1988 as they opened for 7 Seconds. Long live Punk!
muddy and poor. Is this a remake? dodododododdoododo
God, this song should be about a million times better than it is. I think I'm starting to hate it.
the_circe wrote:
love the lips; love the bros.
problem is, they sound like crap together.
You got that right, blech!
hmm... two bands i like get together and achieve something less than synergy. still pretty good, but not quite what I had hoped.
Scheisse. My filter only mutes "Chemical Brothers", not "Chemical Bros."
Now fixed.
Something about it makes me think of Talking heads...
i am at the point of saying that if this song is going to continue to be played, i may have to find a different radio station to listen to.

Gargling with salt water will help that throat ... maybe. Won't do a thing for being totally off key, however.
You may not have meant to hurt me, but you sure did. This sucks.
I have to immediately mute this song. Maybe it would be ok if it lasted say, 3 min. Then his cracked vocals might actually be construed as cool and the synth wouldn't make me want to smash my head against my desk.
ChardRemains wrote:
Oh my gosh. That must have been so totally long ago. The lips are soooo like yesterday.
You have been sarcastic...Right??
love the lips; love the bros.
problem is, they sound like crap together.
This song sounds like they have injested too many chemicals before they recorded.
More aerobics?
reminds me of this too...
BagelBoy wrote:
I haven't heard the Lips since HS. I think the song was 'She don't like Jelly'. Very strange group...
Oh my gosh. That must have been so totally long ago. The lips are soooo like yesterday.
blythemeteor wrote:
Make it go away!!!!!
yes. please. quickly.

shua wrote:
Quite likable (although I can't figure out why) but my fav chem bros collaboration is with Beth Orton. Richard Ashcroft comes a close second plus he's done some great stuff with UNKLE as well.
I would like to have a chemical collaboration with Beth Orton
Quite likable (although I can't figure out why) but my fav chem bros collaboration is with Beth Orton. Richard Ashcroft comes a close second plus he's done some great stuff with UNKLE as well.
Have to give this one an "8" - Most Excellent - I always perk up and pay attention when it comes on.
I vote for hearing it more often!

flyingkiwi wrote:
I think the vocals sound like the fella from echo and the bunnymen more than anyone else, the whole thing is similar
Thats fine
Yep , the music is some take on E and the B-men's "Promise" . They followed it just now with " Lips Like Sugar" ; no doubt a bit of the ol' tounge in cheek. hehe
I haven't heard the Lips since HS. I think the song was 'She don't like Jelly'. Very strange group...
flyingkiwi wrote:
I think the vocals sound like the fella from echo and the bunnymen more than anyone else, the whole thing is similar
Thats fine
Spot On.
I like it more everytime I hear it.
Long live the Lips.
This sure is a fun song, it makes me smile so it must be good. The lyrics sure are interesting, as always when it comes to the Flaming Lips:
Wayne Coyne wrote:
And I said
âHelp me lordâ
I found myself in some kind of hell
But I didnât believe in a heaven and hell
World in opposites kind of reality
And I gained control of myself
And I decided to press on
Me neither, Wayne. :)
I like it and I am not ashamed
Yeah, hey....that's kind of a good thing though.... :D
I think the vocals sound like the fella from echo and the bunnymen more than anyone else, the whole thing is similar
Thats fine
dang wrote:
I agree. I thought this was a cover of "Where the Streets Have No Name" when it came on.
Total rip-job in my opinion. Practically the same song. If I were Bono, I'd be dialing my lawyer.
Please forgive me.......I never meant to make your ears bleed by programming this song.
eric wrote:
I kinda liked this until those horrible, whiny vocals kicked in toward the end.
Ya it was cool until it started to sound like the Flaming Lips ;-)
The Flaming Chemicals echo Echo. I like it.
"I found myself in some kinda hell"
Just what I was thinking. :headache.gif:
spankmandog wrote:
It does have that background beat like B.B.
and I couldn't agree more about the movie itself.. if you have the chance check out the DVD which *finally* came out and includes an alternate opening with Jamie Lee Curtis (of all people) as the young Buckaroo's Mother!!
Isn't the original of this song in the movie Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension? I seem to remember it being the music for the closing credits.
Absolutely wonderful movie... And this song fits it perfectly. :)

Isn't the original of this song in the movie Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension? I seem to remember it being the music for the closing credits.
Absolutely wonderful movie... And this song fits it perfectly.
I can probably guarantee that anyone leaving negative comments about this song will hate the movie even more :)
Not a happy collaboration. See also the disastrous Beck/Air combo "The Vagabond."
Loving the music of the Chemical Brothers.. takes some a bit.. takes others less.. one of my favorite sites to visit once in a while is where you can see videos.. and the videos for the chemical bros are just out there!!! ... one called Star Guitar... it has a looping video to match beats with the song..
yeah, yeah, kinda like a pale, quavering, lame techno imitation of "Spill the Wine"... Needs a sexy latina lapsing into some kind of glossilalia as in the abovementioned tune.
Kind of an aural updated...."Spill the Wine" by Eric Burdon in a really cool channeling....liked it the first time I heard it and like it more the second..
excellent song. really impressed to hear rp playing the chemical bros.
Ack -- whatever happened to singers actually being able to sing? This guy sounds like his lips are, in fact, flaming. Or at least cracked and chapped. Please, make it stop!!
I kinda liked this until those horrible, whiny vocals kicked in toward the end.
DavidCarrico wrote:
Dude, you gotta be deaf not to hear the similarities to Bono. Try listening to Zooropa then listen to this song.
my hearing is extremely accute - and i don't hear bono in this at all. bono can hit a note. this guy wavers too much. he should not be touching high notes - or a microphone. this song would be so cool without the vocals.
The title should be suffixed with "(w/ U2's Bono Vox)" because that's what it sounds like \:D/
Pretty good stuff, the end could be better but the overall song reminds me a bit of Eric Burden's Spill the Wine - "this really blew my mind, the fact that me, an overfed, long haired leaping gnome, would be the star of a Hollywood movie".........
the return of New Romantic / New Wave?
I absolutely do not need to hear this song every 2-3 days.
I think this is pretty cool...I like the wavering sound and the beat. It's a good meeting of two leaders in their respective fields: mixing and slighlty off-beat art rock/pop
I LOVE this song. The words especially. The music grooves too
Whle the content of the lyrics may be unsettling to some, they are quite uplifting to me, even transcendent. The concept is universal and as "godlike" as you can get. As I mentioned earlier, 'The lyrics are quite nice; speaking simply of truths we all face as we travel the *golden* path. The music is catchy as can be, so maybe the words - under the guise of the "bad" singer - is what repels. That's too bad. To my ears, this is nothing but good...almost subversively so.'
Not one of the better Brothers tracks IMHO...
dot was sure this was echo and the bunnymen. orders another.
CanuckBeaker wrote:
More Chemical Brothers!
It seems I have been living in a cave for a good decade or so, where my prior radio receiver was unable to tune to any station that played this group.
Agree completely. I was turned on to this group very recently, and I really like what I hear
timc wrote:
Wow, a musical cat. Where did you get it?
Heh heh heh, I'll never tell. Gene splicing is a Wonderful Thing(tm).
If this is one of the Chemical Bros "best songs", I'm sure glad I didn't buy this coaster.
One of the few songs that makes me turn RP off temporarily. Simply terrible.
rah wrote:
i don't usually like to read or leave negative comments here, but i really, really hate this song.
and what is it with someone always supposing a singer either is, or is trying to be, Bono? i don't think this sounds like Bono at all...
Dude, you gotta be deaf not to hear the similarities to Bono. Try listening to Zooropa then listen to this song.
littlebluedog wrote:
At the time of writing, the average rating on this song is 5.4, one of the lower ratings I've seen on RP ... thankfully, that seems to indicate UNpopular!
fair enough - but i was referring to all the "yay! this is super!" style comments. heh. perhaps the people who have nothing nice to say usually don't say anything at all. heh.
Is this a karoke song disguised as a Chemical Brothers tune? The music is cool, but the vocals only serve to make me feel better about my singing voice. To be charitable to myself, I'd grade my singing voice in the low barfo-sucko range.
i don't usually like to read or leave negative comments here, but i really, really hate this song.
and what is it with someone always supposing a singer either is, or is trying to be, Bono? i don't think this sounds like Bono at all...
Love the Flaming Lips! Excellent collaboration.
There are plenty of better songs from the Chemical Bros. that could be played instead... Not fond of this one either... Pedantic singer... They should have stuck to each doing their own thing...
BONO wannabe?
Mkopps wrote:
And I agree with rgrace. The lyrics are quite nice; speaking simply of truths we all face as we travel the *golden* path. The music is catchy as can be, so maybe the words - under the guise of the "bad" singer - is what repels. That's too bad. To my ears, this is nothing but good...almost subversively so.
No No No...
hey there! turn that frown upside down. ;-)
they never meant to hurt you. 

PattonFever wrote:At the time of writing, the average rating on this song is 5.4, one of the lower ratings I've seen on RP ... thankfully, that seems to indicate UNpopular!
enough already!!!
how and why is this song so damn popular?

No No No... :grumpy.gif:
This is pretty cool.... witty lyrics. Definitely a 7.
jbwiv wrote:
Groovy. And the Lips make it...

enough already!!!
how and why is this song so damn popular?

Drunkenlilacwine wrote:
by far one of the best Chem Bros song ever!!! Speechlessly incredible!
yes. this is beautiful. and the video is fantastic, one of the best I have seen, it really enhances and furthers the song's message
by far one of the best Chem Bros song ever!!! Speechlessly incredible!
as i listened to my favorite radio stream...
i was confronted by a childish fantasy song... song... song...
please forgive me - i never meant to mock you...

iggy33 wrote:
Too much chemicals for these brothers !! Lamo...
I totaly agree with you!! 
Groovy. And the Lips make it...

Too much chemicals for these brothers !! Lamo...
Complete and utter garbage. And for using a flute it gets the Sucko-Barfo rating.
ccordova wrote:
Mindless drivel. I stepped on my cat's tail once and heard better. Bleh.
Wow, a musical cat. Where did you get it?
This would be good without the cheesy vocals...
Totally Eric Burdon and the Animals or War maybe - even the flute. Nice.
Mindless drivel. I stepped on my cat's tail once and heard better. Bleh.
Pretentious Crap.

Had to hit the mute button for this one. Bad.
lindydallas wrote:
This keeps reminding me of a U2 song; --d
I agree. I thought this was a cover of "Where the Streets Have No Name" when it came on.
i'm a big fan of Chemical Bros and Flaming Lips, but i think they both have far more worthy songs than this one.
still interesting as a novelty, though.
This keeps reminding me of a U2 song; --d
snama wrote: whoa - where did THIS come from?! and how can it miss with two of my favorites.....great choice for Friday afternoon!
Seems pretty good for a Monday night too...

Love the Lips.
But, you gotta see them live to appreciate them, I think anyway...
It\'s an acquired taste.

As I walked along
The supposed golden path
I was confronted
By mysterious spectre
He pointed to the graveyard
Over on yonder hill
I paused in cosmic reflection
Confused on wondering
Of how I came to die
I was confused
Coz if I was dead
How and why did I die
And I composed myself
And decided I should face it
Then I stood paralyzed
On the supposed golden path
And I was confronted
By powerful demon force
And there was the devil
And we spoke his words
Flowed like glowing lava from the mouth of a volcano
And I said:
Help me, Lord!!
I found myself in some kinda hell
But I did not believe in heaven and hell
World in opposites kind of reality
But I gained control of myself
And decided to press on
As I walked along
The supposed golden path
I was trembling with fear
All the lions and the wizards yet to come
I seen in the distance
Silver mountains rising high in the clouds
And a voice from above did whisper
Some shining answer from the moon
Please forgive me
I never meant to hurt you