John Mayer — 3x5
(no lyrics available)
Comments (10)add comment
Godawfulfreakinghorrible! The mediocrity that is John Mayer must be stopped!
I really like John Mayer but this recording doesn\'t do him justice.
The studio version of this song is much better.
hahaha! this might be the funniest comment i've ever read on RP. :)
Originally Posted by bc:
This is the THIRD live track from this guy on RP. Since there's nothing significant to differentiate the live tracks from the studio tracks aside from the screaming pre-pubescent girls, I don't understand why we keep hearing them. I volunteer to upload these songs in the studio version if it will stop this cacophony.
The human psyche is programmed to have a strong reaction to screaming babies--this keeps them from going unattended. The screams of these kids is closer to that of babies than adults, causing me to want to nurse the kiddies in the background. I can't see them, but I hear their screams!!!!!
Please make it stop.
This is the THIRD live track from this guy on RP. Since there\'s nothing significant to differentiate the live tracks from the studio tracks aside from the screaming pre-pubescent girls, I don\'t understand why we keep hearing them. I volunteer to upload these songs in the studio version if it will stop this cacophony.
The human psyche is programmed to have a strong reaction to screaming babies--this keeps them from going unattended. The screams of these kids is closer to that of babies than adults, causing me to want to nurse the kiddies in the background. I can\'t see them, but I hear their screams!!!!!
Please make it stop.
Originally Posted by eric:
This guy does absolutely nothing for me. Bland music, bland lyrics, and the fact that he is basically impersonating Dave Matthews just adds to my indifference.
I feel similarly. At this point, I'm trying to reserve judgement but remain a little suspicious; I'm not sure how much he's impersonating DM, but at any rate find his sound kind of flavor-of-the-week. The guitar work is okay but unexciting, and while I like the sense of feeling in his voice, I wish he'd take a couple of the cottonballs out of his cheeks. Sounds like he's trying to sound sexy. I do think he's got potential and will keep a wary eye on his evolution.
Originally Posted by Joyfulchristine:
Huh. I usually really like his voice, but in this song I just want him to stop for a couple of minutes to catch his breath. Maybe if it wasn't a concert recording he would have that nice unhurried feel of some of his other songs. As always, his guitar playing is tuneful and pleasing.
YES! I sounds like he is having trouble breathing! A bit annoying!
This is not good. Completely without flavor. 

This guy does absolutely nothing for me. Bland music, bland lyrics, and the fact that he is basically impersonating Dave Matthews just adds to my indifference.
Huh. I usually really like his voice, but in this song I just want him to stop for a couple of minutes to catch his breath. Maybe if it wasn't a concert recording he would have that nice unhurried feel of some of his other songs. As always, his guitar playing is tuneful and pleasing.
This guy is awesome.