George Winston — Tamarack Pines
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daveesh wrote:
Absolutely perfect.
NeuroGeek wrote:
second line hits the nail!!
the end killed it for me. I was tripping along with the music nicely, then got really irritated.
It's like Schroeder being pissed off at Lucy, poinking out a monotonic "Jingle Bells."
It's like Schroeder being pissed off at Lucy, poinking out a monotonic "Jingle Bells."
second line hits the nail!!
The ending of this song is the sound of a man running out of ideas.
God is that annoying!
the end killed it for me. I was tripping along with the music nicely, then got really irritated.
It's like Schroeder being pissed off at Lucy, poinking out a monotonic "Jingle Bells."
It's like Schroeder being pissed off at Lucy, poinking out a monotonic "Jingle Bells."
Started off OK. Then became hugely disappointing. You can go ahead and axe this one Bill. 

OK.I found the monkey!
Jean-Michel you can pack your computers and go home.
This is amazing!
This is amazing!
Play that note!
It started out good but ended up sounding suspiciously like "chopsticks."
analuna wrote:
i was just about to say "PG stuck in an elevator"
Philip Glass at kindy

Or is it "Won't get fooled again" by The Who?
That plinky piano sounds awfully familiar
Like to hear this segued with "Who Are You"
Listen to them back to back and you will see what I mean...
The kind of newage that rhymes with sewage.
Philip Glass at kindy
i know for a fact that George Winston has much more listen-able music available than this... this just HURTS.
Man - was that ever horrible! Usually I'm down with GW, but this is rediculous.

Must go to New Hope to buy crystals and windchimes .....
hearing GW mixed in with electric songs is one of the great things about RP :) ...everything is so catagorized everywhere else.
Sounds like a copy of one of Steve Reich's works near the end...
Realy interesting tune. Yes, that's variaty.

This is why I listen to RP-eclectic radio at its best!
ce wrote:
This sounds a LOT like "Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield.
Hear Hear!
This sounds a LOT like "Tubular Bells" by Mike Oldfield. In some parts it uses almost the same melody/rythm/chords.
I like this piece... very interesting and expressionist rather than impressionist. NICE!
wow i kept waiting for somethin to happen... there were hints of talent there but nothing really developed what a shame 

This is mindless - the kind of stuff we'd play on the piano at drunken parties in high school. Reminds me of times I've been stuck waiting in a long line for a prescription at the local pharmacy and boutique. After being forced to listen to this piece of pseudo-music, it felt like I needed drugs!
Yuppie music. Good filler until something better comes along. :p
Doesn't do much for me, though it does make me wish I were getting a massage.
I hate to say this, but I kept expecting him to start playing chopsticks there at the end. 

first impression: i like it.
second impression: not achieved becuase my head started pounding to the beat. dun dun dun dun.
realization: this reminds me of the mass driver ramming the pylon into the ground that i had to endure for two months straight (here in my office next to the interstate). next please.
Can someone bump his elbow, I think he\'s stuck in a rut.

Step away from the Piano!
I generally like Winston, but this sounds like Philip Glass: long, repetitive, and boring.
Originally Posted by ANNE_MARIE:
what was he thinkin' at the end there?
enough already! sorry. 
The end was the cool part! No wait that didn't come out right. I liked the plinky bit at the end. Yeah.

It does get a little strange at the end there, but I appreciate anyone trying to stretch the limits of the piano, a la John Cage. The altered piano tune Cloudburst, off of Winston's Plains CD, might be a better match for RP.
As for Keith Jarrett, he doesn't always make those leafblower sounds while he's playing. Even when he does, it doesn't really distract me from the music.
It couldn\'t have been any better.
George Winston is an amazing pianist. I\'ve seen him live myself and his show is quite intense. Given that, I\'m not sure how I feel about this tune. Sure the way he\'s playing the piano is terrific, but the actual song does leave much to be desired. I ditto triviagirl\'s comment below about the incessant plinking.
is it xmas time already? reminds me of a xmas song
or someone hammering nails at a construction site 


Oh my gosh!! Make it stop! This started out okay, but I agree with the comment about Chinese water torture. I\'m trying to work here.
I wouldn\'t mind a different song of his though. 

reminds me of the exorcist.

I like it. A lot. \'Nuff said.
Originally Posted by deneb:
Huh. I didn't realize George Winston had dabbled in minimalism. Cool!
Next thing you know we'll have some Philip Glass in here. Satyagraha, anyone?
Huh. I didn\'t realize George Winston had dabbled in minimalism. Cool!
Originally Posted by justDave:
Please make this incessant mindnumbing tinkling of the ivory go away. If a contempory solo pianist will be featured, why not a true virtuoso like Keith Jarret instead of this poser?
While (IMHO and I may be wrong) Jarret is technically superior to Winston, I appreciate the fact that Winston doesn't grunt like a constipated porcine while playing. There's room for both of them in the world. I found this piece to be quite enveloping and hypnotic. An 8.
Reminds me of Tubular Bells and Linda Blair.
Reminds me a bit of Steve Reich.
GW uses the entire piano, that 'tinkling' is him playing with one hand on the actual piano strings, while the other is 'tinkling' away - my virtuoso, is another mans freedom fighter -
Originally Posted by justDave:
Please make this incessant mindnumbing tinkling of the ivory go away. If a contempory solo pianist will be featured, why not a true virtuoso like Keith Jarret instead of this poser?
Originally Posted by triviagal:
When this started out, it really got me interested. Half-way through it, however, it started driving me nuts. Kinda like chinese water torture. drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip...
I couldn't have said it better myself. I like George Winston, but this one got really annoying towards the end. 
I have seen him in concert - jeans, tee-shirt, and no shoes - he was great!

Please make this incessant mindnumbing tinkling of the ivory go away. If a contempory solo pianist will be featured, why not a true virtuoso like Keith Jarret instead of this poser?
This is a fantastic is a great accompaniment to many activities such as listening to the rain, reading, studying, looking off into space...
Glad to hear some minimal music on RP! It\'s not my kind of music, but it deserves a place, so why not on RP? 

When this started out, it really got me interested. Half-way through it, however, it started driving me nuts. Kinda like chinese water torture. drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip, drip-drip-drip...
I fear my piano teacher will get hold of this. My hands are cramping just listening.
:oops: This is putting me to sleep after a rousing number by Ray Charles. A strange transition.
I have never listened to this album. I have December, now I will definitely have to go pick this up too. Its perfect for the 5 degrees we have right now.
Awesome, I totally forgot about this guy. 

I can safely say I\'ve never heard Winston on any form of radio. Thank bill
Please, put something from Win Wenders too
I know most people associate George Winston with lame New Age music, but this is a very intense song. I saw him perform it live once -- by the end of the song he had nearly climbed inside the piano, he was so busy in there muting strings and screwing around. Pretty cool IMHO.
Doesn't do much for me, though it does make me wish I were getting a massage.
Lots of chopping at the end of the massage.