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Ledward Kaapana — Radio Hula
Album: Led Live - Solo
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Released: 1997
Length: 3:01
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Comments (122)add comment
 ExpatLarry wrote:

Being able to listen to this at the 320k setting guilt free is what makes me contribute once a year. If I don't throw something in the kitty then I feel bad about using the better setting. Ya gotta' pay for the good stuff.

Some folks tithe at 'church.' This is my church. 
Lived on the Big Island for two years.  I miss this!
Take me back to my little grass shack in the islands 
More Hawaiian Slack Key anytime!  
Aloha aina!
Music to my ears! I don't mean to brag (or maybe I do, humbly), but we're going to Hawaii tomorrow to celebrate my birthday and our 10th anniversary where we got married on the beach in Maui. 
Radio Huladise!!
Reminds me oddly enough of the late great John Jackson, piedmont blues guitar picker from Virginia who i was lucky emough to hear perform and who made one hell of an impression

some very nice picking, right there. Alo ha
Feel like I am back in Maui 
Being able to listen to this at the 320k setting guilt free is what makes me contribute once a year. If I don't throw something in the kitty then I feel bad about using the better setting. Ya gotta' pay for the good stuff.
Thank you - it takes me back to Kauai, the most beautiful place
in the world!  {#Hearteyes}
 FatPants wrote:
Feel like I'm at Shakey's pizza.

outstanding post
 Misterfixit wrote:
Alo'ha!  Remember, "when you are out of Primo you are Pa'u !"   Mahalo!!

Come back, Misterfixit! We need your craziness! 
Feel like I'm at Shakey's pizza.
One of our group was called Edward by his mother, but wanted to be called Ted by us. Once he qualified as an accountant, he became Tedward. Forever.
 dc_zee wrote:

Wow; I can't.

Four years later, still think you got those chops? Oh...what's your latest released track?  In particular, I'm interested to hear that post-4 am drunk stuff! 

(in other words, put up or...)


I find it pretty amazing that he can do anything at 4AM at NIGHT!
Get me out of this cube! I should be in Hawaii Right now.
 Stingray wrote:

I can play that at 4 am at night and drunk!

Wow; I can't.

Four years later, still think you got those chops? Oh...what's your latest released track?  In particular, I'm interested to hear that post-4 am drunk stuff! 

(in other words, put up or...)

Great music & even a nicer guy...  Love Led.   Mahalo my brother.

Such loverly effervescent bubbles for the ears! 
my husband's been getting heavily into Hawaiian music for the past year—-and this guy is the King. And it fits well when we play Ali-Farke Toure, Ry Cooder, and other acousticy-guitar things in our house.
{#Guitarist} indeed....mahalo
great!  a rag time hula
 Misterfixit wrote:
Alo'ha!  Remember, "when you are out of Primo you are Pa'u !"   Mahalo!!

No can hear, get beer in my ear!
That is some beautiful strumming!
Makes me think of Laurel and Hardy for some reason - or a silent move.
Alo'ha!  Remember, "when you are out of Primo you are Pa'u !"   Mahalo!!
...klimper-klimper, Lewd!
Have seen and met this man many times, truly a beautiful person!!!!{#Notworthy}
Beautiful. Can't help but compare this to the current mega-note acoustic guitar duo currently getting so much airtime here and elsewhere. To me, there IS no comparison. The words 'lyrical' and 'tasteful' come to mind.
 Stingray wrote:

I can play that at 4 am at night and drunk!
Dear Mr. Stingray,
You have really offended me.
You don't have to appreciate this music, but do you have to insult it? 
I suspect you don't understand it or the culture it comes from, and it hurts me to read what you have written.

Really needed this one today. A big thank you.
What an enjoyable gem. Mahalo Bill!
 unclehud wrote:
I lived in Hawaii for a few years.
When I first got there, I thought Mahalo meant trash.
That's what it says on all the public trash cans. (it means thank you)
I just love the range of stuff you hear on this station. RP is the real deal.{#Clap}
 alph wrote:
Yes, I know her too. But you misspelled her name. It's actually Kamana Wanalea.
Jeez, ain't that original.
 Stingray wrote:

I can play that at 4 am at night and drunk!
  Please feel free to go do that.  And I really hope someone records it and submits it here. I'd love to hear how much better YOU are than Mr. Kaapana.  Stingray - do you NEVER get tired of being an opinionated, snobbish troll?  Perhaps you should get some sort of job - one that demands at least 18 very brutal hours of your day.

Sometimes, you make me sick.

Whoeeee!  He's appearing @ the Vancouver (BC) Folk Music Festival with Dennis Kamakahi, Mike Kaawa, and Nathan Aweau!
Can't hardly wait!  {#Smile}
Very good! :D
Was sitting a few months back in Zippy's on  Vineyard Blvd.;  Thursday, 8 a.m.    4 guys sitting a few booths away picking ukulele when one guy with his back to me grabs the uke and starts wailing, power cording through a Hawaiian tune I didn't recognize.  When he finished playing the tune loudly, folks in the half-full restaurant gave him a big hand.  Yes, Bradda Led playing for the folks!

Yes, I know her too. But you misspelled her name. It's actually Kamana Wanalea.

 markymarkmon wrote:
Reminds me of my old girlfriend back in Hawaii, Kamoneye Wonalay


I can play that at 4 am at night and drunk!

I would have almost sworn this was John Fahey, until I checked the playlist.

Sad, happy, sweet, nostalgic, lovely, evocative of a slow, lovely life... I do so love this.

This guy's very good. If you enjoyed his music, you should check out Israel "Izzy" Kamakawio'ole, who sadly is no longer among us, and also The Brothers Cazimero, and already mentioned Keola Beamer, and I'm sure Hawai'i has many other great slack guitar players to soothe our worried minds with when we need them. Thanks RP for the variety you continue to surprise me with. Life is good.

 markymarkmon wrote:
Reminds me of my old girlfriend back in Hawaii, Kamoneye Wonalay
Old, old joke. {#Rolleyes} {#Whistle}

Bumping this song to 9.  I guess I just love slack-key guitar. Not so happy about chasing this with Gomez, but maybe in a different theme, we might get an entire slack-key set, with Ledward, Keola Beamer, and whoever else raises a hand.

Reminds me of my old girlfriend back in Hawaii, Kamoneye Wonalay
Yes, I'll take a ticket to Hawaii over here, please!
I like this - reminds me of Keola Beamer... {#Sunny}
 justin_thyme wrote:
I'm privileged to live where Led lives . . . my friends and I get to see him at Kona Brewing Company in Hawai'i Kai most weekends.  He's an amazing slack key virtuoso, and a really nice guy to boot.

Pipeline Porter. . . . Mmmmm.  Now I'm jealous.
I'm privileged to live where Led lives . . . my friends and I get to see him at Kona Brewing Company in Hawai'i Kai most weekends.  He's an amazing slack key virtuoso, and a really nice guy to boot.
Reminds me of Piedmont-style acoustic blues (look it up, well worth checking out!)
 Rafter101 wrote:
Wow—what a great song this is.  It puts me on a United Air flight, inbound to Maui. The flight attendants are passing around a fruity drink, and we're looking forward to a week of perfect weather and good food. Hmmm.
Synchronicity: we're going to Maui tomorrow and I'm sure we'll have some fruity drinks in our hands; hopefully we'll experience some Ledward Kaapana. . .


Wow—what a great song this is.  It puts me on a United Air flight, inbound to Maui. The flight attendants are passing around a fruity drink, and we're looking forward to a week of perfect weather and good food. Hmmm.
eeke wrote:
kinda sounds like Jorma!

Wow! I was thinking exactly that! Sounds like an obscure Hot Tuna track! {#Sunny} 'Tis a tasty treat!

 audiophelia wrote:
Does anyone know where I can buy an mp3 of this version?? It's not on Amazon or elsewhere that I've checked. :(
Don't know for certain unless maybe you visit the Islands - but you might check the 'Artist Website' link above {#Arrowu} and contact him about purchasing his music...  {#Smile}

If you can go see him live

nice guitar work!

Man....wish I had a drink with a little umbrella in it. Love it! {#Bounce}
Now this is some great chit....................... {#Guitarist}

love it! It's, um, so good for the ears............

Love slack key...
I'm lovin' the guitar work on this one!  The melody progression sounds like a water fall to me in places
Thanks! That was the most productive post on the list. Sounding like Jorma couldn't possibly be bad!
eeke wrote:
kinda sounds like Jorma!

Does anyone know where I can buy an mp3 of this version?? It's not on Amazon or elsewhere that I've checked. :(
 slartibart_O wrote:
Agreed.  Manturdexperiment needs to get over that particular graphic (or himself if he came up with it).  History shows us that speaking for God is rarely in your best interest

first, there is no god and second: a filter or proxy like privoxy helps you to never see this annoying picture again. with a bit of tweaking you maybe could replace it with a picture of your choice.

Normally I do not comment on other people's comments.  But PLEASE manbirdexperiment give it a long, long rest!
Agreed.  Manturdexperiment needs to get over that particular graphic (or himself if he came up with it).  History shows us that speaking for God is rarely in your best interest

HarrO wrote:
Really, really, really getting tired of this post {#Arrowd}

Really, really, really getting tired of this post {#Arrowd}
Led rocks! Check out his version of the Ventures "Pipeline"
How sweet and relaxing!
Ahhhhh reminds me of a week's R&R in Hawaii -- 1968 ... and Don Ho ...too
typically gret hawaiian slack key...many thanks. Aloha!
Suweeeeeet! Never been to Hawaii, yet I feel like I'm just returning... Aloha, y'all!!
kinda sounds like Jorma!
I need a drink with an umbrella in it, and I need it NOW.
A God from my own homeland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you BILL
Kinda sounds like Jimmie Rodgers hopped a freight train all the way to Hawaii! I love it!
Vogelfrei wrote:
Amazing - is this really only one musician?
Reminds me of a true anecdote about when Keith Richards first heard a Robert Johnson recording: Keef said, ''Who's the other guy on guitar?'' Johnson was playing solo.
Walrus_Gumbo wrote:
You nailed it!!! Reminds me of acoustic Hot Tuna!
NAW! This is entirely too smooth and too laid back for Jouma. Comparing this to Jourma and Hot Tuna is like comparing a mild summer afternoon to a pending hurricane. It does remind me tho' of being on the beach on Maui about 30 years ago. The spirit of Elvis lives.
Loves me some slack key guitar...
John Fahey & Son ...
Daniel_Pittenger wrote:
where can I get a tab for this song?
https://www.dancingcat.com/skbook4a-tuningchart.php/ Try them on a six-string uke or guitar. Gut strings will really help to reproduce that Old Style sound. You can also tune a 12-string if you drop down and then use a capo. Some of the settings on a 12-string will always break something -- took me several hours of repair work to fix one of my 12-strings after I got clever one day. Good luck Dave
Walrus_Gumbo wrote:
You nailed it!!! Reminds me of acoustic Hot Tuna!
This reminds me of John Fahey's style more than Jorma's.
Awesome ... Sol Ho'opii" is another great one: https://www.well.com/~wellvis/hoopii.html
z11355 wrote:
Kept on expecting to hear acoustic Jorma out of this
You nailed it!!! Reminds me of acoustic Hot Tuna!
Makes me wish I was on holiday.
where can I get a tab for this song?
Kept on expecting to hear acoustic Jorma out of this
hula hula! love it!
Dancin' Cat does it again, woopee! love slack key, love it! 'On'ya Ledward!
Oh, just what I needed, during this holiday to the snowy mainland. MAHALO, Bill!!!
How I wish I could play like that...
I found myself swaying in my chair when I became aware of how much I was enjoying the music
What Jack Johnson would love to sound like -- a truly beautiful misty-mountain, rainbow, sunshine, surf-break on the beach moment in time. Mahalo.
Kinda weird but I still kinda like it.
It's just barely 40 and there are snow flurries in my corner of the world. I needed this hint of better days.
some music can heal .... thanks
Agreed, don't get out enough! BUT Thanks to RP, I can hear outstanding guitar playing as this. TreborG2 wrote:
LOL !!! Still very nice... and :oops: I kinda like the added ambiance some times.. reminds me that I should go to shows more often. The last for me was Peter Gabriel in 2004.
Very nice!!
sounds like a really loooong intro... when does the song starts :D
lester wrote:
Unfortunately a live recording -- with the obligatory contributing bystander, who feels the artist isn't including quite enough vocal commentary with his guitar playing to satisfy listeners --
LOL !!! Still very nice... and :oops: I kinda like the added ambiance some times.. reminds me that I should go to shows more often. The last for me was Peter Gabriel in 2004.
Amazing - is this really only one musician?
Wow. Nice. Unfortunately a live recording -- with the obligatory contributing bystander, who feels the artist isn't including quite enough vocal commentary with his guitar playing to satisfy listeners -- but nevertheless nice.
Very interesting about the slack key guitar. I LOVE this song!
Thank you, bluelight for taking the time to enlighten me. I am a musician, but not a guitarist, and had no idea. I completely appreciate your descriptions of Hawaiian music, as I have been to the islands, and it changed my life. Again, THANKS. I was afraid I wouldn't get an answer to such a "large" question. bluelight wrote:
A Brief History of Slack Key Guitar Hawaiian slack key guitar (ki ho'alu) is truly one of the great acoustic guitar traditions in the world. Ki ho'alu, which literally means "loosen the key," is the Hawaiian language name for the solo fingerpicked style unique to Hawai'i. In this tradition, the strings (or "keys") are "slacked" to produce many different tunings, which usually contain a major chord, or a chord with a major 7th note, or sometimes one with a 6th note in it. Each tuning produces a lingering sound behind the melody and has a characteristic resonance and fingering. Many Hawaiian songs and slack key guitar pieces reflect themes like stories of the past and present and people's lives. But it is the tropical surroundings of Hawai'i, with its oceans, volcanoes and mountains, waterfalls, forests, plants and animals, that provide the deepest source of inspiration for Hawaiian music. These currents run deep in slack key guitar playing, as accompaniment to vocals, as instrumental compositions or as interpretations of vocal pieces. Slack key guitar music is sweet and soulful, and it is said that slack key is drawn from the heart and soul out through the fingers of each player. There is a mystique surrounding slack key guitar music - it is very personal, and can be very magical in feeling. Slack key derives its unique sound from techniques such as "hammering-on" and "pulling-off." These techniques mimic the yodels and falsettos common in Hawaiian singing. Harmonics ("chiming"), produced by lightly touching the strings at certain points on the fretboard, and slides in which one or two treble notes are cleffed and then slid (usually up) to sound another note, are also common. All these enhance the feeling of aloha, joy or longing expressed, sometimes all in the same song.
Pyro wrote:
Can anyone explain slack key guitar?
A Brief History of Slack Key Guitar Hawaiian slack key guitar (ki ho'alu) is truly one of the great acoustic guitar traditions in the world. Ki ho'alu, which literally means "loosen the key," is the Hawaiian language name for the solo fingerpicked style unique to Hawai'i. In this tradition, the strings (or "keys") are "slacked" to produce many different tunings, which usually contain a major chord, or a chord with a major 7th note, or sometimes one with a 6th note in it. Each tuning produces a lingering sound behind the melody and has a characteristic resonance and fingering. Many Hawaiian songs and slack key guitar pieces reflect themes like stories of the past and present and people's lives. But it is the tropical surroundings of Hawai'i, with its oceans, volcanoes and mountains, waterfalls, forests, plants and animals, that provide the deepest source of inspiration for Hawaiian music. These currents run deep in slack key guitar playing, as accompaniment to vocals, as instrumental compositions or as interpretations of vocal pieces. Slack key guitar music is sweet and soulful, and it is said that slack key is drawn from the heart and soul out through the fingers of each player. There is a mystique surrounding slack key guitar music - it is very personal, and can be very magical in feeling. Slack key derives its unique sound from techniques such as "hammering-on" and "pulling-off." These techniques mimic the yodels and falsettos common in Hawaiian singing. Harmonics ("chiming"), produced by lightly touching the strings at certain points on the fretboard, and slides in which one or two treble notes are cleffed and then slid (usually up) to sound another note, are also common. All these enhance the feeling of aloha, joy or longing expressed, sometimes all in the same song.
Can anyone explain slack key guitar?
I hear a similarity to the Clapton/Harrison "Run So Far" - but not complaining
Always like the Hawaiian pieces you throw in. Reminds me of my tour of duty there. 2 months underwater at a time on a submarine was no way to live, but coming back to Oahu, laying in the hot sand on the North Shore and listening to the native tunes--that WAS the way to recuperate!
Another one of a select group of \"5\"s.
once again I must say: THIS is why I listen to RP!
Wonderful guitar work. I really like it, especially the use of the harmonics.