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Length: 4:52
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Vultures circling the dead
Picking up every last crumb
The big fish eat the little ones
Big fish eat the little ones
Not my problem, give me some
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
This one's optimistic
This one went to market
This one just came out of the swamp
This one drops a payload
Fodder for the animals
Living on animal farm
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
I'd really like to help you, man
I'd really like to help you, man
Nervous messed up marionettes
Floating around on a prison ship
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth
Dinosaurs roaming the Earth
You have a point. Radiohead's a tight band and their music can catchy and haunting at the same time. But Thom's quavering style is a one-trick pony.
Personally, I think he's a musical and artistic genius. This was confirmed in my mind when I saw him perform during the "Tomorrow's Modern Boxes" tour (at the Greek Theater in Berkeley) in 2019. Genius, I tell you!
If you can't hear a groove in Everything In It's Right Place, There There or Jigsaw Falling Into Place (or a melody in Karma Police or Fake Plastic Trees) then you need your ears checked.
You have a point. Radiohead's a tight band and their music can catchy and haunting at the same time. But Thom's quavering style is a one-trick pony.

Radiohead. I just can't. Sorry. Dig it if you do, but I gotta hit PSD.
I'd really like to help you, man
I'd really like to help you, man
You can try the best you can
You can try the best you can
The best you can is good enough
If you can't hear a groove in Everything In It's Right Place, There There or Jigsaw Falling Into Place (or a melody in Karma Police or Fake Plastic Trees) then you need your ears checked.
Probably more then just his ears...
Shine on You Crazy Diamond followed by Optimistic? I wonder how this climax will end....
Somebody please explain the transcendent genius of RH, cuz I'm just not getting it. Whingy vocals, droning, minimalist-for-minimalism's-sake arrangements. Bleh.
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
I originally clicked the thumbs up button. Until I read the last line.
Totally unnecessary.
I can't stand Radiohead or Noam Gallagher, if that's the singer's name. Whining, out of tune. To think that they were compared to Pink Floyd... boggles the mind. Whenever I hear them, I change stream.
Noam Gallagher?!

Gawd, even if you were talking about Oasis, you'd still be wrong.
I think it's very special that you tried, though.
Some good tunes but a vastly overrated band.
And harbingers of all the feel-bad dross that followed: Coldplay, Keane, Athlete, Snow Patrol, Jameses Blunt and Morrison, Katie Melua, the whole sordid bunch. All they had to offer was a mimsying non-specific communal group hug, "Yeah, sometimes things seem really bad, I know, we're all kind of to blame people, but you know what, together we can work it out, here's a mid-paced piano-based ballad that'll heal those psychic wounds, yeah, you and me, we're the same, I used to work in a call centre, I feel your pain man, we'll get through this." Radiohead were unwitting, but they opened that miserable door.
I'm not a huge Radiohead fan but I think they're far more interesting composers than the people I know on your list. And maybe Morrissey should take credit... the Smiths were doing the misery thing pretty well before Radiohead came along.
And harbingers of all the feel-bad dross that followed: Coldplay, Keane, Athlete, Snow Patrol, Jameses Blunt and Morrison, Katie Melua, the whole sordid bunch. All they had to offer was a mimsying non-specific communal group hug, "Yeah, sometimes things seem really bad, I know, we're all kind of to blame people, but you know what, together we can work it out, here's a mid-paced piano-based ballad that'll heal those psychic wounds, yeah, you and me, we're the same, I used to work in a call centre, I feel your pain man, we'll get through this." Radiohead were unwitting, but they opened that miserable door.
They are master works...

I have absolute pitch and he's not out-of-tune; or at least no more than any other singer. Maybe you need to get your hearing tested.
OK boomer

After really disliking them, then gradually starting to recognize the songs, then listening to OK Computer/Kid A - I really love those albums. Repeatedly, RP has turned me onto tunes I would've ignored otherwise, which is why I have them on my regular "support" list that not many things belong to.
I compare the Pablo Honey - OK - Kid - Amnesia series to Meddle - Dark Side - Wish You - Animals.

He's still whining ...
(California, baby)
Annoying in the extreme. PSD!
What they said.
Nothing against RP, it's a daily epiphany, and many of you guys like RH, have a blast. But for all the reasons anti-RH'ers cite, plus unintelligible lyrics and an aversion to optimism, they are in the pantheon of my almost-auto PSD, with Arcade Misfire, The Mehembrists, and a handful of others (which usually has more to do with having heard a particular track too many times after years of listening).
Probably anything that PSD drops. Zeppelin, Shins, Pearl Jam, Santana, The Cure, Green Day, Brubeck, Mingus, Patty Smith, Orbison, RP's great Mali & African collection, Air, Bach, Copland, and not a few discoveries thx to RP. See a pattern? Very wide musical taste - and RH offends all of them, except for a few riffs and hooks that quickly vanish under Yorke's dreadful voice and pointless arrangement.
Also, noticed your response addressed none of my musical complaints. It's all about the Mood, ooo. RH titling Anything "Optimism" is too pretentious to be ironic.
I'm right there with ya'. I love, or at least like, all that you mentioned. However, Roy I can do without given his voice does not work for me at all (as Thom's does not for you). Yes - I agree Roy has a much better voice technically, but too high pitch for my taste. As far as your musical complaints....RH are brilliant musicians technically (period. I would say), and I get the "drone" of his voice is not for everyone. Regardless, the emotional and in many cases Spiritual hook of their music (for me at least) is very powerful. There is a reason so many other bands admire RH too. Peace out....
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
Ive never understood the yanks fascination with English teeth. is it genetic? my old house was older than the US and so many americans are decended from here (UK) so there cannot be that much difference. is it just bad care? there was a time where all dental treatment was free, but most people pay something now. maybe thats it. we dont have meth here so no meth mouth. Or is it an american fascination with cosmetic surgery? that is more likely. But this is directed at Thom, so crooked teeth is just a case of not wearing braces, Ahh yes, the love of braces. Thoms music must be so bad. Let's not mention his lazy eye.
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
You have bad teeth!

I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
Go and listen to OK Computer first, which is a more accessible album. (Do we even say "album" anymore? You know what I mean...)
Kid A makes more sense if you listen to it as a follow-up to OK Computer. From what I understand, Kid A was a deliberate departure from the more radio friendly rock sound of OK Computer. Hence more minimalistic and muddy arrangements, fewer pop hooks, more experimentation with electronic sounds. Like Radiohead or not, they are one of the few bands to achieve mainstream success that continue to push and evolve their sound rather than rehashing the same musical tropes album after album.
It's either soulfully resonant for you, or not. Sounds like you are the latter - so be it. For me, it's a deep soulful resonance. I am curious what bands do this for you? Perhaps there are some I could discover from you? Cheers...
Probably anything that PSD drops. Zeppelin, Shins, Pearl Jam, Santana, The Cure, Green Day, Brubeck, Mingus, Patty Smith, Orbison, RP's great Mali & African collection, Air, Bach, Copland, and not a few discoveries thx to RP. See a pattern? Very wide musical taste - and RH offends all of them, except for a few riffs and hooks that quickly vanish under Yorke's dreadful voice and pointless arrangement.
Also, noticed your response addressed none of my musical complaints. It's all about the Mood, ooo. RH titling Anything "Optimism" is too pretentious to be ironic.
Everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches loves this song...
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
It's either soulfully resonant for you, or not. Sounds like you are the latter - so be it. For me, it's a deep soulful resonance. I am curious what bands do this for you? Perhaps there are some I could discover from you? Cheers...
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
I don't think one can explain it. Like Dylan and so many others, Radiohead tend to be a "love 'em or hate 'em" band. I'm a member of the former camp. ; )
I try, I really do. It's on the RP hitlist, and Bill knows great music. But this is my automatic PSD cue. Will nobody call this crap "crap"? This emperor has no clothes.
(and ooo, bad English teeth too!)
Re: Music in general: Its not about conventions like melody, rhythm, or groove - its about how I feel when I listen to it.
Radiohead makes me feel so many good things. The fact that their song structure is unconventional and their singer has a unique approach only adds to the power of my attraction to them.

Very well said!

Can I get a translation please. Where are our French listeners when we need'em?!
No. They have that song where the guitar goes "chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga-chinga".

One of my favourite numbas. SO much better live in a lot of ways, and yet the studio version has another element to it that perhaps isn't quite reproduced live. Either way, absolutely love it!
(click here) ">
Still no excuse for your comment.
As for this song, I must say I like it and Thom Yorke's vocals are nice and don't grate on me like they often unfortunately do.
I have listened to the music, and for the most part it drives me up the wall. All the pretentious Radiohead fans do is aggravate the situation.
Great comment, though, from a fellow Canadian.
Yes, we must stick together, lol.
Seems there are quite a few Canadians on here for how little people live in Canada... Seems like that on almost every website though. I think we're a very connected people per capita.
Too many people dislike bands because of their pretentious fans, sometimes subconsciously. If I did that, I would dislike alot of artists I listen to.
I'm not saying that you are one of those people, but it seems like alot of the people who dislike Radiohead is because of their fans, or the members' personalities. Just listen to the music, ignore everything else.
I have listened to the music, and for the most part it drives me up the wall. All the pretentious Radiohead fans do is aggravate the situation.
Great comment, though, from a fellow Canadian.
My ears are fine. My big problem with the RP comments pages is preachy Radiohead fans.
Too many people dislike bands because of their pretentious fans, sometimes subconsciously. If I did that, I would dislike alot of artists I listen to.
I'm not saying that you are one of those people, but it seems like alot of the people who dislike Radiohead is because of their fans, or the members' personalities. Just listen to the music, ignore everything else.
If you can't hear a groove in Everything In It's Right Place, There There or Jigsaw Falling Into Place (or a melody in Karma Police or Fake Plastic Trees) then you need your ears checked.
My ears are fine. My big problem with the RP comments pages is preachy Radiohead fans.
This guy has taken a righteous slagging for this comment, but in my own posts I've said much the same thing —- I don't hear a melody or a groove in anything Radiohead does and the voice is just painful. Once in while, I've even used big red letters to get my point across.
So there you are, Radiohead fans —- this band seems to polarize people into "lovers" and "haters", and we haters, minority though we may be, really, really hate em. "Intensely", as one post put it.
After untold thousands of plays of In Rainbows, to the point where I couldn't listen to RP any more, the world has come back into balance a bit and we maybe get RH every six hours or so. I can live with that —- the LRC is only a couple of mouse clicks away.
If you can't hear a groove in Everything In It's Right Place, There There or Jigsaw Falling Into Place (or a melody in Karma Police or Fake Plastic Trees) then you need your ears checked.

Thom Yorke of Radiohead by Keira Vallejo Photography
A smiling Thom Yorke of Radiohead performs at Victoria Park, East London, on the first night of the London leg of their tour - 24th June 2008
© All rights reserved.
Re: Music in general: Its not about conventions like melody, rhythm, or groove - its about how I feel when I listen to it.
Radiohead makes me feel so many good things. The fact that their song structure is unconventional and their singer has a unique approach only adds to the power of my attraction to them.

And new kinds of spelling, too, I guess.
Re: Music in general: Its not about conventions like melody, rhythm, or groove - its about how I feel when I listen to it.
Radiohead makes me feel so many good things. The fact that their song structure is unconventional and their singer has a unique approach only adds to the power of my attraction to them.

Where´s the melody? Where´s the rythm? Where´s the groove? Where´s the voice?
In my opinion this is a piece of shit, though they have a few, very limited few, good songs!
This guy has taken a righteous slagging for this comment, but in my own posts I've said much the same thing —- I don't hear a melody or a groove in anything Radiohead does and the voice is just painful. Once in while, I've even used big red letters to get my point across.
So there you are, Radiohead fans —- this band seems to polarize people into "lovers" and "haters", and we haters, minority though we may be, really, really hate em. "Intensely", as one post put it.
After untold thousands of plays of In Rainbows, to the point where I couldn't listen to RP any more, the world has come back into balance a bit and we maybe get RH every six hours or so. I can live with that —- the LRC is only a couple of mouse clicks away.
ÐПжалÑйÑÑа ÑÑгÑайÑе бПлÑÑе Radiohead
After a great song writing string; this was their last good song

HEY! I resent that "older" comment. I was listening to Throbbing Gristle's 20 Jazz Funk Greats in my 12 pound head because the 5 pound Walkman had yet to be invented as I walked into my college calculus class. . .

I love and worship how this song comes in as if they've already had it going, the groove, the mind-blowing yet simple harmonics, the rhythm changes, the cross-currents, the satisfying fuzz -- it's just freakin' brilliant!