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ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 4:03pm

 Beaker wrote:

See, the parts I have highlighted in red, I just have a wee bit of disagreement of opinion with. 

Much more importantly, what you and Dio also missed is the fact that Keyes is an effing LOON.  Watching the primaries would have told you that.

That's the problem with American politics ... you allow your loons, thieves, crooks and liars to keep their elected post more often than not.  Up here, we usually blast them out of their seat with shame and public condemnation.
No, we know Keyes is a loon. Madman said it sounded like Keyes was advocating a coup. Dio said it wouldn't happen and listed some reasons. So tell Madman about Keyes but leave me out of it.

You have a disagreement with  Obama is our most popular President since Reagan;
as well you should. Reagan left office with a 63% approval rating. Bill Clinton left office with a 66% approval rating.

And you also disagree with the statement that the military isn't with the extreme right wing haters, therefore aren't likely to participate in a coup. Okay.


AliGator Avatar

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 4:02pm

BUMP because of the pissing match. Yeah, Keyes is an effing LOON, Beaker.

AliGator wrote:

Quel Symbolisme.

This is Alan Keyes dumping tea in the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh. Allan and I happened upon a Tea Party on Saturday. We didn't stick around for the whole thing, because some of the rhetoric was a little scary (and blood-pressure raising), so we didn't hear Keyes speak. After lunch, though, we watched the end of the rally. You can see my photoset of the Tea Party here.

I've been thinking about this thing ever since Saturday; I'd like to write about it on my blog. I'm not sure I'm up for getting into a discussion of it here. But I did want to show yinz my photo of Mr. Keyes.



Welly Avatar

Location: Lotusland
Gender: Female

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:51pm

 Beaker wrote:

See, the parts I have highlighted in red, I just have a wee bit of disagreement of opinion with. 

Much more importantly, what you and Dio also missed is the fact that Keyes is an effing LOON.  Watching the primaries would have told you that.

That's the problem with American politics ... you allow your loons, thieves, crooks and liars to keep their elected post more often than not.  Up here, we usually blast them out of their seat with shame and public condemnation.


{#Roflol}     no we don't, we apopioint them to the senate  {#Wink}


Red_Dragon Avatar

Location: Dumbf*ckistan

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:47pm

 Beaker wrote:

You missed the obsequious words of a sycophant-like Obama supporter found in point # 2.

There's a good reason the right looks upon many O-voters as self-delusional.  That post would be such an example.

edit: BTW, in case its not especially obvious to y'all on whatever side of the political fence you reside on:  Keyes is an effing LOON.  That should have been ovious and clear to y'all during the primaries.
{#Lol} That diagnosis could be applied to a far larger percentage of the human race than those who voted for O.


ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:40pm

 Beaker wrote:

You missed the obsequious words of a sycophant-like Obama supporter found in point # 2.

There's a good reason the right looks upon many O-voters as self-delusional.  That post would be such an example.
  • scenario can only work with a President who lacks public support. Obama is our most popular President since Reagan;
  • a free press and a loyal public (AND military!) render any coup attempt unlikely and unfeasible.
  • Right now, it couldn't happen successfully.
  • The extreme right wing can hate all it wants; most Americans, and most military personnel, aren't with them.
I guess I did miss the  sycophantic obsequiousness here. Especially since Obama's not in the room, these words just look like a rational observation. Your being upset by them just looks like you do think a coup is likely and/or feasible.


bokey Avatar

Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:37pm

Where's that huge Batman pic? {#Lol}

ScottFromWyoming Avatar

Location: Powell
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:27pm

 Beaker wrote:

I expected as much. 

Free clue Dio: this is a public forum, not a private chat or two way PM.  You might want to find another means of conversing if you're only interested in 'talking' to one.
Let me sum up:
  1. Basement mused about Keyes' words being a rationalization for a coup attempt.
  2. Dio says it's not possible in the current climate
  3. You express sadness upon reading Dio's statement.
  4. Dio says "huh?"
  5. You tell Dio to f*uck off.
What am I missing?


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:23pm

 romeotuma wrote:

He's just always nipping at people's ankles...  I think Stinker has been kicked around by too many people too many times...  he is just a mordant miserable miscreant...


I'm not going to psychologize. But neither will I abide trollery and mean-spiritedness, either.


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:14pm

 Beaker wrote:

You are responsible for the words you post.  Period.  Try and spin yourself out of your offense any way you wish, but its obvious to all the intent of your foolish post. 

If you're unable to resist posting moronic taunts when you see me chime in on a thread you're participating in, then perhaps next time you'd be much the wiser just walking away from the keyboard for a spell.
Turn the mirror on your own uninvited intrusion here and subsequent intemperate language. I have nothing to apologize for.


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:08pm

 Beaker wrote:

Let me get this straight: you support stringing up most Republican voters for treason and crimes against humanity — especially those elderly and lifelong party-line voters; or would support such actions indirectly by words and deeds?  That's sure one way to minimize the costs to your future public health care system izzinit?

/back at ya goof.
Look, I wasn't even talking to you to begin with. I was actually disagreeing with someone else's intimation that there was a real or possible right wing conspiracy to unseat the President through a coup. Ain't gonna happen. But you just butt in then with a irrelevant ad hominem, and then get pissy when I respond. Bullshit playground stuff. You can't pull a Bill O'Reilly here, Beaks, you don't control the mic.


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 3:05pm

 Beaker wrote:

Oh fuck right off already.  What an idiotic comment.

Says the man with Karl Rove as his avatar.......{#Roflol}

dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:53pm

 Beaker wrote:

After your lead, ya brown-nosed Barry cheerleader.
Have a nice day, there!


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:50pm

 Beaker wrote:

Oh fuck right off already.  What an idiotic comment.
Thanks for raising the tone again!


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:43pm

 Beaker wrote:

You're starting to sound a whole lot like HC.  That's just sad.

Huh? Well, sorry you're sad, anyway.

(edit:) Let me get this straight: You support a military coup against Obama, or think one is possible or likely? Or desirable?


AliGator Avatar

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:40pm

 BasmntMadman wrote:
 dionysius wrote:
About sums it up. The nation has made its choice, and John Galt can go piss up a rope.
Some people can't accept it the choice the nation has made, and Alan Keyes is certainly one of them. 

He doesn't think Obama is President, does he?  More ominously, he gloats over our military people going to court to ask the question "do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the constitution"?  The language doesn't fool me;  this is plainly an attempt to disrupt discipline in the US military, and, ultimately, provoke mutiny.  It would do wonders in Afghanistan and Iraq.  What patriots we have in the right.

Keyes thinks that if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it we're going to find ourselves in the middle of chaos, confusion and civil war?  That sounds like a rationale for a coup d'etat attempt.    Even coming from a dingbat like Keyes, it has an ominous tone to it.  There may be more substantial people with the same idea...who are really serious about wanting the Obama administration to fail. 


Quel Symbolisme.

This is Alan Keyes dumping tea in the Allegheny River in Pittsburgh. Allan and I happened upon a Tea Party on Saturday. We didn't stick around for the whole thing, because some of the rhetoric was a little scary (and blood-pressure raising), so we didn't hear Keyes speak. After lunch, though, we watched the end of the rally. You can see my photoset of the Tea Party here.

I've been thinking about this thing ever since Saturday; I'd like to write about it on my blog. I'm not sure I'm up for getting into a discussion of it here. But I did want to show yinz my photo of Mr. Keyes.


dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:23pm

 BasmntMadman wrote:
 dionysius wrote:
About sums it up. The nation has made its choice, and John Galt can go piss up a rope.
Some people can't accept it the choice the nation has made, and Alan Keyes is certainly one of them. 

He doesn't think Obama is President, does he?  More ominously, he gloats over our military people going to court to ask the question "do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the constitution"?  The language doesn't fool me;  this is plainly an attempt to disrupt discipline in the US military, and, ultimately, provoke mutiny.  It would do wonders in Afghanistan and Iraq.  What patriots we have in the right.

Keyes thinks that if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it we're going to find ourselves in the middle of chaos, confusion and civil war?  That sounds like a rationale for a coup d'etat attempt.    Even coming from a dingbat like Keyes, it has an ominous tone to it.  There may be more substantial people with the same idea...who are really serious about wanting the Obama administration to fail. 


Even a Seven Days In May scenario can only work with a President who lacks public support. Obama is our most popular President since Reagan; a free press and a loyal public (AND military!) render any coup attempt unlikely and unfeasible. Right now, it couldn't happen successfully. The extreme right wing can hate all it wants; most Americans, and most military personnel, aren't with them.

BasmntMadman Avatar

Location: Off-White Gardens

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 2:13pm

 dionysius wrote:
About sums it up. The nation has made its choice, and John Galt can go piss up a rope.
Some people can't accept it the choice the nation has made, and Alan Keyes is certainly one of them. 

He doesn't think Obama is President, does he?  More ominously, he gloats over our military people going to court to ask the question "do we have to obey a man who is not qualified under the constitution"?  The language doesn't fool me;  this is plainly an attempt to disrupt discipline in the US military, and, ultimately, provoke mutiny.  It would do wonders in Afghanistan and Iraq.  What patriots we have in the right.

Keyes thinks that if we don't stop laughing about it and deal with it we're going to find ourselves in the middle of chaos, confusion and civil war?  That sounds like a rationale for a coup d'etat attempt.    Even coming from a dingbat like Keyes, it has an ominous tone to it.  There may be more substantial people with the same idea...who are really serious about wanting the Obama administration to fail. 


sirdroseph Avatar

Location: Not here, I tell you wat
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 12:58pm

The title of this thread is redundant!{#Wink}

dionysius Avatar

Location: The People's Republic of Austin
Gender: Male

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 10:56am

 BasmntMadman wrote: 

About sums it up. The nation has made its choice, and John Galt can go piss up a rope.

BasmntMadman Avatar

Location: Off-White Gardens

Posted: Apr 14, 2009 - 10:52am

Tea parties forever! 


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