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Paul Simon — How Can You Live In The Northeast
Album: Surprise
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Released: 2006
Length: 3:38
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (39)add comment
decorgirl wrote:
I really hate Paul Simon and I have no idea why. He certainly probably doesn't deserve it.
He certainly probably (pick one) doesn't.
This is great stuff from a really old fart.
ArbiterOfGoodTaste wrote:
I like the Eno-inspired effects and arrangements, especially this one as it gets heavier (though I don't think PS' vocals match the power of the instrumentation there). On the whole, this album has failed to suck me in. YTO took a handful of listens and I now love it, but this one has take some effort and isn't making a ton of progress.
As a long-time PS fan, I'm rather disappointed with this effort, but I do agree the effects are beginning to grow on me. You're right - Paul's vocals are way too low-key to match them, though! I've heard this tune a few times and so far I'm not very impressed. Maybe I'll have the same "growing on me" effect that you've had on YTO...I'm hoping anyway. Rhythm of the Saints is his best effort in my opinion.
The album title clearly defines what's inside.Suprisingly good.
Interesting...I prefer the live version that I heard on SNL!
bschena wrote:
This is just artless, pandering crap seemingly designed to tug American heart-strings with millimeter-deep schmaltz.
I have to disagee slightly: I think the schmaltz goes much deeper that that. When I was in marching band (eons ago), neighboring schools tended to follow our lead stylistically, and were usually doing dance moves and shtick that we had discarded years previous. I think Mr. Simon is similarly chasing U2. Kinda sad.
artmaven wrote:
... We watched the fireworks till they were fireflies. Followed a path of stars over the endless skies. Visit OldieLyrics.com How can you live in the Northeast? How can you live in the South? How can you build on the banks of a river When the floodwater pours from the mouth, from the mouth? ...
Wow, looks like Paul is getting a little heavy-handed with the product placements in his lyrics.
bschena wrote:
Well, it's official. This new Paul Simon album just GRATES on me...it is extremely rare for me to actually hate any music...but, I absolutely, without a doubt, HATE this album, well to be fair, only the 4 songs I've heard so far . This is just artless, pandering crap seemingly designed to tug American heart-strings with millimeter-deep schmaltz. These songs are about as subtle and poetic as being hit in the head with a brick. Which is, I'm guessing, what happened to Brian Eno before this project.
I agree. I just can't stand this album. I bought it for a friend and have not been able to listen to it myself.
I like the Eno-inspired effects and arrangements, especially this one as it gets heavier (though I don't think PS' vocals match the power of the instrumentation there). On the whole, this album has failed to suck me in. YTO took a handful of listens and I now love it, but this one has take some effort and isn't making a ton of progress.
surprisingly tuneless for paul simon.
How can he record such dreck?
stevetipp wrote:
I am blown away by the great (Brian Eno) soundscape of this album. I have not found Paul Simon entertaining since Graceland but I am really enjoying this album. Let's face it Paul Simon is one of the great American songwriters and I think it is applaud-able he has done something relevant at this stage of the game.
WHAT in the dickity is this "Brian Eno Sound-scape" malarkey?! Emporer's New Clothes, I'd say. Listen to Paul Simon's LAST album, "You're The One". MUCH more extensive "soundscapes" - if that's the term for carefully produced atmospheric, mood enhancing, references. And it was done with a seamless blend of acoustic and electronic sounds. Maybe Eno's "soundscapes" were original when he began, but these days it's no big deal at best, and dated at worst. But I agree that "Paul Simon is one of the great American songwriters and I think it is applaud-able he has done something relevant at this stage of the game". He always finds new sounds and blends them into his own masterful writing. This time, he could have done better on his own though.
I am blown away by the great (Brian Eno) soundscape of this album. I have not found Paul Simon entertaining since Graceland but I am really enjoying this album. Let's face it Paul Simon is one of the great American songwriters and I think it is applaud-able he has done something relevant at this stage of the game.
Well, it's official. This new Paul Simon album just GRATES on me...it is extremely rare for me to actually hate any music...but, I absolutely, without a doubt, HATE this album, well to be fair, only the 4 songs I've heard so far . This is just artless, pandering crap seemingly designed to tug American heart-strings with millimeter-deep schmaltz. These songs are about as subtle and poetic as being hit in the head with a brick. Which is, I'm guessing, what happened to Brian Eno before this project. Come to think of it, I'd prefer to be hit in the head with a brick than listen to any of Surprise again. Ugh. Awful.
We heard the fireworks Rushed out to watch the sky, Happy go lucky, 4th of July How can you live in the Northeast? How can you live in the South? How can you live on the banks of a river When the floodwater pours from the mouth? How can you be a Christian? How can you be a Jew? How can you be a Muslim, a Buddhist, a Hindu? How can you? Weak as the winter sun, we enter life on earth. Names and religion comes just after date of birth. And everybody gets a tongue to speak, And everyone hears an inner voice, A day at the end of the week to wonder and rejoice. If the answer is infinite light, why do we sleep in the dark? How can you live in the Northeast? How can you live in the South? How can you live on the banks of a river? When the floodwater pours from the mouth? How can you tap your body? Why do you cover your hand? How can you eat from a rice bowl When the holy man breaks bread? We watched the fireworks till they were fireflies. Followed a path of stars over the endless skies. Visit OldieLyrics.com How can you live in the Northeast? How can you live in the South? How can you build on the banks of a river When the floodwater pours from the mouth, from the mouth? I've been given all I wanted, All the three generations of the book. I've harvested and I've planted. I'm wearing my father's old coat.
A song that sounds like it's about something important, without actually being about something important.
this doesn't quite do it for me, kind of blunt sounding or something but I applaud Paul Simon for his efforts to experiment with a new sound
MikeCloud wrote:
Nor Dylan.
Come on Define hits... define breakthrough.
Paul Simon is an amazing craftsman. I haven't heard much of his latest stuff... sounds good so far.
MikeCloud wrote:
. Is there anyone who can say that with hits coming out now? Santana is close. The rolling stones certainly aren't breaking musical ground anymore. Nor Dylan. Anybody? Roy rogers maybe?
Dylan has produced some significant records of late, so he is right there with Paul Simon. Plus Dylan started earlier. Santana repeats himself, The Stones stopped making good music in the late eighties, and poor Roy is dead.
Interesting, this is close to an incredible song. It's main failing, I think, is having overly 'obviously heavy' and straight lyrics, but musically it's almost a breakthrough. It's certainly very current. Interesting because this guy has to be pushing 60, and may, now that I come to think about it, be the currently longest running hit maker alive. Didn't paul simon have a hit before the first rolling stones first album? right around there anyway. Is there anyone who can say that with hits coming out now? Santana is close. The rolling stones certainly aren't breaking musical ground anymore. Nor Dylan. Anybody? Roy rogers maybe?
Hello darkness, his old friend ...things were so much simpler back then and Paul didn't need as much verbage to get his points across.
Mari wrote:
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One Trick Pony? Its OK by me. Love the lyrics.
Its no "Bookends" Anyone going to bite?
that baby is mesmerizing...
Saw this on SNL this week... meh.
Mari wrote:
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ManchesterUK wrote:
It's no Graceland !!
Aargh. Graceland, Graceland, Graceland. Just because Graceland happens to be the only Paul Simon record people know does not mean that it is universally considered his best. And does not mean that it IS the best. Everything he's recorded since then seems like it is compared to Graceland.... why not compare it to "One Trick Pony"? Ok, I will. Surprise is an interesting recording, and yet anonther new direction from Paul Simon. Although there is a full host of top flight musicians, all the sequencing and programming makes it seem much more sterile and lifeless than the recording with his band on "One Trick Pony".
... ...
I suppose it will take a few listenings to determine if the lyrics are up to Simon standards, but purely from a musical standpoint, this is so ordinary and uninteresting.
More uploads from this disc, please! I'm on the edge of buying it but i'd like to hear more first. Perhaps "Father and Daughter?"
Got the CD yesterday, was disappointed. Listened to it last night, hated it. Heard it today, kind of liked it. Heard it now on RP, liked it more...... Sometimes P's records take a while to absorb. I still think the drum machines suck some life out of his writing and that there is too much electro-gimmickry..... but thank God he's still recording!
ManchesterUK wrote:
It's no Graceland !!
How many Gracelands do you want? By design, every Paul Simon album has a distinct sound, so there are always going to be people who hate his latest. A lot of people hated Graceland because of all the African influence - as a white boy, Paul Simon should have stuck to making white-boy music, I suppose. This album is produced by Brian Eno. It's not an obvious pairing, but after listening to the album I think it's a good fit.
gotta luv that title!
Wow! New Paul Simon! This IS a surprise! Thanks, Bill.
Yawn.... nope
Sure was surprised when i looked up and saw that this was Paul Simon, after i saw who it was i could pick out the voice but at first i wouldnt have guessed this was him.
It's no Graceland !!
Just bought this yesterday on iTunes - I was wondering if Bill would play anything off it. So far I like the album a lot.