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Kent — 400 Slag
Album: Du & Jag Döden
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Released: 2005
Length: 4:56
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Domen föll på en morgonflight till London
Som tysta tunga steg på väg mot dig
Domen föll trots att du alltid använt kondom
Å med lien på svaj väntar din gamle vän

Och som ni lekte när ni var barn
Du stod i givakt med din rygg rak och tog fyrahundra slag

Sömnen kom och du som låg så rätt i tiden
Domen föll som tårar mot din skärm
Sömnen kom som en åsikt högervriden
Men mot dollar och yen så blir döden lätt ett skämt

Och som ni lekte när ni var barn
Du förlorade ditt krig du står ensam kvar
Och ingen kommer till ditt försvar
Så du står givakt med din rygg rak och tar fyrahundra slag
Comments (117)add comment
 Rockit9 wrote:

Best Station on the planet...Bar none...

I will send money when it happens...God Bless everyone!

eh, when what happens?
 TerryS wrote:

"There was a young fellow from Kent, whose **** was exceedingly bent......"

While I was born there, I must be atypical.

To save himself trouble he put it in double
So instead of coming, he went!     

Sorry, I'll get my coat ....
more kent please!

**Edit 1 month later: Please bring back Musik Non Stop to the mix. haven't heard it in a long, long time. at least not on the Rock Mix. 
that crappy cover and the name 'Kent' makes me think of a dangers-of-smoking advert
U2 wannabe?
Borrowed beat from "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"
Like the Vibe - reminds me of VAST - Thrown Away - a good reference from 2004.
But then again you’ll find them as said below. Joakim Berg who wrote more or less all lyrics to the band is brilliant and have written masterpieces about mostly deep inner emotions and states of mind but also critical observant pieces about the Swedish society and the state of the country. As far as I know Mr Berg decided to end the life of the band, this may be corrected from any devoted KENT-fan, as he never enjoyed the fame which followed their success. He rather spend time with his family and compose.
Wish you could understand the magnificent lyrics 👌🏼

10 GODLIKE     Heja Sverige !

I wonder who spends his/her/its  time disliking my comments
 jmhimber wrote:

Gosh! this was a great band! Never any idea what they’re saying, but it’s always so earnest…

Nowadays we have Google Translator - what a great invention! -
The verdict fell on a morning flight to London
Like silent heavy steps on the way to you
The verdict fell despite the fact that you always used a condom
Oh, with the scythe on the sway, your old friend is waiting

And as you played when you were a child
You stood guard with your back straight and took four hundred blows

The sleep came and you who were so right in time
The verdict fell like tears against your screen
Sleep came as an opinion twisted to the right
But against the dollar and the yen, death easily becomes a joke

And as you played when you were a child
You lost your war, you are left alone
And no one comes to your defense
So you stand guard with your back straight and take four hundred blows

Gosh! this was a great band! Never any idea what they’re saying, but it’s always so earnest…
One of the best bass openings in music history! 
What do get when you take 2 parts Coldplay, a dash of U2, and last but not least, a slather of A-ha on steroids? You get the Swedish rock-pop band Kent!

A pretty tasty concoction if you ask me. 
excellent ! i love it! 
 rtrt wrote:

Not sure about Swedish but if you say it in a laahndon accent - its not a compliment {#Laughing}

In Britain, it means a "loose woman"!
 eileenomurphy wrote:
Good Tune! I like the sound of the bass guitar! ...what does "slag" mean?
Not sure about Swedish but if you say it in a laahndon accent - its not a compliment {#Laughing}
Good Tune! I like the sound of the bass guitar! ...what does "slag" mean?
Mmmm,nice track✌️
 t0m5k1 wrote:

Hopefully good english translation:

The verdict fell on a morning flight to London
Like silent heavy steps on the way to you
The verdict fell despite the fact that you always used a condom
Oh, with the scythe on the sway, your old friend is waiting

And as you played when you were a child
You stood guard with your back straight and took four hundred blows

Sleep came and you who were so right in time
The verdict fell like tears against your screen
Sleep came as an opinion twisted to the right
But against the dollar and the yen, death easily becomes a joke

And as you played when you were a child
You lost your war, you are left alone
And no one comes to your defense
So you stand guard with your back straight and take four hundred blows

Thank You! Good tune! 
Hopefully good english translation:

The verdict fell on a morning flight to London
Like silent heavy steps on the way to you
The verdict fell despite the fact that you always used a condom
Oh, with the scythe on the sway, your old friend is waiting

And as you played when you were a child
You stood guard with your back straight and took four hundred blows

Sleep came and you who were so right in time
The verdict fell like tears against your screen
Sleep came as an opinion twisted to the right
But against the dollar and the yen, death easily becomes a joke

And as you played when you were a child
You lost your war, you are left alone
And no one comes to your defense
So you stand guard with your back straight and take four hundred blows
I love Kent, I just wish I could speak Swedish so I could appreciate them more.
Banging bass. Nice.
 1wolfy wrote:

Kent the band is quite good....My Grandmother used to smoke Kent Cigs....I wonder if those are still around  ?

I hope not...Kent was the first filter tipped cigarette. Designed to keep

the tobacco from sticking to your lip, not for any health reasons. The

first filters were filled with asbestos, btw...

Tony in NJ


Best Station on the planet...Bar none...

I will send money when it happens...God Bless everyone!
                      10 GODLIKE                     Heja Sverige !
Nice tune. Wonder if the resemblance with Serge Gainsbourg is coincidental.

Love the album cover also...
Warning - Google translate is not to be fully trusted, i.e. the second line...
"As the quiet tongue rose toward you"

should actually be....
"As silent heavy steps towards you"
Interesting! I've enjoyed Kent; too bad they disbanded.

Google translate (lyrics into English):

The sentence fell on a morning flight to London
As the quiet tongue rose toward you
The sentence fell despite the fact that you always used condoms
With the lien on the sway, your old friend awaits

And as you played when you were a child
You stood straight with your back straight and took four hundred strokes

The sleep came and you who lay so right in time
The dome fell like tears against your screen
The sleep came as a right wing
But against the dollar and yen, death is easily a joke

And as you played when you were a child
You lost your war you're standing alone
And no one comes to your defense
So you're standing with your back straight and taking four hundred strokes
Well, the BAND Kent does not exist any more ... :-(

1wolfy wrote:
Kent the band is quite good....My Grandmother used to smoke Kent Cigs....I wonder if those are still around  ?


This whole album is their best. very nice to hear. Hejja Sverige!
Cool -- "400 Strokes" (= the title in English). I must admit, the stuff from Kent I've heard on RP is pretty stellar stuff; they are solid rockers with a keen edge!

Kent the band is quite good....My Grandmother used to smoke Kent Cigs....I wonder if those are still around  ?
I hear U2
 Skydog wrote:
just not in the mood, this is very boring, sounds like modern 'Adult Contemporary"

Kinda like Coldplay mixed in with later U2. In Swedish. Not my cuppa.  
First cigs smoked Kent
ewwwwwwww why 
just not in the mood, this is very boring, sounds like modern 'Adult Contemporary"
Wow! your playing kent! Been a fan of Kent for alot of years now, never have the chance to see they live, but gonna do this is october at their last tour! Play more Kent!
Play more Kent, they are splitting up in the end of 2016 :-( Just one more album due on May 20th.
Wow, I can't believe it - RP is playing Kent! Albin..?
The drum work is nothing like U2, and it really makes this song.
So what do your Swedish friends think of that Norwegian writer describing Sweden as a nation of narrow-minded  'cyclops' who cannot tolerate ambiguity?  
To all the Swedish RP listeners, please upload more Swedish music.

Tusin tuck.   
I was just thinking, I'd like to hear some Kent, and three songs later, Radio Paradise delivers.  Does any other (non-Swedish) station even know who Kent are?  I love Radio Paradise, this song is pretty good too!
A song that sounds like U2 but isn't. Does that mean we're allowed to like it?
Thought it was The Cure during the intro. Will have to explore more of this artist. Sounds great.
Named after an English County or Superman's surname? either way, the word Slag in English generates a little mental titter
Wow.  Second Kent song I've heard here today.  And I leave for Sweden in two days.  How did Bill get my itinerary?
striking cover. something about it i like v much. the eye moves around and keep finding oddities - i-spy.. a bent beer can on a stalk of grass. a macaroni elbow? a silhouette of a slinking beast on the horizon
For a second I thought this was a U2 song.
Sweden again.........{#Bananasplit}
Now that I know what the album title means that album cover is brilliantly clear.

 NeuroGeek wrote:
I'm curious as to why this band isn't in heavier RP rotation??  {#Stupid}  Would like to hear more...

This is the second song from Kent today, just since I've been at work.
 sub-arctic wrote:

"400 Blows" would be more correct in this context.

Does this song have any references to the famous Truffaut film Les Quatre Cents Coups? I'm not arty and sophisto enough to have seen it, but the phrase, if a good translation, is unlikely to be accidental. Fine song, whatever it means, and easily as good as the other Kent stuff played on RP. 8 from the Scandophile (is that a word?) Nottingham jury.

Edit: I thought so - according to the excellent People's Dictionary of Swedish, "slag" means, amongst other things, 'strike' or 'blow'. So the title must be a direct reference to the Truffaut film.
I'm curious as to why this band isn't in heavier RP rotation??  {#Stupid}  Would like to hear more...

Great intro to what is possibly their best album to date, new one out in April 2012 though :)
"There was a young fellow from Kent, whose **** was exceedingly bent......"

While I was born there, I must be atypical.
Kent is my favorite band of all times! Nice to hear them here at RP.
 Roverfish wrote:
These guys are trespassing on the Cure's property!
I see your point, but I'll take their singer over Robert Smith anytime.

 SweTex wrote:
Song: 400 Battles
"400 Blows" would be more correct in this context.

Artist: Kent
Song: 400 Battles
Album: You and Me Death

I like this song quite a bit, but evidently it's not one of their best; maybe somebody could upload some others.  i'm just going by bikinikaratebabe below.  I mean what with the tatoo and all

Had to turn it up; knew it was Kent.
Does that little man-puppet on the cover have a set of pointy banana boobs? 

hello, people! thought i'd might as well throw in a translation:
The sentence fell on a morning flight to London
like quiet, heavy footsteps coming towards you.
The sentence fell even though you've always used condoms
and  your old friend awaits you with his swinging scythe.And how you played when you were children
and you stood at attention with your back straight
and took 400 blows/hits

The sleep came, to you who kept up with time.
the judgment fell like tears on your screen/ shield
The sleep came like an extreme right-winged view (political right, extreme would be like fascism... might not be this extreme, though.)
but against dollar and yen, death easily becomes a joke.

And how you played when you were children
You lost your war
You are left there alone
and no one will come at your defense
So you stand at attention with your back straight and take 400 blows.

Think the song is about aids, maybe? dunno, but it's fabulous. not one of my favorites, though.. if i can give you guys a few recommendations for further listening(and this comes from someone with a Kent-tattoo ):

  • Chance
  • 747
  • Vy från ett luftslott - the view from a castle in the air
  • noll - zero
  • stoppa mig juni (lilla ego) - stop me, june (little ego)
  • kevlarsjäl - Kevlar soul
  • en himmelsk drog - a heavenly drug
  • palace & maine
  • en helt ny karriär - a completely new carrier
  • utang dina andetag- without your breath
  • celsius
  • cowboys
  • hur jag fick dig att älska mig - how I made you love me
  • ingenting någonsin - nothing ever
  • columbus
  • FF
  • Kärleken väntar - the love awaits
  • som vatten - like water
  • saker man ser - things you see/notice
  • när det blåser på månen - when the wind blows on the moon
  • gravitation
  • generation ex
  • ingen kommer att tro dig - no one will believe you
  • 10 minuter (for mig själv) -. 10 minutes (by my self)
  • Visslaren - the wistler
ooops, got a bit carried away there. but those are some of the best songs ever made. i know most of you don't understand the lyrics, but if you already liked 400 slag, you will definitely like these as well (they are better:-)).

donpdonp wrote:

the cover art rules. it reminds me of tim burton.

reminds me of a tim burton wheel for a
Ya gotta love Kent....beautiful language..
A very good song. But Kent has done well better. Play more different Kent songs please.
Very good would love to hear more!
Very Nice!
great !
Excellent Song.
donpdonp wrote:
what language is this sung in? some form of elvish?
And swedish is almost the same language as elvish... They released an album as two versions, swedish and english, a couple of years ago, but it came out nobody was interested in the english lyrics. Although one of their english songs is played here now and then.
donpdonp wrote:
what language is this sung in? some form of elvish? the cover art rules. it reminds me of tim burton.
Swedish, the language of the brave and heroic.
what language is this sung in? some form of elvish? the cover art rules. it reminds me of tim burton.
What I like is that I've listened to RP for hundreds and hundreds and *hundreds* of hours over the years, and songs like this come on that I haven't heard before, but often like and enjoy even on a first listen, and I don't know anywhere else I can get that, let alone commercial-free. So, yet again... Thanks Bill!
Don't understand a word they're saying, but I like it! 7/10
exciter76 wrote:
not bad..... like that cure influence.... but the album cover is terrible!
Terribly Excellent!
Has a Manic Street Preachers sound to it
wicked. reminds me of James. in the best way possible.
Neat cover art.
8 9
Excellent that your playing this!
Cool album art. If you like this song buy the album. All their albums are excellent, but I tend to enjoy the one's in Swedish more even though I don't understand what they are saying...
If this song was in english I would be bored, but I love hearing the swedish lyrics. Even though I don't speak any.
not bad..... like that cure influence.... but the album cover is terrible!
These guys are trespassing on the Cure's property! Not quite knocking on the front door, but definitely looking in the front windows. That said, it's still a likeable tune, and nice to hear something from the "rest of the world" (i.e. not U.S.).
Swedish U2 band meets AL Stewart in a dark ally!!!!! nuff said!!!
Farquwaar wrote:
Spooky freakin cover!!!
Think Bergman and The Seventh Seal. Swedish melancholy and despair.
Spooky freakin cover!!!
sounds a lot like u2 to me
sjuttiosju wrote:
I happen to live in Sweden. Even though it is a good thing that RP plays non-US and non-English-lyrics songs, I never understood Kent's popularity. It's OK pop, nothing more...
Upload us some better stuff then, if you please....
This is the first song I've heard from their latest album and while it's not so bad it isn't quite as good as the tracks from their last, Vapen and Ammunition.
radiojunkie wrote:
I would assume it's the "blows" meaning that's correct, since the obvious reference is Truffaut's "The 400 Blows." But I could be wrong.
You're completely right. "Och du stod givakt med din rygg rak och tog fyrahundra slag" would loosely translate to "And you stood at attention with your back straight and took four hundred blows".
Somehow cool, somehow plain pop. Still a 7 for me.
I happen to live in Sweden. Even though it is a good thing that RP plays non-US and non-English-lyrics songs, I never understood Kent's popularity. It's OK pop, nothing more...
DisplacedNorthrnr wrote:
Love the intro to this tune. The album cover kind of creeps me out...
Tunes ok, love the art
g1lgam3sh wrote:
...do we have any Nina Hagen on RP?
:nodhead: that would be nice
Shesdifferent wrote:
Are these guys closely related to Division Kent from Switzerland?
Nope they are definitely not... Kent is a Swedish band... not a Swiss one. 8)
Are these guys closely related to Division Kent from Switzerland?
Love the intro to this tune. The album cover kind of creeps me out...
Not too bad, don't know why but it made me think; do we have any Nina Hagen on RP?
This album needs to be listened 20 times to give its full potential... Definitely a great album! I'll upload Max 500...
I would assume it's the "blows" meaning that's correct, since the obvious reference is Truffaut's "The 400 Blows." But I could be wrong. And often am.
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! This really, really, REALLY made my weekend! :D
"slag" might be "battles". Don't know the lyrics as such but valid synonyms for the Swedish word "slag" are hits, blows battle, battles both sing. and plur. short for stroke, as in heat stroke types, as in "Of which type is" Edit: The context of the lyrics makes hits or blows the right one as already stated
fuh2 wrote:
100% better the second listen! What does "Du Och Jag Döden" und "slag" mean?
"Du och jag döden" means - "You and me death" "slag" means "hit" or "blow". So "400 slag" means 400 blows. Oh yeah, "Kent" means "Kent" in English. :D
100% better the second listen! What does "Du Och Jag Döden" und "slag" mean?
I'm afraid it managed to be nothing more than bland and dull. Yes, that's me that gave it a two.
(which in this case is a good thing)