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Joy Of Cooking — Don't The Moon Look Fat And Lonesome
Album: Closer To the Ground
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Total ratings: 279

Released: 1971
Length: 4:06
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (62)add comment
 DaveInVA wrote:
I had forgotten how bad the singing is on this song...
They're kind of a poor man's Cold Blood without the horns, but I still enjoy their stuff. It sounds like they're having such a good time.
 capzfan wrote:
Great song. I probably listened to this 1000 times and haven't heard it for 35 years.

I resemble this remark.

BTW. here's what you get with the Wikipedia search:

Sounds like Janis in spots.
Nice!  I remember Joy of Cooking when they were playing, and I had their first two albums (Joy of Cooking and Closer to the Ground).  Once I got into cd's I was always looking for them, and it took ten years before I found one ... does anyone else remember music pre-internet, back when you actually had to physically possess a recording?  Tempus fidgits ...  
"Don't The Moon Look Fat And Lonesome" - nope, sorry, it just looks like a big old rock in the sky. I enjoy cooking too, and for sure I'd rather cook than be lullabied into a coma by this (albeit cute) snoozefest {#Sleep}. PSD here we come.
Very tasty! Can I have seconds?
Pretty good, but the vocals are kinda weak - maybe just the quality of the recording? 6
These lyrics ring true..
An easy 7, and I reserve my right to upgrade in the future....
An 8 right out of the box,...I'd never heard this before (I led a sheltered life).
 shutter wrote:
Actually, it holds up pretty well, I think.
A little boogie music, yes indeed. And IMHO a timeless form/genre. This could drop today, and you'd not think it was close to 50 years old.

Wow, wow, wow! How many years? This group did have some traction. I was in my hometown of Windsor, Ontario, and I remember their music getting a fair amount of air on WRIF, Detroit FM. Saw them live and they put on a great show. Their novelty, I suppose, was the fact that this group had two female vocalists.

Thanks for this , Bill & Rebecca! 

At first, I thought this was the Allman Brothers.


Vocals are not exactly similar though.

Oh, geez, I love this song! I can't help it, though - I hear "Gone Gone Gone" by Allison Krauss and Robert Plant.  Except that this is SO much better! {#Bounce}
Vocals sound like Janis Joplin before she realized she could just let go...
Great song. I probably listened to this 1000 times and haven't heard it for 35 years.
Actually, it holds up pretty well, I think.
Somewhere, Rombauer and Becker are shaking their fists at their computers right now.
Any chance Chrissie Hynde heard this growing up? It would explain a lot...
Hey, neat.
Where else are you going to hear this great stuff
Yea the singing is pretty awful, I like it!

 Giselle62 wrote:
Radical feminists with shaven heads playing "Joy of Cooking" while cooking in the kitchen of an intentional community. Ferron coming on next in rotation.
The image you evoked was so vivid I could smell the sweat and the odors of cooking garlic, rosemary and bulgar, and feel the steam on my face from that kitchen.  Not that I have spent much time in such a kitchen. 
What's more, you got me into a Google search with your reference to Ferron, whom I had never heard of.  I may have to pick up one of her albums.  She sounds like a remarkable artist, in the description on Wikipedia.  Of course, there may be a "vibe" there that I cannot relate to.  Maybe it's worth a try, though.  I love good writing.

Love it!

I forgot about this band - my dad had their first album, he played it all the time when I was a tiny tot.
Wikipedia entry
 Shesdifferent wrote:
Wow, forgot about this one...
Forgot about this one,,, because I never heard it.  My Gawd what was I doing? Maybe I was a freshman on campus with the football buzz-cut, chewing bubblegum. Maybe Wolfman Jack never played it when I was listening. But hey, what's 40 years? 

 DaveInVA wrote:
I had forgotten how bad the singing is on this song...
I had forgotten how bad the commentary is coming out of Damnville...

THis is kind of fun. I don't remember ever hearing it, but apparently I've already rated it a seven.
I think I agree with myself there. 
Wow, forgot about this one...
 soozbc wrote:
I thought this was Bonnie Bramlett too. Thanks for reminding me/us of how great this band was.
I have never heard it, but had to give an 8 based on when it was released.  I first thought it was Bonnie Raitt singing.  Wonder if your Bonnie is related to Randall?

Wow-ee! Takin' me back to great times. They put out some rockin' music! Good times! Thanks RP for sharing the love.
I had forgotten how bad the singing is on this song...
Radical feminists with shaven heads playing "Joy of Cooking" while cooking in the kitchen of an intentional community. Ferron coming on next in rotation.
I thought this was Bonnie Bramlett too. Thanks for reminding me/us of how great this band was.
Lord, it's been years since I have heard this one.  Thanks folks!
Bill, thanks for this, great way for us to start the day this side of the pond!
 arserocket wrote:
Dolly Parton/Janis Joplin lovely beast hybrid
totally. I just almost spit water on my keyboard for that image

The link to "artist website" is very interesting...but not what I was seeking.
Hot damn! I haven't logged in for months. But this song reeled me right in. Awesome. Been a while since I was introduced to something new that I didn't think sucked. This definitely doesn't suck.
I grew up in Houston and WE knew who Joy of Cooking was!  Not just contained to Berkeley

 Leslie wrote:
They were from Berkeley and were pretty well known in the Bay Area. Maybe their music didn't spread very far.
I was living in northern Alberta in the late 70's and I remember them being big there for a year or so.
i really like this!
Dolly Parton/Janis Joplin lovely beast hybrid
Thought it was Dolly Parton. 8
Fixed the Wikipedia redirect for this one.
FlamingLotus wrote:
Check out Carolyn Wonderland--she pretty much channels JJ when she wants to.
Oh man, you got my number. I remember seeing Carolyn when she fronted 'The Imperial Monkeys' at Dan Electro's in Houston. Tore the place apart. And she is STILL rippin' the paint off the walls. She's something of a personal friend too, through a mutual acquaintance. She gigs at the Saxon Pub regularly. I take all the 'tourists' to see her when I can: every one is amazed at her talent. She does the best JJ impersonation/homage I've ever heard, bar none. Her originals ain't nothing to sneer at either. Check her at Maria's for the Sunday Gospel Brunch too. She's hit-or-miss there, but DANG, she lights the place up when she's in town. Ditto when she backs Ginger Leigh: they did a show at The Parish that tore the roof off, especially compared to 'Rockstar' Patrice Pike's headline performance. c.
tawanda wrote:
Anyone who sounds that much like Janis Joplin is ok in my book. Weirdly, their AMG listing says "Similar Artists" include David Cassidy and David Soul. Is there something I should know here?
Check out Carolyn Wonderland--she pretty much channels JJ when she wants to.
7 on the song title alone.
Bill, your eclectic taste rules!
Leslie wrote:
They were from Berkeley and were pretty well known in the Bay Area. Maybe their music didn't spread very far.
Oh. I thought I was really out of it because I dug it a lot and had no idea who they were. Glad I checked back here
wferrier wrote:
Joy Of Cooking - I must have missed that one. . .
They were from Berkeley and were pretty well known in the Bay Area. Maybe their music didn't spread very far.
tawanda wrote:
Anyone who sounds that much like Janis Joplin is ok in my book. Weirdly, their AMG listing says "Similar Artists" include David Cassidy and David Soul. Is there something I should know here?
I had to take a look becuase I thought I was hearing a "lost" Joplin tune. I like it, I like it a lot.
Joy Of Cooking - I must have missed that one. . .
makes me think of - "She got the house / She got the car and all the kids And all the money that I made / looks like it's all gonna go to him" anyone?
like it - never heard of 'em...
What the.... whoa.
Blast from the past!
Anyone who sounds that much like Janis Joplin is ok in my book. Weirdly, their AMG listing says \"Similar Artists\" include David Cassidy and David Soul. Is there something I should know here?