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Zap Mama — Belgo Zaireoise
Album: 7
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Total ratings: 1076

Released: 1997
Length: 5:12
Plays (last 30 days): 1
(no lyrics available)
Comments (102)add comment
Fire o the Mountain
giving a 10 to balance out the haters who always dont like non-English language music...also it's a jam!
 dc_zee wrote:

What!? No lyrics available? 

Internet search in April 2023 reveal no lyrics.
 coloradojohn wrote:

Very nice; good toe-tapping stuff here! Great music to drink my way through some suds to, typing on the novel, waiting for 2022 to begin!

please let us know the name of this novel when it comes out, if it is as varied as your life posts it will read like fiction but borrow heavily from your life. Cheers
Very nice; good toe-tapping stuff here! Great music to drink my way through some suds to, typing on the novel, waiting for 2022 to begin! 
They are always interesting, which is  a positive, in my book. 
Wow... Thought this was Angelique Kidjo...

Gonna have to check out some Zap Mama 
First I thought I heard Brazilian but it wasn't . Still reminds me of Brazilian music
 wsteinhauer wrote:
Is this the correct song?

           It . . . . . is NOT.
I am a wildlife biologist and have spent several months each year in Western and Central Africa since the early 2000's. It took me a few trips and many months before learning to appreciate much of the music in the region. I still prefer the more jazzy sounds of Ghana's high-life (E.T. Mensah comes to mind) from the 1950 and 1960s but I think it is quite enjoyable to hear what the younger generation throughout West Africa has done to blend modern western 'pop' to the traditional sounds of Africa. I hear a lot of that with Zap Mama. As Marie Daulne says - 'the voice is an instrument itself, it's the original instrument'. I enjoy Zap Mama on RP and always look forward to hearing more music from Africa. I hope more people come to appreciate the quality of music from this region of the world.
Pretty difficult to sit still when Zap Mama is  playing 
Can't go wrong with Zap Mama, excellent voices and musicians
 HectorPascal wrote:
Dead good and love the superfluid slide into Marley Bob. Inspirational.
Same back-to-back plays July 2020. Not complaining - appreciating the opportunity to hear both back-to-back again.
realy well mixed sound engineering beautifully ballanced
the singing is superb
Dead good and love the superfluid slide into Marley Bob. Inspirational.
 changodelaplaya wrote:

It's displayed as Zap Mama, but it sounds like the awful howling so-called harmonies of The 'Dead. What's up, Bill?
Fixed. Sorry about that.
This is not the right song.
 wsteinhauer wrote:
Is this the correct song?
It's displayed as Zap Mama, but it sounds like the awful howling so-called harmonies of The 'Dead. What's up, Bill?
 wsteinhauer wrote:
Is this the correct song?
Not as such.
Is this the correct song?
So annoying
What!? No lyrics available? 
The vocalist sounds like Judith Sephuma. I like her voice! Good stuff.
 Johnny_Wave wrote:
Just plain bad

I don't get the dissing that's addressed to this cut:  it's dynamite.  Thanks, Bill.  Washington State, baby.
Just plain bad
annoying   {#Stop}
Zap Mama rocks!
Funtastically upbeat and fresh, what makes Radio Paradise top choice for highest quality and eclectic music, thank you DJ.
Just a nonsense song that is incredibly annoying... any idea how to make the PSD button work with iTunes?
I have loved these women - from afar - for years! Brilliant, unique, special music. Thanks for playing!
like! ty for playing it :-)
If you can play this...you can play Angelique Kidjo
Keep that African music coming, Bill!
I can see where Fiona Apple got her inspiration for "Hot Knife"...
Exactly. Fun, exciting music that makes you want to get up and dance with her!

Somehow I doubt that the people who coined and perpetuated the term "world music" where trying to be anything but disrespectful to those musical forms, which are most certainly distinct from those common in western music.  And to call it "anglo" music is even more ridiculous given that it transcends all western borders.  The best advice is to chill and enjoy the beat.
 Poacher wrote:

Read it again. . . he did the exact opposite. 

Anyway. . . it is indeed a great track and I very much endorse this kind of music. . . to me it's not world music, it is music from around the world. I have never understood why there should be a 'world' label on music that has a different flavour from what you expect to hear from where you live. 

Quite. The label 'world music' is inaccurate, lazy and ethnocentric, as if anglo-saxon English-language music were the measure of all music, when anglos are in a distinct minority in the world's population. It would be better and more accurate, if not as snappy, to call it non-anglo music.

This is really fun. Chikka-boom, chikka-boom! 8 from the toe-tappin' Nottingham jury.
I love it - "No Man, No Cry" at the end
Can't understand a work but likey.
Dancing music!!!!!!!!
This gal cooks!!  Great sound, genuine boogie Congo style.
Thank you sooo much for playing Zap Mama.  She is an amazing performer, and I hope to hear more of her on RP  {#Dancingbanana}

Gee Mama, All I wanna do is dance...
 willmcnaught wrote:

I see you panned this twice lol — RP takes chances and they are not for all,  but this is ALSO why I listen to RP. Being exposed to "world" music and finding I like many many types! Lose the negativity-you'll live longer! lol
One was negative, one was positive, and this one is to tell you your advice is duly noted. {#Cheers}
 willmcnaught wrote:

I see you panned this twice lol — RP takes chances and they are not for all,  but this is ALSO why I listen to RP. Being exposed to "world" music and finding I like many many types! Lose the negativity-you'll live longer! lol
Read it again. . . he did the exact opposite. 

Anyway. . . it is indeed a great track and I very much endorse this kind of music. . . to me it's not world music, it is music from around the world. I have never understood why there should be a 'world' label on music that has a different flavour from what you expect to hear from where you live. 

 fingerpin wrote:

I'll take your portion. {#Sunny}


I see you panned this twice lol — RP takes chances and they are not for all,  but this is ALSO why I listen to RP. Being exposed to "world" music and finding I like many many types! Lose the negativity-you'll live longer! lol

dance, celebrate, love!!!  {#Dancingbanana_2}

 Alpine wrote:
I'll pass.
I'll take your portion. {#Sunny}

 alux wrote:
What I tune into RP for.  

 stescott100 wrote:
Horrible, this song makes me feel like I'm trapped in a New Age Shop
The implication being what, that you are forced to listen? {#Eh}

I think Sinead finally found her sound!
Songs from this CD always make me dance in my chair! Thanks RP for introducing them to me.

Zap Mama?

COME ON......
Thought that was Angelique Kidjo for a minute...

zap mama by ~criminal-enterprises
©2005-2010 ~criminal-enterprises

Last nite, i went to see zap mama play at s.o.b.'s in nyc. It was my second time seeing marie daulne/zap mama perform. Amazing show. Like a religious experience.

pictured here is Marie Daulne (centre), founder/soul of zap mama, flanked by two of the backing vocalists.

Please make it stop............
What I tune into RP for.  
1 part cruise commercial, 1 part Cosby Show.

They've universalized Congolese music!

Mbote, mama!

(Mvo vanga fiote kaka kikongo.)

Photo source: https://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/368540/Zap+Mama.jpg

 joerw wrote:
bo ba bushie buszhie ba ba bo bo.... mute.

Mind firmly closed.....check.{#Rolleyes}
bo ba bushie buszhie ba ba bo bo.... mute.
really, end, please

Good for the ears and great for the body.  Made me wiggle.  Pretty cool!
Got me out of bed to check it out.

 romeotuma wrote:

This is cool...
A rare diversion from 'good for the ears'. I give romeotuma a 2 for the originality of the comment, a welcome development from the sameness of the previous comments
Horrible, this song makes me feel like I'm trapped in a New Age Shop
 WonderLizard wrote:
Is she singing "No men, no cry" at the end—and was that an answer to Marley's "No Woman, No Cry"?

To the first:  yes.  As to the latter:  hell if I know!

Sounds good....looks good!

thumb upLoved it!  More please.
Is she singing "No men, no cry" at the end—and was that an answer to Marley's "No Woman, No Cry"?
I don't know what she is saying but it is nice and upbeat - what I wanted on a Monday afternoon.
This is a really oldie. Her newer stuff is still ethnic sounding, but less traditional. Love Zap Mama!
I'll pass.
A joy!
this is really fun!
finally! Zap Mama on RP!
LOVE Zap Mama. Saw them in a little club in SF a couple years ago. They were simply amazing!
I actually liked that
Sonus wrote:
very mature analogy
Huh? Analogy? That's just a rating, dude. Not one with which I'd be inclined to argue, either.
Shesdifferent wrote:
Just not in the mood for this....
That's a safe bet.
Her new album is really good.
Just not in the mood for this....
Ha Ha I have never even thought of Zap Mama as obscure. I grew up in Texas with a father who jogs in pink women's tennis shorts and is still happily married to his wife of 30 years, so I guess nothing really strike me as odd.
makes me want to get up and DANCE!
COOL On my Afro-pop meter, this one is pegged. Let's hear a lot more of them, Bill! Nice reggae hook at the end...
Gish05 wrote:
very mature analogy
This is great, put a smile on my face! Thanks Bill for your odd choices sometimes.
fractalv wrote:
I like this kind of music, exotic and upbeat, it takes me away from my work. Thanks Bill, another good find.
yeah.......that was different......and good......
beelzebubba wrote:
So Bjork was kidnapped and sent to Africa, eh?
I knew as soon as I heard it that this must be Zap Mama. But then I thought,"Surely not, they're so obscure, what are the chances?" Turns out they're very good. Hats off to Bill and Rebecca once again. You guys have not only incredible taste, but increadible range.
So Bjork was kidnapped and sent to Africa, eh?
Zap Mama's seminal work is Sabsylma.
This one sounds kind of diluted..like it belongs to The Wild Thornberries soundtrack
I like this kind of music, exotic and upbeat, it takes me away from my work. Thanks Bill, another good find.
West African I presume the_Jake likes it
Q: What language do you speak after prolonged listening? A: ZERO-ese.