The Rolling Stones — Rain Fall Down

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Length: 4:47
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(no lyrics available)
Comments (84)add comment
dpjag wrote:
There are a lot of "6's" that are better than this.
Fame rules.
Lots of better "6's" than this? Well, not for me.
I think its quite an achievement the the Stones could do smth this good thirty or so years past their "prime".
Sorry folks....but this ole folk still rock to these ole folks........fricken rain fall down...yeaa

There are a lot of "6's" that are better than this.
Fame rules.
60year old rock stars should stop making music
they had their shot. This isn't horrible but it does drag down the rolling stones name
pcollins wrote:
This one makes my wife frisky !
Too much information.

This is the first recent Stones tune that I've added to my playlist in a l-o-n-g time. They lost me sometime after "Start Me Up". But I'm lovin' this Rain Fall Down.
pcollins wrote:
This one makes my wife frisky !

This one makes my wife frisky !

masterhead wrote:
This track reminds me of connected by MC Stereos..Anybody?? I dig the Album, good stuff!
Yeah... I thought it sounded familiar too.
This track reminds me of "Connected" by MC Stereos..Anybody?? I dig the Album, good stuff!

Cant help muhself...I like it, I like it, so sue me.
great music
Hannio wrote:
I saw the Stones on Ed Sullivan in the mid-late 60's. My dad said something to the effect, "In five years these guys will be forgotten." Heh.
I said the same thing about Madonna. 

I saw the Stones on Ed Sullivan in the mid-late 60's. My dad said something to the effect, "In five years these guys will be forgotten." Heh.
Not what they used to be... but they still got it! (c'mon they're in their 60's and still rockin'! It's amazing!)
algrif wrote:
Hey. Can anyone upload something from Bill Wyman's Rythmn Kings ? Great stuff. If RP is into modern day Jagger and Stones, then he should be playing Wyman too.
I have a copy of said band entitled "Struttin' Our Stuff" (1998) I bought in Ann Arbor years ago but can recall nothing memorable from it. Can you advise?
Hey. Can anyone upload something from Bill Wyman's Rythmn Kings ? Great stuff. If RP is into modern day Jagger and Stones, then he should be playing Wyman too.
Wow, these guys have been rockin and rollin longer than most of RP listeners have had a musical ear! Including me. Not a band that Radio Paradise has turned me onto but definitely a new RS song. Great song, excellent beat. Perfect cross-town highway, in the car, in your face song. I only hope I am as productive and "fresh" as these guys forty plus years out of college with my career. Or alive. Keep it coming boys.

A very solid 5. Bordering on a 6, but not quite up to that level.
Johray63 wrote:
I think you got a point there in this case.
Once an artist is established (and they are like no other band is) it's hard (or almost impossible) to listen unprejudiced anymore.
I generally don't like the Stones, but I am totally hooked on this song. And it's a ton of fun to play, too.

dpjag wrote:
I wonder how many people would like this if it weren't the 'Stones.
I think you got a point there in this case.
Once an artist is established (and they are like no other band is) it's hard (or almost impossible) to listen unprejudiced anymore.
I wonder how many people would like this if it weren't the 'Stones.
sccaflagger74 wrote:
I feel like I'm listening to FM radio now. Enough with this song, I don't need to hear it daily. Please :)
I second this.
ScottN wrote:
Have you been to a Stones' concert in the last twenty years? I can assure you that Richards still plays and plays well!
Rain Fall Down is a very good song. That the RS are still playing with what appears to be very genuine joy and enthusiasm is wonderful. They perform masterfully and are sold out almost everywhere. And to produce a work as good as BB forty+ years into their career is simply amazing.
Loss of Wyman--minor to the music. Loss of Jones and Taylor (especially Jones) was much more important, but hhhmmm...they seem to have done ok w/o them.
Also Keith has some solo stuff out that is great! He still rocks...
Have you been to a Stones' concert in the last twenty years? I can assure you that Richards still plays and plays well!
Rain Fall Down is a very good song. That the RS are still playing with what appears to be very genuine joy and enthusiasm is wonderful. They perform masterfully and are sold out almost everywhere. And to produce a work as good as BB forty+ years into their career is simply amazing.
Loss of Wyman--minor to the music. Loss of Jones and Taylor (especially Jones) was much more important, but hhhmmm...they seem to have done ok w/o them.kazuma wrote:
Speaking as someone who used to love pretty much everything these guys did (Goat's Head Soup? I love Goat's Head Soup!), I'm with ya on that, sad to say. For me, it's not just the loss of critical band members. Jagger just can't seem to write a decent lyric to save his life any more. And Keef stopped actually playing about 20 years ago. Crouching in various poses with a ciggy hanging out of yer grinning yapper is not playing.
This is a fine tune.
Anyone know if this is the Ashley Beadle mix of the song? He's from x-press 2 who did that song 'lazy' with david byrne a few years back, but don't let that put you off.
They've been playing it a lot on a late-night show over here on Radio 1, the blue room, and it's excellent.
Seeing as I haven't caught the song yet on RP, I wouldn't want to go buy the album and find it sounds more like the Stones I expect of late, and less like the version I heard which was a real pleasant surprise
xouba wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that the initial guitar riff has some resemblance with INXS's "Suicidal blonde"?
This song reminds of "Connected" by the MC Stereos, basically the beat. And yes, I like the album, so f&*#@ what?

GoldenBoy wrote:
These blokes have lost 'it' whatever 'it' was.
'It' was:
1) Mick Taylor.
2) Bill Wyman.
GoldenBoy wrote:Please play nothing beyond Tatoo You by The Stones. Please?
Speaking as someone who used to love pretty much everything these guys did (Goat's Head Soup? I love Goat's Head Soup!), I'm with ya on that, sad to say. For me, it's not just the loss of critical band members. Jagger just can't seem to write a decent lyric to save his life any more. And Keef stopped actually playing about 20 years ago. Crouching in various poses with a ciggy hanging out of yer grinning yapper is not playing.
I feel like I'm listening to FM radio now. Enough with this song, I don't need to hear it daily. Please :)
bmo wrote:
Mick's singing brings to mind the image of Jack Nicholson bedding Lindsay Lohan. Don't know why. Just does.
Odd. I've never once had a fantasy involving Jack Nicholson, myself.
I wouldn't worry to much about it. Probably just a phase.
Aww. I heart the Stones, I don't care what it does to my credibility.
This isn't the best song on the album, though. "Laugh, I Nearly Died" is better and in the same family.
Why do you play so much Rolling Stones?!!! Ick. Please stop! I have had enough of Mick Jagger's gigantic mouth.

Mick's singing brings to mind the image of Jack Nicholson bedding Lindsay Lohan. Don't know why. Just does.
xouba wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks that the initial guitar riff has some resemblance with INXS's "Suicidal blonde"?
I hear it, you're right. Which is funny, because they were highly influenced by the Stones, I think.

Works for me. Formulaic? Sure, but it still sounds good, IMHO.
Not a huge Stones fan, but this one's pretty groovy. 6
These blokes have lost 'it' whatever 'it' was. Please play nothing beyond Tatoo You by The Stones. Please?
Good stuff! I wouldn't have bothered listening to the Stones new stuff otherwise! Thanks, RP.
Am I the only one who thinks that the initial guitar riff has some resemblance with INXS's "Suicidal blonde"?

After hearing other cuts off this album I was ready to write the boys off, but this is a real song. A real Stones song, even.
Good shit, lads
Phoning it in? Well maybe they used do--ok they did. But this, supposedly, is the first time in a long time, that Jagger & Richards actually wrote together. And it shows..very positively IMHO.
sounds like they are just phoning it in...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
boring. repetitive. derivative.
I really like this. I could just invision walking down a street sporting a fro and sunglasses. Considering the normal trend of great bands is to progressively release worse and worse material as they get into their later years, I find it impressive that the Stones managed to put out such a sweet tune.
sorry mick;
it just aint that funky anymore.
this is way overplayed on RP
I wish I didn't have to hear this song everyday. I really do.
Is this the album the Stones had to do some Plugola to get played on some radio stations?
Went from a 7 to an 8 and may go higher. This is my favorite off their new CD.
Mangoman wrote:
I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I rarely find musicians who would agree with you that the Stones now release "crap." One only tends to hear that assessment from non-musicians, and generally they are over 30. Such people often experience music primarily in terms of learned (often limiting) expectations and memory.
And I think if you look around you, except for that minority group, this particular album is being received as an unexpected surprise-- Much like when Townsend could suddenly, out of the blue, blow our minds with his guitar playing again!
I understood you. I was just chiming in with my jab at the geriatric Jagger years. Incidentally, I am a musican, but over 30 ...and I guess I'm also a music snob. I love the Stones, just hate the new stuff.
Taking notes from Kula Shaker?
acintya beda beda tattva...
This is new? Wow, I had written them off years ago, never really got into them anyway. This is actually kinda catchy. Wouldn't mind hearing that again. That's about the limit of my compliments for the Stones. I'll give it a 7.
Thing is, I haven't heard any other songs off this album. I'm glad that the Stones were finally able to come out with a decent song after such a long lapse, but is this the only decent song on the album?
good shit, mick jagger. good shit.
They probably felt they needed to come up with something worth while again, this time and that's what they did, for sure! Without too much nonsense, just doing what they're best at.
Stones - One hit wonders! (kidding!)
It blows me away that they are turning out great music after all these years. I am amazed.

Best song I've heard off their new CD.
Unbelievable. These guys are Godlike. Thanks Stones! Thanks Bill!
Im not sure if this could be their Abby Road. . . but man the cd does rock.
Just got the CD too.....How the hell do these guys do it....I mean it kicks almighty ass.... Like this one and 'Look What Cat Dragged In', 'Back Of My Hand'....there really isn't a dud on the CD....maybe 'Rough Justice' being the only formula tune.
I suggest people reserve comments until they hear the CD.
Stunned.....however, could this be their 'Abby Road'? A great last album.
I kind of dig this.
hey, wtf? that was damn good!
Caribbeing wrote:
Very nice. I had heard the new album was their best in years, and on the basis of this, I'm hopeful.
Well, I've owned the CD for a couple of days now, and I'll go out on a limb and say it stands up there with their best. Some of their songs remind me of Exile, etc., but that doesn't mean that they are derivative or repeats.
This song especially is really sticking with me.
I just wish people would stop with the knee-jerk reaction of "oh, the Stones used to be great but now they're just repeating themselves." Give this a listen with an open mind.
AphidA wrote:
Mick is welcome to make music ...don't get me wrong! He can jam all day long, write his little songs, record them in his multi-million dollar personal play studios, and all that. Just don't release the crap anymore! It plain sucks. ;-)
I think you misunderstood me. I meant that I rarely find musicians who would agree with you that the Stones now release "crap." One only tends to hear that assessment from non-musicians, and generally they are over 30. Such people often experience music primarily in terms of learned (often limiting) expectations and memory.
And I think if you look around you, except for that minority group, this particular album is being received as an unexpected surprise-- Much like when Townsend could suddenly, out of the blue, blow our minds with his guitar playing again!
mojoman wrote:
Agreed, except for a few cuts off of Some Girls, particularly "Shattered."
And The Girl with the Far-Away Eyes..... glad to see so many of us are on the same page 
Mangoman wrote:
Odd how you never hear musicians say this-- No matter what their age. But musicians tend not to experience music as mere memories.
Mick is welcome to make music ...don't get me wrong! He can jam all day long, write his little songs, record them in his multi-million dollar personal play studios, and all that. Just don't release the crap anymore! It plain sucks. ;-)
johnnyrock70 wrote:
Whoa..reminds me of "Disco Stones"...I always liked "Miss You", I don't care what anybody says...But I still could only give it a 7, because they have to compete with their catalog. Any other band would've gotten a 8 or maybe even a 9.
The beginning reminded me of Disco Strangler by Eagles...
medoras wrote:
Yes he does. Unfortunately he should have stopped going after Sticky Fingers.
Agreed, except for a few cuts off of Some Girls, particularly "Shattered."
Caribbeing wrote:
Very nice. I had heard the new album was their best in years, and on the basis of this, I'm hopeful.
Ditto me on that.
AphidA wrote:
...which is quite unfortunate these days. Can't he just let us remember when they only made good music?
Odd how you never hear musicians say this-- No matter what their age. But musicians tend not to experience music as mere memories.
Whoa..reminds me of "Disco Stones"...I always liked "Miss You", I don't care what anybody says...But I still could only give it a 7, because they have to compete with their catalog. Any other band would've gotten a 8 or maybe even a 9.
Caribbeing wrote:
Very nice. I had heard the new album was their best in years, and on the basis of this, I'm hopeful.
Honestly, I would have thought this was an older unknown single or something. Not bad at all. Heading to see these guys with The Tragically Hip tomorrow in Moncton...
Very nice. I had heard the new album was their best in years, and on the basis of this, I'm hopeful.
Even though this group has suffered it's momentary lapses in the creative department throughout the years, they still seem to always pull it off. And besides, they're THE STONES!!!
healyf52 wrote:
Mick is like the energizer bunny.. he just keeps going and going...
Yes he does. Unfortunately he should have stopped going after Sticky Fingers.
Not bad for a bunsh of old men!

healyf52 wrote:
Mick is like the energizer bunny.. he just keeps going and going...
...which is quite unfortunate these days. Can't he just let us remember when they only made good music?
Ooh, liking the beat on this...

Mick is like the energizer bunny.. he just keeps going and going...