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Division Kent — Monsterproof
Album: Monsterproof
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Total ratings: 155

Released: 2005
Length: 3:50
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (40)add comment
This brilliant Halloween sequence has completely vindicated my decision to stay at work rather than go home and have to face the local youth protection rackets - sorry, 'trick or treaters' {#Grumpy}. I'm freezing my buns off here in the office, but tapping my toes like feckin' crazy. This is another very fine number from Division Kent. 8 from the Nottingham jury.

Bill, do me a favour - play a crap song so that I can leave the office and go down the pub :)

WHAT  a great sequence! niceeee

oh no i missed him playing this!!!
We We are We are monsters We are monsterproof Cotton-wooled beasts - fierce creatures
DrLex wrote:
Main Entry: Mun·ster variant of MUENSTER Main Entry: Muen·ster Pronunciation: 'm&n(t)-st&r, 'mÌn(t)-, 'mun(t)-, 'min(t)- Function: noun Etymology: MÌnster, Munster, France : a semisoft cheese that may be bland or sharp in flavor It's good to know they're protected against semisoft bland or sharp cheese!
Hey, it's Halloween! If you can't be cheesy on Haloween, what's it good for?
Hmm, eerie and spooky, what with Halloween coming up. Almost quite catchy
no such thing
Boring and uninspired!
pdevor wrote:
...munsters... ...munsters... ...munsterproof... ...we...we are... ...we...we are munsters...
Main Entry: Mun·ster variant of MUENSTER Main Entry: Muen·ster Pronunciation: 'm&n(t)-st&r, 'mÌn(t)-, 'mun(t)-, 'min(t)- Function: noun Etymology: MÌnster, Munster, France : a semisoft cheese that may be bland or sharp in flavor It's good to know they're protected against semisoft bland or sharp cheese!
Every time I hear this, I have to crank it!! Thanks, Gregorama, for sharing your DK!!
ColdBear wrote:
This is crap i like !
I have no idea why I like this...but I keep tapping my foot? hmmm?
Mugro wrote:
I have a yellow lab puppy that is so clumsy and destructive that we have affectionately nicknamed "Monster." We have had to "Monsterproof" our home in almost the same way that you would childproof a house. Is Division Kent singing about my home??
Monster update. Our dear Monster has really been busy this past weekend: she jumped out the dining room window on Sunday, bursting through the screen that was on the window; she also jumped through the open car window of my brother's Volvo and proceeded to eat all of his groceries in the back seat. Bill and Rebecca, I hope your new puppy doesn't turn out to be like my Monster! Monster looked just like your puppy when we got her. Good luck!
redeyespy wrote:
This took me back to all those fuzzy nights, buzzed and stumbling around neon washed clubbage. 6.
My thoughts exactly. Makes me wanna go to IHOP at 6 am.
Zukiwi wrote:
I dig this crap too!
Me, too!
ColdBear wrote:
This is crap i like !
I dig this crap too!
Daveinbawlmer wrote:
Mebbe sorta like blondie or debbie harry or something but nearly as cute or groovy as blondie. I'll pass.
Sounds like the opening hook is lifted, but after that (unfortunately) they got their own ideas ...
Mebbe sorta like blondie or debbie harry or something but nearly as cute or groovy as blondie. I'll pass.
Filofox wrote:
Anyone know where I can actually buy this CD? I'm not having much luck finding it.
At the moment the CD "Monsterproof" by Swiss band Division Kent has only been released in Switzerland so far. The only cd mail order shop which does international shipping is this one: https://www.radiokiosk.ch/
Johray63 wrote:
The circumstances have got to be very specific for me, before I (really) get into this sort of music, I believe.
Elegantly, and courteously put. 8)
Perfect time for this song. End of the day, Friday, getting me through the home stretch before the weekend. I am doing the robot around my office now...no wait, now I'm doing the zombie. Weeeee!
Anyone know where I can actually buy this CD? I'm not having much luck finding it.
The circumstances have got to be very specific for me, before I (really) get into this sort of music, I believe.
Very Haunting.. interesting......
This one's good (Deserves an 8) even without lyrics, but it would be really good if rp could play songs such as "All you fantasized", "Sweep & Vicious", or "Bordello Affair" from this group. Those songs (Along with Frantic) are their best. I hope this band's cds get to the Argentina stores anytime soon...
Hmmm different, repetitious, boring, bummer, rated it a 2
I have uploaded "Faraday Cage" and it's currently in reviewing status. If you are lucky your favorite Division Kent song will soon be added to the playlist.
Make no mistake: This band rules. I've seen them live and they indeed do kick ass. My favourite song though is Faraday Cage, not this one. Here's a few pics from their recent Zurich show https://www.dnik.ch/dk/ And as someone recently said: "If their songs are half as good as her legs they'll go far." (https://www.flickr.com/photos/dnik/15293984/) They WILL go far.
Do you think they are munsters?
...munsters... ...yes we are munsters... ...muntsers... ...we...we are...we...we are...we...we are... ...we are munsters... ...we are munsters... ...we are munsters... ...munsters... ...munsters... ...munsterproof... ...we...we are... ...we...we are munsters...
And there was me thinking that this was the theme for the next Munsters film :roll: :roll: :roll:
This is crap i like !
This might not be everyone's taste, but for those you who would like to hear more songs of the band check www.division-kent.com
We Are Monsters! Quite ok.
I don't say this very often when I listen to RP, but what a piece of dreck!
Nice! I like this one more and more whenever I hear it. :nodhead:
I have a yellow lab puppy that is so clumsy and destructive that we have affectionately nicknamed "Monster." We have had to "Monsterproof" our home in almost the same way that you would childproof a house. Is Division Kent singing about my home??
This took me back to all those fuzzy nights, buzzed and stumbling around neon washed clubbage. 6.
Nah, too wiggly. i like things with sharper points on them--things that sound more rock-ish, less goth-club. But that's just me.