Ani DiFranco — Self Evident

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Length: 9:08
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JohnMac wrote:
Underinformed? To say the least. And I suppose you are hoping for Bush to screw up, nice of you.
Ahh, now it's three years later and he's STILL screwing up - we never had to wait.
Ani DiFranco runs circles around a lot of the dreck that the regulars worship here. Educate yourself.
Young punk? She was born in 1970. Young compared to someone in their 70's, I guess.
Definition of democracy according to Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives.
Definition of republic accordingn to A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
Self Evident addresses the aftermath of 9-11 and the Bush Administrations involvement. If you explore some of her other music you'll find other generations of politicians do not go unscathed.
Spoiled celebrity? A little history: Ani DiFranco began singing and playing before live audiences in her hometown of Buffalo, N.Y. when she was nine, wrote her first song when she was 14, and moved into a place of her own at 15. By the time she turned 20 and decided to record an album, she had more than 100 original compositions to choose from. Borrowing money from friends, DiFranco started her own label -- Righteous Babe Records -- and released the record herself. Since then she has releaseda total of 19 albums to date - without the help of any major label.
Biography information quoted from
By the way, I agree with her on a lot of things and I'm 26 years old, I handle multi-million dollar accounts on a daily basis and I don't do any sort of drugs other than that which I'm required to do due to a thyroid deficiency.
It's because I don't like it here that I choose to stay, speak out, vote and change things for the better. Wouldn't you love it if all of us who disagree with you left? Sorry, babe. Not gonna happen.
"Another young punk who gets her politics from the headlines and spends no time researching or understanding politics. She also didn't pay attention in school or she would know we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. Republics protect the minorities and allow people such as herself to express their ignorant views. Democracies would vote to shut her up. She has every right to express her views but she needs to get educated.
Also, since she was a kid when Clinton was voted into office she wouldn't realize that our current situation is the result of years of trouble in the making and not something that just started. Bush gets the blame but he is having to clean up the mess Clinton left him with.
I would guess she is another spoiled celebrity who thinks they understand the world while they only see it through pampered eyes. I bet she wouldn't be putting down America if someone she cared about was lost on 9/11 or if she had children. She is in a great position to preach about how people should behave with respect for everyone but she would rather sell albums so she blames others and offers no solutions.
To repeat a great quote, "if you don't like it here, then leave".
BTW, her music SUCKS! And for those of you that agree with her, GROW UP, GET EDUCATED, and GET OFF THE DRUGS!"
Thank God (and RP) for the Sucko-Barfo button.
Wow!!! Thanks so much!!!!
Originally Posted by Moffitar:
DiFranco has the right, just as you do, to speak her piece. And if you disagree with her, you ought to question your own sources of information, rather than to dismiss her as a ranting liberal lesbian. Think, for a change. The media controls information tightly. You often need to surf around to verify information, and often, what you find is sinful inaccuracy. I am excusing no one, by the way. The liberals get it wrong just as often as the conservatives do.
As for DiFranco's assertion that Bush is not president, I agree with her. Bush's victory had nothing to do with democracy. It was a close election, but all it took was a little tampering to skew the results. And by the time the evidence of tampering was uncovered, 9/11 had occurred and Bush's legitimacy was a moot point. The right wingers want us to forget. BUT WE WILL NEVER FORGET.
People like DiFranco are courageous, and to be admired. Let's face it: true courage, in the arts and in the media, is scarce. The news these days is like watching state-run television. The same people who own Bush also own the networks. The same people who covet Iraqi oil also happen to have a president on their payroll. And now that the country is lurching to to the right, there is no one to provide balance or oversight to the decisions he will make. No one will challenge him. All we can do is wait for him to screw up so badly that even the Republicans are embarassed.
Think I'm underinformed? Think I'm making it up? You're smart people, go find out for yourselves.
Underinformed? To say the least. And I suppose you are hoping for Bush to screw up, nice of you. Rage Against The Machine did it better.
Originally Posted by Moffitar:
DiFranco has the right, just as you do, to speak her piece.
Blah, blah, blah. I don't give a fuck about her politics or sexual preferences. The real issue is that this song eats serious ass.
You say \"if you dont like it here then leave\" I say if you don\'t like it, change the channel. I like it here, I just dont like the politics. What happened to the sixties of peace and love? What happened to the love?
Originally Posted by mgravatt:
As I watch CNN,
Just to add my two cents for any to take or leave:
On the topic of education mentioned by the previous commenter - I encourage everyone to use many sources of information and not just one in order to more easily separate fact from bias. CNN IMHO could do a much better job of presenting unbiased reporting. They are frequently caught by those who watch closely in presenting historically incorrect information or opinionated reporting.
Just 'cause it's on TV or printed doesn't mean it's true.
I Think that what she's trying to say is that we are in a position in which we (Americans) are encouraging this sort of terrorist behavior ... whether we or they are wrong or right (if there is such a thing) ...
As I watch CNN, it is my opinion that the media pretty much disagrees with Ani, so I don't quite understand the "politics from the headlines" comment ....
The bottom line is that we can handle our international relations quite a bit better ... "Dead or Alive" is just not good enough ....
Originally Posted by egravitt:
Another young punk who gets her politics from the headlines and spends no time researching or understanding politics. She also didn't pay attention in school or she would know we live in a Republic and not a Democracy. Republics protect the minorities and allow people such as herself to express their ignorant views. Democracies would vote to shut her up. She has every right to express her views but she needs to get educated.
Also, since she was a kid when Clinton was voted into office she wouldn't realize that our current situation is the result of years of trouble in the making and not something that just started. Bush gets the blame but he is having to clean up the mess Clinton left him with.
I would guess she is another spoiled celebrity who thinks they understand the world while they only see it through pampered eyes. I bet she wouldn't be putting down America if someone she cared about was lost on 9/11 or if she had children. She is in a great position to preach about how people should behave with respect for everyone but she would rather sell albums so she blames others and offers no solutions.
To repeat a great quote, "if you don't like it here, then leave".
BTW, her music SUCKS! And for those of you that agree with her, GROW UP, GET EDUCATED, and GET OFF THE DRUGS!
I agree ... at least she's out there speaking a genuine opinion ...
Originally Posted by phiagurl:
Actually, "if you don't like it here, then vote" but yeah...
I love it when musicians experiment and make music because it's what they feel, rather than what will please the fans. At the same time, it is nice when the music's listenable... So I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite. :)
(RGrace -- woo! Another Bezerklean!)
Damn Skippy ... I was a soldier for 8 years .... I\'m not a liberal, but she\'s right on the money for this one .... Think she\'ll marry me?
I can\'t believe there weren\'t any boo\'s. They all seem like mind numb Difranco zombies.
ok. insteresting but only once.
I can\'t believe there are people, hoards by the sounds of the crowd, who fall for this BS.
Alright, so here\'s the thing. This is a song from a live album. This is a live performance. Lord knows, I saw her do this poem (and it\'s a poem, not a song) live, and it\'s absolutely riveting in person, agree with her politics or not. And once you\'ve seen it, even hearing it over the Internet brings it all back.
I agree, it may not be the most accessible choice for radio, even rP, it\'s certainly opinionated. But you have to give her this - she\'s articulate, she -is- informed, and she\'s coming out strong on issues to raise awareness, to provoke thought. She\'s liberal, yes - and liberals like Ani, love them or hate them, are just as important to balance the decision-making of this nation as rabid conservatives.
Art\'s meant to provoke, meant to excite, meant to offend, meant to cause an outcry - and this piece has surely done so. I\'m proud of her. And I\'d like to hear more like this - maybe something similarly liberal, maybe something conversely conservative. But it\'s definitely worth hearing. You can take that home.
Well.. I see most of it has already been said...
in the end.. the music's ok.. but the lyrics... better time spent listening to something else...
and speaking on that.. I'm in the middle of an attempted computer repair where the hard drive has died.. and what I hear is that musical clank of head seek error... Put THAT to lyrics Ms. DiFranco !!

Marginal song, cliched party-line message - *yawn*
Originally Posted by egravitt:
To repeat a great quote, "if you don't like it here, then leave".
Actually, "if you don't like it here, then vote" but yeah...
I love it when musicians experiment and make music because it's what they feel, rather than what will please the fans. At the same time, it is nice when the music's listenable... So I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite. :)
(RGrace -- woo! Another Bezerklean!)
The word is dissent, read a book.
Originally Posted by bardess:
Amazing respect to Ms. Ani.
Hadn't heard her in years - but this jaded New Yorker agrees with her wholeheartedly.
And as for you folks who don't like it, it is your right to do so, to say so and to change the channel. That is what America is. We ALL have the right to decent and disagree.
Bless America and if you didn't vote, you have no right to complain.
Keep pushing that envelope, Bill!

Whoooo! That\'ll rattle yer cage.
I\'m a moderate Dem but this song makes me feel right at home, considering I live in Berkeley.... 

Originally Posted by Patti_M.:
Does she think she's in a "beatnik" joint?
Where are the snapping fingers?
yeah! dig it! 

Amazing respect to Ms. Ani.
Hadn\'t heard her in years - but this jaded New Yorker agrees with her wholeheartedly.
And as for you folks who don\'t like it, it is your right to do so, to say so and to change the channel. That is what America is. We ALL have the right to decent and disagree.
Bless America and if you didn\'t vote, you have no right to complain.
Keep pushing that envelope, Bill!
True art pushes the envelope into the zone of the uncomfortable. I don\'t really care for the beauty (or lack therof) of this statement but I\'m thoroughly impressed by the effect it has had on so many people.
Originally Posted by zaknafein:
Because some of use are tired of artists who feel they have to constantly shove their politics down our throats. I listen to music for music. When I want politics, I'll turn on CNN.
I also like music for music. I don't give a rats ass what message the performer is trying to convey. That being said if I can't get past the awful music I won't even bother learning the lyrics. This is poor excuse for music.
typical :roll:
Originally Posted by zaknafein:
Because some of use are tired of artists who feel they have to constantly shove their politics down our throats. I listen to music for music. When I want politics, I'll turn on CNN.
How is this shoving? It is your choice to listen. By your definition, I guess I should be saying that I'm tired of listeners shoving their politics down my throat by posting their opinion of political expression. It's Ani's right to put this out, it's Bill's right to play it, and it's your right to say it's a huge pile of sh*t. There's no shoving involved.
And if you're looking for apolitical music, a rock station is probably not the place to look.
How come everybody that offers a dissenting opinion about Ani\'s tune is some schmuck that that apparently takes the party line? It\'s too easy to say that if one\'s opinion isn\'t lambasting the US then we aren\'t doing our civic duty. Agree to disagree but don\'t call everybody who hates Ani\'s song some complicit war monger. It ain\'t the case! I\'m sure many of you \"doves\" out there aren\'t daily solving the worlds problems.
Originally Posted by sundropaddict:
it's an entertaining, amazing, and poetic. it's a shame that no one appreciates this song. all those people who rated this 3 or below would probably buy the album if it was mass produced by someone like Brittany Spears complete with bikini clad videos. How can you not respect such raw emotion and creativity?
Because some of use are tired of artists who feel they have to constantly shove their politics down our throats. I listen to music for music. When I want politics, I'll turn on CNN.
Well said!
Quit being a coward and say your piece.
At least Ani has the balls (if you'll pardon the expression) to say what she means, and not tip toe around the office thinking someone might look at you disaprovingly.
Originally Posted by yeastiebeastie:
...which is EXACTLY why the R's control the House, the Executive, the Senate, the Judiciary. People like you have views but are too cowardly to say what they are. Remember: if you don't stand for something, you'll go for anything....
Ani is okay, but this song blows. 

Not a Democracy? Correct! It's a Representative Republic. That means if it were a "true" democracy the "majority" (women) could vote to take the vote AWAY from men. An other majority, "Christians" could vote to outlaw anything non-christian, or as Pagan, and thus illegal. SO THANKFULLY we have a Representative Republic. You have to work the system, that is what it is there for. Voices of opposition are always welcome, just try to be part of the solution and not part of the static.
Wow! Yesterday, I heard my first \"Ani\" song. It almost made me ralph. And as I posted, I hoped that it was just this one song. Because there was so much buzz about this woman. Welp, this is the second offering I have heard. And not only do I want to puke, but I think I should take the rest of the day off sick. In the words of Lisa Simpson: \"They don\'t expect us to swallow this tripe do they?\" What an overated act this is. Not to mention she seems just a bit out of touch with reality. And I thought Natalie was bad.
Yeah, it\'s not much of a song, BUT you know things are bad for the democrats when Ani Defranco defines republican evil better than Tom Daschle could -- or would -- since they are all the same, these pasty guys whose suits are bought and paid for by special interests...
It\'s our own fault, though..Do the math. On election night about 4 million American voters watched election night coverage on the Cable news channels. 14 million people watched a very special JAG on CBS. 

Ani, babe......we love keep on preaching!!!!

If you were going to do a parody of an Ani DiFranco-type song, I think this would be it... yuk.
Maybe in a bathroom sized coffee house filled with smoke & one spotlight. Is she wearing a little beanie, sunglasses, & dark clothes?
Right on. I can see why this would never be played on the radio. Not something I would listen to for the groove, but the lyrics are incredible. Mental floss.
Amen, Ani.

Wow! Somethings need to be said.
This surely sucks.
Ani, babe... we llove ya, but quit preaching and stick to singing.

Your music is good, your politics your own, but like I tell those lost souls, \"Get over the 2000 election\". When he was President, Bill Clinton was my President - even though I couldn\'t stand him, or his politics. Now George is YOUR President.
Songs like this are why I have to pretent not to be a liberal at work, so as not to get beat up.
Someone actually gave this a 10, wow. 

I like most of Ani DiFranco\'s work, but this one isn\'t 

Oh, this just *has* to go. Seriously. 

Could this be any more obnoxious?
Utter sh!te.... good message but crap song

Too much shouting, not enough......