Karma dictates that you may receive the rights you demand in proportion to your willingness to extend the same privileges and rights to others of your species.
kurtster actually wrote:
I deserve the rights granted to me, and everyone else within the borders of the US, by the US Constitution. My remarks deal with the quote.
Let's not conflate human / moral rights and Karma with Constitutional rights. Karma is not a right. Karma is a religious value, voluntarily ascribed to by those who seek balance and goodwill such as defined by the Golden Rule and the notion of mutual respect. Karma also dictates the notion of you made your own bed, now lie in it. The Constitution defines rights and rules for governance within the borders of the USA, only. While the merits of our Constitution may be worth spreading throughout the rest of the world, that effort can be seen as an act of US Imperialism. Better we mind our own business and keep our own house in order and lead by example.
In terms of illegal immigration, Karma would apply to those seeking entry who make a choice to knock on the front door and ask if they may come in versus those who sneak in a back window and trespass. It is the Karma of the trespassers. The trespassers have no respect for the home they are encroaching on. Where is the mutual respect ? My Karma is unaffected should I be offended by or take issue with or defend against the trespassers if I have done nothing other than cite the rules and ask that they be respected.
I realize that you do not recognize the concept of illegal immigration to the USA. With that, it is hard to have a meaningful discussion on this topic with you and those who share your disregard for the laws of the land. Let's be honest here. To redefine an illegal immigrant as an undocumented worker, I'll just take it all the way for you and get it out in the open. They are not undocumented workers, they are undocumented Democrats.
FTR, I do believe in Karma, but I also believe in the worth of our Constitution. The two are not mutually exclusive.
If you say so. EDIT: You just had to work Donald's name in there, didn't you?
Whatever The Derpald is paying this guy is well worth it. He's convinced everyone on the forum not only to support him, but to go out and badger their family and friends to do the same. What a paragon of PR.
Karma dictates that you may receive the rights you demand in proportion to your willingness to extend the same privileges and rights to others of your species.
Karma dictates that you may receive the rights you demand in proportion to your willingness to extend the same privileges and rights to others of your species.
Donald Trump is the new favorite to win the Republican presidential nomination, Betfair said, less than three weeks before Iowa caucus-goers cast the first votes of the 2016 election.
The odds on a Trump victory are 15/8, or 34 percent, putting the billionaire real-estate mogul as favourite in the market for the first time, Betfair said in an e-mailed statement in London on Wednesday.
but empires ebb and flow like the water that seperates us. no one talks about the elephant in the room, population. what rights do you deserve?
I certainly do, but really it is too late. Unless we roll back the industrial revolution and all that it entails we are doomed. In other words, we are doomed.
but empires ebb and flow like the water that seperates us. no one talks about the elephant in the room, population. what rights do you deserve?
I deserve the rights granted to me, and everyone else within the borders of the US, by the US Constitution. My remarks deal with the quote. Laws and rights only exist within jurisdictions and defined borders. Using the right of abortion for example, it cannot exist without a border to guarantee the right. Without a system / jurisdiction to both protect and guarantee this right, it becomes transient and meaningless, subject to whim and mood of a mob ( population ?).
Our Constitution's rights do not extend past our borders. No one has a Constitutional right to come to this country. There is no such thing as our First Amendment anywhere else in the world for starters. One's religion or economic plight does not guarantee one's admission to this country. There is the right of sanctuary / asylum given to those of political persecution however, different from religious persecution. Since our rights do not extend past our borders, we have the right to say no for any reason, valid or not.
Ultimately, if we don't respect our own borders, no one else will either.
Yes empires come and go. Most of them were not worth keeping looking back.
A priceless excerpt from the the post.... You just can't make this up, it's too bizarre:
“What is the point of talking about abortion or anything else unless you get Donald Trump in to build the wall, deport illegals, end this ‘anchor baby’ nonsense, stop importing 100,000 Muslims a year, in addition to two million Third Worlders per year,” she said. “It’s madness what this country has been doing.”
Yesterday on “The Eric Metaxas Show,” Ann Coulter repeated her claim that God is using Donald Trump to save the U.S. — and all of civilization — from destruction.
Coulter started off the interview by defending herself from charges that she’s “divisive,” noting that Jesus Christ was divisive as well. “Yeah, I’m ‘divisive’ because I say things I believe, generally, so does Jesus, and liberals yell at me, that makes me ‘divisive.’ It’s the hecklers’ veto,” she said.
She went on to liken the media’s treatment of her to how it covers Donald Trump, whom she believes will save the U.S. and, therefore, the whole world.
“We are talking about the future of not only of America but of the last genuinely Christian country on earth and thus the world,” she said. “If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years.”
Coulter explained that God has a role in lifting up Trump’s candidacy: “It is like the fall of Rome but, thank God, and I am not using the Lord’s name in vain, I mean that absolutely literally, thank God for raising up Donald Trump and giving us a chance to save the country.” (...)
A priceless excerpt from the the post.... You just can't make this up, it's too bizarre:
“What is the point of talking about abortion or anything else unless you get Donald Trump in to build the wall, deport illegals, end this ‘anchor baby’ nonsense, stop importing 100,000 Muslims a year, in addition to two million Third Worlders per year,” she said. “It’s madness what this country has been doing.”
Coulter went on to say that President Trump should “deport Rubio” and members of the advocacy group National Council of La Raza.
Yesterday on “The Eric Metaxas Show,” Ann Coulter repeated her claim that God is using Donald Trump to save the U.S. — and all of civilization — from destruction.
Coulter started off the interview by defending herself from charges that she’s “divisive,” noting that Jesus Christ was divisive as well. “Yeah, I’m ‘divisive’ because I say things I believe, generally, so does Jesus, and liberals yell at me, that makes me ‘divisive.’ It’s the hecklers’ veto,” she said.
She went on to liken the media’s treatment of her to how it covers Donald Trump, whom she believes will save the U.S. and, therefore, the whole world.
“We are talking about the future of not only of America but of the last genuinely Christian country on earth and thus the world,” she said. “If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years.”
Coulter explained that God has a role in lifting up Trump’s candidacy: “It is like the fall of Rome but, thank God, and I am not using the Lord’s name in vain, I mean that absolutely literally, thank God for raising up Donald Trump and giving us a chance to save the country.” (...)
Yesterday on “The Eric Metaxas Show,” Ann Coulter repeated her claim that God is using Donald Trump to save the U.S. — and all of civilization — from destruction.
Coulter started off the interview by defending herself from charges that she’s “divisive,” noting that Jesus Christ was divisive as well. “Yeah, I’m ‘divisive’ because I say things I believe, generally, so does Jesus, and liberals yell at me, that makes me ‘divisive.’ It’s the hecklers’ veto,” she said.
She went on to liken the media’s treatment of her to how it covers Donald Trump, whom she believes will save the U.S. and, therefore, the whole world.
“We are talking about the future of not only of America but of the last genuinely Christian country on earth and thus the world,” she said. “If we lose America, it is lights out for the entire world for a thousand years.”
Coulter explained that God has a role in lifting up Trump’s candidacy: “It is like the fall of Rome but, thank God, and I am not using the Lord’s name in vain, I mean that absolutely literally, thank God for raising up Donald Trump and giving us a chance to save the country.” (...)
Forgive me. I'm from the UK and don't understand the finer points of your electoral system. It's hard not to get excited when you see Trump smashing everyone else in the polls. I still think you will be seeing this next year:
I would hold off on making plane and hotel reservations for his coronation inauguration next January for the time being.
Forgive me. I'm from the UK and don't understand the finer points of your electoral system. It's hard not to get excited when you see Trump smashing everyone else in the polls. I still think you will be seeing this next year:
Elections 101: To get nominated as the GOP candidate for president, you are required to actually win delegates to support you at the convention. And his total so far is . . . ?
Forgive me. I'm from the UK and don't understand the finer points of your electoral system. It's hard not to get excited when you see Trump smashing everyone else in the polls. I still think you will be seeing this next year: