Location: Over The River And Through The Woods
Dec 11, 2014 - 5:30pm |
I too received a census survey. I ignored it for 2 weeks then started getting phone messages on my answering machine from the bureau so decided to just go ahead and fill it out online. Pushy bunch aren't they? What other government office is so quick to get things done? Didn't want people knocking on my door in another month asking about it.
What Day Is This?
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Oct 19, 2014 - 8:24am |
I can't imagine them doing so, but then I don't really know! I made an assumption there!
Work is the curse of the drinking class
Location: Back home again in Indiana
Oct 19, 2014 - 7:24am |
I as rule make an effort to respond to government surveys and do so accurately as opposed to marketing and political pollsters who I generally won't give the time of day. I haven't completely given the process yet in spite of the people we seem to want to put in charge. I want to believe that their having accurate data is in general a good thing and that I have some responsibility to help them gather it. In the decade following my getting chosen for a long census form I was selected for four or five of them a couple of which involved a fair amount of effort om my part. Other that I think I've only had one phone survey about my drinking habits from them. This family member didn't by chance fill out the long census form in 2010 did they?
Angular banjoes sound good to me.
Location: Biscayne Bay
Oct 7, 2014 - 5:37pm |
I can see folks not participating - and then griping about how the government doesn't understand them or address their issues.
Shine On.
Location: 543 miles west of Paradis,1491 miles east of Paradise
Oct 2, 2014 - 1:22pm |
Attica...Attica. It's just another in a long line of the man trying to keep a brother down, man. |
I eat pints
Location: Powell
Oct 2, 2014 - 8:49am |
Zero criteria.
Of course if you want to be paranoid, you certainly can. But I do know they try to be as statistically clean as they possibly can, which means your address came up at random and they must try as hard as they can to get the information from you. If they take the easy way out and only collect data from more willing participants, then they might as well not even try.
Whether or not this is the best way to accomplish their goals is not for me to say.
What Day Is This?
Location: Lincoln, Nebraska
Oct 2, 2014 - 6:20am |
I am also wondering what criteria is used to select recipients of this survey. These folks had a now resolved tax issue at one time and I wondered of there was a possibility of flagging going on. Or am I just being paranoid in a situation where I should trust the US government? I get the need for accurate information in order to provide needed services. After reading all the questions though, it seemed really invasive to me.
I eat pints
Location: Powell
Oct 1, 2014 - 9:46am |
MandatorySample Questions and Why We Ask Lots more info there, but this is where the phrase "Stand up and be counted" comes from. I don't know how people expect any services to be delivered if everyone wants to hide. Incorrect data creates huge boondoggles, Bridges to Nowhere, etc. or a scandalous failure to deliver the services we pay for. |