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Length: 4:24
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Circling around your iron will
See only what you feel
Keeps you turning when you're standing still
You tried to run from trouble when it comes
You followed the drum keeping time with everyone
High as the light of day
You're falling down across your lost highway
Pain - does it hurt this way?
To come so far to find they've closed the gates?
You've lost your tongue when you fall from the pendulum
Your heart is a drum keeping time with everyone
Everyone, if they drown from the undertow
Need to find someone to show me how to play it slow
And just let it go
Your eyes get stung by the rays of the sinking sun
You follow the drum keeping time with everyone
Going beat beat beat, it's beating me down
Beat beat beat beat, it's beating me down
Day after day, it's turning around
'Til all my days are drowning out
I've lost count of the times I've heard an interesting song on RP and it's turned out to be Beck. I assumed this was the Moody Blues... great track!
Certainly glorious and original it channeled my mind towards the Moody Blues in its essence and low and behold followed seamlessly by "Visions of Paradise"!! Perfect human programming!!!

Anyway thanks RP for playing such wonderful material!
You'd be pleased to know the name was removed from the building in May of 2022 when the hotel changed hands.
If you hadn't heard Sea Change first, would Morning Phase be the better album?

We both thought Sea Change was a fantastically sad sounding terrific album. The Morning Phase sounds like he was coming through a difficult time. Also enjoy this album but Sea Change had an edge lacking on this, imho
If you hadn't heard Sea Change first, would Morning Phase be the better album?
"Exact"? Are you sure about that? It's a different chord progression with the same strumming style - "homage" is a better term. Anyhow, I believe Stanley Clarke plays bass on this number.
one of my favorite bass players back in the day! Glad to hear he is still around...or was in 2014...God time flies...
So far, what I've heard from this album...it is stellar. Hope the rest is great. I'm thinking of actually purchasing this.
Excellent album overall - go for it.
Long for these days, again.
The Moodies, or Pink Floyd? I think more the latter... sounds very much like David Gilmour to me.
to my ear more the Moodies
The Moodies, or Pink Floyd? I think more the latter... sounds very much like David Gilmour to me.
I can see that, I never made that connection before but it makes some sense.
The Moodies, or Pink Floyd? I think more the latter... sounds very much like David Gilmour to me.
A truly epic afternoon! Thank you for sharing it.
We both thought Sea Change was a fantastically sad sounding terrific album. The Morning Phase sounds like he was coming through a difficult time. Also enjoy this album but Sea Change had an edge lacking on this, imho
I love how versatile the sound of Beck is. I don't like every album but i definitely love some of his works.

I agree with this. It's an exact rip off copy homage.
"Exact"? Are you sure about that? It's a different chord progression with the same strumming style - "homage" is a better term. Anyhow, I believe Stanley Clarke plays bass on this number.
I'm obviously feeling chipper today!

That's a joke?
"You kids get off my lawn!"

Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!!!!

Who's he?
Mayberry's barber. Was the tenor in the quartet. Gomer was bass. Andy baritone. Aunt Bea was the lead. Did a lot of a cappella covers of psychedelic rock back in the day.
"You kids get off my lawn!"

Who's he?
You never heard of Old Man Floyd?
Who's he?
I agree with this. It's an exact rip off copy homage.
Cut n' pasted from Wikipedia:
"Upon release the album received critical acclaim and was nominated for five awards at the 57th Annual Grammy Awards, winning three: Album of the Year, Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical and Best Rock Album. Along with winning the award, Chris Martin collaborated with Beck to sing "Heart Is a Drum" at the Grammys."

Blame the love, not the song.


exactly what I thought - and now its segued with the Moody Blues - very cool

whom I never heard on RP. Unfortunatly Bill ! He is outstanding
Trouble is, those books of fables are not innocent. They have been given the power, by those who would have more power, to make people do things — ridiculous things and unspeakable things. They twist people's perceptions of reality in ways that make them forget and/or ignore what's really happening around them. The purveyors of the books and the pushers of the fables insist that only "faith" is needed to conquer anything that works against their idea of what is right. The ones who really buy into the fables take it even further: some to the point of trusting the treatment of their own desperately sick child to a deity and some who espouse that eradication of the "others" is a requirement for favorable treatment in the "afterlife". There are few things on this planet more dangerous, either physically or socioculturally, than a religious zealot. It would all make an incredibly scary science fiction movie if it were not actually true. Believing that religion is a benign construct that "keeps people happy and out of trouble" is to ignore reality in much the same way...
Freedom of religion is core to who we are as a free people. But it is not above the law. Criminal conspiracy by a religious group is still criminal conspiracy. There are cases where religious people (e.g. the Reverend MLK) break the law because they believe a higher morality is at stake. The state always has the legal right to arrest and prosecute when this happens. In MLK's case, he made sure that his activities were non-violent and the public rallied to his defense. This is where the line is. If you don't like my religion then say anything you like—your opinions are just noise because I have the right to my religion whether you like it or not. Is this a great country, or what? Do something to violate my religious rights and you are committing a crime. On the other hand, if I am in my church, synagogue, or mosque planning criminal activity then all bets are off. This really isn't hard or gray. This is why the authorities have the right and obligation (in my view) to insure that criminal activity is not going on behind closed doors in mosques/synagogues/churches.
Very well put. As far as I'm concerned if it keeps people happy and out of trouble, I don't care what book of fables they believe in. Because they're all describing roughly the same thing, and nobody has it exactly right.
Trouble is, those books of fables are not innocent. They have been given the power, by those who would have more power, to make people do things — ridiculous things and unspeakable things. They twist people's perceptions of reality in ways that make them forget and/or ignore what's really happening around them. The purveyors of the books and the pushers of the fables insist that only "faith" is needed to conquer anything that works against their idea of what is right. The ones who really buy into the fables take it even further: some to the point of trusting the treatment of their own desperately sick child to a deity and some who espouse that eradication of the "others" is a requirement for favorable treatment in the "afterlife". There are few things on this planet more dangerous, either physically or socioculturally, than a religious zealot. It would all make an incredibly scary science fiction movie if it were not actually true. Believing that religion is a benign construct that "keeps people happy and out of trouble" is to ignore reality in much the same way...
Very well put. As far as I'm concerned if it keeps people happy and out of trouble, I don't care what book of fables they believe in. Because they're all describing roughly the same thing, and nobody has it exactly right.
No, I have it exactly right! I'm right. Me!!!

Well that was a bit of a novella, but there it is.
Very well put. As far as I'm concerned if it keeps people happy and out of trouble, I don't care what book of fables they believe in. Because they're all describing roughly the same thing, and nobody has it exactly right.
aaaaand back to music...... just music.
You mean and leave the squirmy little brainworms that infest us all behind? That suggests we abandon the bottomless debate over religion, which, like every other politicized question, has its entrenched sides with endless arguments and counter arguments, definitions and redefinitions, shifting proofs and truths. I suggest that we throw our hands up and say with Martin Luther that: "Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world."
We all know the XXXTREME DAMAGE this cult is doing to society.
BECK is one of the postboys for this cult and should be banned from RP!
aaaaand back to music...... just music.
We all know the XXXTREME DAMAGE this cult is doing to society.
BECK is one of the postboys for this cult and should be banned from RP!
Wow ... I mean ... wow. Lemmtellyasumthin', I'm a Bible-believing, theologically conservative Christian, who is (naturally) opposed to the cult of Scientology, but I fail to see what relevance that has on the value of Beck's music. He's an amazingly talented musician and composer. He performed more than half of the instruments in his latest effort Morning Phase, and his other albums are fine examples of eclectic musical fabulousness.
For that matter, another of my favorite entertainment "celebrities" is Tom Cruise (yet another Scientologist). His spiritual beliefs do not affect his value as a human being (made in the image of God) nor of his abilities to entertain by means of acting. I've really enjoy virtually every film he's done.
But the problem with Scientology isn't as big as you're making it out to be. You're failing to recognize the fact that every non-Christian religion or cult is equally as dangerous as the other. Any spirituality leading a person away from the one, true God is damnable. Just as it was merely the eating of the forbidden fruit by our first parents in the Garden, not some outrageously heinous act such as murder, which plummeted not only them but all their posterity, into an estate of sin and misery, with the wrath and judgement of God upon them.
Certainly some will object to my exclusive remarks here, but that's not a problem, and it changes reality not one bit. 2+2=4 is the truth, no matter who says it, no matter if they are Mother Theresa or Adolph Hitler, no matter if the whole world says otherwise; and the God of the Bible, the one Who has revealed Himself specifically in these last days as the Lord Jesus, is the only true God.
But on a completely practical level, Scientology affects a very, very, VERY small number of people, as it's a religion that costs money (and a lot of it) in order to gain ascendancy to the higher levels. It cannot be that which preys upon the poor, but only on the vanities of the wealthy. And even at that point, amongst the wealthy, the disciples of L.Ron Hubbard's cult are few and far between.
With that said, I'm sure I could, by virtue of my own personal Bible study, training as an officer in the Church, and from years of sitting under the teaching of theologically sound ministers of Word and Sacrament, find plenty wrong with your own theological position, especialy based upon your shocked and awed response to the presence of the music of a pagan on a non-Christian-specific radio station. For that matter, most of what's to be heard on the so-called "Contemporary Christian" radio stations is nothing more than what can be called "Jesus is my boyfriend" songs, and other sappy, songs containing innocuous, or even anti-Christian lyrics, though no doubt it wasn't their intention to do so.
Well that was a bit of a novella, but there it is.
We all know the XXXTREME DAMAGE this cult is doing to society.
BECK is one of the postboys for this cult and should be banned from RP!
Lets start requiring everyone to state their allegiance to the one true GOD! Yes that's right, I mean major league sports in 'Murica. Hail the mighty sports juggernaut! All bow down! Sitting in front of the TV so much is really a bigger problem. Most sane people know that Scientology is crap. If Beck is gaining some personal insights by practicing it then that's his business.
Seriously though I didn't even know Beck was a Scientologist and frankly don't care. I haven't seen him ranting and spouting his belief system publicly.
Shall we next ban everyone else who's religion or beliefs don't jive with your own? Muslims next perhaps? Atheists too, I mean they sure are "destructive" when it comes to religion. Oh noes think of the chillin.

By the way, the correct term is "posterboy", perhaps TV has damaged your ability to spell?
We all know the XXXTREME DAMAGE this cult is doing to society.
BECK is one of the postboys for this cult and should be banned from RP!

"Scientology turned my skin green."
We all know the XXXTREME DAMAGE this cult is doing to society.
BECK is one of the postboys for this cult and should be banned from RP!
Nah - maybe it's just time to chill and listen. Put away your preconceived notions and prejudices and give it a chance with new ears and an open mind. Beautiful music doesn't hold to human-contrived limitations of belief and structure. You are free to enjoy it without being tied to your old understandings of its source.
thais wrote:
Time to PSD for sure.
Well said. I kind of hated Beck when Loser came out and gained a grudging respect for him during the Odelay period. Since then I've acknowledged his talent without really getting into the music but this album is a stunning, beautiful and honest thing and of course it's lead me back to Sea Change and, overall, a whole new appreciation for the guy and the range of what he's produced.
Nah - maybe it's just time to chill and listen. Put away your preconceived notions and prejudices and give it a chance with new ears and an open mind. Beautiful music doesn't hold to human-contrived limitations of belief and structure. You are free to enjoy it without being tied to your old understandings of its source.
thais wrote:
Time to PSD for sure.
Time to PSD for sure.

Goes well with a first spring beer on the deck.
Maybe a name change would help. Beyecké?? Now that's artistry!
It is a fine piece of music and well deserved of its award, but face it folks -it's not a sport and awards for best movie/music are usually a farce.
Have another beer Dos Equis and enjoy the Beckster

Hey Tsawwassen !
And Beyoncé has also won 20 Grammys. It's not like she's being neglected.
Sadly, it is in fact a numbers game. For movies, box office gross is the deciding factor. For music, Obviously pretty much the same.
Good ovies are good movies. Good music is good music. And Kanye is an idiot.
It's that simplistic "5 million Elvis fans can't be wrong" kind of thinking. The Oscars really are supposed to be about art and innovation. It's not a numbers game. I'm not taking anything away from Beyoncé (don't really know what she sings), but I'm sure her music has won awards from MTV, the E! channel, People Magazine, American Music Awards and other organizations that take popular opinion and sales numbers into account.
The same thing goes for the 'American Sniper' movie. Just because it had leading box office sales for the past month leading up to the Oscars doesn't, by itself, make it worthy of a best film or best director Oscar.
And Beyoncé has also won 20 Grammys. It's not like she's being neglected.
Kanye West later went on a rant about how Beyonce should have won and Beck should give her his grammy.
The guy seriously needs to get a life.
It's that simplistic "5 million Elvis fans can't be wrong" kind of thinking. The Oscars really are supposed to be about art and innovation. It's not a numbers game. I'm not taking anything away from Beyoncé (don't really know what she sings), but I'm sure her music has won awards from MTV, the E! channel, People Magazine, American Music Awards and other organizations that take popular opinion and sales numbers into account.
The same thing goes for the 'American Sniper' movie. Just because it had leading box office sales for the past month leading up to the Oscars doesn't, by itself, make it worthy of a best film or best director Oscar.
Kanye West later went on a rant about how Beyonce should have won and Beck should give her his grammy.
The guy seriously needs to get a life.
Agreed. Kanye is taking the awards system WAY too seriously.
Kanye West later went on a rant about how Beyonce should have won and Beck should give her his grammy.
The guy seriously needs to get a life.
I'm not hearing any Spectrasonics Atmosphere in here.
Methinks you guess....
Either way, there's not anything "overdone" here. This is superb production.
This guy is the real deal ! It's only taken many how many years to get my head out of the sand ?
Way to got BillG !
You seem absolutely convinced that your perspective is TRUE. Despite the respectful observations of others that this may not, possibly, be completely accurate, you persist in your quest for rightness. Fine. But, not credible.
Have another beer Dos Equis and enjoy the Beckster

New album. I like it. Good overall response from RP listeners.
When something meets all 3 of those criteria, it'll get played relatively often — at least for a while. No payola required.
This is pretty different for Beck and most of us want to hear different music which is why we choose RP. And when we don't choose the music then we choose PSD. I think too many people are overly critical just because they can be. Keep up the good work, Bill!
New album. I like it. Good overall response from RP listeners.
When something meets all 3 of those criteria, it'll get played relatively often -- at least for a while. No payola required.
I think you're confusing lack of talent with something you personally don't like. I do not like many Beatles' songs, but I wouldn't say they lack talent.
Besides, artists without talent aren't played on RP, duh. (So yes, I'm implying Shatner has talent).
No I think you're confused.