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Album: Magic
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Total ratings: 1615

Released: 2007
Length: 2:41
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I got a coin in my palm
I can make it disappear
I got a card up my sleeve
Name it and I'll pull it out your ear
I got a rabbit in my hat
If you wanna come and see
This is what we'll be
This is what we'll be

I got shackles on my wrists
Soon I'll slip 'em and be gone
Chain me in a box in the river
And I'll rise singin' this song
Trust none of what you hear
And less of what you see
This is what we'll be
This is what we'll be

I got a shiny saw blade
All I need's a volunteer
I'll cut you in half
While you're smilin' ear to ear
And the freedom that you sought's
Drifting like a ghost amongst the trees
This is what we'll be
This is what we'll be

Now there's a fire down below
But it's coming up here
So leave everything you know
Carry only what you fear
On the road the sun is sinkin' low
There's bodies hangin' in the trees
This is what we'll be
This is what we'll be
Comments (154)add comment
 On_The_Beach wrote:

Beautiful song. More evidence (as if we needed it) that his Bruceness is so much more than just anthemic guitar rock (which of course he excels at).

Bruce will have a full catalog on the spaceship playlist that rides across to the new galaxy. Long ride. We need tunes.
Beautiful song. More evidence (as if we needed it) that his Bruceness is so much more than just anthemic guitar rock (which of course he excels at).
Very fine tune. His catalog is so impressive in my opinion.  This song sits along Radio Nowhere on the same album - showing his chops as both a rock artist and balladeer. As an example "Ghost of Tom Joad" (the album) would have suffered from an unbearable earnestness in the hands of most other artists, but Bruce's songcraft and delivery is outstanding and showcases his brilliance as a songwriter.
I came of musical age in the 80's as a "not a Bruce fan" - call me a narrow-minded teen.
Sometime during/after college I started to make some room in my head for him.
Over the years I found more space still.
This year I read (ok: listened to) his memoir Born to Run.  In this volume I found the magician had shared some tricks about how he did it - and, more importantly - why.  I came away feeling privileged to know his story and looking forward to going back & exploring his catalog - with the benefit of his laid-bare insight & a few more rings in my own tree.  
story of doom,5000.00 ticket price.."This is what will be"
I hate some of his songs, and I really like some of his songs.  And everything in between, which is where this song falls.  But I really respect him for being versatile enough to do something like this as well as his other stuff. 
I agree with Bill - not one of Bruce's most well-known or celebrated tunes, but a really fine song.
This is an example of why Bruce is still tops for pops in my book. The man is a composer and gifted poet, not just a rocker. Thank you for playing the more obscure stuff. There's magic in his broad collection that deserves to be heard.
Hearing this directly after John Mellencamp reveals why Bruce is worshipped like a god and, John, not so much...and I have never heard this song before...
at first I thought I was hearing Mark Knopfler ... quite like this song. am not a huge fan but this is good
This tune reminds me of the french song 'Dentelle' by the band Les Innocents:
 rednred wrote:
Great back to back songs by the Jersey Girl and the Jersey Boy. I live in Mexico now, and lived in San Francisco California for many years, but I grew up in New Jersey listening to and loving Bruce and Patti. In my humble opinion, after seeing most of the great live acts of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, Bruce is the best live rock performer ever (seen him 34 times and counting) and Patti is the best live female performer (10 times or so, always up close in intimate venues). 

Definitely concur. I've seen Bruce Springsteen a number of times, but most memorably at the Paramount Theatre in Oakland many years ago and he was amazing. I'm looking forward to seeing Patti Smith at the Masonic in San Francisco on September 14th in a benefit performance with Bob Weir and others (have front row seats!!).
Great back to back songs by the Jersey Girl and the Jersey Boy. I live in Mexico now, and lived in San Francisco California for many years, but I grew up in New Jersey listening to and loving Bruce and Patti. In my humble opinion, after seeing most of the great live acts of the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000s, Bruce is the best live rock performer ever (seen him 34 times and counting) and Patti is the best live female performer (10 times or so, always up close in intimate venues). 
I got a shiny saw blade
All I need's a volunteer
I'll cut you in half
While you're smilin' ear to ear
And the freedom that you sought
Is drifting like a ghost amongst the trees
. . . This is what will be
. . .
How soooooooooooooooooo apropos.
Don't care for him, but this is actually very good.
Nice having a little chat between Patti and Bruce, Bill. Thanks.
Great song.  Poor production. 
 BillG wrote:

No. It's to make the CD sound louder & "punchier" — to make it sound more like FM radio. If that sounds like a stupid goal, you're right. Ironically, that kind of processing actually makes the CD sound *worse* than normal if it actually does get played on the radio.
Cool.  Thanks for the explanation.   :-)
Happy birthday Brooooose.

65 today!

Happy Birthday!

Several very good songs on this album, including this one.
Too bad about the production because this album is full of great songs (recorded badly).

BillG wrote:

No. It's to make the CD sound louder & "punchier" -- to make it sound more like FM radio. If that sounds like a stupid goal, you're right. Ironically, that kind of processing actually makes the CD sound *worse* than normal if it actually does get played on the radio.

 BillG wrote:

The way that the audio was processed during the CD mastering process on this album makes it (IMHO) unlistenable once it's been further processed by our audio chain (or the processing used for FM broadcasts). I hope they re-issue it with the mastering fixed. This song is the one & only exception.


very interesting point...  I hope they fixed it...

love this song...
Magic is a phenomenal album. Radio Paradise, I besiege you to play more tracks from this masterful work of art.
First time to hear this.... took a moment to realize who it was. I like this. Proves he doesn't need to shout. Play often, Bill.
Love this track..Always reminds me being up in northern Wisconsin on Lake Tomahawk...7
Title track is good.  Other stuff on the album is better!

marvelous...  love it...
 coffee-eyes wrote:

BO is nothing more than an overbearing media whore who likes nothing more than to hear his own moronic thoughts.  How anyone, ANYONE, can stand behind this ass is beyond me. 

When he is wrong, he admits it.

When did he admit he was wrong about his statements about Shawn Hornbeck?  BO is a brainless, heartless creep.  If I were his mother, I'd watch my soul, cause BO would sell it in a heartbeat for another 15 mins of fame.

Took me some searching to find the context.  I thought you meant a different BO.  Not that it would make any difference.
This is a very good album.  If you were a fan back in the day and have never got around to picking up some of the stuff from the last decade or so, this is a good place to start.
Saw Springsteen in concert here in Detroit a couple of weeks ago. I can say that I've never been a great fan, but I have tremendous respect for him. At age 62, he still does a tremendous show, full of energy and surprises. I loved the way he pulled children out of the audience to have them sing or dance with him on stage. 

He's an amazing performer. 
A very good album.   Somewhat like Tunnel of Love in that the record just snuck up on us old Boss fans and now resonates.
Really good tune. Good work, Bruce.
A very fine piece of work from the Boss!
 toterola wrote:

This stuff went out the window with Nixon. It's nice to know that we had a President who said thing like this at one time though, isn't it?

Here's what Bush 41 had to say about one of his son's escapades: “I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.

When you couple Teddy Roosevelt's thoughts with the words of Dubya's father, regarding the exposing of clandestine operations and agents, you can really see how bad these bastards are for the country, and how far we've slid in a short time.

I don't think most people would agree with Theodore Roosevelt's views today.

I say we need someone like him right now.

 Webfoot wrote:
I'm not a big Springsteen fan, but this song is really good.
I'm not a fan also; but love this whole album, it's beautiful!
I'm not a big Springsteen fan, but this song is really good.

And now back to the music.......This is a fine piece of work by Bruce.

 kcar wrote:
Bill O'Reilly needs to disappear from all forms of mass media immediately. No responsible news network would tolerate his yelling, verbal abuse and lecturing for even one incident. He is an awful, hateful, bigoted fool. He adds nothing to the news or discussion of it. 
True, but he's still slightly less creepy/scary than Limbaugh, Beck & Coulter.
(Nice tune by Bruce, btw.)

Bruce Springsteen by ~Oh-La-De-Da
©2008-2010 ~Oh-La-De-Da

Hey people, this is song comment section.....focus! There, that's better, this song sucks!{#Puke}{#Lol}
 coffee-eyes wrote:

BO is nothing more than an overbearing media whore who likes nothing more than to hear his own moronic thoughts.  How anyone, ANYONE, can stand behind this ass is beyond me. 

When he is wrong, he admits it.

When did he admit he was wrong about his statements about Shawn Hornbeck?  BO is a brainless, heartless creep.  If I were his mother, I'd watch my soul, cause BO would sell it in a heartbeat for another 15 mins of fame.

Bill O'Reilly needs to disappear from all forms of mass media immediately. No responsible news network would tolerate his yelling, verbal abuse and lecturing for even one incident. He is an awful, hateful, bigoted fool. He adds nothing to the news or discussion of it. 
 nagsheadlocal wrote:
Some time in the late 70s Bruce stopped sounding like, well, Bruce, and he started sounding like a bad comp-lit course on American writers.
I never cared for the Bruce Springsteen music from the heyday of the E-Street period.  I always found his acoustic / folk work more appealing.  In the few interviews I've seen with him, it seems that it's the folk music that he seems to consider his "roots".  Pretty diverse guy, once you start looking at his whole catalog.

 coffee-eyes wrote:

BO is nothing more than an overbearing media whore who likes nothing more than to hear his own moronic thoughts.  How anyone, ANYONE, can stand behind this ass is beyond me. 

When he is wrong, he admits it.

When did he admit he was wrong about his statements about Shawn Hornbeck?  BO is a brainless, heartless creep.  If I were his mother, I'd watch my soul, cause BO would sell it in a heartbeat for another 15 mins of fame.

I think you pretty much nailed it. Well said.
 lattalo wrote:

What the hell, the Clinton News Network??? CNN is the only truely independent news on cable.
Forget the political commentators, they are a wast of time.  I just want the news, I will make up my
own mind, thank you very much and CNN does a very good job at that.  Fox news is a joke!!!!!!!  Bill
O'Reilly is an arrogant, self promoting, small minded loud mouth, a complete waste of time.  I don't
want the news people to tell me their opinions, I can think for myself thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't feed the trolls. Glockman makes Excelsior seem positively social.

 lattalo wrote:

What the hell, the Clinton News Network??? CNN is the only truely independent news on cable.
Forget the political commentators, they are a wast of time.  I just want the news, I will make up my
own mind, thank you very much and CNN does a very good job at that.  Fox news is a joke!!!!!!!  Bill
O'Reilly is an arrogant, self promoting, small minded loud mouth, a complete waste of time.  I don't
want the news people to tell me their opinions, I can think for myself thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There isn't any question that Fox News is a joke.  O'Reilly is different, though.  Sure, he's an opinionated windbag, but his admission that Iraq was a mistake tells me that he's not a complete ideologue.  There is a special place in journalistic hell for Sean Hannity, though —- this guy is as intellectually dishonest as it gets.

 Glockman45 wrote:

You probably get your news from CNN. Better known as the Clinton News Network. There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it. Who else can you name that is not a member of either party, is independant, and not afraid to call out those in either party if needed?
What the hell, the Clinton News Network??? CNN is the only truely independent news on cable.
Forget the political commentators, they are a wast of time.  I just want the news, I will make up my
own mind, thank you very much and CNN does a very good job at that.  Fox news is a joke!!!!!!!  Bill
O'Reilly is an arrogant, self promoting, small minded loud mouth, a complete waste of time.  I don't
want the news people to tell me their opinions, I can think for myself thank you very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Glockman45 wrote:

You probably get your news from CNN. Better known as the Clinton News Network. There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it. Who else can you name that is not a member of either party, is independant, and not afraid to call out those in either party if needed?

BO is nothing more than an overbearing media whore who likes nothing more than to hear his own moronic thoughts.  How anyone, ANYONE, can stand behind this ass is beyond me. 

When he is wrong, he admits it.

When did he admit he was wrong about his statements about Shawn Hornbeck?  BO is a brainless, heartless creep.  If I were his mother, I'd watch my soul, cause BO would sell it in a heartbeat for another 15 mins of fame.

Some time in the late 70s Bruce stopped sounding like, well, Bruce, and he started sounding like a bad comp-lit course on American writers.
I'm not a big Springsteen fan, but this is all right and growing on me.

Does it remind anyone else of Ed Norton in the movie "The Illusionist"?

 redeyespy wrote:

Yeah, God forbid we could get "just the news" and then be left to think on our own and form our own opinions. But it's so much better now, having blowhards of both partisan stripes screaming rhetoric for their minions who want their receptors conveniently sculpted to the respective vitriol, er, philosophy.

We just lost Wm. F. Buckley, a true pundit/commentator/raconteur. O'Reilly and his ilk are not heirs to his throne.

Hear, hear.

Just imagine what Buckley would do to Limbaugh or Coulter in a debate.  I just want to friggin weep ...
 Ulises wrote:

"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else." Theodore Roosevelt
- The Kansas City Star, May 7, 1918

This stuff went out the window with Nixon. It's nice to know that we had a President who said thing like this at one time though, isn't it?

Here's what Bush 41 had to say about one of his son's escapades: “I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.

When you couple Teddy Roosevelt's thoughts with the words of Dubya's father, regarding the exposing of clandestine operations and agents, you can really see how bad these bastards are for the country, and how far we've slid in a short time.

Nice to hear something more stripped down coming from "The Boss"
redeyespy wrote:
Yah, I'm talking about the same chap. Did I necessarily agree with him? My statements were not an endorsement of his views, not a bit. Fact, I'm more in Springsteen's corner, truth be told. Your citing the poisonous likes of Ingraham and Coulter only further illustrates my points. Refer to my original first paragraph. Let the news be the news. For editorials, I yearn for an insightful voice, whether I agree with it or not. These days, we get idiots of all partisanships-Hannity, Rhoads, et al.
"The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. Nothing but the truth should be spoken about him or any one else. But it is even more important to tell the truth, pleasant or unpleasant, about him than about any one else." Theodore Roosevelt - The Kansas City Star, May 7, 1918
toterola wrote:
Are you talking about the same "Wm. F. Buckley" who wanted the U.S. government to place boundaries on free speech? Along with Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman? I'm just wondering, because Bruce Springsteen stood up to that bunch of assholes just like he did Reagan and Dubya. Bruce and Billy Bragg try to do the right thing, and they get told to "shut up and sing" by folks like Laura Ingraham and "Man" Coulter. I like it when my heroes speak out. It makes me think they care about something besides getting richer.
Yah, I'm talking about the same chap. Did I necessarily agree with him? My statements were not an endorsement of his views, not a bit. Fact, I'm more in Springsteen's corner, truth be told. Your citing the poisonous likes of Ingraham and Coulter only further illustrates my points. Refer to my original first paragraph. Let the news be the news. For editorials, I yearn for an insightful voice, whether I agree with it or not. These days, we get idiots of all partisanships-Hannity, Rhoads, et al.
Quoting: Interesting. Every time I hear "Gypsy Biker" on the local FM station, I say to myself, "Whoever mixed this mess oughta be shot!" It sounds like there might be a great track in there somewhere, but I can't hear it due to the sonic trainwreck coming out of my radio. I heard "Radio Nowhere" today for the first time on the way home from work and it features the same sludgehammer sound. Again I was asking myself, "What the hell??" What a shame. What a mess. The latest Rush CD was a sonic mess also. I don't know why these mixes are thought to be so good. Mush to me.
redeyespy wrote:
Yeah, God forbid we could get "just the news" and then be left to think on our own and form our own opinions. But it's so much better now, having blowhards of both partisan stripes screaming rhetoric for their minions who want their receptors conveniently sculpted to the respective vitriol, er, philosophy. We just lost Wm. F. Buckley, a true pundit/commentator/raconteur. O'Reilly and his ilk are not heirs to his throne.
Are you talking about the same "Wm. F. Buckley" who wanted the U.S. government to place boundaries on free speech? Along with Tipper Gore and Joe Lieberman? I'm just wondering, because Bruce Springsteen stood up to that bunch of assholes just like he did Reagan and Dubya. Bruce and Billy Bragg try to do the right thing, and they get told to "shut up and sing" by folks like Laura Ingraham and "Man" Coulter. I like it when my heroes speak out. It makes me think they care about something besides getting richer.
Everytime this starts I think it's going to be John Hiatt's "Thunderbird" off "Master of Disaster" -- then I'm disappointed -- then I think Bruce is getting a bit too close to John's tune...
jptl wrote:
Looks like Bruce has gotten very bitter and cynical in his old, politically crusading life. I guess that's what money and success can do for many people. I miss the old "Born to Run" stuff.
Poverty will do it quicker............
Grizzly_old_man wrote:
As much as I dislike Bruce I have to say this tune is rather nice.
davidstanford wrote:
There are some other great songs on this album too, how about Gypsy Biker Bill??
BillG wrote:
The way that the audio was processed during the CD mastering process on this album makes it (IMHO) unlistenable once it's been further processed by our audio chain (or the processing used for FM broadcasts). I hope they re-issue it with the mastering fixed. This song is the one & only exception.
Interesting. Every time I hear "Gypsy Biker" on the local FM station, I say to myself, "Whoever mixed this mess oughta be shot!" It sounds like there might be a great track in there somewhere, but I can't hear it due to the sonic trainwreck coming out of my radio. I heard "Radio Nowhere" today for the first time on the way home from work and it features the same sludgehammer sound. Again I was asking myself, "What the hell??" What a shame. What a mess.
redeyespy wrote:
Yeah, God forbid we could get "just the news" and then be left to think on our own and form our own opinions. But it's so much better now, having blowhards of both partisan stripes screaming rhetoric for their minions who want their receptors conveniently sculpted to the respective vitriol, er, philosophy. We just lost Wm. F. Buckley, a true pundit/commentator/raconteur. O'Reilly and his ilk are not heirs to his throne.
When I first heard this track, I thought "Wow, Bruce has come up with a great CD". Then I checked out the lyrics to the rest of the tracks. What a downer. No thanks. Looks like Bruce has gotten very bitter and cynical in his old, politically crusading life. I guess that's what money and success can do for many people. I miss the old "Born to Run" stuff.
lwilkinson wrote:
It would be a great tragedy if all commentary was like Walter Cronkite was like 30 years ago ..... bland, bland, bland with no thought behind much of anything.
Yeah, God forbid we could get "just the news" and then be left to think on our own and form our own opinions. But it's so much better now, having blowhards of both partisan stripes screaming rhetoric for their minions who want their receptors conveniently sculpted to the respective vitriol, er, philosophy. We just lost Wm. F. Buckley, a true pundit/commentator/raconteur. O'Reilly and his ilk are not heirs to his throne.
Glockman45 wrote:
There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it.
But he rarely has to - opinion isn't wrong, it's subjective, even when it's misinformed or deliberately poisonous. Though, has he apologized for claiming that Clooney kept the money from the 9-11 benefit? Last I heard, Clooney wanted a chance to debate him on the details on neutral ground (the Charlie Rose show was suggested, I think) but O'Rielly didn't respond. And that was a number of years ago. Just curious.
Glockman45 wrote:
There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. .... At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it.
And he really knows how to seduce his co-workers. I mean who can resist being rubbed with falafel while showering? Talk about thinking outside the box!
westslope wrote:
Bill, Thanks for the explanation! Curious. Was this done to impede pirating? It must hurt promotion. -Erik
No. It's to make the CD sound louder & "punchier" -- to make it sound more like FM radio. If that sounds like a stupid goal, you're right. Ironically, that kind of processing actually makes the CD sound *worse* than normal if it actually does get played on the radio.
Glockman45 wrote:
You probably get your news from CNN. Better known as the Clinton News Network. There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it. Who else can you name that is not a member of either party, is independant, and not afraid to call out those in either party if needed?
Glockman..I agree with everything you posted. I cannot bring myself to watch much CNN. But I still stick with my (for the record comment)however, am not a blind left winger like many that post comments here. Lets just all enjoy what Bill and Rebecca have done here. Shut up and listen to the music and leave the politics to the AM dial!!!
BillG wrote:
The way that the audio was processed during the CD mastering process on this album makes it (IMHO) unlistenable once it's been further processed by our audio chain (or the processing used for FM broadcasts). I hope they re-issue it with the mastering fixed. This song is the one & only exception.
Bill, Thanks for the explanation! Curious. Was this done to impede pirating? It must hurt promotion. -Erik
I like this! I thought it was mark knopfler though.
This is the first time I get excited about music from the Boss since Born to Run. Sweet.
davidstanford wrote:
Im not a massive Bruce fan either, but he has well earned his keep. There are some other great songs on this album too, how about Gypsy Biker Bill??
The way that the audio was processed during the CD mastering process on this album makes it (IMHO) unlistenable once it's been further processed by our audio chain (or the processing used for FM broadcasts). I hope they re-issue it with the mastering fixed. This song is the one & only exception.
Im not a massive Bruce fan either, but he has well earned his keep. There are some other great songs on this album too, how about Gypsy Biker Bill??
As much as I dislike Bruce I have to say this tune is rather nice.
Glockman45 wrote:
There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly.
Glockman45 wrote:
You probably get your news from CNN. Better known as the Clinton News Network. There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it. Who else can you name that is not a member of either party, is independant, and not afraid to call out those in either party if needed?
Not to defend CNN or anything, but Lou Dobbs seems to hate everybody equally. I think the guy is gonna have a stroke right on the air someday.
parrothead wrote:
For the record 1. O'Reilly is full of himself. 2. Sean Hannity is a simpleton. 3. Limbaugh is a broken record.
You probably get your news from CNN. Better known as the Clinton News Network. There has never been a more "stand up" political commentator than Bill O'Reilly. Now, go get more of the "red Koolaid" and drink it fast. At least he admits that he is wrong sometimes about his positions on some issues. When he is wrong, he admits it. Who else can you name that is not a member of either party, is independant, and not afraid to call out those in either party if needed?
Started out sort of meh, a 6 or 7. Sometimes that's a good thing, tho. I think it has the potential to grow on me until I think it's essential. Let's see!
His sound has finally matured. Thank Gawd!
Its early morning where I am right now. I was making breakfast for myself and the family when this tune came on darn near burned the eggs so I could check the screen to see who did this one. I am surprised! I like it and will give it a 9
lwilkinson wrote:
Can't disagree with the comments but I'd add Larry King and all the pinheads from the left to your list. Remember that the function of political commentators/rabble rouser's is to give you something to chew on and think about whether you agree or disagree. It would be a great tragedy if all commentary was like Walter Cronkite was like 30 years ago ..... bland, bland, bland with no thought behind much of anything.
Yeah, I hate it when news is just the facts. Rushie's view on everything is just so much better.
Candela wrote:
Is this a new style for B. Springsteen? I am not a huge fan of the guy, but this is nice tune :) Going UP. Giving him a 7 for it. :P:)
No, it's not new. It's just his best style, IMO. Check out Nebraska or Ghost of Tom Joad for other examples of Bruce playing like this.
parrothead wrote:
For the record 1. O'Reilly is full of himself. 2. Sean Hannity is a simpleton. 3. Limbaugh is a broken record.
Can't disagree with the comments but I'd add Larry King and all the pinheads from the left to your list. Remember that the function of political commentators/rabble rouser's is to give you something to chew on and think about whether you agree or disagree. It would be a great tragedy if all commentary was like Walter Cronkite was like 30 years ago ..... bland, bland, bland with no thought behind much of anything.
funkaholic wrote:
While I generally agree with and support Limbaugh's views, I absolutely agree with your sentiments.
Same for me, except I think that Rush Limbaugh is a pinhead.
Brestois wrote:
Do musicians ever retire?
The really good ones asphyxiate on their own vomit at some point. Bruce may live forever.
drtjdel wrote:
Bruce doing his best Mark Knopfler turn. Except without the chops.
What kind of music inspires you that you could make such a poor comparison; Celine perhaps?
Indeed a very nice song. Thanks to the Boss.
parrothead wrote:
For the record 1. O'Reilly is full of himself. 2. Sean Hannity is a simpleton. 3. Limbaugh is a broken record.
While I generally agree with and support Limbaugh's views, I absolutely agree with your sentiments.
never been a big bruce fan love nebraska love this song
Bruce doing his best Mark Knopfler turn. Except without the chops.
kalkin84 wrote:
BS (fitting initials) is on the list of old musicians who just need to retire.
Do musicians ever retire?
Candela wrote:
this is nice song:)
Yep. Nice one from the boss.
Is this a new style for B. Springsteen? I am not a huge fan of the guy, but this is nice tune :) Going UP. Giving him a 7 for it. :P:)
Wow! This is the first cut I've heard from the new album, and I really really like it. Must put this on my wish list!
this is nice song:)
I've loved him since he greeted us from Asbury Park when I was just a kid.
I really like the Boss's story and the evolution. This CD will fit in very nicely with all the others of his later work. (Nebraska, Lucky Town, etc.) When ever He or John Prine or Steve Earle do something new I wax nostalgic and it's like hearing from an old friend again.
This sounds quite good. However, somehow the concept of magic and The Boss just don't fit together in my mind. Especially when I see that picture on the album cover. "Magic" just is not the word that pops into my mind.
It s more than the music ....its his words ...poet style...he grown better with age . long way from BORN IN THE USA
For the record 1. O'Reilly is full of himself. 2. Sean Hannity is a simpleton. 3. Limbaugh is a broken record.
BS (fitting initials) is on the list of old musicians who just need to retire.
Ntropy wrote:
Is it me, or does his vocal on this sound like Warren Zevon?
who's warren zevon?
Ah he matures like a fine old port
it's a kind of magic.
He is such an incredible artist.
rascal420 wrote:
This is a pretty good album from a guy who once pulled Courtney Cox out of the audience onto the stage to dance with her.
Life imitates art? You're thinking of the Dancing in the Dark video, and it wasn't random -- 19-year-old Courtney was cast to play the 14-year-old who gets invited on stage.
Wow, this may be the only Bruce Springsteen song I like! Of course it reminds me a lot of Mark Knopfler (sp?) who I like a lot.
Is it me, or does his vocal on this sound like Warren Zevon?
Wow, this is so beautiful. Hard to believe it's "The Boss"
Bruce continues his 30-year streak of producing dull music.
I'm not a great BS fan, but some of his stuff is indeed, magic. Superb!
first I've heard of this, not bad.
I remember working in Philadelphia on Market Street around 1985 or so. Adults had Springsteen posters in their cubicles. Bruce sold out the Meadowlands for 5 nights. Then 5 nights at Veteran's Stadium. Then more shows at the Meadowlands got added. I think it was the "Born in the USA" tour. Unbelievable. This is a pretty good album from a guy who once pulled Courtney Cox out of the audience onto the stage to dance with her.
Best CD I've heard this year.
I want this album -- and I'm not 45! He's still got it.
Saw this tour at the Meadowlands last week. Utterly awesome.
vorkosigan wrote:
I second you on this. Excellent stuff.
Like a fine wine