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The The — Slow Emotion Replay
Album: Dusk
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Released: 1993
Length: 3:51
Plays (last 30 days): 3
The more I see
The less I know
About all the things I thought were wrong or right
And carved in stone

So, don't ask me about war
Religion, or God
Love, Sex, or Death

Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's going on in myself

You've gotta work out your own salvation.
With no explanation
To this Earth we fall
On hands and knees we crawl

And we look up to the stars
And we reach out and pray
To a deaf, dumb and blind God
Who never explains

Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's going on in myself

Lord, I've been here for so long
I can feel it coming down on me
I'm just a slow emotion replay of somebody
I used to be
Comments (99)add comment
 aspicer wrote:

Excited to have read just today that the plan is he is coming the U.S. "soon" following current European tour. I'm all in for that!

I just grabbed tix for the Seattle show in November - I've been waiting for tomorrow (all my life)!
Excited to have read just today that the plan is he is coming the U.S. "soon" following current European tour. I'm all in for that!
 Kelvinclifford wrote:

In Yorkshire "the" is silent so this band would be " " 

Will have to take your word for it - that is for sure.
 Kelvinclifford wrote:

In Yorkshire "the" is silent so this band would be " " 

So true (N Yorkshire here)
In Yorkshire "the" is silent so this band would be " " 
6 -> 7.  And that might not be enough.
 aspicer wrote:

SO true - I recently listened to Mind Bomb straight through (after years of putting it down) - it may as well have been written yesterday. Unfortunately, you could say he's a "realist" not a pessimist.

Realist, cynic, pessimist, futurist, and visionary.
Top track and a ten plus👍
Love this song.  One of my top five from The The no doubt.  And that harmonica!  Thanks RP for spinning this gem.
 Stodoroff wrote:

Matt Johnson has been predicting the ways of the world for over 30 years through his lyrics.  His music is always outstanding. Truly a musical genius and one of the most underrated artists of our time. Listen to "Armageddon Days Are Here (Again)" off the Mind Bomb album. "The world is on its elbows and knees, it's forgotten the message and worships the creed." Written in 1989 and so relevant today. His music is intelligent, beautiful, raw and sometimes even danceable! 

SO true - I recently listened to Mind Bomb straight through (after years of putting it down) - it may as well have been written yesterday. Unfortunately, you could say he's a "realist" not a pessimist.
Good stuff.
 Stodoroff wrote:
Matt Johnson has been predicting the ways of the world for over 30 years through his lyrics.  His music is always outstanding. Truly a musical genius and one of the most underrated artists of our time. Listen to "Armageddon Days Are Here (Again)" off the Mind Bomb album. "The world is on its elbows and knees, it's forgotten the message and worships the creed." Written in 1989 and so relevant today. His music is intelligent, beautiful, raw and sometimes even danceable! 

I was just about to write this same thing.  Mind Bomb's first few songs kind of run together to form a unit, and are chilling in terms of how prescient they were back in the 80s.  

If I may quote from those songs (to enhance Stodoroff's quotes):
Good Morning Beautiful:
"Who is it, whose words have been twisted beyond recognition 
In order to build your planet Earth's religions?
Who is it, who could make your little armies of the left and little armies of the right
Light up your skies tonight?"

Armageddon Days:
"If you think that Jesus Christ is coming, 
Honey, you've got another thing coming.
If he ever finds out who's hijacked his name, 
He'll cut out his heart and turn in his grave.
Islam is rising,
The Christians mobilizing.
The world is on its elbows and knees.
It's forgotten the message and worships the creeds.

But God didn't build himself that throne.
God doesn't live in Israel or Rome.
God doesn't belong to the Yankee dollar.
God doesn't plant the bombs for Hezbollah.
God doesn't even go to church.
And God won't send us down to Allah to burn.
God will remind us what we already know:
That the human race is about to reap what it's sown."

Matt Johnson has been predicting the ways of the world for over 30 years through his lyrics.  His music is always outstanding. Truly a musical genius and one of the most underrated artists of our time. Listen to "Armageddon Days Are Here (Again)" off the Mind Bomb album. "The world is on its elbows and knees, it's forgotten the message and worships the creed." Written in 1989 and so relevant today. His music is intelligent, beautiful, raw and sometimes even danceable! 
 Kilroy wrote:
Interesting Fact:  This song was written more than twenty years BEFORE President Trump was elected. Lyrics strangely relevant. Sad!

True.  Bob Dylan's My Back Pages is still very relevant.  
 fredriley wrote:
"The more I see the less I know" - yep, I can concur. The older I get, the more confusing and bonkers the world gets. Stuff age bringing wisdom - it brings experience, but wisdom can come to those of any age. Remember that, young 'uns.

I sometimes wonder about the average of a Radio Paradise listener. Do “young 'uns” listen or are we all “of a certain age”?

Interesting Fact:  This song was written more than twenty years BEFORE President Trump was elected. Lyrics strangely relevant. Sad!
Sweet pop song.

Nice lyrics, especially for those of us who have a few klicks under our belts.
Too long for a T-shirt but still a great line:

Everybody knows what's going wrong with the world
But I don't even know what's going on in myself
Ya think Midnight Oil listened to much The The? Or is it just The?

ETA: Oops, Midnight Oil was first in 1990. So strike that. Reverse it.
 SantaFeGrace wrote:

{#Yes}   I would LOVE to download some of their music, but when I try a search I get millions of results.....{#Frustrated}   seriously....

You should try "the the" instead. Or just use Spotify.
Thought this was a Love & Money song I missed. Nice.
 fredriley wrote:
"The more I see the less I know" - yep, I can concur. The older I get, the more confusing and bonkers the world gets. Stuff age bringing wisdom - it brings experience, but wisdom can come to those of any age. Remember that, young 'uns.

I was just saying to my self the other day: "Has everyone on the planet gone nuts?"

Even growing up in the days of strife at home over civil rights and the war, and the Vietnam War itself, you'd think we'd be accustomed to "interesting times" but it does seem like people have gone completely mad lately.

...and I still don't know jack shit.
"The more I see the less I know" - yep, I can concur. The older I get, the more confusing and bonkers the world gets. Stuff age bringing wisdom - it brings experience, but wisdom can come to those of any age. Remember that, young 'uns.
It has a good beat and you can dance to it Mister Clark, I'll give it a 60! 
Yeah, more "The The" please. And through in some "Nails" once in a while. Yeah, that'd be good.
Very nice!
this is not  possably an attempt at reality....{#Lol}
love love The The
Hurrah for The The - I'm sad that Johnny Marr didn't work more with Matt Johnson. This song is one of my favourites, partly because it concerns itself with the human condition and DOUBT in particular. Lovely, subtle guitar playing as well.

Certainly a 10 - anybody doubting my taste?

Except Nottingham, I mean....

and another 10! Wooow - Bill is rolling!!!


My 5th or 6th 10 in the last 45 minutes!!!


It's Saturday-morning in Germany!

Maybe I should stand up earlier in future....?!?!

Good idea.  Everybody loves to diss the popular music of the 1980s.  But frankly there was some great material that came out.  I happened to be living in Québec and was very, very busy at the time saving the world so I missed a lot good popular music from the English-speaking world.

Nice to catch up here on RP.


I think it would be cool to have a "Best of the 80s Repeated Name Triple Bill" with Duran Duran and Talk Talk. I'd go to that.
certainly one of the best albums of the 90's.  Really took a lot of the drivel, OK experimentation, from the 80's and made it meaningful.  Still one of my favorite albums in my collection, which stretches from the 60's to now.
 Synth80s wrote:
It's sad to think that much of this album was influenced by the death of Matt Johnson's brother 

Why is this sad?
Do you know the family?

 SantaFeGrace wrote:

{#Yes}   I would LOVE to download some of their music, but when I try a search I get millions of results.....{#Frustrated}   seriously....


haaaa - right, I know!

The are clever - aren't the?

It's sad to think that much of this album was influenced by the death of Matt Johnson's brother, but it's simply an amazing album end to end.
love it  you must play more the the    great stuff
 Baby_M wrote:
Excellent song title.
Love The The!

Excellent song title.
New Order
The The

Go on then Firefall - Strange Way , Bobby Womack - Tell Me Why, Kate Rusby - anything

Thanks Again
 SantaFeGrace wrote:

{#Yes}   I would LOVE to download some of their music, but when I try a search I get millions of results.....{#Frustrated}   seriously....

BUY IT then..... doh{#Headache}
 Shesdifferent wrote:
Yes, one of THE most underrated bands...

{#Yes}   I would LOVE to download some of their music, but when I try a search I get millions of results.....{#Frustrated}   seriously....

 Shesdifferent wrote:
Yes, one of THE most underrated bands...
In the same way that Dubya was "misunderestimated?"

Sorry, not meaning to be snarky.  I just couldn't resist.  {#Angel}

Mmmm, this vaguely reminds me of "Charlie" by Noir Désir.

Can't say I care much for this song, though, it's musically too repetitive for my taste and the lyrics don't seem all that interesting either. I'll give it a three for the time being.

The The: Uh-uh.
Yes, one of THE most underrated bands...
I started humming this to myself spontaneously yesterday. Great song!
willb wrote:
It is refreshing to hear these guys in the RP rotation. I just wish it happened more often.
fredriley wrote:
Poppy and radical - a mixture not seen much in the 80s, and for that reason they were pretty special. They laid the ground for bands like the Levellers, Chumbawumba, Scritti Politti, and others that put out their message in danceable form.
Wow, this is what I call 'a perfect description in a few words'!
Poppy and radical - a mixture not seen much in the 80s, and for that reason they were pretty special. They laid the ground for bands like the Levellers, Chumbawumba, Scritti Politti, and others that put out their message in danceable form.
Vivi2 wrote:

I saw them maybe about 4 or 5 years ago touring smaller venues and they were great. During the show there was some girl talking and MJ stopped in the middle of the song and asked her if he was bothering her with his singing. Just a great show.

I've seen him 3 times, twice in small venues and once in a sizeable theater. 3 of the best shows I've ever seen.
TonyBear wrote:
Brilliant song, this was the last decent album they released, one of the best bands of the late 80s early 90s in my opinion.
It's my opinion that your opinion is lacking. Everything he has ever released has been brilliant.
"t - hee, t - hee" - Lloyd Christmas "The, the" - Harry Dunne
Very Underrated Band.
raelic wrote:
What an absolutely first rate song: great tune, great lyrics, great playing. Someone upload Armageddon Days Are Here Again!
repetitive lyrics
Ah! My favorite album by who, if you catch me on the right day, is my favorite band! Certainly didn't miss The Smiths with Johnny Marr joining The The!
Why not more of this outstanding and one of the MOST underrated bands (with Smith guitar wizzard Jonny Marr)...? They have tons of good material. What about "The Whisperers" for starters? Check out their truely unusual website and hear all songs from A to Z. www.thethe.com ARTEMIS!
Noam Chomsky rocks! Keep listening to Noam Chomsky. And yea, I did hear he is in fact a great dancer... Howard Zinn, Helen Caldecott, etc.... all are determined to keep on rockin' in the free world! Become informed. Check out the documentary Orwell Rolls In His Grave! It's a look at how the 1% of the population owns 95% of the wealth... and how the de-regulation of the FCC allows megacompanies to gobble up all of the media sources. 10 years ago 77 companies owned various media sources... now it's 7, maybe 5, can't remember exactly. 1984 is here. Truly one of the best documentaries about what's happening in the world, and how the U.S. is screwing things up. Namely, democracy. Can get it through Netflix. Hell, now they're trying to control the internet! Stand up! Stand up! Stand up for your rights! Beg pardon for the political discussion. Just saw it last night. A must see. Oh, and great tune! Signed, Winston (good friend of Atticus Finch)
so, would somebody insightful shed some light in the darkness for us over here in the corner who haven't yet identified the RP pet topic?
Gee! They sure must be fans of George Michael...
What an absolutely first rate song: great tune, great lyrics, great playing. Someone upload Armageddon Days Are Here Again!
Dinsdale wrote:
It's the only song on this album that you hear on RP because the lyrics mention a topic/point of view apparently held in high regard here at RP. I ain't sayin' what it is (if you cared about it you would have noticed already), but it's really pretty sad.
uuhhmmmm....I hear lots of varied points of view expressed by the music and the posts here on RP. Good song. 7.
Melibe wrote:
This is the second time that I've heard this song, yet I haven't heard any other songs off of this album. Why?
It's the only song on this album that you hear on RP because the lyrics mention a topic/point of view apparently held in high regard here at RP. I ain't sayin' what it is (if you cared about it you would have noticed already), but it's really pretty sad.
fredriley wrote:
...Noam Chomsky for the dance floor :)
Wooooo, now that would be a sight to be seen!! Pop and independent thinking...sounds like a nice combo to me...
Kick it! w00t!
Nice to know that the Angry Brigade of UK agitpop is still going - Heartland, from their seminal Infected album, is one of my all time fave tracks, sheer burning radical anger dressed up in toe-tapping poppiness. Noam Chomsky for the dance floor :)
The The appears to have a repetition problem with more than just their name
This is one of those where I have liked TT for a while, Love the TUNE, problem with the lyrics... makes a 3 avg.
It is refreshing to hear these guys in the RP rotation. I just wish it happened more often.
The The are Awesome Awesome
Brilliant song, this was the last decent album they released, one of the best bands of the late 80s early 90s in my opinion.
I'm painting a plywood floor in our living room with Kilz, preparing for a new carpet installation on Friday, grooving out to one of my all-time favorite tunes by The The. Radio Paradise is on the air in our neighborhood --- FM 88.9! You're sounding great on the 64 kbps AACPlus feed, friends. Please keep it up! Warmly, Your fanatic listeners in Chicago
Love this line: "I'm just a slow emotion replay of somebody I used to be."
RobGraham wrote:
One of my favorite bands of all time. I did get a chance to see The The in concert in Boston about 1992. Matt Johnson seemed very uncomfortable performing in front of an audience and, sadly, the concert was a bit of a disappointment. As for the studio stuff...brilliant.
I saw them maybe about 4 or 5 years ago touring smaller venues and they were great. During the show there was some girl talking and MJ stopped in the middle of the song and asked her if he was bothering her with his singing. Just a great show.
One of my favorite bands of all time. I did get a chance to see The The in concert in Boston about 1992. Matt Johnson seemed very uncomfortable performing in front of an audience and, sadly, the concert was a bit of a disappointment. As for the studio stuff...brilliant.
Melibe wrote:
This is the second time that I've heard this song, yet I haven't heard any other songs off of this album. Why?
The whole CD is great. Go buy it.
I would love to see The The in concert...I give this tune a 10!
This is the second time that I've heard this song, yet I haven't heard any other songs off of this album. Why?
joemama wrote:
Has to be the happiest (sounding) The The song I've ever heard. Fun Bill.
So happy that it sounds like Spandau Ballet...
Dave_Mack wrote:
Oh yes. The Oils musta heard this one. "Blue Sky Mine" sounds a whole lot like it, stylistically. Both good songs though, I hasten to say.
I, too, thought it was "Blue Sky Mine" at first...and look what has followed on the playlist. very clever!
richie25 wrote:
The harmonica at the start sounds a lot like Midnight Oils Blue Sky Mine.
Oh yes. The Oils musta heard this one. "Blue Sky Mine" sounds a whole lot like it, stylistically. Both good songs though, I hasten to say.
The harmonica at the start sounds a lot like Midnight Oils Blue Sky Mine.
Has to be the happiest (sounding) The The song I've ever heard. Fun Bill.
Perfect. Thanks, Bill.
LOVE the tune... fell off the fence on the lyrics... No, he DON'T even know what's goin' on...
Excellent. Johnny Marr is the man.
An outstanding track, I'd say the best one on Dusk. I practically counted the days for six months circa '92-'93 waiting for the CD's release. I wish Marr and MJ had done more together. Johnson is an incredibly gifted songwriter, IMO, very subtle. He has a kung-fu grip on putting feelings of loneliness, despair and self-doubt into words without crossing into self-pity or whimpering. "Giant" from Soul Mining is a classic in that respect.
I love that RP plays The The! :D
One of The The's best songs... Dusk was one album you could sit, kick back and ponder life to...