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Joseph Arthur — Honey and the Moon
Album: Redemption's Son
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Total ratings: 1997

Released: 2002
Length: 4:34
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Don't know why I'm still afraid
If you weren't real I would make you up
I wish that I could follow through
I know that your love is true
And deep
As the sea
But right now
Everything you want is wrong,
And right now
All your dreams are waking up,
And right now
I wish I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom,
Where no one lives.

Remember when we first met
And everything was still a bet
In love's game
You would call; I'd call you back
And then I'd leave
A message
On your answering

But right now
Everything is turning blue,
And right now
The sun is trying to kill the moon,
And right now
I wish I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom,
Where no one lives

Run away tonight
Freedom, freedom
Run away
Run away tonight

We're made out of blood and rust
Looking for someone to trust
A fight
I think that you came too soon
You're the honey and the moon
That lights
Up my night

But right now
Everything you want is wrong,
And right now
All your dreams are waking up,
And right now
I wish that I could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom
Where no one lives

Run away tonight
Freedom freedom
Run away
Run away tonight

We got too much time to kill
Like pigeons on my windowsill
We hang around

Ever since I've been with you
You hold me up
All the time I'm falling down

But right now
Everything is turning blue,
And right now
The sun is trying to kill the moon,
And right now
I wish i could follow you
To the shores
Of freedom
Where no one lives

Run away tonight
Freedom freedom
Run away
Run away tonight
Comments (152)add comment
Iron and Wine?
 woodchuk wrote:

I agree.   Politics has been in art, music and entertainment since..i don't know..Aeschylus, Aristophanes, etc.  (Lysistrata anyone..)

Today's snowflakes are just too sensitive to hear opinions different from their own and start their endless whinging about politics and cry out for censorship and cancellation.  Music can be a powerful mover for change - consider all the pro-labor songs during the labor conflicts that consumed the period between 1870s-1930s.  There would be no Woodie Guthrie, etc. without those!

Are you serioiusly suggesting an equivalence between Woodie Guthrie's songs of social conscience, which were calls to arms against the oppression of the powerless, and a complete and utter bellend using his platform to blather dumb conspiracy theories, and completely ascientific and potentially dangerous drivel?
I wish I could separate Music and Politics, as I think Joseph Arthur made some great songs. But knowing about his loud expressions against vaccinations and linking Covid19 to Nazi's and 5G, kind of ruined it.  What a shame. 
If he was trying for super corny lyrics he reached his goal. 
what a lovely album. 
 TurtleMan wrote:

This  would almost be funny if intended as sarcasm, but I don’t think it is.

I agree.   Politics has been in art, music and entertainment since..i don't know..Aeschylus, Aristophanes, etc.  (Lysistrata anyone..)

Today's snowflakes are just too sensitive to hear opinions different from their own and start their endless whinging about politics and cry out for censorship and cancellation.  Music can be a powerful mover for change - consider all the pro-labor songs during the labor conflicts that consumed the period between 1870s-1930s.  There would be no Woodie Guthrie, etc. without those!
 Hippostar wrote:

Agreed!  Politics has no place in art, music and entertainment!

This  would almost be funny if intended as sarcasm, but I don’t think it is.
 sergioso wrote:

Music so so. Thinking absolutly insulting. Sorry aquí no hay debate ni libertad de opinión. Solo un loco insultándonos por creer en las vacunas. You don't believe in them...fin with it. Don't get the shot but don't  get close to me

Arthur first commented publicly on his beliefs related to Covid-19 in April 2020. He stated that Anthony Fauci should be imprisoned and later referred to those that endorse the Covid-19 vaccinations to Nazis. His manager, booking agent, and record label severed their associations with Arthur in 2021. New West Records also declined to release an album he recorded with Peter Buck.[44]

the further along we get, the less crackpot the "crackpots" are becoming about this ordeal
Music so so. Thinking absolutly insulting. Sorry aquí no hay debate ni libertad de opinión. Solo un loco insultándonos por creer en las vacunas. You don't believe in them...fin with it. Don't get the shot but don't  get close to me

Arthur first commented publicly on his beliefs related to Covid-19 in April 2020. He stated that Anthony Fauci should be imprisoned and later referred to those that endorse the Covid-19 vaccinations to Nazis. His manager, booking agent, and record label severed their associations with Arthur in 2021. New West Records also declined to release an album he recorded with Peter Buck.[44]

oh christ - the free speech absolutists are like howler monkeys that don’t understand how loud and stupid they sound. Nobody needs to hear your 5th grade level opinion on a technology you don’t understand. Just because you did your fucking research does not make you an expert.
 Grebbel wrote:

Great songs. It's a shame that he started ranting on vaccines, ivermectin and nazi's. (see article in Los Angeles Times 11-08-2021)

Despite the general "don't mix politics with music comments" push, I appreciate that the "anti-vax" claims were made on this board as I didn't know Mr. Arthur had been so vocal about this.   


I FULLY support these discussions, finding censorship to be one of the worst things to come from this entire pandemic situation. 

LLRP and not being censored! 
 gottclay wrote:

Proof that artists (or anyone) should not make strong statements about things they don't understand:

Agreed!  Politics has no place in art, music and entertainment!
"I think that you came too soon"

Dude, TMI.
Really nice segue from Khalid. Thanks, Master Bill!
I quite like the song, but sadly his anti-vaxxer bollix rates him a 1.
 Grebbel wrote:

Great songs. It's a shame that he started ranting on vaccines, ivermectin and nazi's. (see article in Los Angeles Times 11-08-2021)

One man's villain is another man's hero. 
Great songs. It's a shame that he started ranting on vaccines, ivermectin and nazi's. (see article in Los Angeles Times 11-08-2021)

Proof that artists (or anyone) should not make strong statements about things they don't understand:

Arthur identifies as Christian. He champions fitness, wellness, but also pseudoscientific homeopathic remedies. He and his girlfriend, Anna Sophia, have one daughter, Alessia, who was born in July 2021. They have a 29-year age gap.[44]

Arthur first commented publicly on his beliefs related to Covid-19 in April 2020. He stated that Anthony Fauci should be imprisoned and later referred to those that endorse the Covid-19 vaccinations to Nazis. His manager, booking agent, and record label severed their associations with Arthur in 2021. New West Records also declined to release an album he recorded with Peter Buck.[44]

Just read that this guy is an anti vaxxer. Sad. I still like his music.
One of my all time faves.   

He has a very unique, distinctive sound and style.
Love this beautiful, lilting melody by one of my favorites.  Joseph Arthur’s musical soul continues to reach & grow with each offering.   Such a gift!  
"A l'aube d'un nouveau jour,
A Paris ma ville est Capitale,
Quel bonheur d'écouter
A  une heure si matinale
Une chanson d'espoir et de liberté." 
nice song..  I'm going to..
Forgot how much I enjoy Joseph style.
Sounds like the Plain White Ts.
"If you weren't real I'd make you up."
Great line.
Album cover reminds me of another Arthur that was infamous in my day - the one and only Arthur Brown!

Arthur Brown
This is really a nice album. This is probably best cut...kind of a lazy summer afternoon song. 
 mattrettig wrote:
So reminds me of the days of living on my own in NYC, a few bucks in my pocket, chasing girls...good times.

In NYC with a few bucks in your pocket chasing "girls".  Are you sure they were girls you were chasing?  Sorry, don't mean to pee on your parade...  ;-)
Great segue from Dave Matthews to Michael Hedge to this. I appreciate this especially when I don't really care for a single song (DM for example).  The grouping makes sense.  That's why I stick around. Great work Bill and Rebecca!
 lily34 wrote:
definitely a 1.

Uh, yeah, no.
So reminds me of the days of living on my own in NYC, a few bucks in my pocket, chasing girls...good times.
I am really starting to like this guy...
This is such a beautiful little song from a very good album.
 jt1 wrote:

...don't think I'd miss it if I never heard it again. Not unpleasant, but utterly forgettable (for me anyway).

The more I hear this guy's songs, the more I like his music.
 themotion wrote:

It's a big leap to go from 'Great artist' to 'Dawson's Creek episode' in one statement.

Enjoy this song. 7 

Tried watching 'Dawson's Creek' once.  No Richard Dawson anywhere in the show.  I turned the channel.
 idiot_wind wrote:
Just a great, trippy, lovely song. Like gossamer...here now...but poof...you'll never see it again. 
...don't think I'd miss it if I never heard it again. Not unpleasant, but utterly forgettable (for me anyway).
definitely a 1.
have always adored this song!!{#Heartkiss}
 Easyrider wrote:
What a lot of dribble!

Uh...do you mean "What a lot of DRIVEL"?
What a lot of dribble!
Just a great, trippy, lovely song. Like gossamer...here now...but poof...you'll never see it again. 
Love this!

 rockasaurus wrote:
You said it. Breathy male vocalists who sound half asleep seem to be "in" lately. Obviously, people seem to dig it. To me, the guy just sounds either affected or stoned. Maybe both.
Jeez, "affected or stoned"?  That describes nearly every rock/pop music vocalist in history.  This does sound pretty weak though.

Ho Hum pretty much sums it up.
I've just moved this on up a knotch...such a great one....love love love it.  {#Clap}
Love it.
A solid regular in my 'most frequently played' list. 
This is one of Joseph Arthur's finest albums, if not is best overall.  I love the fact that he takes chances and mixes up his style so much between albums.  Joseph Arthur is one of those artists that will be a joy to discover for new listeners because he has a rich and varied back catalog to dig into over time.  I was lucky to discover him when his first album was released (by way of his Peter Gabriel connection).
Absolutely one of my Joseph Arthur favs!{#Cheers}
The octave singing is cool...but also grating being used so much throughout the song. Good tune otherwise.
                         {#Music}  Joseph Art Hur    {#Good-vibes}
ben hur
This album also sits in my breast pocket.
 i4niblind wrote:
Great Artist, in the truest sense of the word.  "In the Sun" was also used on a dawson's creek episode.
It's a big leap to go from 'Great artist' to 'Dawson's Creek episode' in one statement.

Enjoy this song. 7 
Nice segue from Michael Hedges to this, Bill.
Just recently discovered, Joseph Arthur. Have a couple of his albums and quite enjoyable. Still filling in the blanks between Big City Secrets (1997) and Temporary People (2008).

Great Artist, in the truest sense of the word.  "In the Sun" was also used on a dawson's creek episode.
Kinda boring.
LA-TEE-DA....so ,yeah ...it sounds good...don't have the urge to hurt anyone.....at the moment lol
TobiMc3 wrote:
say what you will, but this song as on O.C. soundtrack. (different version-but still good). Say what you will about it, but it's a good soundtrack. The remix of "Dice"-originally by Finley Quaye, is also on it. Good stuff-despite the TV show tie-in.
It was also on the show "Scrubs", as was Joseph Arthur's other song "In the Sun". "Scrubs" has some great music on it, in my opinion.
Daniel_Pittenger wrote:
Nothing like the Vallium Kid with special guest stars Tired Cliches!
You said it. Breathy male vocalists who sound half asleep seem to be "in" lately. Obviously, people seem to dig it. To me, the guy just sounds either affected or stoned. Maybe both.
Very nice to hear this song, another good song by him is" Even Though"
Love it!
Saw him this fall in Austin at the ACL. I was amazed at the sound quality live for this group. Was a small highlight in the heat of the day.
Holy shit, Bill, I'm weak from this last set you've played. Colin Hay - Don't Think I'll Ever Get Over You Michael Hedges - Rickover's Dream And this one. Just incredible.
Very fine song.
nice pairing Joseph Arthur - Honey and the Moon Michael Hedges - Rickover's Dream
Daniel_Pittenger wrote:
Nothing like the Vallium Kid with special guest stars Tired Cliches!
Disparagement usually is more effective without spelling mistakes. No matter --- at 7+, the rest of us got it right.
atticus wrote:
Me too. Don't think I ever did before. But on another night and another break up some fifteen minutes ago, suddenly hearing it for the first time. C'est la vie. Right? I mean... right? Ahh... but it is good to be alive! Ever grateful...
Hold on tight to that attitude! It is a blessing to you that you can share with those around you without even trying or meaning to. It will make you whole and real and beautiful.
Boosiewolf wrote:
I absolutely love this song.
Me too. Don't think I ever did before. But on another night and another break up some fifteen minutes ago, suddenly hearing it for the first time. C'est la vie. Right? I mean... right? Ahh... but it is good to be alive! Ever grateful...
Daniel_Pittenger wrote:
Nothing like the Vallium Kid with special guest stars Tired Cliches!
Well, they always draw a crowd.
Sounds a we bit like Donovan on vocals........... a nice piece of work indeed!
Daniel_Pittenger wrote:
Nothing like the Vallium Kid with special guest stars Tired Cliches!
classic ...
MinMan wrote:
vast improvement over lame Luka.
Well, maybe not vast.
Nothing like the Vallium Kid with special guest stars Tired Cliches!
sarazbear wrote:
I like this song... it's peaceful
I like this song... it's peaceful
vast improvement over lame Luka.
Started out great, but when the bass and drum kicked in it lost its edge.
Just wildly, wildly romantic.
The entire CD is outstanding. Probably my favorite of his. Another RP discovery.
Boosiewolf wrote:
I absolutely love this song.
Pretty nice indeed!
does this song make any sense? not that it necessarily has to, but -- does it?
say what you will, but this song as on O.C. soundtrack. (different version-but still good). Say what you will about it, but it's a good soundtrack. The remix of "Dice"-originally by Finley Quaye, is also on it. Good stuff-despite the TV show tie-in.
I absolutely love this song.
dogdokken wrote:
I'll go on record to say this is one of this decade's top 50 songs. Hopefully when Rolling Stone magazine puts out Best 100 Songs of the 00's, they include this gem.
I have made a "channel" on Pandora.com for Joseph Arthur and it's fabulous. I have to agree. This song has gotten deeply into my psyche. It's one of the greatest songs I've heard in the last 5 or 10 years. I made some revisions to the Wikipedia entry for Joseph Arthur regarding Without a Trace (see my earlier entry). Sorry...this is probably the only time I have ever made more than one entry on the same song here at RP.
I'll go on record to say this is one of this decade's top 50 songs. Hopefully when Rolling Stone magazine puts out Best 100 Songs of the 00's, they include this gem.
horstman wrote:
Reminds me vaguely of Robbie Robertson. Which is why I like it.
Sounds like Nick Cave to me.
Reminds me vaguely of Robbie Robertson. Which is why I like it.
earthbased wrote:
Something about this tune drew me in. Gave it an 8 for now.
Ditto and ditto!
Something about this tune drew me in. Gave it an 8 for now.
pianocomposer wrote:
I just heard (on tape) this song being played on my favorite TV show: Without a Trace. I wrote down what they played just as Jack and his new g/f were walking arm and arm out the door after solving a case: Right Now Everything is turning blue and right now the sun is tryin to kill the moon and right now I wish I could follow you. It's a beautiful song, from what I could tell. But I've never heard it on R.P. Hopefully some day soon.
I think Bill heard your wish! Nice song, never heard it before, but DocGuy recommended Joseph Arther to me, so I've been keeping my ears open for it.
I just heard (on tape) this song being played on my favorite TV show: Without a Trace. I wrote down what they played just as Jack and his new g/f were walking arm and arm out the door after solving a case: Right Now Everything is turning blue and right now the sun is tryin to kill the moon and right now I wish I could follow you. It's a beautiful song, from what I could tell. But I've never heard it on R.P. Hopefully some day soon.
I don't know why everyone's whinging about this song... I mean, this is basically everything any guy who's ever broken up with me has said. It's nice to see people deriving from their own experience to make art. That's why I like the answering machine line so much. Used to be, they'd call and leave a message. Now they don't even call no mo'. Po' pitiful me...
This is so light-weight, watered down, and boring I can't stand it anymore. What is this? A bad hybrid of John Mayer and Damien Rice?
philarktos wrote:
I'm tending to think of it as THE sound of RP.
Yea, that's true. Optimistic, 3 dimensional lyrics with great rolling music.
Isobel wrote:
So so so so so sick of this song. Not a bad song at first listen, but OMG it doesn't age well AT ALL.
Well, a year and a half off has helped. I think I last heard it in 2003. Moving's not such a bad thing, eh, Bill? Clear out some old cobwebs and things... Likeable tune (still).
I for one am glad that I got to hear this today. Beautiful song.
rgj13 wrote:
3 simple rules toward a semblance of inner peace: 1-stop listening to corporate radio, utterly and completely. 2-watch television very selectively. 3-do not get your news from television. My $.03.
Well said, and wisely followed. Makes at least 3 sense.
So so so so so sick of this song. Not a bad song at first listen, but OMG it doesn't age well AT ALL.
i've heard this song what seems like a million times (and enjoyed it every time), but this is the first time i've noticed the boing! of a hand-saw mixed in with the other perscussion... that's awesome.
As much as I like this song (gave it a 10 sometime back) I hear it so often here that I'm tending to think of it as THE sound of RP. He must have others that are as good. Rather unusual for me to get into the "give it a rest" frame of mind, which might tell you something when I do.
NYY96 wrote:
Why oh Why does this have to be the new favorite background music for stupidity such as American Wedding and The O.C? I like the song, but Ugh. Music marketing once again destroys something I enjoy.
3 simple rules toward a semblance of inner peace: 1-stop listening to corporate radio, utterly and completely. 2-watch television very selectively. 3-do not get your news from television. My $.03.
NYY96 wrote:
Why oh Why does this have to be the new favorite background music for stupidity such as American Wedding and The O.C? I like the song, but Ugh. Music marketing once again destroys something I enjoy.
I'm so glad I avoid mass culture (not a snob - I'm in grad school - who has time?) Knowing that I missed the offensive marketing makes me glad I live with my head in the sand. I still really like this song...
Fwhew! I thought I'd gone deaf.
Would love to actually hear the music RP..Seems to be a problem on your end, no sound coming out..
If this has snagged you, just push a little harder, it'll come and go like the nice sounds of tidy bowl.
kinda reminds me of the feeling one has after a long awaited dump in the morning.....ahhhh, that's it, just feel the wind ripple under the tide.
eric wrote:
I think it's safe to say that this song has been played to death.
I totally agree. Wouldn't mind if this one took a LONG break...
I think it's safe to say that this song has been played to death.
Why oh Why does this have to be the new favorite background music for stupidity such as American Wedding and The O.C? I like the song, but Ugh. Music marketing once again destroys something I enjoy.
Nice pleasant little song. :)
Was it me, or did the chorus sound like: \"Right...now...I wish I was Nick Drake\" \"Right...now...I\'ll think rip him off\" \"Right...now...I wish I could take singing lessons\"
Originally Posted by ANNE_MARIE: answering ma-chine
I like this song but, I gotta admit, that line kinda snagged at me as well.
Originally Posted by JSG: Light-weight Elliot Smith
except joseph arthur *doesn't suck*. listening to elliot has driven me mad in the past. :)
Puff the magic dragon ?