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Eels — Grace Kelly Blues
Album: Daisies Of The Galaxy
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Total ratings: 940

Released: 2000
Length: 3:31
Plays (last 30 days): 2
The cut-rate mime walking through the dirty streets,
Of Paris, in the hot august heat,
Sun melting the fake smile away,
Just looking for a place to stay.
The actress gave up all her old dreams,
And traded up, now she is a Queen,
Royal familys don't have time, for that shit,
Your crystal ball - you keep it hid.
The tractor-trailor driver radios:
Help me someone, I'm out here all alone,
Truck driving the black night away,
Praying for the light of day.
The kid in the mall works at Hawt Dawg on a Stick,
His hat is a funny shape, his heart is a brick,
Taking your order, he will look away,
He doesn't have a thing to say.
But me, I'm feeling pretty good, as of now,
I'm not so sure when i got here, or how,
Sun melting, the fake smile away,
I think, you know, I'll be okay.
Comments (76)add comment
 tm wrote:

E is a fantastic treat! Also a very kind and generous man.

i just love his voice!
E is a fantastic treat! Also a very kind and generous man.
I have always been mightily impressed by the sheer creative genius and muscal talent E and his band put forth... The orchestral beginning often strikes me as if it could be something from The Band; I love it. I also love how it quickly shifts!
just reminded me of the movie Grace of Monaco with Nicole Kidman - could have been real schlock but for good performances and a decent script. Sad ending to a beautiful life
 LPCity wrote:
Hans Gruber: This time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.

John McClane: That was Gary Cooper, asshole.


Every time that I hear an Eels song, I get a bit pissed off at my old man.  I loved to sing as a kid...and my father always cringed and said that I shouldn't ever quit my day job.  And now, dammit, if E made a living at it...well, I think I could have as well.  Cause there is no way that his voice was ever anything but...well let's say unique...
"But me, I'm feeling pretty good, as of now,
I'm not so sure when i got here, or how,
Sun melting, the fake smile away,
I think, you know, I'll be okay"

I listen to this song (and the rest of the album) every January 1st.
 daniel_rusk wrote:
Cool in the 90s. Boring and aged now. Immature. 

Which is it: "aged" or "immature"?  
Cool in the 90s. Boring and aged now. Immature. 
 Excelsior wrote:

Excelsior's most benign comment ever.
Hans Gruber: This time John Wayne does not walk off into the sunset with Grace Kelly.

John McClane: That was Gary Cooper, asshole.


 SirLars wrote:

8 - I have yet to hear something by the Eels that I don't like.  They have their own unique style that really fits in on RP.

....... what he said
E!  How you been (you wicked crazy, ought-to-be-committed) brother?  Love your tunes, as always!

I've never heard this before.  I like very much!  {#Roflol}

Eels and Beck always get me giving a song a closer listen because of their lyrics, no matter how many times I've heard the particular song.

8 - I have yet to hear something by the Eels that I don't like.  They have their own unique style that really fits in on RP.

 danimal3114u wrote:
davyjrshort wrote:
so most eels stuff is this styling/mood?

if so I likey,

and likewise to those mentioning if it weren't for RP, there's a lot of great artists I'd never have known of, nor purchased their albums

Hooray Beer!
er...I meant, Hooray RP!

EELs are pretty eclectic, but this a good representative mood track, to be sure. The styling is harder to nail down, but I'd say this is representative of about 60% of their music. The other half of their music being made up of smaller pieces like hard rock (10%), punk (10%), solo piano pieces (5%), instrumental (5%), and other (10%). I'd suggest you pick up Daisies of the Galaxy (where this track can be found) or Blinking Lights and Other Revelations (their latest, and a double), or Electro-Shock Blues (more moody, but very powerful) as an intro. Also, any allusion to the brillaint Red Stripe ads gets a thumbs up from me
well analyzed!
A really really great album to begin with also is "Beautiful Freak". Although the music changed a bit in the proceeding, this
simply is a great album with very moody, melancholic songs. "Guest list", "Man child" ... so many brilliant tunes! And the
famous "Novocaine for the soul" is on it, too! Not my favorite, but many ppl do like it.

Wow, great segue from Christians and Lions!!
This is funny. I was just looking up the lyrics for this song and came across two sites with different lyrics:
The cut-rate mime walking through the dirty streets
The cut great mindwalking through the dirty streets
You know, which ever is fine. :)
slartibart_O wrote:
How can this song be here without anyone posting a picture of the goddess that was Grace? Her voice alone in Rear Window makes me go numb.
Sigh.... Thank you. That was exactly what I was thinking. Grace, we miss you. Can you send some of our current actresses just a bit of your class and grace? Please?
How can this song be here without anyone posting a picture of the goddess that was Grace? Her voice alone in Rear Window makes me go numb.
Lotus_Miata wrote:
I like this song, but... Hot Dog on a Stick? Blech!
how DARE you! how could you be from Southern CA and not love Hot Dog on a Stick? I can't believe it! Also, which mountains are you from (referring to your location in your info)? I grew up in Lake Arrowhead.
davyjrshort wrote:
so most eels stuff is this styling/mood?

if so I likey,

and likewise to those mentioning if it weren't for RP, there's a lot of great artists I'd never have known of, nor purchased their albums

Hooray Beer!
er...I meant, Hooray RP!

EELs are pretty eclectic, but this a good representative mood track, to be sure. The styling is harder to nail down, but I'd say this is representative of about 60% of their music. The other half of their music being made up of smaller pieces like hard rock (10%), punk (10%), solo piano pieces (5%), instrumental (5%), and other (10%). I'd suggest you pick up Daisies of the Galaxy (where this track can be found) or Blinking Lights and Other Revelations (their latest, and a double), or Electro-Shock Blues (more moody, but very powerful) as an intro. Also, any allusion to the brillaint Red Stripe ads gets a thumbs up from me

I like this song, but... Hot Dog on a Stick? Blech!
Very nice! Love the Eb Tuba, the Fluegelhorn or Baritone Tuba, the Bass slide trombone. Great effects. Also the album cover which shows the slightly older little girl telling her young demi-desciples to begin sacrifices of the puppies to the Great Engine of Destruction and Baal The Insatiable.
so most eels stuff is this styling/mood? if so I likey, and likewise to those mentioning if it weren't for RP, there's a lot of great artists I'd never have known of, nor purchased their albums Hooray Beer! er...I meant, Hooray RP!
RichardPrins wrote:
Tom Waits-y at times, guess it's the trombone (?)...
Tom Waits has played in this band.Check out the bibliography on Big "E".This guy is something else.What a family!
hobiejoe wrote:
Buggeration, just missed it.
Caught it this time!
I never, ever, ever, ever would have heard of eels if it wern't for RP and I have bought 2 of their CD's. . . . .so far I love the cover - Dick & Janesque for sure. . . .fo what it is worth, i think that the inspiration of many great works is the result coping with "real life" not fitting into the D&J format.
That cover looks like a Dick and Jane book. See Spot run. Run Spot run! See Jane bitch. Bitch Jane bitch!
oddly paul simon like
Had never heard this guy/these guys prior to listening to RP (except their one big radio hit lo these many years ago) and I just love 'em. . . yet another terrific band I would have missed completely without you, Bill. You're the best.
Buggeration, just missed it.
Wonderful song. I like the rhythm and melody. I find the lyrics poignant; I admire the way the vignettes touch on resignation and yet encompass it by pushing to something deeper and hopeful.
saturnine wrote:
Something that I always wanted to do: be a musician, an artist.. Somehow this song made me think of that old, forgotten dream.
It's never too late. I'm finally following my dream of being an artist about 20 years after I should have started in earnest. I'll keep my day job for a while, maybe a long while, but I'll work at the art all the same. If you think it's been too long, it's only getting longer while you wait.
Ahh, Thank you RP for introducing me to these guys. Good stuff
Thank you Bill.
Finally a song by these guys I like.
Cool song. Did the Salvation Army Band get a cut of the royalties?
Weird little song, but likeable. The tubas are "maxwell's silver hammer" esque. Or God Save the Queen.
johnny_h wrote:
when I heard that band intro, urge to rate below 3 was very, very high! then the song began... And reminded me of why I listen to RP to begin with! :)
What is wrong with the horns?
when I heard that band intro, urge to rate below 3 was very, very high! then the song began... And reminded me of why I listen to RP to begin with! :)
I have the Shootenanny! album. Maybe I should get this one too.I like shivers down my spine. I learned about these guys right here.
Eels are like nails on a chalkboard to me "shiver"
It's rare to find good use of the steel guitar in a song... Even rarer to have it coupled with horns so well. Love it! 8
i've been meaning to pick up an Eels cd for literally years... i think i shall do that on the way home from work today!
Cover is so gay. Love the song though.
MsfStl wrote:
By far my favorite EELS CD! A must have for any CD collection. I now own six EELS cds and had never heard of them prior to listening to Radio Paradise. Thanks Bill!
Darn.. Hide my wallet!
Excellent . . . like most of the eels catalog!
this song is bittersweet...it makes me happy and sad at the same time. Quite often, songs like that end up being my favorite.
the eels have become one of my favorite recently-discovered-groups-that-have-been-around-awhile!
By far my favorite EELS CD! A must have for any CD collection. I now own six EELS cds and had never heard of them prior to listening to Radio Paradise. Thanks Bill!
Can never get enough of the Eels.. and this song is just so damn good.
Damn I love this song.
Something that I always wanted to do: be a musician, an artist.. Somehow this song made me think of that old, forgotten dream. Hm. That's actually a bad thing, 'cos it makes me sad. :) But the song's good! A 7.
The high-school marching band opening prepared me to hate this, but it's actually great. 9!
When I hear "Hot Dog on a Stick" in a song, I turn it up to hear the lyrics better.
Such a great record. If you like this song, then you'll love the rest of the album.
Tom Waits-y at times, guess it's the trombone (?)...
released on my birthday...what a wonderful present.
O yes! I liked that album so much and this is still one of the best Eels songs...I have to play this album again! thanks bill... :)
different and cool... I like it... mellow
I really like some other Eels cuts, but this one strikes me as (a) kind of tedious, and (b) kind of Wilco Lite.
ChipStewart wrote:
My significant other bought this CD 'cause she liked cover art. I told her that was an absurd reason to buy a CD, but she had the last laugh when we played the CD. It's one of our favorites now. Gotta' love the juxtoposition of upbeat singable melodies with the somewhat dark, slightly cynical lyrics.
It is an absurd reason to buy a CD, but the absurd can turn out great sometimes! My brother bought a CD for the same reason a few months ago and now has 5 other CDs by the same little-known band!
love the eels I need this cd.
My significant other bought this CD \'cause she liked cover art. I told her that was an absurd reason to buy a CD, but she had the last laugh when we played the CD. It\'s one of our favorites now. Gotta\' love the juxtoposition of upbeat singable melodies with the somewhat dark, slightly cynical lyrics.
I am enjoying this song
A country crossover that crossed over into mellow easy listening . . . I would hardly call this \"rock\"!