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Café Tacvba — Futuro
Album: Futuro
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 2405

Released: 2017
Length: 3:04
Plays (last 30 days): 2
Yo dije que no
Ella dijo sí
Yo dije que sí

Ella dijo no
Al final no importa, es algo que dios ya decidió

La muerte dijo sí
Yo digo que no
La vida dijo no
Yo digo que sí
Al final ¿qué importa, si muerto en vida sobreviví?

Es una cuestión de tiempo
Tan breve este momento
En que eres y en que soy
Tú mañana ya te fuiste
Y antes me dijiste
El futuro es hoy

Traigo este presente
Por las que has pasado
Ha sido pesado
Añorar a ausentes
Todo se soporta
Aunque esté nublado
Sigamos de frente

A paso paulatino
Aun no me cansé
Unas voy a pie (unas voy a pie)
Otras yo camino (otras yo camino)
La verdad no importa por que no sé cual es mi destino

Es una cuestión de tiempo
Tan breve este momento
Y éste es el que soy
Tú mañana ya te fuiste
Pero antes me dijiste
Que el futuro es hoy

Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy...
Comments (130)add comment
 david927 wrote:

Please, everyone, give this a chance.  Café Tacvba knows exactly what they are doing here.  And lyrically making this about the future fits so well: it's insistent and slightly terrifying. In fact it's not completely unlike the 'Es muss sein' of Beethoven's 5th.

. . .


Also, I'm getting a bit of a cumbia vibe in the rhythm.  Count it: 1 2-n-3 4, etc.

I'm no cumbia expert, but thanks to RP we do get a few.

Perhaps just me, but sounds like "Blondie from Mexico"  

Not a bad thing, that.
Grossartiger Sound!
Love the vocal on this. I don't understand a word, but glorious.
 Kajukenbo wrote:

Five to one baby, one in five No one here gets out alive I know it’s just the opening bass that’s similar, but ya know, this has a similar feel somehow. And that’s definitely a good thing!

I can hear that too!
Five to one baby, one in five No one here gets out alive I know it’s just the opening bass that’s similar, but ya know, this has a similar feel somehow. And that’s definitely a good thing!
First time hearing this band.  I like it!
 jesseoxwell wrote:

Wonderful song!

I Agree!  EXCELLENT!  ...Creepy album cover!  But, you don't listen to the album cover, LOL!      
Good stuff!
 Sofa_King wrote:
The music video for this song is equally trippy 

Fortunately, the song is better than the video.
muy metafísicos los tacubos / very methaphisics the tacubos
 david927 wrote:

Please, everyone, give this a chance.  Café Tacvba knows exactly what they are doing here.  And lyrically making this about the future fits so well: it's insistent and slightly terrifying. In fact it's not completely unlike the 'Es muss sein' of Beethoven's 5th.

If I had a chance I would make a video for it, an adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" with the last thirty seconds being simply the woman staring more and more into the distance, as the old man flies away.  I any case, this is definitely music for a film.

Yep- Cafe Tacuba usually know exactly what they're doing. This is some truly next level stuff that most anglo North Americans are unfortunately unaware of. Absolutely brilliant band with almost ridiculous depth and talent. 

Give them a listen.

Great! I never heard of then before. Thank You RP!
Wonderful song!
take another drag of helium and belt it out !
The music video for this song is equally trippy 
I remember skipping this song the first 10 times I heard it on RP...Bill used to play this more frequently years ago, and I couldn't get past that intro...

After the 10th skip, I thought "dale un chance!" (give it a chance!). Fair to say I'm now addicted to this song and the unique mix of sounds these guys achieved...Haven't quite heard anything like it since. 

Gracias Bill!
 meanderer wrote:
Just love this quirky track!!! 8>9 today
from 7 to 8
El futuro es hoy, te guste o no.
Just love this quirky track!!! 8>9 today
cover reminds me of A Scanner Darkly
I gave it a chance. Nope -- still didn't like it. 
Nice! ...I do not speak or understand Spanish. When I listen to vocals in a another language, they are like musical instruments for me. These instruments (vocals) were pleasant for me!
I see I rated this a 2 the last time I heard it. Not sure why such a high rating, I've corrected it to a 1. Make it stop!!! 
 Rockit9 wrote:

Shake it!  FUTURO!!!!

shake your body ??  isn't in the same hemisphere

 drewd wrote:

Maybe it would sound better if I was wearing these......

Image result for 3-d glasses" 
The artist is Jorge Alderete and he does cool shit.

www.instagram.com/dralderete  or www.jorgealderete.com

Maybe it would sound better if I was wearing these......

Image result for 3-d glasses" 
 t0m5k1 wrote:
I said no
She said yes
I said yes
 Corrected lyrics:

I said no
She said yes
I said yes
She said no
In the end it does't matter, it's something that God has already decided

Death said yes
I say no
Life said no
I say yes
In the end, what does it matter, if being dead in life, I survived?

It's a matter of time
This moment, so brief
Where you are and where I am
Tomorrow you're already gone
But before, you told me
The future is today

I bring this present
For what you've been through
It has been heavy
Longing for those absent
Everything can be endured
Although it is cloudy
Let's go straight ahead

At a steady pace
I'm not tired yet
Sometimes I go on foot (sometimes I go on foot)
Some other times I walk (some other times I walk)
That really doesn't matter because I don't know what my destiny is

It's a matter of time
This moment, so brief
And this is who I am
Tomorrow you're already gone
But before, you told me 
The future is today

Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today...
e singers voice reminds me of Canned Heat with his high register voice. But not like Neil Young. Not a bad tune though. I do love the rock mix in general though. so glad they added it to the Android app.
This has been on the playlist for a while now. It's been a 3 from start and for years (maybe a 2?, can't remember). Today, I managed to listen to it completely for the first time, and raised it to a 4. Never expected that. Who knows what it'll be next time, seems to be growing on me (but slooowly).
Sounds a lot like a song on the David Byrne album Look Into The Eyeball.
Futuro is a single.

Does the song show up on any of Café Tacvba's albums?
I love this song, and I think I need to check out more from this band.  This is my first time reading the lyrics, and they are pretty cool.  There are some parts that are pretty clever but don't auto-translate very well.
So under the radar it is funny....great HOOK
 diannemck56 wrote:
Moved from a 3 to a 6. Must have been in a mood before.  
Nice!  And next thing you'll be up above the average rating (currently 6.1) and really look forward to hearing this one!  (and I will also say I was really expecting to hear 'Fly Like an Eagle' next....) Long Live RP!!
Moved from a 3 to a 6. Must have been in a mood before.  
Infectious! Thank you RP!
 Thirdrose wrote:
Mais quelle bouze c'te "musique"...
I think this "dung?" is awesome...and still at a 10 on this MUSIC!!  Long Live RP!!
This sounds so good cranked right up!
Mais quelle bouze c'te "musique"...
Cover art reminiscent of Charles Burns style
I currently line in Mexico so was excited seeing this song I never heard pop up.
Figured I could hear what's originating from down here.
Hope I never hear it again!
 MJdub wrote:
¡Digo que si!
I say "HELL YES!!"  
In fact...i'm FINALLY going 9 to 10 on this funky track, one of my favorites from the "WTF playlist" BillG has given me....Thanks for that and LLRP!!
¡Digo que si!
 dpflynn wrote:

Hoy means "Today"
'now' is ahora in Spanish, right?  Kinda the same meaning ultimately....and boy i'm so close to giving this one a 10.....9.43200 rating stands and rounds to a 9....hehehe...Long Live RP!!
I just love being surprised by really different sounds like this. Disturbing and scary. Viva RP!
I said no
She said yes
I said yes

She said no
In the end it does not matter, it's something that God already decided

Death said yes
I say no
Life said no
I say yes
In the end, what does it matter, if I died alive did I survive?

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
What are you and what am I
You were gone tomorrow
And before you told me
The future is today

I bring this present
What have you been through
It has been heavy
Missing absent
Everything is supported
Although it is cloudy
Let's go straight ahead

At a gradual pace
I have not got tired yet
Some I'm going on foot (some I'm going on foot)
Other I walk (others I walk)
The truth does not matter because I do not know what my destiny is

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
And this is the one that I am
You were gone tomorrow
But before you told me
That the future is today

Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
Today today Today...
 david927 wrote:

It's "Hoy" which means "Now".   The last words are "The future is NOW! NOW! NOW!"  It's a perfect, and perfectly terrifying, ending.

Hoy means "Today"
 LizK wrote:

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings"   = great  author, never heard of it,  off to the library, thanks!

It's free on the internet. I hope it was out of copyright - I was assuming that, as the website hosting it was a dot-ORG website.
Maybe it's the language barrier, but the rhythm conjures impressions of some kind of latin funeral march......
 david927 wrote:

It's "Hoy" which means "Now".   The last words are "The future is NOW! NOW! NOW!"  It's a perfect, and perfectly terrifying, ending.
It actually means today, now is "ahora".
loved this song instantly.... played it for the Puerto Rican misses and her reaction, "what the hell are you listening to?"
helium flavored latin polka? the genre seems a bit obscure...
 DigitalJer wrote:
  Hey its Emo Philips the comedian.  Fantastic!

 Yes it is....OY  OY ! !   Oy Vey  DocStrangelove wrote:
very pleasing

Get your 3D glasses for the cover art...I guess
For some reason this song hits the spot for me. 9
I agree, spot on today!
Living in Canada, I don't get many chances to keep up my Spanish.
I was enjoying this song, but I'm so glad I checked out the lyrics with google translate!
Upped my rating from 7 to 8, to start. Such a fun groove!
BTW, thank you Bill and Rebecca! I've been listening to the 320 "Naim exclusive" (?) stream since around 11 am, and the music has seemed exceptionally delightful today! Not a single "sour note" in 6 hours! And lots of material either recent or new to me! Wow.
You have truly and greatly enriched my life over the past 13 years!
from google translate:
I said no
She said yes
I said yes

She said no
In the end it does not matter, it's something that God already decided

Death said yes
I say no
Life said no
I say yes
In the end, what does it matter, if I died alive did I survive?

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
What are you and what am I
You were gone tomorrow
And before you told me
The future is today

I bring this present
What have you been through
It has been heavy
Missing absent
Everything is supported
Although it is cloudy
Let's go straight ahead

At a gradual pace
I have not got tired yet
Some I'm going on foot (some I'm going on foot)
Other I walk (others I walk)
The truth does not matter because I do not know what my destiny is

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
And this is the one that I am
You were gone tomorrow
But before you told me
That the future is today

Today, today, today, today
Today, today, today, today
very pleasing

Geecheeboy wrote:
My wife just shouted to me. "check the laundry room; the washer is out of balance!"  


 aaronm wrote:
This track is a 9 until the end when the "oy oy oy" part starts, at which point it becomes a 7. Still pretty good!

It's "Hoy" which means "Now".   The last words are "The future is NOW! NOW! NOW!"  It's a perfect, and perfectly terrifying, ending.
My wife just shouted to me. "check the laundry room; the washer is out of balance!"  

Good one to have in the rotation

This actually works ok for me...     kinda like helium
 mrselfdestruct wrote:


Hmm. Depends on mood, I guess.
 Proclivities wrote:

It's a cool enough groove, which is somehow made more appealing by the adverse reaction it seems to bring out in so many of the people posting here.


LOL!  Agree totally.  

This would be terrific live or played loud in a raucous party.
i like it, but not every day
With so much good music in Latin America, why this!!
Yo digo que no!

Waiting for this to be ... something ...

So the title fits! {#Roflol}
This track is a 9 until the end when the "oy oy oy" part starts, at which point it becomes a 7. Still pretty good!
 lizardking wrote:

Nice pic!  And after bumping this track in my truck, I'm re-upping my rating to a 9 now.  This track still RULES!!  So much so that it RULZ!!  LLRP!!

BillG - thanks for this track, which I'll call my favorite "what the hell was that?" track of 2017.  And a 2nd thanks for the LOSSLESS format, there are some crazy sounds on this groove that my truck's hi-fi really pull out.  Brilliant!  ....not quite time to re-re-bump up to a 10, but damn it's close.  Long Live RP!!
Still a 1.
 CoYoT51 wrote:
Won't put it a "1" because it's not Manu Chao... so I put "2".   :)

ahahaha, it has something of Manu Chao indeed :) I wouldn't give him more than 1 on most of his songs either. But this is still somehow different and I really like it, at least enough to give a 7. I like the way the chorus seems to stretch and how the voice of the singer accompanies the instrument. 
Overall, nice to hear once in a while ! 
 westslope wrote:
7 to 8.  This rocks.  I hear familiar melodies and refrains sculpted into something completely new, original and most compelling.  Synthesis at its best. 

Exactly !
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy...

Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy
Hoy, hoy, hoy...

{#Drunk}  (..hic...)
Bad music. Bad cover. 1.
According to the band website and discogs.com, it appears that the album name has been changed to "Jei Beibi".  Wonderful song!
Thank you RP! I would have never known about this if I hadn't heard it here. I've upped my rating +2 to 9, since it's been haunting my dreams now for a couple of months!
7 to 8.  This rocks.  I hear familiar melodies and refrains sculpted into something completely new, original and most compelling.  Synthesis at its best. 
I just Love this song!
I said no
She said yes
I said yes

She said no
In the end it does not matter, it's something God already decided

Death said yes
I say no
Life said no
I say yes
In the end what does it matter, if I died in life I survived?

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
What you are and what I am
You left already tomorrow
And before you told me
The future is today

I bring this present
What have you been through?
It has been heavy
Missing misses
Everything is supported
Even though it is cloudy
Let's face it

Step by step
I still did not get tired
Some I walk (some I walk)
Others I walk (others I walk)
The truth does not matter because I do not know what my destiny is

It's a matter of time
So brief this moment
And this is who I am
You left already tomorrow
But you told me before
That the future is today

Today today today today
Today today today today
Today today today today
Today Today Today..
(From Google translate).

(Helps me appreciate the song).

Good to hear this band in RP, I think they fit very well
{#Arghhh} PSDeeeeeeeeeeee!
I thought it a female.  Watched the vid and its a dude wearing what looks to be a plastic garbage bag.
 johnybladex wrote:
7 from me :)

tudi sedem

Won't put it a "1" because it's not Manu Chao... so I put "2".   :)
I'm in the middle of grading papers, but I had to drop everything to listen to this song. A favorite, which I know only thanks to RP.
 Proclivities wrote:

It's a cool enough groove, which is somehow made more appealing by the adverse reaction it seems to bring out in so many of the people posting here.

Nice pic!  And after bumping this track in my truck, I'm re-upping my rating to a 9 now.  This track still RULES!!  So much so that it RULZ!!  LLRP!!
 hayduke2 wrote:

Ole'!   "gulp" down goes the worm too
 chyk5 wrote:

Great comment. Couldn't agree more. I downloaded this the first time I heard it.

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings"   = great  author, never heard of it,  off to the library, thanks!
7 from me :)
 lizardking wrote:
This track rules! 

I am in the minority here, rating 7 for sheer craziness  

It's a cool enough groove, which is somehow made more appealing by the adverse reaction it seems to bring out in so many of the people posting here.
 lizardking wrote:
This track rules! 

I am in the minority here, rating 7 for sheer craziness  

On 2nd listening, bumping +1 = 8 now. Craziness abounds!!

Hoy, hoy, hoy, hoy.....!!!!!! 
I love the 3-D album cover :)
This track rules! 

I am in the minority here, rating 7 for sheer craziness  
 david927 wrote:
Please, everyone, give this a chance.  Café Tacvba knows exactly what they are doing here.  And lyrically making this about the future fits so well: it's insistent and slightly terrifying. In fact it's not completely unlike the 'Es muss sein' of Beethoven's 5th.

If I had a chance I would make a video for it, an adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" with the last thirty seconds being simply the woman staring more and more into the distance, as the old man flies away.  I any case, this is definitely music for a film.

Great comment. Couldn't agree more. I downloaded this the first time I heard it.
I hear truth and beauty.
 BillG wrote:

Twice? Nope. Must have just seemed that way ;-) 

Because it's 2x worse than the laws of nature allow.

You know how mold grows on food when you leave it for a few weeks in the fridge? This is the mold's theme song. 


4/27 edit: Led Zeppelin "Kashmir"  —> this. WORST SEGUE EVER. 

Bill Belichick on snowy sideline saying "WTF!?"

Please, everyone, give this a chance.  Café Tacvba knows exactly what they are doing here.  And lyrically making this about the future fits so well: it's insistent and slightly terrifying. In fact it's not completely unlike the 'Es muss sein' of Beethoven's 5th.

If I had a chance I would make a video for it, an adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings" with the last thirty seconds being simply the woman staring more and more into the distance, as the old man flies away.  In any case, this is definitely music for a film.

 chunkymunky wrote:

Wasn't expecting that.


Something like that.
Mind you I am refraining myself from giving it a grade {#Wink}
I thought it was Manu Chao....
 kh808 wrote:

I concur

This is one of those that made me go "ugggh" at first. . .and then gradually "cooool!"
 WhiteWater wrote:
Twice today? I can't push it any lower than 1...

Twice? Nope. Must have just seemed that way ;-) 
Ugly. Nasty. Awful. A solid 1, cos can´t pick a lower number.

Wasn't expecting that.

Twice today? I can't push it any lower than 1...
Powerful thrum
 david927 wrote:
I heard this for the first time this morning and it grabbed me by the throat liked I owed it money.  Brilliant.

Oh, my. What a bizarre, violent, and thoroughly entertaining comment :-).
I heard this for the first time this morning and it grabbed me by the throat liked I owed it money.  Brilliant.
Rio Grande birding music.

I say that because a few years ago I went birding along the Rio Grande River on the Texas side. Once I got west of McAllen I was unable to find an English-language station on the car radio. So the drive to Roma was a steady stream of various genres of Mexican music and advertisements for an upcoming Mexican presidential election. 

It was a real surprise and a culture shock.  
 DrLex wrote:
Watch out Bill. Trump is going to charge you 20% extra.

Watch out Bill. Trump is going to charge you 20% extra.