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Altan Urag — Ijii Mongol (Mother Mongolia)
Album: Made in Altan Urag
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Total ratings: 1995

Released: 2006
Length: 3:18
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (320)add comment
 DaidyBoy wrote:

I was born under a wandering yak

You sure made me laugh with that!!
This is the first time I say this about a 2000's song - hasn't aged well in 18 years. Just put it down from an 8 to a 6 - in 2006, this might have been quite innovative (though I don't know who was first with the idea), but in 2024 it sounds like your standard exercise in mongolian folkrock...
Well - at least it's not Ummet Ozcan...
Getting a huge Dr Who theme riff here! LOL. It's me age.
You had me at Mongolian throat singing. The female voice is spot on, too.
Skip button for this crap.
I've just read the whole thread of comments on this; I'm amazed by how many people feel so strongly about this ~BAD MUSIC~ !   Whatever, I like it a lot, it rates an 8 from me.
Another song from a non Anglo/Irish/Latin soundscape dragged down by RP voters easy on 'pres 1'.  
I was born under a wandering yak
 bahalana wrote:

I've heard that about your mom.

How totally juvenile.
 bahalana wrote:

I've heard that about your mom.

Cool.  My mother died of breast cancer after a incredibly painful and sickening three year battle...nice job hero...let's stick to discussing music and it's merits or lack thereof, shall we?
Doctor Who theme, evolved?
wtf is this?  but in a good way... maybe?  It is entertaining!!
 sfoster66 wrote:

What is truly staggering about this track is the volume of comments it has generated....nothing like a giant bag of crap to get people talking I guess....

I've heard that about your mom.
Works for me... but maybe more like in 4000 meters above sea level after a long hike :)
 sfoster66 wrote:

This is topping off a run of red ratings for me...this is just freakin' noise...and yelling....nay, billy, nay...

Probably much like your ancestors where ever they/you might have originated.
What is truly staggering about this track is the volume of comments it has generated....nothing like a giant bag of crap to get people talking I guess....
This is topping off a run of red ratings for me...this is just freakin' noise...and yelling....nay, billy, nay...
 On_The_Beach wrote:

"Altan? Is that you, you old dickhead?"

Started out as a 6 for me, but got bumped to 7 with the comment above.
 rhlrstn wrote:
Anybody know what instrument is giving off those weird, otherworldly overtones?

Yes, voice, or throat singing.
Playing in the background, I was getting an interesting version of 'Wand'ring Star'
 rhlrstn wrote:
Anybody know what instrument is giving off those weird, otherworldly overtones?

Depending on which overtones it might be the throat singing.
Yes, they can make some of that.
One time through this track and I want a mount a steed and ride into glorious battle.
Anybody know what instrument is giving off those weird, otherworldly overtones?
 idiot_wind wrote:
I think her hand is stuck in a  car door! Help the poor woman!
I'm digging the music, but this is a funny comment... 
This is why I love RP!
 kingart wrote:
Holy smokes. 
Who else but RP would play a cut that's an alt lounge music cover of a sappy but tuneful late '60s hit—then segues to a track of Mongolian (?!) music that opens like Eddie Cochran, evolves into Metallica's cousin and closes like a movie soundtrack funeral dirge?
 And, lovin' every minute of it!! Long live RP

Hooooooooly goosebump-inducing music! Thanks for this one, RP!
Too much catterwallin'.
This is great!
I think her hand is stuck in a  car door! Help the poor woman!

"Altan? Is that you, you old dickhead?"
"different and exotic doesn't mean good"... except in this case. This kicks ass.
Love the tag line "Folk Rock Band" under their name on the cover. Would be great to see elsewhere: "Black Sabbath - Heavy Metal Band" 
Methinks it John Wick II- ish
Really not surprised to see the variety of love/hate for this song. I think it's pretty cool though, very unique.
This one lets me test out my Mute button.  Thank god it works.
why lot a 1 rates? seems like sabotage. for me - it's great track.
No thanks
 nagsheadlocal wrote:
"No lyrics available"



Brings to mind the documentary Genghis Blues. I saw it at Sundance when it premiered - the audience was blown away. Back on the east coast a week later, the Mongolian who's featured showed up and played with Bela Fleck.
Jesus H....different and exotic doesn't mean good.
 cavemanleong wrote:
This is strangely entertaining. I like it.
Agree. I'll give it a 7 for the cover art alone.
"No lyrics available"

 peter.gerzner wrote:
Something new and different.  NoooooOOOOOOooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 DavidStrand wrote:
I kinda like it :-)
Think it's spelled "Ijii" though not "Ljii" (and that's a capital i not a small L)
Yes, according to their soundcloud, you're correct. ijii mongol
However, all of the track listings on amazon etc. just say the title is "Mother Mongolia." 
This is cool.
This is strangely entertaining. I like it.
Very different but I love it.
I kinda like it :-)
Think it's spelled "Ijii" though not "Ljii" (and that's a capital i not a small L)
Extraordinary set Bill.Thanks.
 Wilfrue wrote:
Damn near broke my neck lunging for the PSD button. Never thought I'd wholesale discount an entire genre of music, but here we are. 

You use your neck (or head) to push the buttons on your screen?  You're doing it wrong.
This is kind of cool.  Good to be exposed to other types of music from around the globe.
Egads! Yodeling at 8;30 am on a cold Jan morning? 

Time to see what's on SOMA this morning . . . 
Hauntingly Beautiful.
Odd amount of poor votes.

 Bleyfusz wrote:

What? Is it not?

Nope, no over/inner/outerbite.
 ceicilbee wrote:
i thought the cover was from Alien for a brief moment...

What? Is it not?

And that's enough Radio Paradise for today.
i thought the cover was from Alien for a brief moment...
Not a fan of the Yoko Ono-like screaming. The music side is decent. 
she's covering a Cindy Lauper tune
loved this, great vocals and music
why she scream, why she not called the police? :)
 kingart wrote:
Holy smokes. 
Who else but RP would play a cut that's an alt lounge music cover of a sappy but tuneful late '60s hit—then segues to a track of Mongolian (?!) music that opens like Eddie Cochran, evolves into Metallica's cousin and closes like a movie soundtrack funeral dirge?
I couldn't have said it better myself. Actually, I doubt I could have said this at all! This comment is too damn good! {#Notworthy} {#Clap}
Didn't Frasier Crane and his brother Niles have a brief exchange about going to a concert of Mongolian throat singing?



Fantastic tune.  Great blend of the Western and the Far, Far East.  Like driving through the Mongolian Steppe in a muscle car. 

This is really bad! 
Damn near broke my neck lunging for the PSD button. Never thought I'd wholesale discount an entire genre of music, but here we are. 
Surprisingly good tune. Of course I'm a fan of Tuvan Throat Singing... So that's got to help.
 NeuroGeek wrote:
Some of us are not caffeinated yet.  Ouch.  

I am not sure there is any amount of caffeine that can help this...
 NeuroGeek wrote:
Some of us are not caffeinated yet.  Ouch.  

I am caffeinated and still ouch {#Eek}
still managed not to press PSD, hmmm{#Think}
Some of us are not caffeinated yet.  Ouch.  
 On_The_Beach wrote:
Cover art = if H.R. Giger created cartoon characters.

It appears to be an action figure based on one of Giger's brainchildren but I think it's a close-up of the headstock of the stringed instrument one of the members of this band plays (a 'horse-head fiddle').  Still, it must be based on Hans Rudolf's work.
I had marked that as a 2 and I'm not sure why. It wasn't great but it was pretty good.
Not sure I like it but it sure is interesting.  {#Think}
Heard this and had to comment,  since I own a dozen cd's of  Tuvan Throat singing..
Thank you .. Thank you Radio paradise for playing this music
where else...

and I must concur to all those who mentioned Paul Pena and his journey to Tuva.... and entering the singing contest....
and to Richard Feynman and his "Tuva or Bust"...learning more about Tuva that began with stamp collecting...

Thank you .. thank you 
MORE please.......... 

Bruce is richt. This documentary is a must see.
very touching and an insight in a totally different society then ours

cott_bruce  (Southern Maryland)
Feb 19, 2015 - 12:51
While the general listener-ship hasn't been particularly kind to this song, if you are remotely curious about other music cultures, check out the movie GENGHIS BLUES!
Its a documentary about blind blues-singer Paul Pena (original writer of the song "Jet Airplane" made famous by Steve Miller Band). Paul learns about Tuvan throat singing, teaches himself to do it, and goes to Mongolia to compete in a contest. To learn the words, he had to get an English-Russian brail dictionary, and then a brail Russion-Tuvan. Incredible story!!!!
A very moving documentary about Paul as well. It's worth watching!
Holy smokes. 
Who else but RP would play a cut that's an alt lounge music cover of a sappy but tuneful late '60s hit—then segues to a track of Mongolian (?!) music that opens like Eddie Cochran, evolves into Metallica's cousin and closes like a movie soundtrack funeral dirge?
I really really Like this!

While the general listener-ship hasn't been particularly kind to this song, if you are remotely curious about other music cultures, check out the movie GENGHIS BLUES!

Its a documentary about blind blues-singer Paul Pena (original writer of the song "Jet Airplane" made famous by Steve Miller Band). Paul learns about Tuvan throat singing, teaches himself to do it, and goes to Mongolia to compete in a contest. To learn the words, he had to get an English-Russian brail dictionary, and then a brail Russion-Tuvan. Incredible story!!!!


A very moving documentary about Paul as well. It's worth watching!

One of those songs where i have to switch the channel...
simply terrible
Well, now that's certainly different.  6 because I'd like to hear it again.
I tried that throat singing thing ... only I used re-fried beans and did it from the other end.  Oh well.  Ai Yii Yii Caramba!
 rlominick wrote:
The vocals are horrific.  


Is that Yoko Ono? Lol
The vocals are horrific.  
Like nails on a chalkboard
The vocals on this are a bit too much IMHO.
 christopherwoods wrote:
Hey hey, a bit of bonus throat singing! That technique's way cool — and unsurprisingly, quite hard to do. (My many failed attempts in a darkened room late at night will attest to that).

You could drive a dog insane with throat singing...
I have not attempted throat singing myself, but have seen it done live, and can only imagine the difficulty level.  You have my respect for even making the attempt!

christopherwoods wrote:
Hey hey, a bit of bonus throat singing! That technique's way cool — and unsurprisingly, quite hard to do. (My many failed attempts in a darkened room late at night will attest to that).


This is pretty interesting.  Only caught the end - will have to look for more.
I was really getting in to it until the vocals kicked in.
 KurtfromLaQuinta wrote:

Lots of hate here?

alas, Stingy is not noted for knowledge or a grasp of reality
Cover art = if H.R. Giger created cartoon characters.
Progressive mixed in with cultural out of Mongolia? Cool!!!
Strangely enough, the beginning instrumental riff sounds like the intro to Dr. Who.  Someone should do a compilation of covers of the Dr. Who intro.  That connection was enough to at least get a 6 from me. 
 Stingray wrote:

WAKE-UP - look in the mirror and ask yourself what country

is the Jihadist! It is truely-truely remarkable how ignorant and uninformed (= stupid)

some people in the "NEW WORLD" can be!


Your country has 50 wars going today, man!

WAKE UP and SHUT-DOWN FOXnews for good!

Lots of hate here?
too early in the morning
Hey hey, a bit of bonus throat singing! That technique's way cool — and unsurprisingly, quite hard to do. (My many failed attempts in a darkened room late at night will attest to that).
Khoomi + rock = awesomeness!
Pardon me, but ... shut the hell up.
 bam23 wrote:

meauclaire wrote:
Sounds like a call for Jihad................not good.

WAKE-UP - look in the mirror and ask yourself what country

is the Jihadist! It is truely-truely remarkable how ignorant and uninformed (= stupid)

some people in the "NEW WORLD" can be!


Your country has 50 wars going today, man!

WAKE UP and SHUT-DOWN FOXnews for good!

Sends me diving for iTunes for a different stream..
Film-music for a group of cars racing through the desert!
Ahhh! These are my peeps! The music of my homeland.
 fredriley wrote:

"...This is just so RP - where else would you find rock followed by Flamenco followed by Mongolian throat music on 'roids. Even if you hate the song, you've got to give Bill and Becky 10/10 for eclecticism and imagination. Nice one :)"

I like this comment so much that I want to have sex with it and have little baby comments and raise them and send them all over the world - especially to RP website.
It feels like burning in my ear holes.
Horrendous wailing!  {#Sick}

That ruined the rest of it for me.
 Foot wrote:

Completely disagree, it's why RP is so rewarding, for tracks like this.  Keeps us on our toes...and nobody has a monopoly on music!

I agree... Plus the growing presence of cellos in the mix... Lots and lots of cellos... Good thing they fit well...I like cellos.
 Queue wrote:
Add this to the (short) list of songs that makes me turn off RP.

Sorry, not for me...
Completely disagree, it's why RP is so rewarding, for tracks like this.  Keeps us on our toes...and nobody has a monopoly on music!
Good on ya Bill for the curveball. I am not about to go buy this but I feel richer having heard it.
I vaguely remember hearing this one in a movie.. can't find which one though.
Other thought that comes up is that the years haven't been kind to the solo-female-artist performing on the Pink Floyd album 'Dark side of the moon'..