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B.B. King — Standing on The Edge of Love
Album: The Color of Money (Soundtrack)
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Released: 1986
Length: 3:49
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Late last night I was dreaming
I was dreaming of your charms
I was standing
On the edge of love, darling
With you in my arms

Well you whispered sweet things
And told me
That you loved me and always be true
And you'd stand
On the edge of love with me
If I'd stand with you

I'm standing on the edge of love
Just about to slip and fall
Standing on the edge of love, darling
Waiting on your call
You know I'm standing on the edge of love
Just about to lose my mind
Standing on the edge of love, darling
Waiting on you one more time

Now a young man's mind will wander
Wander to distant shores
If you'll just come here
And stand with me
I won't wander no more

I promise to stop all of my gambling
Even stop staying out late all night
Might even settle down and have babies
Treat ourselves right

'Cause a young man's dreams are many
Lord, so few come true
So if you'll just come here
And stand with me
I'll stand with you

That's why I say you know
I'm standing on the edge of love
Just about to slip and fall
Standing on the edge of love, darling
Waiting on your call, that's why I say
You know, I'm standing on the edge of love
Just about to lose my mind
Standing on the edge of love, darling
Waiting on you one more time

That's why I'm standing, standing
Standing, yes, I'm standing
Standing on the edge of love
Waiting on you one more time

That's why I'm standing, standing
Standing, yes, I'm standing
Standing on the edge of love
Waiting on you one more time

That's why I'm standing, standing
Standing, yes, I'm standing
Standing on the edge of love
One more time
Comments (63)add comment
If he never even picked up a guitar he would have made great records. That big ol' voice.
Dear B B King.  He could put that song right.
 DocStrangelove wrote:
I hate most commercial blues but it is hard not to love this song.

Sorry, but you are out of order sir. At least there is hope of redemption in the latter part of your assertion.
This harks back to a day when performers had to sing and play beautifully, instead of shouting obscenities in time to the output of a sampler/beat box.  Oh! I see - this is the music that  contemporary "artists" SAMPLE!
 DocStrangelove wrote:
I hate most commercial blues but it is hard not to love this song.

Commercial? What the heck are you talking about? "Blues" should only be performed by old, blind guys sitting on a wooden porch, right- everything else is crap?

I met my charm today
She sounds outlandish.
  What a lucky day.
BB was great but definitely not here
B.B. is in home hospice.  I was fearful when I saw this play.  I wish you well, Mr. King.

Case Study:  Radio Paradise 

... like Colin James kick at this also
 GSquared wrote:



Indeed...  hope you are having a marvelous weekend right now...

everybody in my mushrooming multitude of churches be dancing buck ass naked all over the world like bowlegged gypsy muleskinners...  love this song...  love sex, drugs, and rock 'n roll... 
Bokey wrote:  Just enjoy the show and take notes it's what developing a listening ear is all about; RP is an awesome place to do it and I'm glad you found it. {#Clap}

You nailed it, Bokey!  {#Clap}
Lazarus wrote:

This song is good for the ears...

This song is good for the ears...
one of the best shows in my 60 years of rocking, b.b. at the old ben lomand venue "town and country" maby 60 people...... robin ford band backing..........
 bokey wrote:
I'll never tell.
Of course he really didn't know who B.B. King was, because with this comment he is trying  to lay claim to his being clever.  Bokey, it's ok man.  Just enjoy the show and take notes it's what developing a listening ear is all about; RP is an awesome place to do it and I'm glad you found it. {#Clap}
 SmackDaddy wrote:

I saw him about two years ago and was greatly dissappointed. He'd play about half a song, then yammer on bout this or that, play half a song, etc. I don't think he played a full song the entire night. Really dissappointed.
He is diabetic, maybe his sugars were off. When I saw him I enjoyed his little yammers about stuff..................love the King
 SmackDaddy wrote:

I saw him about two years ago and was greatly dissappointed. He'd play about half a song, then yammer on bout this or that, play half a song, etc. I don't think he played a full song the entire night. Really dissappointed.
He's kind of earned the right to do that.  Let's see how you do at age 83, and how many people show up to see you do it, ok?

 januismer wrote:
Most famous guitar player that never learned a chord!
Once in a while he will play two notes together :-)

Most famous guitar player that never learned a chord!
THE KING, yeah! B.B. King
 cc_rider wrote:
Bokey, you are a nut. I wish I had done it!

I've seen Mr. King perform several times: stunning every time. I think he's still touring: James Brown was great and all, but Mr. King is the REAL 'hardest workin' man in show business'...


I saw him about two years ago and was greatly dissappointed. He'd play about half a song, then yammer on bout this or that, play half a song, etc. I don't think he played a full song the entire night. Really dissappointed.

BB KING by ~oazen2008
©2008-2011 ~oazen2008



 drtjdel wrote:
BB doing his best Albert King Impression!

I think it'd be great to hear Albert, BB, and Freddie all in one set.  {#Bananajam}{#Bananajam}{#Bananajam}

(for a taste:  



Faster Than the Speed of Love
Croydon Fairfield Halls in 1985 was when BB King and his superb band introduced me to the blues, and I haven't looked back since. It's a shame he had to go and endorse BBurger King a few years back, but I suppose he has to clear his gambling debts some how.

B.B. always sounds fantastic. He does not have any music I don't like.
BB doing his best Albert King Impression!
Happy Birthday!  You are the Blues!
Bokey, you are a nut. I wish I had done it!

I've seen Mr. King perform several times: stunning every time. I think he's still touring: James Brown was great and all, but Mr. King is the REAL 'hardest workin' man in show business'...

Wow, don't hear much BB played on RP. Right On!
dixiedeb wrote:
Also-Is there anybody out there who doesn't think Tom Cruise is nuts?
I do, but I am crazy myself so it may not count.
The most funny thing about this discussion is the throng of people crying bloody murder about not having heard about BB King. It just goes to show irony is really wasted on some people.
jptl wrote:
Maybe the combination of a nice fire & cranked up vintage JBLs, but BB's sounding particularly good.
Century 100's possibly? Nice description!
Maybe the combination of a nice fire & cranked up vintage JBLs, but BB's sounding particularly good.
segueman wrote:
First note I heard BB play live at the Arena Theatre in Houston touched my sole.
You must have either a foot fetish or a fish fetish.
First note I heard BB play live at the Arena Theatre in Houston touched my sole. As cliché as it sounds, it was unbelievable, the emotional power of that one note.
Never heard of BB King? I can't believe that! I saw a concert in San Antonio, TX in about 1971. Opening act #1 Tower of Power (primo jazz and brass even today.) Opening Act #2 CCR. Primary act that brought the entire audience to their feet for almost 2 hours of the "King" jamming and bluz'n. B.B. King. Go buy ANY of his albums and get out some whiskey on ice and a hanky. The man can play the blues.
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
Bokey. you must be having a joke on us aren't you. Never heard of B.B. King??????
dionysius wrote:
Key symptoms of a Scientologist worldview: ... (d) Reads bad science fiction and believes that it's true.
Yeah. Everyone knows that bad fantasy is the one true religion! Choose the correct belief genre or go to hell. :P
Song #9. Everybody fuzzing about B.B. since I only listen to RP,anyone! Who the heck is this Tom guy? A Norveigen?
Goodness, I'd of sworn it was EC! Truly, GREAT!
bokey wrote:
This is what happens when I get the first post.A blank canvas can be a dangerous thing. I've got to credit Bill with an assist on that.If he hadn't pointed it out the whole topic might have drifted off on B.B. King or the history of the blues or something.
I tried to delete my comment re bokey's infamous BB King comment, realizing mine may appear critical, when in fact I was impressed that one joke (bokey's) could cause such a panic. Anyone who has read two posts by him would recognize the subtle signature of the master-of-sarcasm. lol on the "assist"
Wizzuvv_oz wrote:
The response to the original comment was incendiary. You must be very proud. lol. funny
This is what happens when I get the first post. A blank canvas can be a dangerous thing. I've got to credit Bill with an assist on that. If he hadn't pointed it out the whole topic might have drifted off on B. B. King or the history of the blues or something.
bokey wrote:
I'll never tell.
The response to the original comment was incendiary. You must be very proud. lol.funny
You misspell the planet's name... The_Enemy wrote:
B.B. King isn't well-known but back in the 1930s on planet Sckmeeov, he used to do background vocals for L. Ron. He has some talent but you only ever hear him on RP. Regular stations don't play him because of the conspiracy.
Also-Is there anybody out there who doesn't think Tom Cruise is nuts?
B.B. King isn't well known?!? That I find hard to believe...
Love B. B.'s Blues.
I love the blues! and yes I believe that if you think Tom Cruise is cool something is wrong with you. Also there are still a few stations here and there on the radio dial that play BB King.
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
I thought it was a Paul Newman move?
RobK wrote:
That is the most surreal comment I have ever heard. Please tell me you were kidding.
I'll never tell.
bokey jokey, RIGHT?
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
B.B. King isn't well-known but back in the 1930s on planet Sckmeeov, he used to do background vocals for L. Ron. He has some talent but you only ever hear him on RP. Regular stations don't play him because of the conspiracy.
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
Key symptoms of a Scientologist worldview: (a) Unnatural appreciation for Tom Cruise and his body of work. (b) Overuse or misuse of the word "cool" in approbatory contexts. (c) Unfamiliarity with the finer traditions and attributes of American (especially African-American) culture. (d) Reads bad science fiction and believes that it's true.
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
Oh Bokey! Why are you listening to RP? Isn't there a top 40 radio station where you hail from?
Shesdifferent wrote:
Obviously, not knowing who BB King is catagorizes you as severly musically deprived and deranged beyond help. Thinking Tom Cruise is cool just confirms that you need serious help! Thank You RP for playing this soothing blues tune!
I really do think he was joking...at least I hope so. By the way I just had my first experience of hearing something played on RP that I uploaded, kinda neat. Glad you like the song, Bill!
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
Obviously, not knowing who BB King is catagorizes you as severly musically deprived and deranged beyond help. Thinking Tom Cruise is cool just confirms that you need serious help! Thank You RP for playing this soothing blues tune!
bokey wrote:
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.
That is the most surreal comment I have ever heard. Please tell me you were kidding.
Never heard of him but if this guy played on the soundtrack of a Tom Cruise movie I guess he must be cool.