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Frou Frou — Flicks
Album: Details
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Total ratings: 958

Released: 2002
Length: 3:53
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Lung of love, leaves me breathless,
Tongue of fool, lap me in enmity,
Four walled secret lies among the Hessian,
And a flicker of the future,
Could've saved the cindered sister,
And I'm motioning still, they stand inside me,
And moments until, the one I leave.

Colourless I kiss her cold forehead, I feel life,
Loose it in a minute and the ones to come feel too far to care,
And I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave.

People concertina to my private magic lantern move for me,
With the senses all inclusive,
In the theatre of triggered memories.

I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave,
I'm motioning still they stand inside me,
And moments until the one I leave,
The moments until the one I leave,
The one I leave,
The one I leave,
The one I leave,
Motioning still,
The one I leave.
Comments (95)add comment
8 --> 9
For how low she gets singing "Could've saved the cindered sister..."

Love me some Alto II.
Love Imogen Heap. So creative.
 drews wrote:
I'm hearing cranberries
 Welll...... you should be hearing Imogen Heap.

I saw her recently supporting Josh Groban - just her and a piano.  The set was amateur to say the least, with uncertainty and forgotten lyrics at points.  No tech, which I think is her strong point, and the audience weren't convinced.  I think she was a late stand-in, but nonetheless, we'd all paid a lot of money.
I just love this song. Imogen is so creative. This song makes me float.
 DavidFromHouston wrote:
So there I was getting ready to play something from my Genesis collection, and then he stops me by playing this. Thanks, Bill.

Ha! That was exactly what I was going to do too!
 chinaski wrote:
For whatever reason I like Imogen Heap more now than ever.

Because she's great!
And Guy Sigsworth is pretty good too.
'Plays in last 30 days: 1' — Let's keep it that way.  Yuck.
Now THIS is autotune
That was was like so totally Imogen....
For whatever reason I like Imogen Heap more now than ever.
                  A Fisher With Checkered Career

           Fitting a seaman cap is what we do as a living
                  Here we go feeting in a nasty weather
     Instate of leftovers on table  there'd be some washed up debris
     By chance a woman with frou frou came to rescue with a buoy.
So there I was getting ready to play something from my Genesis collection, and then he stops me by playing this. Thanks, Bill.
Excellent voice, ahhh Frou Frou, delicious and vibrant
At least she's living it. How many of you expert raters can say that?

More warbling then Rihanna
 mooseisadick wrote:
A lot of vocal gymnastics, I'll give it that.
They're giving Auto Tune a workout. 
First heard this band on RP and was initially attracted by Guy Sigworth's production and arrangements. Heap's vocals were just sort of "there" for me.
 prophetzarquon wrote:
Bow wow wow ?
womack & womack probably clutching at straws now.....
clutching at straws 

Now there's a good album ;-)
A lot of vocal gymnastics, I'll give it that.
A bit too much fluxing around with the vocals... but still fun.

 DeeCee1109 wrote:
{#Dancingbanana_2}Need more Frou Frou . . .
Yes, I've heard 4 or 5 tracks off this record, and have liked em' all. Maybe I should just buy the CD?{#Doh}
I'm hearing cranberries
{#Dancingbanana_2}Need more Frou Frou . . .
rluking wrote:
Was Not Was That what you were going for?
Bow wow wow ? womack & womack probably clutching at straws now.....
yay! I'm getting a nice run of some of my favorite songs this morning Coffee knows I need it today keep em coming Bill
brookap wrote:
Tony Toni Tone...wait, no, how about: Tom Tom...uh...Club - nevermind
Was Not Was That what you were going for?
I really like Frou Frou...and Imogene Heap's solo work.....trippy!
me likey
very nice.....bjork melodic...ness
... 'leaves me breathless'
Lovin' it, all day long -- one great groove after another! Thanks, Bill!
(click here)
Ahhhhh Imogen Heap !!
As many know but some do not, Frou Frou put out this album and then nothing since. Look for Imogen Heap (the female singer) as she has released a few CDs after the Frou Frou CD "Details" released in late 2002.
More song from this artis !
stabby wrote:
Jerry Jerry Gus Gus (Iceland) Mr. Mister (?)
Tony Toni Tone...wait, no, how about: Tom Tom...uh...Club - nevermind
stabby wrote:
Jerry Jerry Gus Gus (Iceland) Mr. Mister (?)
Wow, yeah, Gus Gus, I haven't heard them in some time, like them too! Good call
Yay, Imogen!!! Just what I needed!
TKTuttle wrote:
The breathy catch in her voice where it "jumps" gets tiresome by the umpteenth time I hear it. Is this the chick from the Cranberries?
Funny, I can see where some might find that annoying, but I really like that in her voice, I like the cranberries but in much smaller doses.
Gimmee Heaps and Heaps of Frou Frou!!!
Caribbeing wrote:
I'm trying to get the definitive list of bands with names in this format. Here's my start: Frou Frou The The Duran Duran Talk Talk ...?
Jerry Jerry Gus Gus (Iceland) Mr. Mister (?)
the the
Caribbeing wrote:
I'm trying to get the definitive list of bands with names in this format. Here's my start: Frou Frou The The Duran Duran Talk Talk ...?
Mister Mister
TKTuttle wrote:
The breathy catch in her voice where it "jumps" gets tiresome by the umpteenth time I hear it. Is this the chick from the Cranberries?
Nope. It's Imogen Heap (English, not Irish).
inindian wrote:
Heaps of Imogen, YES
Thought so! A GOOD thing!
The breathy catch in her voice where it "jumps" gets tiresome by the umpteenth time I hear it. Is this the chick from the Cranberries?
one of my favourite artists, one of my favourite albums, and one of my favourite tracks on the album. Kudos for the good taste of both Bill and the uploader. A solid 9 from me. BTW, anyone who hasn't heard the solo albums, do so immediately. Hide & Seek from Speak for Yourself is captivating
serendipity_blue wrote:
Imogen Heap, no?
It was my first impression...
bobringer wrote:
Danger Danger
I used to love that band.
This is a good band with a savvy cosmopolitan sound. Models over here please...
serendipity_blue wrote:
Imogen Heap, no?
Heaps of Imogen, YES
Imogen Heap, no?
Caribbeing wrote:
I'm trying to get the definitive list of bands with names in this format. Here's my start: Frou Frou The The Duran Duran Talk Talk ...?
Danger Danger
I'm trying to get the definitive list of bands with names in this format. Here's my start: Frou Frou The The Duran Duran Talk Talk ...?
Imogen has this incredible, unique voice - I hear her in context to Frou Frou - and she totally dominates the effort. I like her solo work just as much. She rocks.
Top Notch! Top Notch!
Qué grandes
Again, again, again...and again!!!!!!!!!!
Glorious! Music that takes me outside of myself and reminds me of the glory and happiness of being alive! More Frou Frou, please!

added on 12/28/05: Still totally beautiful, still takes me outside of myself with joy!

added on 8/16/08: Goddess, this is still wonderful!! Thank you, Bill!

Beautiful vocals here.
rah wrote:
absolutely, positively, 100% worth the investment. you won't be sorry.
i guess i have to buy it. i dig
Yes it does, she has an amazing voice and "Let go" is a really good hit, and so is this :) Much love for Frou Frou. deanofox wrote:
What the hell is this?? It sounds great!
*sniff* so much love for immi and frou frou, yet my upload of 'Imogen Heap - Hide and Seek' got "sorried" ah well, such is life. can't wait for her next album to be available on this side of the Big Puddle.
Wow. Even more annoying than the Cranberries and SInead O'Connor.
Sorry to drag you away from your cerebral musings, but- What a gorgeous mouth!
Feels very French. Frou Frou have a lot of soul. The manipulation of the backing and vocals only became apparent after many listens. This added to the enjoyment rather than detracting from it.
Great hat on the album cover.
My version of Details ended up with a big scratch on it making this song skip like crazy. Son of a bitch! Awesome song, though... so sweetly layered.
TampaPurple wrote:
Man, when she hits one of those breathy notes, I lose it. Sexy sexy.
Oh MY yes. I like this!
What the hell is this?? It sounds great!
A good friend of mind has decided he's going to name his first born daughter Imogen...so hooked! Good stuff...great CD. Must be handled with care though. It can really strike a chord.
Man, when she hits one of those breathy notes, I lose it. Sexy sexy.
TeddiB wrote:
frou frou makes me happy!
Does the same for me. I don't understand why, either. I typically despise BritCheese, but for some reason Frou Frou pushes my buttons in a positive way. It probably helps that Imogen strikes me as an exceptionally lovely creature, but I'm not quite shallow enough to give a pass to pop-crap for that reason alone. There's more to it that I haven't yet been able to put my finger on.
frou frou makes me happy!
rah wrote:
absolutely, positively, 100% worth the investment. you won't be sorry.
And I wasn't sorry! I bought this instead of the revolting 5th album by Weezer on Tuesday, May 10. Made me feel a lot better about giving up on one of my favorite bands.
ploafmaster wrote:
Alright, this song settles it...I'm going to buy this album. Frou Frou kicks boo-tay!
absolutely, positively, 100% worth the investment. you won't be sorry.
Alright, this song settles it...I'm going to buy this album. Frou Frou kicks boo-tay!
Every time I hear this song, my rating goes up. Started out at "4" and now am at "7" and climbing.
etwilson wrote:
I really like everthing that she's done either under her own name or Frou Frou (which is kind of dumb name) or with Jeff Beck. She really has a unique sound.
This is a great song
I really like everthing that she's done either under her own name or Frou Frou (which is kind of dumb name) or with Jeff Beck. She really has a unique sound.
tg3k wrote:
One of my favorite songs off one of my favorite recent albums. I can't get enough of Imogen's voice. Though the huffs, puffs, pants, and yodels might bug some people, I like it all. Hooten-da, indeed!
Right on!!
One of my favorite songs off one of my favorite recent albums. I can't get enough of Imogen's voice. Though the huffs, puffs, pants, and yodels might bug some people, I like it all. Hooten-da, indeed!
Well, it was kinda nice until they turned on the phase shifter; then it just got weird.
Gregorama wrote:
What a gorgeous voice.
I agree, every song by them, regardless of the quality of the rest of the song her voice tends to pleasently suprise me everytime. (and usually the quality f the rest of the song is good too so it's just an awesome experience overall)
excellent control of voice. wow
I STILL adore this song. I ALWAYS adore this song. So much going on inside it, starts things going on inside me. Music is so great!
What a gorgeous voice.
Sweet. Frou Frou kicks ass. I just started liking It's Good to be in Love, too. Thought it was lame until I realized it was a really sad song. Does that mean anything? :)
timandjuliet wrote:
I'm so glad this was added. This song hit me hard the first time I heard it. I just love the way it builds. Best song on a great album IMHO
I like this one best, also. Great add. :)
I'm so glad this was added. This song hit me hard the first time I heard it. I just love the way it builds. Best song on a great album IMHO
I adore this song. Great pick-me up today. Thanks, RP.