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David Bowie — I Have Not Been to Oxford Town
Album: Outside
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Total ratings: 594

Released: 1995
Length: 3:48
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Baby Grace is the victim
She was 14 years of age
And the wheels are turning, turning
For the finger points at me
All's well
But I have not been to Oxford Town
All's well
No I have not been to Oxford Town

Toll the bell
Pay the private eye
All's well
20th century dies

And the prison priests are decent
My attorney seems sincere
I fear my days are numbered
Lord get me out of here
All's well
But I have not been to Oxford Town
All's well
But I have not been to Oxford Town

This is your shadow on my wall
This is my flesh and blood
This is what I could've been

And the wheels are turning and turning
As the 20th century dies

If I had not ripped the fabric
If time had not stood still
If I had not met Ramona
If I'd only paid my bill
All's well
But I have not been to Oxford Town
All's well
But I have not been to Oxford Town

This is my bunk with two sheets
This is my food though foul
This is what I could have been
Comments (91)add comment
I dont think I have heard SW solo projects on RP before. It is taking me a little longer to get into this new groove he has created but I am enjoying this journey I have to say. More SW please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take this over anything on Let's Dance any day.
 coy wrote:
do i understand what this is about or am i just paranoid ?

Yeah, me too.  Guy doesn't have much to look forward to from there.
Finally, normal again
 mhodak wrote:
There are better sings on this album:

Hello Spaceboy
Strangers when we meet
I'm deranged

We need more songs from this album. Especially I'm deranged - it was used in Lost Highway - is a gem. 

I like We Prick You the most from this one:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8i9nahfpuG0
 red04star wrote:
Sorry, I don't get it... Just spent last 70 seconds arguing with my wife about how bad this song is... She is going for marginal and I am leaning towards sucko-barfo ... Wow... 

You aren't wrong.
Sorry, I don't get it... Just spent last 70 seconds arguing with my wife about how bad this song is... She is going for marginal and I am leaning towards sucko-barfo ... Wow... 
Wow! A Bowie song and album that I am hearing for the first time and as ever it is on RP! {#Smile}
 hbrennan wrote:
Yes, to quote a source:  

The wonderful use of the David Bowie / Brian Eno song ("But I Have Not
Been To Oxfordtown"), as modified (with permission - so why isn’t it on the
soundtrack) and performed by the film composer's daughter, Zoe Poledouris, in
the “last night of their lives” high school dance, just before everyone we've met
goes off to take their Oath of Service

"Would you like to know more?"

do i understand what this is about or am i just paranoid ?
There are better sings on this album:

Hello Spaceboy
Strangers when we meet
I'm deranged

We need more songs from this album. Especially I'm deranged - it was used in Lost Highway - is a gem. 
I enjoyed this album.  Seems to me this was supposed to be Part 1 of a trilogy, which never materialized.  But there is some great stuff on this album.

Love Bowie!  Thank you RP!  {#Music}

Truly a very innovative and exceptional album from Bowie - a bit too innovative for many fans and critics I think, given how hammered it got in the reviews.  I suggest the exceptional musical tastes of RP fans check it out in more depth!
 GuiltyFeat wrote:
Er... no.

Thats Sir. Er...no to you.

Er... no.
 salide wrote:
Was this song in the movie called Starship Troopers?
 Yes, to quote a source:  

The wonderful use of the David Bowie / Brian Eno song ("But I Have Not
Been To Oxfordtown"), as modified (with permission - so why isn’t it on the
soundtrack) and performed by the film composer's daughter, Zoe Poledouris, in
the “last night of their lives” high school dance, just before everyone we've met
goes off to take their Oath of Service

"Would you like to know more?"

Was this song in the movie called Starship Troopers?
I don't know why he's complaining about not having been to Oxford town.  With all the money he's made in the music business over the years, you'd think he could afford the plane tickets and the hotel.  You wanna go there, David—just go!

Great song, great album.
This is my favorite Bowie song, and I think I've only ever heard it on RP (this was the first place I heard it, in fact.) I find that a lot of Bowie grates on my nerves, but this has more subtlety and art to it than so many of his more popular songs.

 firerytrigon wrote:
This was played in Starship troopers I believe. A cover of this I think.
Got to admit, I far prefer that version.  Seems to have more pop sensibilities applied to it ...



Bowie + Eno = Bowieno

df1489 wrote:
This is Bowie working with Eno again...very nice!

 h8rhater wrote:
"We Prick You", from this CD, seems to stand the best on it's own.

I would have said Hallo Spaceboy or The Voyeur of Utter Destruction.

This was played in Starship troopers I believe. A cover of this I think.
This ain't bad....
It sounds like the music that plays when you install Windows XP
This is Bowie working with Eno again...very nice!
 socalhol wrote:
Not Bowie's best work — but still much preferable to a lot of other stuff out there....
I agree. This is much better than millions of YouTube covers, recordings of dogs barking Christmas songs, etc.

Finally! A Bowie song I don't care much for! Never thought I'd have say that.....

Or about a dozen other songs. first time I think I've rated something a 1.

PopKombo wrote:
I have never ever made a negative comment on here ... but my first impression of this song is not good.  How about Rebel Rebel or Panic in Detroit instead.

I have never ever made a negative comment on here ... but my first impression of this song is not good.  How about Rebel Rebel or Panic in Detroit instead.
Dreary and boring.
Play Oxford Comma next!
Not Bowie's best work — but still much preferable to a lot of other stuff out there....
Like Bowie, haven't heard this till now, but it's catchy...
I Have Not Muted Bowie - til now...
Just for the heck of it, listen to Sade's "Soldier of Love" after this one.  Structurally similar I thought - in a "useless trivia of the day" kinda way. FWIW, etc...
Not usually a Bowie fan, but I like this (except when he starts talking). I sense a lot of Eno influence on this one.
Pretty partial to "1.Outside"... if only he'd have completed the proposed trilogy! Ah well...
 dmax wrote:
See how the album cover says "1.Outside" ?

The album is fascinating in its intended execution. He got some of his best musicians together (Eno, Alomar, more) and this is the first of three albums to tell a non-linear-hypercycle

But he's a detective professor, solving art crimes. ("his body parts were strung from the ceiling with fine wire, makeing them appear to be floating. It was murder, but was it art?")

And the main story is jumbled and told in flashbacks/forwards -before Lost ever aired.

So, I agree that this is not a song that belongs independent, but hopefully it'll catch your attention so you check out the whole record. Kinda cool, and pushes some boundaries - just like you'd expect Bowie to do.

"We Prick You", from this CD, seems to stand the best on it's own.  Very strange disc indeed.

Normally I really like Bowie, but this stinks.
...you know, i don't particularly like this song, i've even rated it ho-hum, but i appreciate that radio paradise plays it...
Does Oxford, Ohio, count?
I found this album to be very interesting when it came out. It was rather innovative at the time.
Come on...even a Klingon would find this grating......oh god and he's talking on it too.

Still I bet Simon Cowell likes it.

As for not going to Oxford...he has no excuse it's a pretty city...but I prefer Cambridge.
Shaddup and go to Oxford Town already.
jeex this is horrible..{#Puke}
 lemmoth wrote:

Interestin uh - defense.  Could pertain to a small part of his vast career in which the chamelion has attempted just about every time of popular music.  You want pretty and melodic try Life on Mars, you want bracingly heavy try Hallo Spaceboy, you want the best funk ever by a white artist, try Fame.

You had me until the last word.  Best funk ever by a white artist would be Average White Band.

 Bovine faeces

Until the Bowie-esque chorus, I thought this was an XTC track I'd never heard. Had the same nasally tone and clipped staccato delivery (not a bad thing...just a clinical observation). Gets more Bowie/less XTC as it goes on.
hey, this sucks
- NO -
 kmh wrote:

Interestin uh - defense.  Could pertain to a small part of his vast career in which the chamelion has attempted just about every time of popular music.  You want pretty and melodic try Life on Mars, you want bracingly heavy try Hallo Spaceboy, you want the best funk ever by a white artist, try Fame.

 keller1 wrote:
I'm gonna sound like an old fogie here, but Bowie lost it sometime in the 80s and never really got it back.

yup, this sounds lost somewhere between peter gabriel and david byrne.
What happened to ol' ZIGGY?? Even the Lets dance period had a better groove than this.....a 2
Very fun funky little song from a very underrated album.

Would love to hear the Motel and Hello Spaceboy.
{#Sleep}{#Whipit}      {#Puke}

I'm gonna sound like an old fogie here, but Bowie lost it sometime in the 80s and never really got it back.
My best mate from university got a scholarship to Oxford and now he's in the jungle of Papua New Guinea.. goes to show.
EssexTex wrote:
Cretin music.....
hahah Cretin? i haven't that in ages!
MsJudi wrote:
Very graceful and almost seamless segue, nice work, Bill. :D
Indeed. I didn't even know there WAS a segue until I thought, "Is that David Bowie?" This one's definitely a head turner. I've had several double takes in the office.
Very graceful and almost seamless segue, nice work, Bill. :D
"Just doing my part"
millenium wrote:
Does anyone remember this same song (or similar) played in the prom scene in "Starship Troopers"?
Zoe Poledouris-"I have not been to paradise"
Does anyone remember this same song (or similar) played in the prom scene in "Starship Troopers"?
Daneel wrote:
You must be joking! This piece is 11 years old...
I think he means "The Stroke," a skate-rink classic rocker from Billy Squier in the early 1980s, not "The Strokes," the modern retro-garage band.
Baby_M wrote:
Anybody else hear the first verse of this and think of Billy Squier? Now everybody Have you heard? Bowie covered "The Stroke" But he changed the words . . .
You must be joking! This piece is 11 years old...
I dunno if anybody's mentioned this yet or not, but Outside was supposed to be a 3-part collaboration with Brian Eno... it was a concept album and this is one of maybe 2 or 3 songs that can be played alone without confusing the heck out of peeps... it's kind of creepy but when I first heard the album my sophmore year of college I loved it... The Motel is my other favorite song off this album. It was also used (slightly altered in cover form) on the Starship Troopers soundtrack. I do enjoy hearing it from time to time.
I have to admit I wouldn't pick this song from the album (to isolate like this), but as I listen "in the mix" I think this works well.
Doubtless a reference to the Dylan song Oxford Town: Oxford Town, Oxford Town Ev'rybody's got their heads bowed down The sun don't shine above the ground Ain't a-goin' down to Oxford Town
ObsidianInfinity wrote:
I just don't understand people's obsession with Bowie. His songs hurt my ears. Truely painful. This gets a 2 and I'm being generous.
I just don't understand people's obsession with Bowie. His songs hurt my ears. Truely painful. This gets a 2 and I'm being generous.
Good to hear smth from Bowie besides Always Crashing the Same Car or Heroes on RP. Good song. 7.
Anybody else hear the first verse of this and think of Billy Squier? Now everybody Have you heard? Bowie covered "The Stroke" But he changed the words . . .
I'm pretty sure the underlying beat to this was used by Siouxsie And The Banshees on a track that went something like... "I have not been to paradise"... I could be wrong of course Update: Found it. The song I was thinking of featured in Starship Troopers during the graduation dance/ball. It is called "I Have Not Been To Paradise" and is by Zoe Poledouris. Obviously not Siouxsie, but when you hear it being sung, the vocal resemblance is stunning.
I like the quirckyness (sp?) of this - part of what makes bowie music fun. Play more of the fun stuff!
I see the comparisons to old Gabriel, but unlike that, I really don't care for this. Sorry. Ho hum.
Sounds a bit like a Peter Gabriel / David Byrne chimera. I think Ziggy Stardust wouldn't be upset by the comparison.
Sounds like the musical chameleon is trying on Peter Gabriel colors. Cool!
The only song he's put out in more than two decades that I would say is good. And with that track record, I wouldn't have bothered to listen if it weren't on RP. 7.
Well, well. Herr Bowie has surprised me yet again. Nice song.
my upload. :o sorry, I couldn't resist, what with all the nice comments and all. Glad to see other Outside fans out there!
Logged in for the first time just to rate this song, one of my favourites. I've been listening to Radio Paradise for the last six months or so. Hearing songs like this one... this is why I find Radio Paradise irresistable.
Holy Deep-Cuts Batman! I thought I was the only one who bought this album. Good job! You should consider Strangers When We Meet (The Buddha of Surburbia version is better) and Halo Spaceboy. Though he's not credited, Bowie co-wrote it with Trent Reznor.
please, play more songs from this album