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Euphoria — Beautiful My Child
Album: Beautiful My Child
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Total ratings: 504

Released: 2001
Length: 3:28
Plays (last 30 days): 0
(no lyrics available)
Comments (28)add comment
The quote contained on my song "Beautiful My Child" is a quote from one of the most famous (if not THE most famous) gospel composers of all time, Thomas A. Dorsey.
Mr. Dorsey is speaking about the power of gospel music, to his beloved wife, and uses the phrase "Beautiful my child ...". 
It is from a documentary entitled, "Say Amen, Somebody", by director George Nierenberg: https://www.wnyc.org/story/cel...
That IS where the song title comes from.
Ken Ramm
If you want to support it give it a 10.
 Hasan wrote:
How odd that a song with a below 5 rating has had no comments on it for 7 1/2 years!!

My 2 cents worth ... if you're going bust up the rhythm of the music with a spoken track, you better have something worthwhile to say.  If you going to repeat it endlessly, you better have something really, really worthwhile to say.

As it is ... moderately appealing music defaced with obnoxious graffiti by its own creators.

I am an RP supporter. In no way am I obligated to "say something" just because you think it is necessary.
 (anonymous) wrote:
Originally Posted by KevDog: The guy saying "beautiful my child" is giving me the creeps, sort of sounds like it has pedophilia overtones to me.
It's kinda sad when an older man can't express affection for a child without people thinking there's something wrong with that. Both the child and the adult suffer. Not everyone is a pedophile.

Yes! I like children (properly prepared with a good sauce) and that doesn't make me a pedophile...
 (anonymous) wrote:
Originally Posted by KevDog: The guy saying "beautiful my child" is giving me the creeps, sort of sounds like it has pedophilia overtones to me.
It's kinda sad when an older man can't express affection for a child without people thinking there's something wrong with that. Both the child and the adult suffer. Not everyone is a pedophile.

"The great foundational thinkers are no longer widely read. Outside of a few quotes here and there, for instance, not many educated liberals are familiar with the political writings of Immanuel Kant, John Locke, J.S Mill, Benjamin Constant, Jeremy Bentham, Mary Wollstonecraft, Isaiah Berlin, John Rawls, Ronald Dworkin…to name a few of the major names. "Classic texts like The Federalist Papers have been reduced to a few out-of-context quotes that people hurl at opponents thoughtlessly. "This unfamiliarity with the foundational ideas matters because when Liberalism is challenged it can only be defended when one is familiar with the arguments made on key issues by those whole ideas created the modern world. For Liberalism is the first child of The Enlightenment" wrote Sina Odugbemi in a wider sense of the word... Who’s not tempted or impelled, somehow, to be the child the great  Elvie Thomas sings to in her “Motherless Child Blues”? Or the one that the unforgettable cuban singer Bola de Nieve's sings to in "Drume Negrita"? or the other that a fatherly  Axl Rose asks where to go to in "Sweet Child of Mine", stating a landmark in this Zygmunt Bauman's "Liquid Modernity" ?


Neat! somebody published a song with Apple's Garage Band!
 Tippster wrote:

The comment section is open to all - their comment is worth as much as yours.

That is true - it's all 2 cents.
 Proclivities wrote:

You're correct; such strict rules are worth about 2 cents.  

The comment section is open to all - their comment is worth as much as yours.

 Hasan wrote:
How odd that a song with a below 5 rating has had no comments on it for 7 1/2 years!!

My 2 cents worth ... if you're going bust up the rhythm of the music with a spoken track, you better have something worthwhile to say.  If you going to repeat it endlessly, you better have something really, really worthwhile to say.

As it is ... moderately appealing music defaced with obnoxious graffiti by its own creators.


You're right about the soundbite: someone in that band has OCD. The rest of the track is catchy. 
 Hasan wrote:
How odd that a song with a below 5 rating has had no comments on it for 7 1/2 years!!

My 2 cents worth ... if you're going bust up the rhythm of the music with a spoken track, you better have something worthwhile to say.  If you going to repeat it endlessly, you better have something really, really worthwhile to say.

As it is ... moderately appealing music defaced with obnoxious graffiti by its own creators.

You're correct; such strict rules are worth about 2 cents.  
 Hasan wrote:
How odd that a song with a below 5 rating has had no comments on it for 7 1/2 years!!

My 2 cents worth ... if you're going bust up the rhythm of the music with a spoken track, you better have something worthwhile to say.  If you going to repeat it endlessly, you better have something really, really worthwhile to say.

As it is ... moderately appealing music defaced with obnoxious graffiti by its own creators.

i like you. but i'm going to rate it higher.
How odd that a song with a below 5 rating has had no comments on it for 7 1/2 years!!

My 2 cents worth ... if you're going bust up the rhythm of the music with a spoken track, you better have something worthwhile to say.  If you going to repeat it endlessly, you better have something really, really worthwhile to say.

As it is ... moderately appealing music defaced with obnoxious graffiti by its own creators.


Myrrh wrote:
It's kinda sad when an older man can't express affection for a child without people thinking there's something wrong with that. Both the child and the adult suffer. Not everyone is a pedophile.
I'm missin' sumtin'. I have 2 beautiful children. I love other children, too. Indeed, it's among the little tragedies of our time that when I see their little five-year old friends, some of whom I adore, I can't give them a hug because the world's gone p'noid. And, yes, I like the song a lot!
Trippy 8O
Absolutely unbelieveable discussion around perceived pedophilia here, but so far those objecting to this ridiculous charge have so far missed the point entirely. Although I can't be sure if the intention is ironic,(the effect IS just a tad creepy) "Beautiful, my child" is certainly a sample, authentic or acted , of very typical Anglo Indian "Swami-speak", and the student or devotee being affirmed or commended could be of any age.Could refer to life itself, or a student's insight, accomplishments, gifts or devotion. Sounds a bit like Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, once upon a time Guru of the Beatles and TM founder. Likely lots of tape around. Moreover in this culture any respected person of the preceding generation is apt to be addressed as "mother" or "father", "auntie" or "uncle", and the reverse is also true. With a spiritual teacher the "child" being addressed could even be of the same age, but in any case "My child", like "son" or "daughter" when addressing non-family members is meant to emphasize a chaste, respectful, loving, "in loco parentis" relationship.("It takes a village to raise a child")Some very sweet old timers in our culture still speak this way.
that\'s it, I\'m tuning out
Originally Posted by artifex: Not to mention that he's not saying "you're beautiful, child," but "beautiful, my child," which sounds like he's telling a kid he or she has made something pretty or has done a good job. Can't you tell a kid that they've made something beautiful? Or that they're beautiful? This level of irrational fear damages children. Why can't we have adults that stop to think before they freak?
you're kidding, right?
The guy\'s voice sounds like Yoda, is it from a sample from a SW movie?
This song is acceptably different and eclectic in typical RP fashion, which is cool, but personally I\'m not sure that I like it. I can appreciate it as a \"different\" tune, but it doesn\'t really do anything for me. On the whole, just \"eh\". :roll:
Originally Posted by Myrrh: It's kinda sad when an older man can't express affection for a child without people thinking there's something wrong with that.
Not to mention that he's not saying "you're beautiful, child," but "beautiful, my child," which sounds like he's telling a kid he or she has made something pretty or has done a good job. Can't you tell a kid that they've made something beautiful? Or that they're beautiful? This level of irrational fear damages children. Why can't we have adults that stop to think before they freak?
I thought he was saying \"You don\'t want my job\". Kind of an extension to the Little Village song \"Do You Want My Job\". Other than that, the song had little impact on me.