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Crash Test Dummies — Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Album: God Shuffled His Feet
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Total ratings: 907

Released: 1993
Length: 3:42
Plays (last 30 days): 0
Once there was this kid who
Got into an accident and couldn't come to school
But when he finally came back
His hair had turned from black into bright white
He said that it was from when
The cars had smashed so hard

Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm

Once there was this girl who
Wouldn't go and change with the girls in the change room
And when they finally made her
They saw birthmarks all over her body
She couldn't quite explain it
They'd always just been there

Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm

Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm

But both girl and boy were glad
'Cause one kid had it worse than that

'Cause then there was this boy whose
Parents made him come directly home right after school
And when they went to their church
They shook and lurched all over the church floor
He couldn't quite explain it
They'd always just gone there

Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm

Mmm mmm mmm mmm
Mmm mmm mmm mmm


Comments (144)add comment
Great vocals.
Love the Crash Test Dummies. Lyrical, thought-provoking songs with that rare commodity in rock: a sense of humour.
Same hometown as Neil Young.
 mybaldbird wrote:

Weird Al made a great parody of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S1aHjlYKlk

No longer available. Data fade and link rot are the dark side of the Internet. Thank goodness for the Wayback Machine.
Forgot all about this tune, nice to hear it again, and have it dusted off on RP. It looks like from years ago.
I have always loved this song and the words… brilliant production as well
 ableape wrote:

Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in its chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.

Thanks for this.  I’ve never really listened to the words. It resonates with me. 
I bumped my vote up by a couple of notches. 
this album is magic... just open your heart and let the word, as well as the music, speak to you. really, it's worth giving it a chance.  This band was awesome
 ableape wrote:

Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in its chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.

The lead singer, Brad Roberts,  earned an honors degree in English and Philosophy.  Early critics of the band reflected that the lyrics to many of their songs were too erudite for the average radio listener.  Hence, they had to be explained to them.
 Grebbel wrote:
The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white.
Interestingly Crash Test Dummies has another song called "God Shuffled His Feet" where a boy has something happen to him where his hair turns blue.  It used to be in rotation on Radio Paradise in the early 2010s, it was pretty good, not sure why it got pulled.

Mmm mmm mmm meh... 
 ableape wrote:

Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in its chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.

It's the first time I look at this song like this. Thanks for the thoughts. 
 laserace wrote:

CTD. Hello? always survive. So good

BTW I believe there's on /in a Tesla flying around the cosmos.
I hope I'm not alone.  I listen to music for the music, as I can seldom hear the lyrics and in my day LPs never came with lyrics.  I find it difficult to read the lyrics online while listening to music: the latter is felt, the former conscious.  So who cares what they say, it's not a poetry exercise, it's music ffs.
Free afternoon concert outside the UC for 1985 Frosh Orientation, University of Guelph...instant time machine, I swear... 
CTD. Hello? always survive. So good
Have a personal history with this band. (Long before the fame.)
It was so great to see (a few years later) their music book show up at the music store I was managing.

excellent story telling song.  awakens my inner child
I have this on CD single somewhere. I bought it because it also had a version of Superman's Song on it. Nice.
Wow...haven't heard this in about 10 years...thankfully
Nice song, shame I can only understand a fraction of the sung lyrics - yer man sounds like Sean Connery. 6 from the Nottingham jury.

 . . . and suddenly I'm fourteen all over again.
I had a mixtape with this song on it back when it came out. My car was a clunker and I had to throw a boom box in the floorboard to have tunes. I commuted from Newport News to Virginia Beach for work. Clocked a lot of hours on that mixtape, on that boom box, in that car, on that road. >.<
 Art_Carnage wrote:
From Jackie Wilson to this crap. Sheesh.



but strangley it worked well for my mood. {#Bounce}
Mmmm... Love this song! Great voice, great words, great chorus, great everything. Kind of song you wish never ends.
 nalle wrote:
Perhaps it´s nice to see them on RP, but it´s not so nice to hear them.
LOL. I like this one better than the other CTD cut Bill plays.

Dumb and Dumber. This song was a good fit for it...
Once, there was this kid who
Took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint
And when he finally came back
He had cane marks all over his bottom
He said that it was from when
The warden whacked it so hard

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm


Once there was this girl who

Swore that one day she would be a figure skating champion
And when she finally made it
She saw some other girl who was better

And so she hired some guy to
Club her in the kneecap

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

They got paid for their sound bites

And sold their TV movie rights

And then, there was this guy who

Made his wife so mad one night that she cut off his weiner
And when he finally came to
He found that Mr. Happy was missing
He couldn't quite explain it
It'd always just been there

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

Mmm mmm mmm mmm, mmm mmm mmm mmm

I love Weird Al
 Jdanzi wrote:
Great song, nice to see CTD on RP
Perhaps it´s nice to see them on RP, but it´s not so nice to hear them.
all my sister's hair started to fall out and she shaved it all, then it came back and much of it is bright white, though some is still very black.
I really like the Crash Test Dummies.  They always seem to verbalize the questions I often ask myself.

Ah... CANCON... bask in the glow. Weather looks pleasant in Winnipeg today.
Great song, nice to see CTD on RP
A great old favorite!  I had this on CASSETTE!

this is a great song

i like the theme  the quirkiness   

like the the way the note he hold at the end of the verse blends into the effects deeper each verse
Superman  -  a good one as well  - 
From Jackie Wilson to this crap. Sheesh.

 Razz wrote:
An ok song but some of their others are far better like God Shufled His Feet and Two Knights and Maidens.
I thought I was the only person in the world that liked Two Knights and Maidens!  I'm a sucker for electric cello, or whatever is making that awesome sound in the second verse.

This album is a personal favorite of mine.  Take out "The Psychic" and you can listen to the whole thing beginning to end without a skip.  Another great producing job by former Talking Head Jerry Harrison (Live, Big Head Todd, No Doubt). 
A band whose name and "one hit wonder" quality unfairly put them in the discount bin at the record store and pegged as a gimmick band. Their later albums are adventurous and fascinating.
 newwavegurly wrote:
Why, Bill, why harsh the good feeling you brought about by playing "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher" by playing this right afterwards?

That happened again but I think it had the exact opposite effect for me. Mmm mmm mmm mmm.

This is the second worst band ever.

Ho Humm for Mmm Mmm, Mmm
An ok song but some of their others are far better like God Shufled His Feet and Two Knights and Maidens.
Weird Al made a great parody of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3S1aHjlYKlk

Such an odd song really.  Nice weird melody. 

I'm Canadian and I think this band is well worth listening to. No apologies.


effing ZERO!
I thought all of these Cd's were destroyed?
 1wolfy wrote:
..Dumb and Dumber made good use of this track.


+ Apache Indian :))

'Boom Shack-A-Lak' by Apache Indian on QTV

look at 1:37

anybody diggin this guys voice but disparages Bob Dylan's needs to sit down w/ Dylan's Tangled up in Blue or Visions of Johanna and ask honestly if they don't really think Dylan has a brilliant voice. sorry but I think this guys inflection lacks imagination and his singing is mediocre at best  ...IMHO

This makes me want to vomit.
Always loved this band, keep it coming Bill.
 Sloggydog wrote:
I like this album a lot.  Not as much as afternoons and cofeespoons but still a lot.  People complain about overplay.  Well lets face it that is their own faults for quite obviously having been slaves to commercial radio earlier in their lives.  
Mmmm Mmmm {#Arrowu}
 1wolfy wrote:
It is all good...Dumb and Dumber made good use of this track.


Dumb  and Dumber Motion Picture Soundtrack featuring Crash Test Dummies on Jim Carey's T-Shirt
Why, Bill, why harsh the good feeling you brought about by playing "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher & Higher" by playing this right afterwards?

 arserocket wrote:
He's got a great voice and I love the piano.
Yeah, its nice to hear an unabashed baritone in rock music. Most of them like to pretend they're tenors.

He's got a great voice and I love the piano.
I like this album a lot.  Not as much as afternoons and cofeespoons but still a lot.  People complain about overplay.  Well lets face it that is their own faults for quite obviously having been slaves to commercial radio earlier in their lives.  
Despite reading comments about his singing sounding forced, I just don't hear it.  And I happen to like this song, very much.

Takes all kinds.
Thanks for this Bill!
 sporkster wrote:
It's funny how even the most annoying songs can turn around if you don't listen to them for 15 years!  {#Smile}
Another example of the Law of Overplay.

(And, as a Canadian, I apologize to those who are currently suffering through the mmmm, mmmmms)

More Canadian novelty rockers.


It is all good...Dumb and Dumber made good use of this track.

 jenakle wrote:

oh, Bil....

think of the listeners

the poor poor non-deaf listeners

{#Lol}  Actually, if you listen closely to the lyrics, they are funny, sad but funny.  And the album cover is pretty cool.  Plus they're from Winnipeg so you can also, BLAME CANADA!!!

Excellent song, thanks for playing it.
You could add me to the contrarians who kinda like this song.  There's something about it that's pleasant.  The vocals?  Well I'd have to say it's way better, hands down, than Jeff Buckley (my perpetual nails-on-the-blackboard whipping-boy) ;^)
It's funny how even the most annoying songs can turn around if you don't listen to them for 15 years!  {#Smile}
Yamson wrote:

Then why did they have to put such a profound message into such an awful, awful song?

It's in the style of a simple childrens song...which is appropriate considering the subject matter and lyrics.

Shesdifferent wrote: You guys are getting way too commercial. {#Whistle}

Way too commercial would be Nickelback every hour.  Lighten up.

really.... Crash  Test Dummys...  Humph  how utterly ....random
Uggh. Go home, Croakie Froggerson.

This song grates. 
Like they said in some VH1 special, this could have been used by Campbell's in their soup commercials.
Dude tries way too hard to sing in the lower register.
 Rating: 3 — Ho Humm for the Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm song.

blech {#Puke}blech {#Puke}blech {#Puke}blech {#Puke}
it's a great song, made annoying by the overplay it got on the radio when it was first released. it's nice to hear it - after not having heard it for a long time.
a fine (Canadian) band, and an excellent example of 90's alternative!
good job!
Not that I have a penis, but if I did, I'd think this is what erectile dysfunction would sound like.

God, what a horrible song. I thought this died in the 90s.  Too bad it popped up here.
Do not want.

oh, Bil....

think of the listeners

the poor poor non-deaf listeners

 siandbeth wrote:
I have always liked this album. Thanks

Me too.
You guys are getting way too commercial. {#Whistle}
Marr wrote:
I saw these guys play live in Austin right around the time this song was on the airwaves. He told us that this song was meant to have the refrain, and I quote, "Fuckinshitty, fuckinshitty" but they thought that wouldn't float with the radio stations. So they replaced the chorus with the Mmmmm's.

nate917 wrote:

No, that distinction is actually held by "Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods.

Excuse me? "Seasons in the Sun"? Satan has a special wing reserved for Terry Jacks.

As weird as this song is, I don't mind it that much.


 ableape wrote:
Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in it's chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.
Then why did they have to put such a profound message into such an awful, awful song?

Suck it up mirland.
Argh. The forced way this guy "sings" makes me sick.
Sonically this album is a "10". I believe that Jerry Harrison of Talking Heads did either the producing or engineering.
You know, it's interesting...I hated this song when it first came out, but it has grown on me over the years. I actually don't mind it now.
downbylaw wrote:
...and this is officially the world's worst song.
No, that distinction is actually held by "Billy Don't Be a Hero" by Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods.
I have always liked this album. Thanks
Bile is more corrosive than I remembered.
Ian911299 wrote:
Well after reading that comment, I think I need to change my rating on this song from an 8 to a 9. Very solid explaination on your part!
Thanks...you'll teach me to listen more closely. See how the record companies, viacom, clearchannel are brainwashing me with owning 90% of music and stations. What was I thinking?
what does he want to say with mmm mmm mmm mmm?
Wow, has it been a while since I heard this. I hear weird al every time I hear this :(
ohhhhh mannnn....
ableape wrote:
Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in it's chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.
Well after reading that comment, I think I need to change my rating on this song from an 8 to a 9. Very solid explaination on your part!
Most people don't get this song. That's why they hate it. I think it's about beliefs. The first verse mentions a boy who had something happen to him that he had no control over - the accident and that his hair turned white. The second verse mentions a girl that was born with an abnormality - birthmarks all over her body. Again, something she had no control over. But when the song mentions the kid who believes in a certain (strange) religion just because his parents did, this is worse than the other two kids. Worse because you can't change what happens to you, but you can change, and challenge, your beliefs and what their based upon. And if you don't, you're just opening yourself up to ridicule that is worse than those with abnormalities they couldn't control could ever receive. I also like the fact that it's nonstandard in that it doesn't rhyme, nor does it even have real words in its chorus. It leaves the listener to open their mind a little.

I saw these guys play live in Austin right around the time this song was on the airwaves. He told us that this song was meant to have the refrain, and I quote, "Fuckinshitty, fuckinshitty" but they thought that wouldn't float with the radio stations. So they replaced the chorus with the Mmmmm's. But when they played the song for us, we all filled in the gaps with the original lyrics. It made the song make alot more sense and was more fun. Now I hear those lyrics everytime I hear the song. Heee. As to those who gripe about his voice, I can only say to each their own.
beachedge_bill wrote:
I can remember the stage of being a kid fascinated with Ripley's Believe It or Not, the Guinness Book of Records, stories of mammoths buried in ice, extinct creatures living in deep lakes, UFO sightings, mummies, etc. and, of course, peoples' hair turning white overnight and strange cultish churches. These songs just evoke so perfectly that transition period between wide-eyed innocence and a healthy helping of skepticism.
Wow! Well said!
You should listen to "Weird Al's" version Headline News
Originally Posted by downbylaw: different isn't always good, you know. and this is officially the world's worst song.
You're wrong. Different is *always* good. Always! I love this f'in song so much I could hurl! I give it a 10!
different isn\'t always good, you know. and this is officially the world\'s worst song.
I like it. Took a few years to appreciate the weirdness of his voice but DIFFERENT IS GOOD. It\'s a nice snack but I certainly make a meal out of CTD.
Originally Posted by dmax: Never heard of these guys until I saw them open for Elvis C in Concord, CA. Thoroughly loved the show, and thoroughly love this album. It's silly, thoughtful, and unusual. Eclectic and intelligent. And it rocks! One day, I'll wear pajamas in the daytime...
You said it! I saw them in '94 as they were "peaking". Lots of fun. Glad something as smart as the Dummies actually became a top 40 hit.
Originally Posted by downbylaw: this is the worst song ever.
Originally Posted by Wallyman: I agree. I think their 15 minutes went by a little fast. I'd be happy to hear the songs you suggest from time to time
Gee, thanks Wally. ;)
this is the worst song ever.
You\'re going to lose me with these guys every time... his voice just gets on my nerves...
Originally Posted by mperry: I like the them too. Other smart songs from the Dummies: Afternoons and Coffespoons, In the Days of the Caveman, Swimming in Your Ocean. My fave is probably God Shuffled His Feet.
I agree. I think their 15 minutes went by a little fast. I'd be happy to hear the songs you suggest from time to time
I love the piano. and this song brings back many many memories of university. grad year
Once, there was this dumb song...
Once, there was this guy who / made his wife so mad one night that she cut off his weiner / and when, he finally came to / he found that Mr. Happy was missing / he couldn\'t quite explain it it\'d always just beeeeeeeen there
CTD were just different. Without them and the likes of They Might Be Giants, what would eclectic be?
Truly one of the worst popular songs of all history.
Originally Posted by PandoraX: Yes, this CTD song did get overplayed, but I personally think it is still an outstanding song. They do have better songs, like the Superman song, and God Shuffled his feet. I do have to say thanks for giving it some airtime though, and suggest a couple of their less played better songs.
I like the them too. Other smart songs from the Dummies: Afternoons and Coffespoons, In the Days of the Caveman, Swimming in Your Ocean. My fave is probably God Shuffled His Feet.
Originally Posted by Platypus: i know that I have already commented on this one, but damn - this is terrible. wish I could give it a negative 10.
No accounting for peoples tastes :) Myself, I love this one... but I also like a lot of what you like, go figure... So mute it while it's on :D I guess we all have some song on the playlist that we hate :-\
Christ, I had to shutdown Winamp. Please never play these guys again. That voice is sickening.