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The early days

Leslie wrote:
I like electronica too.
...from the 70s ;) :P
TreborG2 wrote:
... meanwhile some other person appears to be in love with the female lead and may be set up as the group's rescuer .... but that's the last of the video's I've found.. don't know if he succeeds in the rescue or supposed rescue or if he's just further part of the evil conglomerate...
Yeah, I don't think they ever finished it, which sucked because they were pretty cool. I remember Cartoon Network showed them all once.
.... oh... got a bit carried away.....
As a fan of Kraftwerk, I find this to be kinda fun... not great but not as horrible as some people seem to think.
Konrad wrote:
It may be about sex but it's not sexy, in fact it effectively prevents any kind of arousal.
Arguable. I suppose you could call this the aural equivalent of saltpeter, but.. this song may do something for somebody somewhere. You never know.
mll wrote:
I found another working link :
(click here) (bottom of page)
Suggested view order :
* One more Time
* Aerodynamic
* Digital Love
* Harder Better Faster Stronger
* and possibly Something About Us
An interesting fan video on Harder Better Faster Stronger is here.
excellent, many thanks for the links.
Enjoy :)
And the whole anime seems to be called "Interstella 5555 : The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem"
I'm not an anime junkie, but the whole stuff reminds me of my childhood... Goldorak, quand tu nous tiens... ;)
Sufficiently smart for me to overlook the noise.
DMay wrote:
It's got a good beat, it's about sex,
It may be about sex but it's not sexy, in fact it effectively prevents any kind of arousal.
Platypus wrote:
great album. their first one was a lot of fun too.
they did an anime video for this entire album - watch some clips here
The link is dead now. I found another working link :
(click here) (bottom of page)
Suggested view order :
* One more Time
* Aerodynamic
* Digital Love
* Harder Better Faster Stronger
* and possibly Something About Us
An interesting fan video on Harder Better Faster Stronger is here.
Enjoy :)
And the whole anime seems to be called "Interstella 5555 : The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem"
I'm not an anime junkie, but the whole stuff reminds me of my childhood... Goldorak, quand tu nous tiens... ;)
Pretty good actually
Yeah, very good...
Sure, it's waaaay from Creedence, but... ;)
Guess which country they're from ?

This was so bad I had to mute it. I like electronica too.
Platypus wrote:
great album. their first one was a lot of fun too.
they did an anime video for this entire album - watch some clips here
i liked the one video with the colored dots changing. :nodhead:
hey, btw. i just knew i'd find a comment from you here. ;) love ya platy 
DMay wrote:
ps. if you zoom the image on the import cd cover (expensive Discovery cd above right) you can see "the band" that gets kidnapped. Some of the videos are available at ... yeah yeah.. any of you that look at a bunch of my posts will see I probably mention sputnik every other post... no other place I know of for free music videos that people might want to watch!
Daft Punk offers some of Electronica's best. This shines true in songs such as Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. It's got a good beat, it's about sex, and it's catchy.
If you liked this song you should check out Aerodynamic, One More Time, Digital Love, Face to Face, Too Long, and Something About Us from the album. They're all great songs with incredible beats and good lyrics.
Actually.. people should check out the videos too!
The videos made a story out of the music or vice versa.. its toon-animation... group playing to a crowd gets kidnapped, implanted, controlled and made to work their musical magic for some bad guy.
... meanwhile some other person appears to be in love with the female lead and may be set up as the group's rescuer .... but that's the last of the video's I've found.. don't know if he succeeds in the rescue or supposed rescue or if he's just further part of the evil conglomerate...
Tune in tomorrow.... same Daft channel.. same Punk time.. 

The only thing more entertaining than this song is imagining the reaction of RP listeners around the world.
And we've already seen some evidence of that below...

RichardPrins wrote:

Daft Punk offers some of Electronica's best. This shines true in songs such as Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger. It's got a good beat, it's about sex, and it's catchy.
If you liked this song you should check out Aerodynamic, One More Time, Digital Love, Face to Face, Too Long, and Something About Us from the album. They're all great songs with incredible beats and good lyrics.
I would like this a lot better if: (A.) I were intensly drunk (B.) In a dance club with flashy strobes (C.) Could actually dance.
great album. their first one was a lot of fun too.
they did an anime video for this entire album - watch some clips here
ca·coph·o·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (k-kf-n)
n. pl. ca·coph·o·nies
1. Jarring, discordant sound; dissonance: heard a cacophony of horns during the traffic jam.
2. The use of harsh or discordant sounds in literary composition, as for poetic effect.
What an utter piece of shit.
sounds like somebody got a drum machine and voice sythesizer for xmas....
Is that Cher singing?
Is this on the Revenge of the Nerds soundtrack?
Now is the time on Shprockets when we DAHNCE! Touch my him!
there are no words to describe how bad this is
Good morning all I need is more coffee.