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Ani DiFranco — Amazing Grace
Album: Dilate
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Total ratings: 631

Released: 1996
Length: 7:05
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Amazing grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost
But now I'm found
Was blind but now i see

'Twas grace that taught
my heart to fear
And grace that fear relieved
How precious did
That grace appear
The hour I first believed

Through many dangers
Toils and snares
I have already come
'Twas grace that brought me
Safe thus far
And grace will lead me home

And when this heart
And flesh shall fail
And mortal life shall cease
I shall posess
Within the vale
A life of joy and peace
Comments (81)add comment
There are a lot of other DiFranco songs to be harvested for RP. Surprised we don't hear more here. Little Plastic Castle, in particular,  has some excellent tracks that belong.
Haven't heard this in a while. Not as bad as I previously ranked it. 2->4
 MrsTom wrote:
Oh forget about polarising people's opinions, it is polarising me.  I hate it and I love it. And who is the person 'talking'?  And why is there a seal coughing?  And who thought 'let's add a bell because BELLS'.  And then the talking into a bucket.  
A travesty, agree.
Pretty sure for the lyrics that the "within the vale" in the last verse should be "within the veil."  As in the veil or curtain, hiding the unseen heaven from our physical senses.  Fortunately, we have verses like Hebrews 6:19-20 to look to for hope, "We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain (veil), where Jesus has gone as a forerunner on our behalf, having become a high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."  This veil that our souls are anchored beyond was foreshadowed or typed by the veil separating the holy place of the Temple in Jerusalem from the Holy of Holies.  The inner sanctum.  When Jesus died on the cross, that curtain was torn from top to bottom (significant because it was a big, thick curtain that was several feet high, indicating that it was torn supernaturally.)  We now have access to God through the Amazing Grace of Jesus that has removed the barriers created by sin, and given us hope in a life after death full of joy and peace.  We need only to humble ourselves, acknowledge our wretchedness, and repent and turn to Him to be granted this grace through faith.
Oh forget about polarising people's opinions, it is polarising me.  I hate it and I love it. And who is the person 'talking'?  And why is there a seal coughing?  And who thought 'let's add a bell because BELLS'.  And then the talking into a bucket.  
 Izotop_s wrote:
This music must play in hell.
Well put and understood.
The worst ratings I have seen for a song on RP. 

And the worst ratings I have ever given.

Both well deserved.

PS After writing this, I gave it another try.  Then revised my 2 to a 1.  
Does she know what she's singing? She's like having an orgasm to Amazing Grace. First 1 rating. Gotta wash now.
 n4ku wrote:
I keep going back and forth between rating this a 10 and a 1. Right now it is a 1.

I've never had a song mess with my mind like this.

For what it's worth, my rating is (and was) 8.

But I think I have an inkling as to why you experience it bi-modally like that, and it goes a long way to explain the near-even split in the bi-modal ratings distribution, horrible/wonderful.

I just tuned in and I am sad that I didn't get to hear it this morning!  It was two songs ago in the playlist, so I am going to have to dig it up in YouTube or maybe TIDAL - yeah, I can get FLAC quality in TIDAL - maybe better.  TTFN
I know Ani polarises opinion, but her own compositions are very heartfelt and original. She is definitely one of a kind. More please Bill
Really tried to like it, nope.
Love the groovy edgy soulful here done as only Ani can! Like many great artists she's an acquired taste, and I can see how this track is NOT the one to attract new fans. 
This music must play in hell.
What I imagine Chris Whitley would have done with it.
This was my time to absorb - college years and shortly thereafter.  And somehow I missed Ani DiFranco.  Good to catch up now, thank you RP
 unclehud wrote:
Oh ye of little appreciation for things new.

We all know the words to this song, so why not try to enjoy how they're presented?  I vote 9, and that's sincere.
I get the desire to want to like this, and I tried, though when the 'spoken' verses came through the left channel only, well, I didn't quite like it...I'll stick with a 4 for now....Long Live RP!!
Oh ye of little appreciation for things new.

We all know the words to this song, so why not try to enjoy how they're presented?  I vote 9, and that's sincere.
Noo thanks... PSD
To my surprise this is rather good.
This song is so awful I just shut off Sonos....
7 to 8! nice groovy version
Why so much hate?  I love this version more than any other!
Very cool & groovy Playback - which doesn't work for this song AT ALL!
As a rule I tend to like the left field covers played on Radio Paradise. Not so sure about this one though?!?
I can usually find it within myself to give a point or two for originality, but in this case ... hmmm ... nope.
I tend to agree with the painful description....it took me a while to even recognize what song it was....nasty
Is this some type of weird new Jazz? Chronic!
Gracious that was painful.  Particularly disturbing was the narration that sounded for all the world like a really irritated Midwestern librarian.
Cooking away and I hear this tonight, check on the info and find that I rated it 2 previously. Set and setting. It grabbed my attention tonight. This is pretty good as an effort to rethink something as standard(ized) as this. No longer a 2
One word: unnecessary
Everyone who thinks they can "sing" has to break out this tired old number.  Never hearing any of the 350 versions of this song again would be cool by me.
 ThePoose wrote:
It's amazing how she's taken the grace out of this song.


One of my favorite versions of Amazing Grace...and I have about two dozen versions
This would have definitely sounded better if she had split it into two songs. Her vocals and the instrumental part VERY far away from each other...
I tried to like this. FAIL.
She took the goosebumps out of one of the most powerful spirituals ever written. Big Zero.
Fantastic...actually a 10.  (I'm sure I'm the only one)

Best rendition I've heard recently, though, was a guy on Coronado Island (San Diego) playing Amazing Grace on the bagpipes out on the rocks overlooking the ocean during sunset. 
Amazingly graceless
WonderLizard wrote:
This is a terrific version. IMHO Ani does what Ani does best—imbues a mournful plea with subcutaneous rage, almost as if the prayer might not have been answered, or simply not answered soon enough. Sorta like Job, "So, what is it, Lord? Don't I rate?" Lord, "Sometimes, boy, you just piss me off..."

Great description. I am digging this.


Had to mute this mess.
I rarely want to turn the station when I'm listening to RP....this song did it
This is a terrific version. IMHO Ani does what Ani does best—imbues a mournful plea with subcutaneous rage, almost as if the prayer might not have been answered, or simply not answered soon enough. Sorta like Job, "So, what is it, Lord? Don't I rate?" Lord, "Sometimes, boy, you just piss me off..."
Horrible. And L O N GGGGGGG too.
 krich58 wrote:
Ho man, I love this tune.

I guess you gotta have a pretty weird sense of rhythm and such. As a musician, I would love to be able to play something with this strange timing...That voice a-la my life in the bush of ghosts, and that ringing bell. So otherworldly...
This is the best thing I have heard from AD and the most original cover of a really played out song.  Refreshing in a couple ways.  Timing is not too complicated though, this is in a 4/4 time signature if you listen carefully..

this is just awful. 

It's amazing how she's taken the grace out of this song.

Great version! 7

If she used the words to Gilligan's Island I would like it more.  {#Cheesygrin}
I love the different timing. 
 n4ku wrote:
I keep going back and forth between rating this a 10 and a 1. Right now it is a 1.

I've never had a song mess with my mind like this.
Good call.

I can't pick a number. Like/almost hate it.

edit: wtf is that whoofing noise?! {#Eek}

 raindogt00 wrote:
LOVE the strong reactions this one evokes.  {#Eek}
Yeah - more 1's than anything else. (mine included)

Ho man, I love this tune.

I guess you gotta have a pretty weird sense of rhythm and such. As a musician, I would love to be able to play something with this strange timing...That voice a-la my life in the bush of ghosts, and that ringing bell. So otherworldly...
 philbertr wrote:

Her so very very spooky what?  Finish your sentence, please.
Your dumb. :)
Never heard this magnificent anthem quite like this before (and nothing can equal Joni Mitchell's soaring rendition, please put it on the playlist!) but this gives it what my french friends call 'une nouvelle interpretation'. 

LOVE the strong reactions this one evokes.  {#Eek}

This went from a 9 to 6, because I just recognized the awkward timing and now it drives me crazy. Best not to mess with the classics too much.
 MrDill wrote:
delightfully weird,   love it

 erichb wrote:
Isn't Ani Difranco and Amazing Grace an oxymoron?

Isn't Ani Difranco and Amazing Grace an oxymoron?
delightfully weird,   love it
That talking voice scared the crap out of me.
 Zweiblumen wrote:
This blows and sucks simultaneously.

and painfully incessantly. Kill it now!

Interesting, definitely, but perhaps a little self-conscious...Could do without the animal sounds, the bells and the rather prosaic speaking in the background, which is just distracting from what is otherwise a bit of a gem...see what she was trying to do, but suspect it means repeat listens would be just, well, annoying...
ouch.  make her stop.
This blows and sucks simultaneously.

 philbertr wrote:
Interesting distribution on this one—not exactly a bell curve!  I guess you either love it or hate it—no middle ground here.

Oh....sorry, Phillips, no copywrite infringement intended!

it is a bell curve.... inverted.

 philbertr wrote:

Her so very very spooky what?

Whoa, grammar police!  {#Angel}

I love this song.  Sometimes I hate her music though, too.  It totally depends on what mood I'm in, so I can sympathize with all the haters out there.  I give her bonus points for always doing her own thing 100%, though.
Interesting distribution on this one—not exactly a bell curve!  I guess you either love it or hate it—no middle ground here.

Oh....sorry, Phillips, no copywrite infringement intended!

 MinMan wrote:
very spooky - oh babe your so very very spooky.
Her so very very spooky what?  Finish your sentence, please.

interesting how people either hate or love this song - and her.
The Blind Boys from Alabama do this song the 'right' way..


Ani Difranco,
First off - as a male who likes / loves her music ... I have found her going through stages in her life from pure angst and then to abandon to now what almost seems like she has found a level of inner peace.

All done without compromise - without selling herself out

She has been amazing to watch (sometimes almost like watching a car accident) but I have loved the way she has walked the razors edge with her fans (of both sexual orientations) she has done a very savvy job of keeping all interested / all on their toes with (what will be next)

Love it

very spooky - oh babe your so very very spooky.
curiouser and curiouser
I keep going back and forth between rating this a 10 and a 1. Right now it is a 1.

I've never had a song mess with my mind like this.
Very curious.