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alt-J — Taro
Album: An Awesome Wave
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Total ratings: 3743

Released: 2012
Length: 4:51
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Indochina, Capa jumps Jeep, two feet creep up the road
To photo, to record meat lumps and war,
They advance as does his chance - very yellow white flash.
A violent wrench grips mass, rips light, tears limbs like rags,
Burst so high finally Capa lands,
Mine is a watery pit. Painless with immense distance
From medic from colleague, friend, enemy, foe, him five yards from his leg,
From you Taro.
Do not spray into eyes - I have sprayed you into my eyes.
3:10 pm, Capa pends death, quivers, last rattles, last chokes
All colours and cares glaze to grey, shrivelled and stricken to dots,
Left hand grasps what the body grasps not - le photographe est mort.
3.1415, alive no longer my amour, faded for home May of '54
Doors open like arms my love, Painless with a great closeness
To Capa, to Capa Capa dark after nothing, re-united with his leg and with you, Taro.
Do not spray into eyes - I have sprayed you into my eyes.
Hey Taro!
Comments (249)add comment
The song is amazing but I find the hard rock guitar passage at the end way too short...
Great song writing and great performance; however, that annoying keyboard vamp at the end should have been mixed out - listing to it is like rubbing my brain against a dull cheese-grater... 
An acquired taste, for sure, but lovable in its weirdness
i love this song more every time i hear it.
Actually a fine tune but no cigar… yet.
 siqbal wrote:

Love the music but just noticed that the lyrics are utterly nonsensical. Assume it's the lead singer's mumbles transcribed (poorly) by a voice recognition program. 

Wrong!  It's a war correspondence story! 
Drivel. A.I. wrote and performed this while Mr. J. went out for a smoke, I am forced to assume. 
 mcullers wrote:

Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?

I have now.  Ta.
like them or not any alt-J number is instantly recognizable as alt-J
with the whiney whimsical vocals
Love the music but just noticed that the lyrics are utterly nonsensical. Assume it's the lead singer's mumbles transcribed (poorly) by a voice recognition program. 
The singer does not look like his voice. None of us do, but he doesn't. 

My silly observation # 1
Seems similar to some others, this band I have "liked" for a while, but only recently, after digging in deeper, that I've come to fully appreciate and be compelled by them. A sign of a very "original" band and talented band IMHO.
Perfect to play on the anniversary of the Spanish Civil War.
Superb imagery in  YouTube video based on this song. Wide screen and good earphones recommended.  
Excellent!! I never heard of this band prior to RP, now I like several of their tunes.  Thank You RP!
this band definitely requires multiple listens… they are sonically interesting and groove full.
6 --==>> 7.

This tune's got a certain groove to it that just grows on you...
Love it!!!!!!
 birdman42 wrote:

I listen at work. This is one of those songs that grabs me after a few bars and makes me wish there was a rewind feature so I could go back and listen to the whole thing. Just--wow.

can you hit it up on youtube? That's what I do when I have an earworm I wanna repeat to death
Can't believe this is 9 years old already!
 ziggytrix wrote:

∆'s are his favorite shape, you know...

Yes three points where too lines meet... which a triangle does not make... 
I think these guys are great. Certainly pushing boundaries. I get why many don't like them, but I do. 
Impressive thinks I.
 mcullers wrote:

Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?

∆'s are his favorite shape, you know...
Anyone else picking up a bit of a bhangra vibe in there?
 Segue wrote:
What's the rating for Lamer Than Dave Matthews? If you like it, Bill, that's great. But OMG this is horrendously drawn out like a bad some kinda drug trip. And who knows if it's "about" anything. 21st C. drivel. Love RP of course. Not Lame Alt J
The lyrics refer to Robert Capa and Gerda Taro, both 20th century photojournalists, lovers, and both killed in separate wars. Capa put his foot on a landmine in Vietnam during the 1st Indochina War, 1954. Taro died in 1937, during the Battle of Brunete, Spanish Civil War. So, hardly 21st century drivel, eh!
Installed the chorus ('the bells' or whatever instruments they use) as ringtone. It works!! Extraordinairy music. 
 deepwoodskev wrote:
Just found a singer worse than Dave Matthews.

What's the rating for Lamer Than Dave Matthews? If you like it, Bill, that's great. But OMG this is horrendously drawn out like a bad some kinda drug trip. And who knows if it's "about" anything. 21st C. drivel. Love RP of course. Not Lame Alt J
A peppy little song with some really gnarley lyrics.
 mcullers wrote:
Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?
 jelgator wrote:
I won't apologize.  I like Alt-J.  Way better than Radiohead.  
Is that praising with faint damns...?
Just found a singer worse than Dave Matthews.
 jelgator wrote:
I won't apologize.  I like Alt-J.  Way better than Radiohead.  
 Apology accepted.

I won't apologize.  I like Alt-J.  Way better than Radiohead.  
This primer on how to create an Alt-J song is pretty funny.

Horrendously bad.
Is there such a thing as a bleak love song? If so, then this is one.

Kinda reminds me of Neko Case's "Star Witness." Nothing alike stylistically, but both have beautiful, lilting melodies laid over lyrics about everyday horrible events.
 mcullers wrote:
Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?

I had no idea. Thanks RP fans!
"Δ is used as a prefix to a variable to indicate a finite difference in the variable. It comes from the Greek word Διαφορά, meaning “difference”."

They certainly are different, and all the better for it.

Several years ago, A buddy and I went to  vintage rally at the National Motorcycle Museum (An Awesome Place!) in Birmingham. As we pulled in to the hotel I heard music - it was Alt-J. Took me a  minute to figure out it was an outdoor concert nearby. I walked over and sat outside the fence and listened for a while.  Nice way to unwind after an 11 hour drive. 
 Tippster wrote:

Buy the album and listen to it on some good headphones, maybe wile sipping a dram of brown liquor (or after a nice toke.)  These guys put some serious work into their music.  Hoping for a new album soon.
Agreed, and +1 to 8 after 9 days off work and using your 'test conditions' on day 10, this one really sounded great...Long Live RP!!
 birdman42 wrote:
I listen at work. This is one of those songs that grabs me after a few bars and makes me wish there was a rewind feature so I could go back and listen to the whole thing. Just--wow.
A 10 for me as well, and thank goodness for RP. Try listening to the FLAC stream with JRiver Media Center, and you can rewind.
 birdman42 wrote:
I listen at work. This is one of those songs that grabs me after a few bars and makes me wish there was a rewind feature so I could go back and listen to the whole thing. Just--wow.
Buy the album and listen to it on some good headphones, maybe wile sipping a dram of brown liquor (or after a nice toke.)  These guys put some serious work into their music.  Hoping for a new album soon.
Love Love Love this Song.
The sad story behind it makes it all that much More.

Solid 10.
still diggin it in 2019
Still horrible after all these years.
 birdman42 wrote:
I listen at work. This is one of those songs that grabs me after a few bars and makes me wish there was a rewind feature so I could go back and listen to the whole thing. Just--wow.
I'm getting to the 'wow' level, slower on this one than other Alt-J tracks; still 7 to 8 today...and always, Long Live RP!!
Love it!
I listen at work. This is one of those songs that grabs me after a few bars and makes me wish there was a rewind feature so I could go back and listen to the whole thing. Just--wow.
 the_jake wrote:

Got the same reaction from my PC as their music gives me.
Only works on Macs.  For us mere mortals without access to highfalutin' IT equipment, it makes a triangle.  It's referred to in 'Tessellate'
 zepher wrote:

∆ - Triangle 

Delta, used mathematically to indicate a difference. I use ∆E2000 a lot :-)
Very creative, and again, these guys have such a knack for building a song from nothing.
 mcullers wrote:
Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?

∆ - Triangle 
 mcullers wrote:
Anyone else press ALT+J on their keyboard just to see what happens?
Got the same reaction from my PC as their music gives me.
Ring a dingy a dingy a ding ding do

Who Agrees? 
Saw them live at London's O2 Arena. They are class in every respect. The support ban, Blaenavon weren't half bad either.

Great to hear a truly original sound these days.
This just doesn't get old for me... I've used this song to introduce the awesomeness that is Alt-J to quite a few friends with really good results.
Sounds better after several beatings... :)
7 >> 8...
Saw them in concert a couple months ago.   BLAZING light show pointed directly at the audience and the band played in total darkness. Decent concert once my retinas were burned out. WARNING if you go - Bring shades!{#Cool}
nice morning music!
OMG, but this video for the song:


Gut-wrenching, somehow!

terrible pain in my ear right now
couldn't agree more !  utterly, completely.....horrible
Jesus Christ, what the fuck is this obscene noise?
 Geecheeboy wrote:
Interesting sound, but I keep hearing Adam Sandler singing. "Turkey for me, turkey for you."

the singers in these  alt indie etc bands all sound like heroin addicts with that baby mumble
 Kaisersosay wrote:

Its 2 years and 3 months,,,,,is this far enough?

Ha! Ha! Maybe I was being a little too exuberant. Part of their limited appeal may he their rather uninspired live show (at least in my opinion) and a failure to follow up this song with anything nearly as good. 
 Sasha2001 wrote:
We'll all be listening to this song far into the future. Hopefully all of us, anyway.
Its 2 years and 3 months,,,,,is this far enough?
I had wooden dolls, OK. and expecting vamipires
to stick to  laminate,
Wonderful! Many many thanks once more to Radioparadise for introducing fine music to me.
 kcar wrote:

That was an amazing article. Thank you! 

I'll second that thanks - it really helps with understanding the song, and improves my appreciation of it.
 twoplain2sea wrote:
Taro makes me aware of the road I'm travelling.
 Luckily. The road triggers something else.

Taro makes me aware of the road I'm travelling.
 Luckily. The road triggers something else.
Taro ...

Taro Root 
After becoming addicted to this song and appriciating the originality that is Alt-J, I got to see them live last week.   

What a show!!, all elements were suprisingly original.   This tune; a moment in my life I will remember for a long time, Thankyou Alt-J and thankyou RP for introducing me to them.  

Upping from a 9 to a big fat10 as there are times when Id prefer to listen to this rather than Comfortably Numb.

 Geecheeboy wrote:
Interesting sound, but I keep hearing A**m Sa****r singing. "Turkey for me, turkey for you."

Can't there just be one day without having to see that vile hack's name or face?
Alt - j it's best I ever heard
 Geecheeboy wrote:
Interesting sound, but I keep hearing Adam Sandler singing. "Turkey for me, turkey for you."

Why?  Why would you do that to me?  I cannot unhear now. 
Interesting sound, but I keep hearing Adam Sandler singing. "Turkey for me, turkey for you."
This morning I woke up with this song in my head. I played it at work, but it's nice to hear it again. And I think this first album is better than Alt-J's latest, although "Every Other Freckle" is a 9 for me. 

I'm just all about ∆ these days. 
 ziggytrix wrote:

He's singing about war photojournalists Robert Capo and Gerda Taro.  https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/may/13/robert-capa-gerda-taro-relationship Read that then reread those lyrics.  Might defog them a bit?

That was an amazing article. Thank you! 
Very pleasant sounding grisly subject matter.
nicely done.. {#Angel}
 fredriley wrote:

Thanks for posting that - I was generating all sorts of mondegreens in my brains. Even seeing the lyrics I've not the foggiest idea what yer man's on about, but if he's singing cobblers at least he's singing it well and quirkly.

He's singing about war photojournalists Robert Capo and Gerda Taro.  https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2012/may/13/robert-capa-gerda-taro-relationship Read that then reread those lyrics.  Might defog them a bit?
Such a beautiful song - and incredible live!
Kinda pretty.
Bloody Hipsters

 zepher wrote:

Good Video....


 jimmygee848 wrote:
Smashing band from Yorkshire !   Great sound.  Keep it up !!

God's Own County? Really? Well, slap me whippet wi' black puddin' and gimme a pint of Tetley's for t' shock, ye Tyke - I'd never have guessed it. 8 from t' Yorkshirephile Nottingham jury, 'appen.
 lattalo wrote:
Indochina, Capa jumps Jeep, two feet creep up the road
To photo, to record meat lumps and war
They advance as does his chance, very yellow white flash
A violent wrench grips mass, rips light, tears limbs like rags

Burst so high finally Capa lands
Mine is a watery pit Painless with immense distance
From medic from colleague, friend, enemy, foe
Him five yards from his leg, from you, Taro

Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes
3:10 pm, Capa pends death, quivers, last rattles, last chokes
All colors and cares glaze to gray, shriveled and stricken to dots
Left hand grasps what the body grasps not, le photographe est mort

Three, point, one, four, one, five, alive no longer my amour, faded for home May of '54
Doors open like arms my love, painless with a great closeness
To Capa, to Capa, Capa dark after nothing, re-united with his leg
And with you, Taro

Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes
Hey Taro

Thanks for posting that - I was generating all sorts of mondegreens in my brains. Even seeing the lyrics I've not the foggiest idea what yer man's on about, but if he's singing cobblers at least he's singing it well and quirkly.
Indochina, Capa jumps Jeep, two feet creep up the road
To photo, to record meat lumps and war
They advance as does his chance, very yellow white flash
A violent wrench grips mass, rips light, tears limbs like rags

Burst so high finally Capa lands
Mine is a watery pit Painless with immense distance
From medic from colleague, friend, enemy, foe
Him five yards from his leg, from you, Taro

Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes
3:10 pm, Capa pends death, quivers, last rattles, last chokes
All colors and cares glaze to gray, shriveled and stricken to dots
Left hand grasps what the body grasps not, le photographe est mort

Three, point, one, four, one, five, alive no longer my amour, faded for home May of '54
Doors open like arms my love, painless with a great closeness
To Capa, to Capa, Capa dark after nothing, re-united with his leg
And with you, Taro

Do not spray into eyes, I have sprayed you into my eyes
Hey Taro

 zepher wrote:

Good Video....

This video absolutely beautiful!!!!!
 stunix wrote:
iiiiiiiiindo  ..... china ... bllublublblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbblubbulbubl very yellow white flash..lbulbulbublbubulbulb
AND 5 YARDS FROM HIS LEG blblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbble donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3.415 blbulblublbublbuloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolblublbublbulooooooooo donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes.  hoohoohoohoohoohoohoohooho.ohoohoohooho.ohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoo.

Lyrics courtesy of the wife.

Made my day.
We'll all be listening to this song far into the future. Hopefully all of us, anyway.
 You must have had your hearing aid tuned in to Radio Shit, moron. Open your mind !     richlister wrote:
How the hell, did this shit win any kind of award?


Smashing band from Yorkshire !   Great sound.  Keep it up !!
Agree. I've turned all my fellow employees at work on to RP. The best!
rporter wrote:

Bill - Play more of this and the great, interesting music that you play, day in and day out!  Expand our minds and our boundaries....


 richlister wrote:
How the hell, did this shit win any kind of award?
Which shit?
Hawaiian noises
 fatcatjb wrote:
I love the smell of Radio Paradise in the morning...
Bill, please stop this...I need to go to work 

Bill - Play more of this and the great, interesting music that you play, day in and day out!  Expand our minds and our boundaries....

 richlister wrote:
How the hell, did this shit win any kind of award?

I really like this music. I found that my appreciation for it was deepened greatly when I read the words (to this song in particular); perhaps that will help you?
How the hell, did this shit win any kind of award?
I love the smell of Radio Paradise in the morning...
Bill, please stop this...I need to go to work 
I thought this tune would become tedious for me over time. Quite the opposite. It is still growing into quite an ear worm. 


Good Video....
 stunix wrote:
iiiiiiiiindo  ..... china ... bllublublblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbblubbulbubl very yellow white flash..lbulbulbublbubulbulb
AND 5 YARDS FROM HIS LEG blblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbble donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3.415 blbulblublbublbuloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolblublbublbulooooooooo donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes.  hoohoohoohoohoohoohoohooho.ohoohoohooho.ohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoo.

Lyrics courtesy of the wife.

LOL --- thanks for clearing that up
Sorry -- this sucks.  Enough with "woo-hoo" chorus
iiiiiiiiindo  ..... china ... bllublublblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbblubbulbubl very yellow white flash..lbulbulbublbubulbulb
AND 5 YARDS FROM HIS LEG blblulublublublbulblublbublbulbulbublbubulbulbble donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 3.415 blbulblublbublbuloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolblublbublbulooooooooo donotsprayintoeyesihavesprayedyouintomyeyes.  hoohoohoohoohoohoohoohooho.ohoohoohooho.ohoohoohoohoohoohoohoohoo.

Lyrics courtesy of the wife.
Back to back, Alt-J and Other Lives may very well be the bands of this decade.
LOVE this band. The whole album is amazing, trust me!
this is amazing music. i don't know a thing about them.
Brilliant !   The  group shines here and I mean the entire group of talent: the vocals, strings, producer(s). Did I mention the writers :)
about war yah, sad words