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Erin McKeown — Blackbirds
Album: Distillation
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Total ratings: 1645

Released: 2000
Length: 3:52
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Four and twenty blackbirds perched o'er the Milhaus floor
Four and twenty blackbirds perched o'er the Milhaus floor
Watching a pair of blackbirds, a pair of blackbirds more
Four and twenty blackbirds perched o'er the Milhaus floor
Said one blackbird to the other, "You must be my queen,"
Said one blackbird to the other, "You must be my queen,"
And the other replied in turn, "Well, sure enough you my king,"
Four and twenty blackbirds and two began to sing

The queen she asked that question, "What makes the Milhaus rare?"
The king replied in turn, "Well, tonight it's you so fair,"
Four and twenty blackbirds too baked themselves to care,
Fly away you dainty dish, two blackbirds flew upstairs

When that sun had risen and the rhyming it was through
When that sun had risen and the rhyming it was through
Four and twenty blackbirds had rhymed that nursery tune
Fly away two blackbirds with nothing left to prove

You count that blackbird lucky who first to fly away
Bitter the taste left behind and the lonesome heart astray
But pity not that blackbird, the blackbird who must stay
For having tasted blackbird pie, baked and on display

Four and twenty blackbirds perched o'er the Milhaus floor
Four and twenty blackbirds perched o'er the Milhaus floor
Watching a pair of blackbirds, a pair of blackbirds more
Comments (185)add comment
Huh. Terrible. Skip.
 poetdancer wrote:

The first song I've heard by her here on RP - but I've been a fan for a few years. She's great live also - check her out if you have a chance. 

One of the first I heard when I joined 20 years ago. Still sounds good.
4 and 20 blackbirds.... coincidence?  Love the riffs, lyrics and her voice.  Would like to hear more. Two thumbs up!
The first song I've heard by her here on RP - but I've been a fan for a few years. She's great live also - check her out if you have a chance. 
An 8 for the guitar. Mean!
soooooooooooo MUCH better than the cover
 Relayer wrote:
Anyone know who is on guitar on this song? Pretty impressive guitar jamming going on.

That's Erin. 
 Nerubo wrote:
As is often the case here, the comments would lead you to believe about half the people hate this song, but the ratings do not reflect it.

I'm apparently in the minority in that if I don't like a song, I (almost always) just don't comment on it, and don't rate it if I'm "meh" about it.

I do comment on songs I like. This is one of them. My 10 cents: (inflation don't you know?) A catchy number I never mind hearing.

I am with you Nerubo!
 Ulises wrote:

Thank you!  I wish more people had your attitude.

 Nerubo wrote:
As is often the case here, the comments would lead you to believe about half the people hate this song, but the ratings do not reflect it.

I'm apparently in the minority in that if I don't like a song, I (almost always) just don't comment on it, and don't rate it if I'm "meh" about it.

I do comment on songs I like. This is one of them. My 10 cents: (inflation don't you know?) A catchy number I never mind hearing.

Thank you!  I wish more people had your attitude.
As is often the case here, the comments would lead you to believe about half the people hate this song, but the ratings do not reflect it.

I'm apparently in the minority in that if I don't like a song, I (almost always) just don't comment on it, and don't rate it if I'm "meh" about it.

I do comment on songs I like. This is one of them. My 10 cents: (inflation don't you know?) A catchy number I never mind hearing.
A bit strange but funny and originally.
Went from 3 to 2 with this listen. 
Was tolerable the fist 1000 times I heard it....
 Toke wrote:

It appears you are using the wrong sensory organ, try 'Ears' next time around...{#Bananajam}

Me like 
PSD button saves the day again (diverted to Badly Drawn Boy - Logic of a Friend). This song is soooo awful.
Just tried reporting four and twenty blackbirds to eBird. It was rejected. 
 Peter_Bradshaw wrote:

........ yes
..... yes, again
 bagpipe wrote:
This stinks!{#Cry}

........ yes
 bagpipe wrote:
This stinks!{#Cry}

It appears you are using the wrong sensory organ, try 'Ears' next time around...
This stinks!{#Cry}
I feel like I've been heard this too many times on RP.    I guess the meager 6.5 doesnt influence frequency.   Its ok -  I wouldnt mind a different Erin McKeown song. 
Good Music

She does like teh birds.  NTTAWT.

not a bad session jam
It's a grand old tradition:  https://c0383352.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspacecloud.com/audio/T943R20.mp3
Knowing this song from RP, I bought the CD (autographed, for what that's worth) for $2 and, lamentably, this is the only piece that I find interesting or especially memorable.
 Proclivities wrote:

There were people making music that sounded like this before the members of Led Zeppelin were even born.  It's more surprising that Jimmy Page hasn't been sued for plagiarism more often.
Much as I LOVE James Patrick Page,  {#Hearteyes}   I gotta go with you on that one.... He has been sued a few times I think, probably not more because of how drawn out and difficult going up against him would be.
2 - Marginal
I enjoy the music, her voice is excellent, yet for some reason the song doesn't work for me.  It isn't even the sum of it's parts...
 manleywoman wrote:
Ugh, this song is so awful. {#Razz} 
You sound more like a girlishman.
 lsfeder wrote:
There is so much zeplin in this song it's surprising they haven't been sued yet.
Led Zeppelin?!  Which song exactly?  There were people making music that sounded like this before the members of Led Zeppelin were even born; it's a pretty traditional structure.  It's more surprising that Jimmy Page hasn't been sued for plagiarism more often.
Ugh, this song is so awful. {#Razz} 
 lsfeder wrote:
There is so much zeplin in this song it's surprising they haven't been sued yet.
Then Lead Belly would have sued Zepplin. Where would the madness end? 
Had this on my music player yesterday though a series of sweeping bends down an empty mountain road. Simply outstanding.

McKeown swung through Chapel Hill a couple years ago and I went to see her based on what I've heard on RP -

1. She's a tiny thing, but man she packs a lot of wallop in her show. 

2. Like Ry Cooder, she's something of an encyclopedia of music - expect anything and everything

3. She's also an EXCELLENT guitarist.

If she comes to your town, check her out. 
There is so much zeplin in this song it's surprising they haven't been sued yet.
Great voice and nice tune, but her delivery, I say her delivery is like Foghorn, I say Foghorn Leghorn, if you know what I mean.
I'll prolly spend the rest of the morning trying to get that opening riff down...cool tune
 bam23 wrote:
After hearing this numerous times, it occurs to me tonight that this is a pretty innovative piece of music. How many similar compositions have you heard?
Its got a K.T.Tunstall feel for me not unsimilar to Black Horse and the Cherry Tree.  Not that I am suggesting this is in any way a bad thing.
 wyoguy wrote:
Cool. And she's cute in a non-People magazine kind of way.
They have magazines for "non-people"?  {#Propeller}

After hearing this numerous times, it occurs to me tonight that this is a pretty innovative piece of music. How many similar compositions have you heard?
 ckcotton wrote:
One of those songs that feels like its always on... not sure it is.... but feels like it... growing tired

One of those songs that feels like its always on... not sure it is.... but feels like it... growing tired
I gotta remember to make comments on the stuff i like.  That way it's easier to find them when I get paid.

A solid 7 for a sweet lil diddy...{#Umbrella}{#Cool}
Sweet and catchy.
4 —> 6
Not much, but ey, gotta be honest here... Still love it musically but i keep hearing her sing "this doesn't sound right, now does it?"...

I woke up to this song today. A very past way to greet the morning :)
With such a groovy rhythm, blackbird pie sure does sound tasty
Sounds kinda dirty when you sing it like that.
Love the album cover! {#Sunny}
Always dug this song!
There are some great images of her online.  Quite different then the album photo.{#Clap}
Not bad!
Love the riff that sets in the song, then i was waiting for a nice raw voice of some scarred older guy, and then you hear this voice... {#Eh}

Too bad, it just doesn't fit...


R-summ song
Cool. And she's cute in a non-People magazine kind of way.
 AdyMiles wrote:
yuck. annoying music. take it off!
Death by treble. {#Skull}
 AdyMiles wrote:
yuck. annoying music. take it off!
OH God, you got some on your ears!! Quick, jump in the bathtub and wash it off before it damages you for life! {#Rolleyes}

yuck. annoying music. take it off!
Don't mind this song, but it gets played WAY too much on RP for my taste. Sometimes less is more!
 STEVIE1 wrote:
Reminds me a little of KT Tunstall, but a much sweeter voice.
She pre-dates Tunstall.  Great song, I like the contrast of her sweet voice and that cranking guitar.{#Dancingbanana_2}
Reminds me a little of KT Tunstall, but a much sweeter voice.
I think this is great - a wonderful foot tapper!
 manbirdexperiment wrote:

Looks like Milhouse was floored blackbird-man!

 talkin bout love  inindian wrote:

AmandaMaria wrote:
Help! There's a Led Zep riff in there... what song is it?

twp wrote:
I don't think there's anything here that was pulled off a Zeppelin song, but parts of the guitar work sound a little like "Trampled Under Foot" if that's what you're thinking of.

inindian wrote:
Agreed. Nothing pulled from LZ but yup, parts of the guitar and drumming are a little like "Trampled Under Foot".


AmandaMaria wrote:
Help! There's a Led Zep riff in there... what song is it?

twp wrote:
I don't think there's anything here that was pulled off a Zeppelin song, but parts of the guitar work sound a little like "Trampled Under Foot" if that's what you're thinking of.

inindian wrote:
Agreed. Nothing pulled from LZ but yup, parts of the guitar and drumming are a little like "Trampled Under Foot".

was a 3, now a 1. guh!
7 -> 8
Funky :)  never get tired of this song.  Solid 8.
i've had this stuck in my head since i heard it on RP last Friday!!
Man, dig that guit..........
Very KT... Or rather the other way around. {#Shifty}
Odd. I had this rated a 6. Today it's an 8, easy. Either I'm in a mood for it now, or I needed to hear it a few times to 'get' it.
Erin McKeown - Blackbirds Fleetwood Mac - Black Magic Woman Santana - No One To Depend On Los Lobos - Good Morning Aztlan Nice connections BillG
This is a very crisp recording. I like it ...
ArbiterOfGoodTaste wrote:
I like the guitar lick and the changes at the end. I don't see what everyone is bitching about.
me either! tough crowd ...
optimusprime10 wrote:
that's exactly why i'm not really into most musicians these days. have some fun with the drunk dude, don't ridicule him. and don't take your lame-ass self or your lame-ass music so seriously, lady!
Wonder if she would have done the same thing if it had been a Femme?
Kilroy wrote:
Bill: For the love of God, do not ever play this song again!!!!!
He didn't hear ya, brother.
This sounds suspiciously like that crappy cherry tree thing by K.T. Tunstall. The station on at work beat that damned song over my head until I couldn't stand it any longer.
"I don't want to be a pie! I don't like gravy!"
Time for the mute button.
Verpeiler wrote:
"watching a pair of black birds …", she sings. Don't you think it's interesting that Bill plays this right after George Harrison? "Black bird singing in the dead of night …"
Not at all. I do not find anything about crappy songs remotely interesting. Bill: For the love of God, do not ever play this song again!!!!!
AmandaMaria wrote:
Help! There's a Led Zep riff in there... what song is it?
I don't think there's anything here that was pulled off a Zeppelin song, but parts of the guitar work sound a little like "Trampled Under Foot" if that's what you're thinking of.
"watching a pair of black birds …", she sings. Don't you think it's interesting that Bill plays this right after George Harrison? "Black bird singing in the dead of night …"
Help! There's a Led Zep riff in there... what song is it?
Erin McKeown larger
Saw her perform last Friday. She put on a great show, but didn't sing this particular song. However, it's on her new live album (which I purchased at the show) and it definitely rocks more than this studio version.
I like the guitar lick and the changes at the end. I don't see what everyone is bitching about.
labete wrote:
believe it or not, I saw an amazing burlesque number performed to this song. Awesome.
Without the burlesque number this piece is short on something in spite of the great ending.
Funny, when I first heard this song, I thought it was the Squirrel Nut Zippers because Erin sounds a lot like Katherine Whalen. Others thought I was insane. Then, Bill followed Erin with "Put A Lid On It" by the Squirrel Nut Zippers. See? I'm not always out of my gourd.
JCJ wrote:
I agree. STOP playing this one! The words are corny. Like others, the first half dozen times i heard it, i liked it, but enough!
The lyrics are metaphorical--don't take them at face value. One often says more by saying less.
knock out! That was great.
Started listening to Erin McKeown several years ago and I'm glad to see that she's on RP :) And this isn't my favorite song of hers, but still deserving of an 8.
believe it or not, I saw an amazing burlesque number performed to this song. Awesome.
bokey wrote:
420 and black hash Baked in a pie Used up nearly half my stash But man did I get high
2 1
420 and black hash Baked in a pie Used up nearly half my stash But man did I get high
Geecheeboy wrote:
I am going to sound like Amazon: If you like this artist, you may also like Jolie Holland. Verisimilitudinous.
Yea, love Jolie, just got her 'Springtime Can Kill You' album, well up to par
It is good and she looks like OScar">
Funky, bluesy, catchy :D
sans wrote:
Saw her last summer and the most memorable part of the show was when some drunk guy yelled, "FREEBIRD" after she finished this song. "PLAY FREE BIRD!" She ripped into him for five minutes, basically embarassing him and the people he was with and, instead of shrugging it off, she came off like an 'atiste.'
that's exactly why i'm not really into most musicians these days. have some fun with the drunk dude, don't ridicule him. and don't take your lame-ass self or your lame-ass music so seriously, lady!
I am going to sound like Amazon: If you like this artist, you may also like Jolie Holland. Verisimilitudinous.
Opus_two wrote:
Blues... Folk.... ? Excellent fusion.
Bloke? Flues? Fluke? I dunno, but I like it.
Saw her last summer and the most memorable part of the show was when some drunk guy yelled, "FREEBIRD" after she finished this song. "PLAY FREE BIRD!" She ripped into him for five minutes, basically embarassing him and the people he was with and, instead of shrugging it off, she came off like an 'atiste.'
I'm really likin this. This girl knows how to get the groove on. That and havin a sexy voice doesn't hurt either
The beginning was likeable. Trying to evoke emotions of the Beatles' Blackbird? By the end I was fumbling for the remote Turn it off! Nice guitar work though.
Catchy little ditty.
awesome. i love erin mckeown. anyone heard her most recent cd, we will become like birds? its pretty excellent.
Fairy Tales for adults... Kewwwwwwwwl....
Schweet! I'm new to RP and was just thinking (about 15 min ago) "I wonder if they every play any Erin McKeown?". Answered.
Okay, this is too coincidental. I post about me eating crow in the Black Magic Woman thread a couple songs ago, and Erin has to rub it in my face by singing about eating blackbirds!
Lovin' this blues set. Thanks RP!
radiojunkie wrote:
If only she didn't sound like Eydie Gorme...
and what's wrong with Eydie Gorme?
Blues... Folk.... ? Excellent fusion.