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Album: Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
Avg rating:

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Total ratings: 738

Released: 1998
Length: 4:24
Plays (last 30 days): 1
I've seen them kneel
with baited breath for the ritual
i've watched this experience raise
them to pseudo higher levels
i've watched them leave their families
in pursuit of your nirvana
i've seen them coming to line up
from switzerland and america

how long will this take baba
how long have we been sleeping
do you see me hanging on to
every word you say
how soon will I be holy
how much will this cost guru
how much longer 'til you
completely absolve me

i've seen them give their drugs up
in place of makeshift altars
i've heard them chanting
kali kali frantically
i've heard them rotely repeat your
teachings with elitism
i've seen them boasting robes and
foreign sandalwood beads

how long will this take baba
how long have we been sleeping
do you see me hanging on to
every word you say
how soon will I be holy
how much will this cost guru
how much longer 'til you
completely absolve me

i've seen them overlooking god in
their own essence
i've seen their upward glances
in hopes of instant salvation
i've seen their righteousness
mixed without loving compassion
i've watched you smile as
the students bow to kiss your feet

give me strengh all knowing one
how long 'til enlightenment
how much longer 'till you
completely absolve me
Comments (209)add comment
I think William should erase the historical ratings for this song and let everyone re-do their ratings.  I can't imagine this song would get a general rating of 4.4.
Wow! Heavy. Sounds like Alice in Chains with Alanis singing.
Dang! A 4.3 rating? 
 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}

That's my theory, too.  I think this song rocks!  Turn it up loud!
Well, PSD brought me here, and even if I can't ofer more than a 6 either, I rather like it. More than the piece that made me hit PSD anyway :) 

milleronic wrote:
Wow. This song is a mess. Thanks PSD!


I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}

SO RIGHT! I'm giving a 6 - because it's not my most favorite of her...
But what is it with all the hatred against her?
She sounds like someone is standing on her foot, but only when she sings.
Wow. This song is a mess. Thanks PSD!
The Canadian Inuits have a saying about Morissette, their fellow countrywoman:

"Na aa oeeasha, na aa lo kuee."

Loosly translated it means, "She who barks louder and less eloquently then Nickleback."
*whew, that was close*
I like edge but frankly this is just awful on the first listen.  
 Hannio wrote:

I'm not sure what I was smoking when I wrote this.  Kinda wish I could get some more, whatever it was.
Oh I so get that!  {#Devil_pimp}
Verges on not just annoying . . . but very annoying . . . like 95% of her stuff . . . 

Odes to self absorption.
heavy guitar, like it!
volume up!
 Misterfixit wrote:
Yikes!  Something tells me yet another boyfriend pissed her off .... well at least she isn't going down in the movie theater and thinking about scratching nails down his back.  Prozac and Reefer, Alanis, that's your answer.
you are clever misterfixit
do you really fix things ? 
Love this tune, and don't understand the flat-out hatred for Alanis. I also love the way, right at the very end, she ties all of it to a particular church.
yeah she's angry and this isn't that great.....but I'd do her.

yuck.  just yuck.
A rude awakening, indeed, after Ray LaMontagne.

PSD for me...
Not my favorite from Alanis
Not a fan of her but I like this song... must be the added guitar work.
This is not bad. I've heard a lot of worst stuff deserving a 4 out of 10.
The weakest track on the album.
Unsatisfied yelling bitch! Archhhh... please go away!
She and David Bowie - competing for the most annoying songs.
 GarageDragon wrote:
Love Alanis. No love this, though.

I have to agree.  I find this song grating.
It hurts my ears.
Yikes!  Something tells me yet another boyfriend pissed her off .... well at least she isn't going down in the movie theater and thinking about scratching nails down his back.  Prozac and Reefer, Alanis, that's your answer.
The queen of angry songs.  She can make paint peel with this stuff!  I wouldn't want to be on her bad side.
 Hannio wrote:
Wow.  I'm surprised by the low rating.  I like the hard-driving edginess in this.

I'm not sure what I was smoking when I wrote this.  Kinda wish I could get some more, whatever it was.
I don't like Alanis much at all.  Really not at all.  But this song really gets my attention.  Very interesting guitar riff effect, interesting lyrics about searching for religion, and overall well done.  I would say this is the most impressive song she has done, and am surprised she wrote it. I'm giving it a good rating.
Love Alanis. No love this, though.
 Neil66 wrote:
get this shite off
get this shite off
I'm glad I'm not in a minority - I usually don@t rate anything unless I like it, but hearing this I thought: "WHAT IS THIS DIABOLICAL DIRGE!!". Never again please RP
 lawman wrote:
Blimey: that's the lowest rating I've ever seen on RP!
My mom taught me that if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything.
So there's emoticons{#Silenced}
 sfListener wrote:

Not very good logic.  I wonder if it wasn't called dog poo would it taste as bad?

Interesting comment in this context.

Do you know what dog poo tastes like from first-hand expereince or are you assuming it tastes bad based on preconceived notions or peer pressure?

Some cheeses smell like dog poo but taste wonderful.  But you wouldn't know that unless you got past your initial knee-jerk "it smells like dog poo" reaction.

This is a 6.

 pdxchris wrote:
This followed Led Zeppelin's Black Mountain Side.  Like chasing 21 year old scotch with a glass of Thunderbird.  Absolutely jarring.
Disagree ... this is like chasing 21 year-old-scotch with a good Seattle porter (which I've done).   But short of saying that any Zepplin song should be followed by silence (just as there is no proper chaser to a 21-year single-malt), it's got to be followed by something.

I like this song ... a good 8 in my book.  Kudos to Bill for calibrating the ratings by the Alanis-kneejerk factor.

Haters are as boring as fanboys.

 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}
I thought that was a good point so I made myself listen to the whole thing through and try not to judge until it was over. But it still sucks. I could've almost gone with it until that "Ave Maria" chorus at the end. Just not good at all. And those teeth are freaking scary. I give her props for trying something different, though.


This followed Led Zeppelin's Black Mountain Side.  Like chasing 21 year old scotch with a glass of Thunderbird.  Absolutely jarring.
 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}
I'm pretty sure that's the deal here.

I mean... this thing is OVERWHELMED with "1" votes.  That is nothing beyond just pure unadulterated hatred for anything Alanis.

I tend to like her driving rock things, and this isn't the best... but it's pretty good.  6.5
Radical.  Envelope pushing.  I know it's eleven years old, but it's new to me.
 Hannio wrote:
Wow.  I'm surprised by the low rating.  I like the hard-driving edginess in this.
Me too. Play it LOUD!
This is actually one of my favourite songs by Alanis.  I really liked the edge and experimentation that went into the Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie album.  I'm glad I heard it today if no one else did :)
Blimey: that's the lowest rating I've ever seen on RP!
 sfListener wrote:

Not very good logic.  I wonder if it wasn't called dog poo would it taste as bad?

I know what your saying - a rose by any other name would smell as good - but what I was clumsily trying to get at is, there seems to be a knee jerk reaction to anything Alanis. If this song didn't have her name attached to it, would it have such a low rating? Maybe it would, but I kind of doubt it. On the other hand there's no way it would have a Pink Floyd type rating.
 templefrost wrote:
awful noise
7 -> 4 what was I thinking?  starting to sound like noise!

awful noise
Oh hell no Bill! Rarely a miss from you for me, but this one definitely is. Funny thing is I kind of like some Alanis, too, but her "softer" side I guess you'd say. The angry, screamy Alanis I never liked...
 kazoo wrote:

Good to see you're settling down.


 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}
Not very good logic.  I wonder if it wasn't called dog poo would it taste as bad?

 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}
It might not if the voice wasn't Alanis'. But I doubt it.  Kinda crummy song but I'll cut 'er a break on the lyrics, I s'pose.

Wow.  I'm surprised by the low rating.  I like the hard-driving edginess in this.
 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}

otherwise it's pretty good.. kinda like tool meets pj harvey..

 peter_james_bond wrote:
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}

bumped to 9
and I'm keepin' that
I wonder if the name wasn't Alanis Morissette would this song have such a low score? {#Stupid}
 jagdriver wrote:

My sediments exactly .
Good to see you're settling down.

 rtwingo wrote:
Her best album, hands out.

I was just expressing this opinion to someone at work yesterday, and they didn't buy it... But it's really true...
I think I just barfed up a jagged little pill... they're still paying her to scream at the microphone??
 crazy wrote:
awful, maybe if I could understand her, 

I don't think that would help. They don't make a whole lot of sense to me. At some point they seem ironic, but then at odds with the chorus. I've heard much better from her...especially her newer album.

sucks.  big time.
una soberana cagada, or if you like a holy piece of sh@#$
earphones out... nope... this one's for others.
awful, maybe if I could understand her, 

Her best album, hands out.
I was surprised by the sharp slide in negative ratings too. This is one of the few Alanis songs I actually like at a 7. I guess I can understand why it might be unlistenable to others. This is more experimental for her, probably also why I find it more interesting.

What ever I was hearing it wasn't good.
 tictocsailor wrote:
In my case, I've never even heard of this artist. I was tied up when the song was on, and then took the trouble during the next song to go back and give it a low rating. I discovered that I'd already given it a 2, so I changed that to a 1. As for your slam on the way that RP listeners rate songs, that is uncalled for. After years here, I think most people are trying to be quite fair in their opinions of specific songs and are not driven by biases pro or against particular artists.
My sense is that there are particular artists more likely to polarize the listener base, as opposed to listeners in general being biased. Bill has the data to answer this question... we could generate a bias score for a given listener on a given artist by looking at the median and standard deviation of their ratings for all of the artist's songs. Then we could look at how many listeners have high bias scores (either direction) for a large number of artists, in terms of percentage of the listener population, and decide how "fair" RP listeners are as a group.

Extending my initial hypotheis, I think we'd see artists like Alanis, Radiohead, and David Byrne (in their various incarnations) producing high bias scores among listeners, even though those listeners were generally otherwise unbiased towards other artists.

So, Bill... when can we diddle the database and answer this important question? :oD 
...i'm surprised this has been received so poorly, too - this is an extremely good song to my ears, it unquestionably makes the most of her strengths...

 jagdriver wrote:

No, it's not.

What a piece of ...... Pure garbage. Please not again..
Wow. This may be be the lowest-rated song I've ever seen played on RP. The current rating of 4.2 is much too generous...
It's been done before, and better, by her, on Jagged Little Pill.  A solid 2.
 F1 wrote:
From the sublime of Led Zep "Your Time is Gonna Come/Black Mountain Side" to the horror of this wailing piece o crap.
My sediments exactly .

its against the grain from every angle but i bet led zeps heads bob to this .it aint that bad
 smilestoomuch wrote:
I thought it was the Black-Eyed Peas...

 ScopArch wrote:
Nice to finally hear some Alanis here on RP!
No, it's not.
Disgusting.  {#Puke}
I like Alanis, but this shows that she's fallible.  Do not want!
From the sublime of Led Zep "Your Time is Gonna Come/Black Mountain Side" to the horror of this wailing piece o crap.

xc_para_puravida wrote:

It seems poor Alanis has painted herself into a corner - a jaded corner at that.
Apparently there is nothing quite as scary as pissed-off chick music. Rock it girl

Nothing qute as dull you mean. A 2 and nothing more.

robco1 wrote:
I have to agree with you, Bill. Seems like some king of weird "Hillary" reaction: "hey, this song is pretty cool, who is this . . . wait, its that f****in' angry chick Alanis Morissette! I HATE her!" How many of those 1 ratings came in immediately after the playlist came up and before the song was halfway over? I wonder. I'm not much of a fan of hers, but this song was pretty good and the best thing I've heard from her so far.
In my case, I've never even heard of this artist. I was tied up when the song was on, and then took the trouble during the next song to go back and give it a low rating. I discovered that I'd already given it a 2, so I changed that to a 1. As for your slam on the way that RP listeners rate songs, that is uncalled for. After years here, I think most people are trying to be quite fair in their opinions of specific songs and are not driven by biases pro or against particular artists.
It seems poor Alanis has painted herself into a corner - a jaded corner at that. Apparently there is nothing quite as scary as pissed-off chick music. Rock it girl!
Screw the madding masses. I love this.
nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
There there lady, sing it all out! It'll all be better in the morning, a year from now. Its a 6 for the gusto.
Nice to finally hear some Alanis here on RP!
BillG wrote:
It's not too often that I disagree so thoroughly with the consensus of opinion from RP listeners. I think that this is probably the best thing she ever recorded.
Wow! Bill, you're hearing something here that I'm missing, apparently. I have an album of hers that has several cuts better than this (so far). Do you need to be smoking anything special to get it? I'll give it a few more hearings before committing. (Reminds me to send my April donation, tho.)
I like this, its a sharper sound. A lot of her other stuff has a sort of smoothed-over-studied-rebellion quality to it. This would kick butt in a small club setting stripped down and raged on.
Colorwise wrote:
I'm not a big Alanis fan but, c'mon people, this song isn't that bad. Besides it's not overplayed like the other songs of hers. Actually, I think I really like this.
I agree. I like this a lot.
and the fun comes to a screeching, and I mean SCREECHING halt.
I'm not a big Alanis fan but, c'mon people, this song isn't that bad. Besides it's not overplayed like the other songs of hers. Actually, I think I really like this.
I am not a fan of Alanis though this may eventually grow on me. I have faith in Bill. For now, though it is simply a one. This will be a true test of my faith!
I agree with the anti-alanis group. She is one Canadian Export I'll gladly send back...bring me a cold Labatts and you can have this bitter little pill back North
Good grief! How could this have made the cut to be played on RP and NOT the LRC? Ughhh. 10 thumbs - very very down!
I must say that I worship Bill and his musical choices, but I actually stopped what I was doing to take note that I disliked what I was hearing. I knew it was Allanis b4 looking at the playlist as she has an unmistakeble voice and style. Sorry guys, I disagree. This song sucked. quote="robco1 wrote:
I have to agree with you, Bill. Seems like some king of weird "Hillary" reaction: "hey, this song is pretty cool, who is this . . . wait, its that f****in' angry chick Alanis Morissette! I HATE her!" How many of those 1 ratings came in immediately after the playlist came up and before the song was halfway over? I wonder. I'm not much of a fan of hers, but this song was pretty good and the best thing I've heard from her so far.
BillG wrote:
It's not too often that I disagree so thoroughly with the consensus of opinion from RP listeners. I think that this is probably the best thing she ever recorded.
I have to agree with you, Bill. Seems like some king of weird "Hillary" reaction: "hey, this song is pretty cool, who is this . . . wait, its that f****in' angry chick Alanis Morissette! I HATE her!" How many of those 1 ratings came in immediately after the playlist came up and before the song was halfway over? I wonder. I'm not much of a fan of hers, but this song was pretty good and the best thing I've heard from her so far.
EssexTex wrote:
Like being yelled at by a bag lady....
Yes, just like that! BUT she has pretty teeth!
Like being yelled at by a bag lady....
Sounds like she can't come up with anything new and has reverted to a remake from her first album. But in her defense, I've heard it's really hard to write a song that doesn't suck.
songbirdfemme wrote:
my humps is NOT Alannis Morrisette, its Fergie... SHAME ON YOU for reminding us of that songs existance.
I thought it was the Black-Eyed Peas...
While I usually like the rotation, I just don't see how this can follow Led Zeppelin (Your Time is Gonna Come/Black Mountain Side). Probably doesn't help that I'm not an Alanis fan.
what a cool song. keep playing it!
Gets the "godlike" rating due to the subject matter . . . see also: Sexy Sadie by the Beatles
One where all of a sudden it's "What's that gawdawful noise?" Did the simultaneous mute/1 manouevre and discovered I'd ready given it a 1.
songbirdfemme wrote:
my humps is NOT Alannis Morrisette, its Fergie... SHAME ON YOU for reminding us of that songs existance.
Click the link and go listen, it's worth your time.
davyjrshort wrote:
I think most of the low scores are attributed to those folks that were -likely- on her bandwagon when JLP hit the scene hard and fast. Now they feel they have to compensate by giving her a low score because they feel foolish for how quickly they latched on before. I'm fine with her, I was fine at the start, still pretty fine with her stuff.
I have never liked anything that she has done musically, FROM DAY ONE. The best I can say about her was her limited acting in Dogma, which was OK.
my humps is NOT Alannis Morrisette, its Fergie... SHAME ON YOU for reminding us of that songs existance. mandolin wrote:
...not even my humps?.. ...actually, i'm rather enjoying baba myself, too...
Wahh, Boo Hoo
This may be the only thing I've heard her do that didn't completely suck.
...not even my humps?.. ...actually, i'm rather enjoying baba myself, too...
could we put her out of her (and our) misery please?!
I like this a lot. She can rock, for sure. A good example here. I would not like to get in a fight with her. Likely to draw back a stub.
Pipes wrote:
Like nails on a blackboard!
I was just going to write EXACTLY the same thing. Then I scrolled down to see you beat me to it, by about 3 years.
This may be the only thing I've heard her do that didn't completely suck.
Actually I am surprised at the low comments on this song too, considering Alanis lost me after doing alot of repeat stuff for 10 years after Jagged Little Pill impressed those of us who have that angst as well. This song I feel is worthy of Alanis from her earlier convicted days.