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Peter Schilling — Major Tom (Coming Home)
Album: The Different Story (World of Lust & Crime)
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Total ratings: 2467

Released: 1983
Length: 4:53
Plays (last 30 days): 1
Standing there alone
The ship is waiting
All systems are go
"Are you sure?"
Control is not convinced
But the computer
Has the evidence
No need to abort
The countdown starts

Watching in a trance
The crew is certain
Nothing left to chance
All is working
Trying to relax
Up in the capsule
"Send me up a drink"
Jokes Major Tom
The count goes on

4, 3, 2, 1
Earth below us
Drifting, falling
Floating weightless
Calling, calling home

Second stage is cut
We're now in orbit
Stabilizers up
Runnning perfect
Starting to collect
Requested data
"What will it affect
When all is done?"
Thinks Major Tom

Back at ground control
There is a problem
"Go to rockets full"
Not responding
"Hello Major Tom
Are you receiving?
Turn the thrusters on
We're standing by"
There's no reply

4, 3, 2, 1
Earth below us
Drifting, falling
Floating weightless
Calling, calling home

Across the stratosphere
A final message
"Give my wife my love"
Then nothing more

Far beneath the ship
The world is mourning
They don't realize
He's alive
No one understands
But Major Tom sees
"Now the light commands
This is my home
I'm coming home"

Earth below us
Drifting, falling
Floating weightless
Coming home
Earth below us
Drifting, falling
Floating weightless
Coming home
Earth below us
Drifting, falling
Floating weightless
Coming, coming
Comments (265)add comment
 justin4kick wrote:
Und jetzt in Deutsch. Singen wir allen mit?:

Gründlich durchgecheckt
steht sie da
und wartet auf den Start. -
Alles klar.

Experten streiten sich
um ein paar Daten -
Die Crew hat dann noch
ein paar Fragen, doch
der Countdown läuft.

bestimmt das Handeln
Man verlässt sich blind
auf den andern.

Jeder weiss genau
was von ihm abhängt,
jeder ist im Stress,
doch Major Tom
macht einen Scherz.

Dann hebt er ab und!...

...Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff
völlig schwerelos.

Die Erdanziehungskraft
ist überwunden,
Alles läuft perfekt -
schon seit Stunden.

doch was nützen die
am Ende
denkt sich Major Tom.

Im Kontrollzentrum
da wird man panisch.
Der Kurs der Kapsel der
stimmt ja gar nicht.

"Hallo Major Tom,
können Sie hören,
woll'n Sie das Projekt
denn so zerstören?",
doch, er kann nichts hörn'.
Er schwebt weiter...

...Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff
völlig schwerelos.

Die Erde schimmert blau
Sein letzter Funk kommt:
"Grüsst mir meine Frau!"
Und er verstummt.

Unten trauern noch
die Egoisten,
Major Tom denkt sich
"wenn die wüssten -,
mich führt hier ein Licht
durch das All,
das kennt ihr noch nicht,
ich komme bald
Mir wird kalt."

Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff...

Prima! Danke sehr
I was wondering if anything was known about any connection to the Major Tom of Bowie fame. Thank you intermission voice man for informing me that Schilling claims no such connection, but you doubt how that could be true!
Strange to think that when I was first listening to this on the local album-oriented rock station the flight of John Glenn was only 21 years earlier and Apollo 11 was 14 years earlier.  Now here we are with the events 62 and 55 years in the past.
Yet more crap that makes me feel old.
link to German version. If I'm not doing a sing along, I kinda like it better
I wouldn't mind hearing his German version too, but wasn't David Bowie's original version written in English?  Not sure I understand the comments saying the English version sounds strange.
I prefer the German version 
Atomic blonde <3
 ger-man wrote:
Als deutscher Hörer find ich diese Version O.K.
Hört man sonst nirgends.

As a german listener I find it good to hear this otherwise not heard version.

Greatings from Bavaria to all the listeners outside.
Must be due a return visit to Oberbibrach and my favourite local hostelries in Bayreuth when this crisis is over!
 mzuther wrote:
There have been quite a few calls to play this song in the original German version, but it seems no one ever bothered to explain why. So I'll try now.

First, it's not about national pride or habit. The reason is that the German version has a convincing prosody (i.e. a consistency between lyrics and music) that the English one completely lacks. Lyrics and music switch between the "hard" technical side of space travel in the verses and the "soft" dreamy side in the refrain. This has been achieved perfectly in German by using rhythmic "staccato" syllables in the verses and "slurry" words in the refrain. Whereas in English, every word sounds "slurry". Just listen to the completely different way that the (German) vocals are sung and the bass is played between verse and refrain and you should get what I mean.

So please do your listeners the service of showing them a great example of prosody, even for the price that they may not understand the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmcNOJoiVI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frqg0najQWs


When I read comments like this, I am just reminded how much I appreciate being part of the Radio Paradise Community.  This is a great point about a good song, and you're right.  You may never see my comment, but thanks from those of us who appreciate good discussions about music.
Euro-Pop Rocks!
Imagine: carnival in the early eighties, hundreds of people chanting „Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde schwebt das Raumschiff völlig schwerelos“.... please back our memory and play the german version!
 Jörg_Asmussen wrote:
Here are some variations:

Original German:

and my favorite : William Shatner's version.

Shatner rules !

This version is way better than Schilling's English version.

Aber bitte bitte gebt der deutschen Version eine Chance und spielt diese anstatt der englischen!


Als deutscher Hörer find ich diese Version O.K.
Hört man sonst nirgends.

As a german listener I find it good to hear this otherwise not heard version.

Greatings from Bavaria to all the listeners outside.
Auf Deutsch Bitte!
Yes, please play the German version Bill!

(long time listener, first comment I'm pretty sure).
There's nothing wrong with this version...if you're not a pretentious wanker. 
nice but the original is more funny than this version.
Seriously, you lose all hipster cred when you play the English versions of iconic songs.
 123heyaho! wrote:

Excuse me, but it's "Singen wir ALLE mit"; without the "n".

Aaah FFS... Have the balls to play the German original. While you're at it play "das haus am See" from Peter Fox!!!
The German original is better...my wife concurs and she IS German...
 Proclivities wrote:

Oh, you're that person.  Thanks.  

Cheers, Proclivities :)
 cosmiclint wrote:
This song - and Nena's 99 Luftballons - were very popular when I visited Germany in 1983. I used to tell people I brought the songs back to North America with me.
Oh, you're that person.  Thanks.  
 123heyaho! wrote:
Please start to play the original version! It's WAYYYY better!!

Wouldn't hurt anyway to play some more songs in languages other than English.
Please start to play the original version! It's WAYYYY better!!

Wouldn't hurt anyway to play some more songs in languages other than English.
 justin4kick wrote:
Und jetzt in Deutsch. Singen wir allen mit?:

Gründlich durchgecheckt
steht sie da
und wartet auf den Start. -
Alles klar.

Excuse me, but it's "Singen wir ALLE mit"; without the "n".
Und jetzt in Deutsch. Singen wir allen mit?:

Gründlich durchgecheckt
steht sie da
und wartet auf den Start. -
Alles klar.

Experten streiten sich
um ein paar Daten -
Die Crew hat dann noch
ein paar Fragen, doch
der Countdown läuft.

bestimmt das Handeln
Man verlässt sich blind
auf den andern.

Jeder weiss genau
was von ihm abhängt,
jeder ist im Stress,
doch Major Tom
macht einen Scherz.

Dann hebt er ab und!...

...Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff
völlig schwerelos.

Die Erdanziehungskraft
ist überwunden,
Alles läuft perfekt -
schon seit Stunden.

doch was nützen die
am Ende
denkt sich Major Tom.

Im Kontrollzentrum
da wird man panisch.
Der Kurs der Kapsel der
stimmt ja gar nicht.

"Hallo Major Tom,
können Sie hören,
woll'n Sie das Projekt
denn so zerstören?",
doch, er kann nichts hörn'.
Er schwebt weiter...

...Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff
völlig schwerelos.

Die Erde schimmert blau
Sein letzter Funk kommt:
"Grüsst mir meine Frau!"
Und er verstummt.

Unten trauern noch
die Egoisten,
Major Tom denkt sich
"wenn die wüssten -,
mich führt hier ein Licht
durch das All,
das kennt ihr noch nicht,
ich komme bald
Mir wird kalt."

Völlig losgelöst
von der Erde
schwebt das Raumschiff...

 Henkjan wrote:
You really should be playing the original in German, that is a class better than this English translation.
genau !
You really should be playing the original in German, that is a class better than this English translation.
Interesting choice of song on the day that the Soyuz launch to the space station failed.
 Exactly!  Genau!  Thanks for this great analysis.  And Bill...   it's back to you now.  C'mon!

mzuther wrote:
There have been quite a few calls to play this song in the original German version, but it seems no one ever bothered to explain why. So I'll try now.

First, it's not about national pride or habit. The reason is that the German version has a convincing prosody (i.e. a consistency between lyrics and music) that the English one completely lacks. Lyrics and music switch between the "hard" technical side of space travel in the verses and the "soft" dreamy side in the refrain. This has been achieved perfectly in German by using rhythmic "staccato" syllables in the verses and "slurry" words in the refrain. Whereas in English, every word sounds "slurry". Just listen to the completely different way that the (German) vocals are sung and the bass is played between verse and refrain and you should get what I mean.

So please do your listeners the service of showing them a great example of prosody, even for the price that they may not understand the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmcNOJoiVI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frqg0najQWs


Still sounds good today.
 mzuther wrote:
@Synth80s The original album was called "Fehler im System" ("Error in the System"). "Major Tom" is followed by a great spaced-out instrumental which adds another layer to the song. The other song I liked very much was "Die Wüste lebt" ("The Noah Plan", literally "The Desert is alive"). Apart from this, the songs on this album simply play in another league. Most are nice, but very 1980ish. I sold the album years ago because of that.

If you have access to Spotify (or the like), look for the album "Von Anfang An...Bis Jetzt!" which contains quite a few songs of the original one. Unfortunately, they clipped off the "Major Tom" instrumental, but you can hear the first few bars.

Peter Schilling's new stuff is quite unlistenable (bad Techno and Schlager). What a loss!
Thanks for the info. I like these little gems from the 80's. Occasionally, I crank up some Falco for a few giggles. 
 mzuther wrote:
There have been quite a few calls to play this song in the original German version, but it seems no one ever bothered to explain why. So I'll try now.

First, it's not about national pride or habit. The reason is that the German version has a convincing prosody (i.e. a consistency between lyrics and music) that the English one completely lacks. Lyrics and music switch between the "hard" technical side of space travel in the verses and the "soft" dreamy side in the refrain. This has been achieved perfectly in German by using rhythmic "staccato" syllables in the verses and "slurry" words in the refrain. Whereas in English, every word sounds "slurry". Just listen to the completely different way that the (German) vocals are sung and the bass is played between verse and refrain and you should get what I mean.

So please do your listeners the service of showing them a great example of prosody, even for the price that they may not understand the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmcNOJoiVI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frqg0najQWs

Thank you for posting the comment and video. The vid with the german lyrics and the mise-en-scene makes it all clear instantly. It's quite good.
 DeemerDave wrote:
"I might like you better if we slept together" -Romeo Void

Not sure what it has to do with this, other than perhaps the period? But hell yeah if its a suggestion, turn that shit up!
Oh, its so much better in German.
This song - and Nena's 99 Luftballons - were very popular when I visited Germany in 1983. I used to tell people I brought the songs back to North America with me.
 markus333 wrote:
Nice to hear a German song on RP. {#Bananajam}

But leider nicht the German version.
Nice to hear a German song on RP. {#Bananajam}
@Synth80s The original album was called "Fehler im System" ("Error in the System"). "Major Tom" is followed by a great spaced-out instrumental which adds another layer to the song. The other song I liked very much was "Die Wüste lebt" ("The Noah Plan", literally "The Desert is alive"). Apart from this, the songs on this album simply play in another league. Most are nice, but very 1980ish. I sold the album years ago because of that.

If you have access to Spotify (or the like), look for the album "Von Anfang An...Bis Jetzt!" which contains quite a few songs of the original one. Unfortunately, they clipped off the "Major Tom" instrumental, but you can hear the first few bars.

Peter Schilling's new stuff is quite unlistenable (bad Techno and Schlager). What a loss!
Shiny Toy Guns does a stellar version of this one, imo.. {#Music}
 mzuther wrote:
There have been quite a few calls to play this song in the original German version, but it seems no one ever bothered to explain why. So I'll try now.

First, it's not about national pride or habit. The reason is that the German version has a convincing prosody (i.e. a consistency between lyrics and music) that the English one completely lacks. Lyrics and music switch between the "hard" technical side of space travel in the verses and the "soft" dreamy side in the refrain. This has been achieved perfectly in German by using rhythmic "staccato" syllables in the verses and "slurry" words in the refrain. Whereas in English, every word sounds "slurry". Just listen to the completely different way that the (German) vocals are sung and the bass is played between verse and refrain and you should get what I mean.

So please do your listeners the service of showing them a great example of prosody, even for the price that they may not understand the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmcNOJoiVI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frqg0najQWs
Outstanding analysis, thank you for that...I had no clue!!  This song has been a favourite for many years.
Of course this is the only tune most people know of Peter Schilling, at least here in the U.S., and it's a complete classic in my book. I've heard good things about this album, but I never tracked it down. Anyone out there have any input to offer about the rest of this album or Schilling's other work?
There have been quite a few calls to play this song in the original German version, but it seems no one ever bothered to explain why. So I'll try now.

First, it's not about national pride or habit. The reason is that the German version has a convincing prosody (i.e. a consistency between lyrics and music) that the English one completely lacks. Lyrics and music switch between the "hard" technical side of space travel in the verses and the "soft" dreamy side in the refrain. This has been achieved perfectly in German by using rhythmic "staccato" syllables in the verses and "slurry" words in the refrain. Whereas in English, every word sounds "slurry". Just listen to the completely different way that the (German) vocals are sung and the bass is played between verse and refrain and you should get what I mean.

So please do your listeners the service of showing them a great example of prosody, even for the price that they may not understand the lyrics. Thanks for listening!

German: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkmcNOJoiVI
English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Frqg0najQWs

This is a self-indulgent creation...

Peter Schilling, heir to the Schilling fortune. What fortune?
Schilling herbs and spices. You know, the stuff most people in America put on their food.
Cosmic indeed.

And a nod to Bowie for sure...

 bb_matt wrote:
A cute nod to Bowie, but not a patch on the original quality and concept. This was played to death on its release, no staying power.

"no staying power" seems an odd comment under the circumstances.
 DeemerDave wrote:
"I might like you better if we slept together" -Romeo Void

One of my favorite club dance songs back in the day!
"I might like you better if we slept together" -Romeo Void
Sure has a Moody Blues sound in the chorus.
 agkagk wrote:
Gotta feel sorry for Peter Schilling. He toured the world in the mid-80's playing this song over...and over...and over.....
It must have driven the poor guy insane. 

No, he is stil touring the world playing this song over and over and over...like so many "artists" who had one successful song in their lives, they make it their livelong livelihood....{#Sleep}

And yes, this song is deffo overplayed...it is good, but  not THAT good..
 Ulises wrote:

Because spoken German is so lovely.

Ja, "völlig losgelöst von der Erde" Sounds definitely better 😀
A cute nod to Bowie, but not a patch on the original quality and concept. This was played to death on its release, no staying power.
 RoelantSiekman wrote:
Right after David Bowie. Of coarse I know the story behind this album by Schilling, but never before have I heard the two songs played back to back. Cheers Bill (or Rebecca..?) :)

Personally I prefer the original German version to this one, but I can see how this reaches a broader public.

Because spoken German is so lovely.
Right after David Bowie. Of coarse I know the story behind this album by Schilling, but never before have I heard the two songs played back to back. Cheers Bill (or Rebecca..?) :)

Personally I prefer the original German version to this one, but I can see how this reaches a broader public.
 Proclivities wrote:

That's sage advice.  Maybe next thyme.



Yeah !!!!!!!!!!!
Gotta feel sorry for Peter Schilling. He toured the world in the mid-80's playing this song over...and over...and over.....
It must have driven the poor guy insane. 
I preferred it when Major Tom was floating forever round his tin can far above the moon.
 thondermonst wrote:
Great but the German version is even much better.

Yepp! {#Clap}
I like everything about this song. Takes me back some....
+1mio on the calls to substitute the German version for this one. Please do it, Bill.
I can't hear this anymore without thinking of Gale's version in Breaking Bad. The whole video is just hilarious.

Great but the German version is even much better.

Have you watched Deutschland 83?


If not, correct that situation immediately!

 Melissag wrote:
This was the opening song for Deutchland 83 - which was a great series!  Nice tune..Two thumbs up for me - German or English

Great, anthemic, refrain. Worked brilliantly for Deutschland ‘83. 

{#Kiss}  greetz to NL


 justin4kick wrote:

Verdammt noch mal, Bill! How many times do we have to say this. This song should only be played in German.   


Rotterdam, now this is crap!!!
 justin4kick wrote:
Verdammt noch mal, Bill! How many times do we have to say this. This song should only be played in German.   

Yes, unbedingt!
 TerryS wrote:

Since it was Spice Oddity, shouldn't it be Cumin Home?

That's sage advice.  Maybe next thyme.
 4merdj wrote:
Nice! Bowie's Spice Oddity followed by Schilling's Major Tom—Coming Home! {#Cheers}

Since it was Spice Oddity, shouldn't it be Cumin Home?
Nice! Bowie's Spice Oddity followed by Schilling's Major Tom—Coming Home! {#Cheers}
This was the opening song for Deutchland 83 - which was a great series!  Nice tune..Two thumbs up for me - German or English
Gayle Boettecher
Verdammt noch mal, Bill! How many times do we have to say this. This song should only be played in German.   
still an aweseome song, didn't even know there was an English version (!) ;=)
German version next time, please!
Yawn.  Please go; now.
"GERMAN WAVE" called!

Rather ridiculous! 
Völlig losgelöst {#Sealed}
Super Lied. Hört sich auf Englisch komisch an. Super Peter Schilling
Now next in this set should be "why Me" by planet P. Just sayin'
 treatment_bound wrote:

I'm sure the Yankees haven't forgotten.  Here's his pitching line that night:

7 4 1 1 0 4 1
The Bloody Sock Worn by Curt Schilling in Game Two of the 2004 World Series

For all of Curt's less appealing behavior since retiring, Red Sox fans will always be proud and grateful for his achievements in Boston. That surgery he underwent in order to pitch was unconventional and unapproved. 

I am watching the Orion launch live while I work... very fitting song!
I bet Bowie is going to be played next.
I am more 'used to' the original German version...
Great Song! {#Motor}
Not my favorite Peter Schilling song but quite enjoyable.
Oh, here comes my favorite RP set. I feel like a little kid about to get ice cream. Bouncin' to the beat.
 msymmes wrote:
That is just so sweet...  What make of linear tracking tone arm is that ?


DaveInVA wrote:

That is a Marantz SLT-12u from '65-'71 and it was considered the first commercial tangental tracking arm. Was also the only turntable with the Marantz name that was made in house.

The correct artwork



 daveesh wrote:
this song is fine and all, but who could forget schilling's bloody sock game during the 2004 alcs against the yankees? epic.

Best comment ever....hahahaha
speaking of scritchy mmmm's ... love his other songs, too!
 daveesh wrote:
who could forget schilling's bloody sock game during the 2004 alcs against the yankees? epic.

I'm sure the Yankees haven't forgotten.  Here's his pitching line that night:

7 4 1 1 0 4 1

The Bloody Sock Worn by Curt Schilling in Game Two of the 2004 World Series
 {#Yes}justin4kick wrote:
nächstes mal auf deutsch bitte!


nächstes mal auf deutsch bitte!
 daveesh wrote:
this song is fine and all, but who could forget schilling's bloody sock game during the 2004 alcs against the yankees? epic.


I'll never forget it. Was incredible.
this song is fine and all, but who could forget schilling's bloody sock game during the 2004 alcs against the yankees? epic.
 kalle_s wrote:
NDW auf Radio Paradise - sehr lustig! Und ich dachte nur Nena hätte damals drüben einigen Erfolg gehabt....


Nena was a lot more talented and attractive. Used to have her BRAVO magazine poster on my wall.
That is just so sweet...  What make of linear tracking tone arm is that ?


DaveInVA wrote:

The correct artwork


This is a NINE imho.

Ground breaking for rip-off.  Does that make any sense?  Or maybe it wasn't a rip-off - he just had inspiration.
NDW auf Radio Paradise - sehr lustig! Und ich dachte nur Nena hätte damals drüben einigen Erfolg gehabt....
 ziakut wrote:
Fun to hear this. Been a long time.

Agreed! {#Roflol}
Yeah, Time-Trippin' for sure! A year of big changes, big moves, and big dreams that all came true and then some, and Oh to be in Boulder
Fun to hear this. Been a long time.
I remember buying this single (45) around 83'  I guess, thinking I was getting the Bowie--Space Oddity song.  Disappointed at first, but it grew on me after a while.
This is not the best song ever, but it still transports me to some happy memories in high school. I actually bought "Fehler im System" from a record dealer on my college campus.  I wonder if it is still flat enough to play?

What a great song. I'm picturing the people around the globe currently singing along....

The correct artwork
 d48m02h1918 wrote:
Wow - takes me back to 1983.....a play on David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' perhaps? {#Stupid}


And Ashes to Ashes of course
I'm embarrassed to admit that it took me years to realize that this wasn't Bowie.
 Geecheeboy wrote: 
Just what comes to mind too when I hear this song now.
 d48m02h1918 wrote:
Wow - takes me back to 1983.....a play on David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' perhaps? {#Stupid}

most certainly.
Wow - takes me back to 1983.....a play on David Bowie's 'Space Oddity' perhaps? {#Stupid}
Doesn't sound 30 years old.
 bc wrote:

I remember hearing it (and 99 Luftballoons) in both German and English, though English was much more common.


Ahh, there you have another beauty (visually as well as phonically ;) ) I rather hear in German.
This preference could of coarse have something to do with an Oberhauser girl I dated a long time ago..
-sigh- {#Sleep}

Now on the subject
it seems logical the English version(s) were more popular in UK and US (and Canada apparently). Chances are the German versions were never officially released in those countries, but picked up abroad by the die hard local radio stations who wanted to go to the roots of these songs.
Just making a guess here.
 RoelantSiekman wrote:

Same thought here.

I was wondering though if the German version was ever released in the US/UK? And if it did, did it climbe higher in the charts than the English version?

I remember hearing it (and 99 Luftballoons) in both German and English, though English was much more common.

Back in '83 I thought the song sucked, and it still does. German pop is not an export product like Mercedes Benz, Audi or BMW.

Zis is ze dzjerman koostgart spiekink!
Good Cheese!
Geil! Toll!