First thought is that we like art because it's a different vocabulary. Same with music and food.
I repeatedly ask myself what emotion does this picture/sound convey?
We've all seen/heard it or something similar, and it evokes something primal, but there aren't really good words for it. I think art is like that.
For instance, why is Michael Heizer's "City" installation so moving (to me)? To put it in words, it means something about eternity or power, but I just sit and stare at the pictures and apply every year to be able to go see it in person.
Up to a point. After a while, theyâre wasting everyoneâs time. Thereâs no mandate to always listen to Flat Earthers, for instance.
It's the blind squirrel effect. They cheer when he finds a nut, but ignore the pile of rocks collected. And in this particular case, I'm sure there are points where I find him at least close to the mark as well, but I be they are different points that Beaker has. So we don't really even know when to cheer the squirrel except when we agree with his outcome.
^^^ Deserves to be echoed. Thoughtful consideration of today's thought & opinion leaders is usually a worthwhile informative exercise, even if one is not a fan.
Up to a point. After a while, theyâre wasting everyoneâs time. Thereâs no mandate to always listen to Flat Earthers, for instance.
I don't recall anyone actually saying Flat Earthers are among today's thought & opinion leaders. But maybe that's just me.
^^^ Deserves to be echoed. Thoughtful consideration of today's thought & opinion leaders is usually a worthwhile informative exercise, even if one is not a fan.
Up to a point. After a while, theyâre wasting everyoneâs time. Thereâs no mandate to always listen to Flat Earthers, for instance.
Setting aside preconcieved notions about personalities, this is an interesting discussion about,
among other relevant topics, spirituality and ways to overcome the mounting challenges facing our world. I try to look and listen beyond crippled or trivialized intellectual arguments to what is actually being said. If it wasn't meaningful in a constructive and/or positive way I probably wouldn't venture the scorn or disrespect of deficit interests. Disagreement with ideas is one thing. I don't always know what the other is but I certainly know the difference.
^^^ Deserves to be echoed. Thoughtful consideration of today's thought & opinion leaders is usually a worthwhile informative exercise, even if one is not a fan.
He's smarter than me so I'm sure I'm missing something but he makes one point *over here* that's maybe valid and then makes an observation *over there* and lets my brain connect the two as being somehow intertwined but I don't think they are.
But I'm not working too hard to parse what he said because the venue is sus. ;-)
I decided to watch/listen to the entire interview, as I was doing other desk work - just finished all 46:18 of it. I find his commentary weakly argued and largely incoherent - prime example: the hot garbage from 30:49 to 33:03.
Much of the interview was Brand defending himself against various accusations.
Brand's interview with Tucker keeps showing up in my newsfeed today. Okay.
He's smarter than me so I'm sure I'm missing something but he makes one point *over here* that's maybe valid and then makes an observation *over there* and lets my brain connect the two as being somehow intertwined but I don't think they are.
But I'm not working too hard to parse what he said because the venue is sus. ;-)
Brand's interview with Tucker keeps showing up in my newsfeed today. Okay.
Brand: We're being prepped for a hot war with Russia.
Me: That war is not happening, for many reasons.
However, there's a non-zero chance a hot war with China could break out. IMO, of course.